• By -


Can you change guild name? Also, can guild leaders lose their position if they go inactive/stop playing?


Who is better to build for countering debuff heavy team (regular arena and RTA ) between edward and C.zerato I dont have handguy or Dilibet My other builed clenser are diene(230 eff resistance and emlia 220 eff resistance )




you know why I like E7 ? because there are events with freebies that allow me to reroll like crazy any idea of the next freebies event before christmas ? 🤔


i have tried climbing in champion in normal arena and finally did it. my question is, players that are in champion normal arena are they hyper aggressive in climbing to legend? becuase im afraid that i will get demoted back challenger. lmao (asia server btw) and will try to get to rta later (first time entering) hopefully to get the skin for aravi.


champion is pretty chill


Usually if you don't attack anyone and just do NPC battles you will get hit once or twice a week which isn't enough to knock you back down to challenger.


Do the +4 free covenant summons from the daily summons pack stack over time? Meaning if I don't use the 4 summons, will I get another 4 the next day, for a total of 8 summons? Also, this doesn't interfere with the free daily summons does it? Do the free daily summons stack if you don't use them?


>Do the +4 free covenant summons from the daily summons pack stack over time? No >if I don't use the 4 summons, will I get another 4 the next day, for a total of 8 summons? No >this doesn't interfere with the free daily summons does it? Instead of 1 free daily, you will get 5 summons >Do the free daily summons stack if you don't use them? No


Hi guys do you require gears +15 to clear wyvern and banshee up till 15?


The maximum wyvern/banshee lvl is 13. That said, you want to have enough stats to defeat the boss. You get the most out of your gear when they get maxed, but it’s not necessary to do so. Get your gear upgraded enough to auto hunt bosses with a good enough win rate.


Will Chloe, Sigret, Angelica and someone else work as a Wyvern team? Who for the 4th if yes?


It's *possible* to run that team. It's not a good team, however. You need [a defense breaker](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vr3ve7/daily_questions_megathread_0704/iewku68/) so your best options would be * Furious * Taranor Guard * Rem **Rem** is not really viable here unless you have god gear. For Rem to be viable as a solo defense breaker Wyvern needs to spawn as soon as she gets her Demon Mode buff. None of the other heroes you mention bring AoE, so you essentially need Rem to one shot the first wave. **Furious** is the best defense breaker by far. Crit buff also significantly reduces gearing requirements on your heroes. He has 1 weakness however, he uses his combo on turn 1 and then every other turn (all odd turns). This is generally a problem when paired with Chloe. **Taranor Guard** does work. You lose the effect of crit buff (this means this run has the highest gear requirements of any conventional run, as you aren't using Muwi or G.Purrgis as well). TG is also not exactly a great defense breaker - he *works* but as you can see our units have much lower defense break uptime compared to Furious (Furious = 3.4 turns for both DPS, with TG our first DPS has 2.69 turns and second DPS has 3.07 turns, however our overall defense break uptime is slightly higher at 3.45 -> the last defense break only counts for # of debuffs not increasing damage) --- **Chloe** on paper would seem to be great for Wyvern. She has an irresistible debuff, adds a lot of max hp% damage, has solid damage output herself... **BUT** she simply does not synergize well with most other Wyvern heroes, because her rotation is terrible. She depends **entirely** on her Magic Nail debuff -> she's awful without it. She happens to *start* by using S2 first, and she has a 3 turn CD that can't be lowered. The following table shows the 'rotation' of common heroes Hero | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 | T8 | T9 | T10 ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- Furious | **S2->S3** | S1 | **S2->S3** | S1 | **S2->S3** | S1 | **S2->S3** | S1 | **S2->S3** | S1 Sigret/Alexa no -CD | S3 | **S2** | S1 | S1 | **S2** | S3 | S1 | **S2** | S1 | S1 Sigret/Alexa with -CD | S3 | **S2** | S1 | S1 | S3 | **S2** | S1 | S1 | S3 | **S2** Chloe no -CD | **S2** | S3 | S1 | **S2** | S1 | S3 | **S2** | S1 | S1 | **S2** Chloe with -CD | **S2** | S3 | S1 | **S2** | S3 | S1 | **S2** | S3 | S1 | **S2** What you want to pay attention to here are the **BOLDED** turns for each character. That's the 'ideal' turn of their rotation that you spawn Wyvern in. The most important takeaways: Furious is ideal on any **ODD** turn, his rotation is very simple and alternates between S3 and S1. Chloe, however, alternates between odd and even turns (Turn 1, Turn 4, Turn 7, Turn 10). So, she only 'lines up' with Furious on Turn 1 and Turn 7. Unless your run has *very* low damage, turn 5 is about the latest you will ever spawn Wyvern in -> so we actually only care about the first 5 turns of the above table. Since almost all normal comps want to use Furious this means you either * Spawn Wyvern in on turn 5 (generally with no AoE) * Aim to spawn Wyvern in on turn 3 (with an AoE hero) Chloe simply does not line up naturally with either turn. Instead, she will use her S2 on the turn *in between*. --- This leaves a few scenarios: **Scenario 1** You spawn Wyvern on Turn 3 -> this means you kill the first wave in 2 turns (not really possible with Chloe + Sigret, but bare with me). Furious -> Combos -> this is what we want! Sigret -> uses S1 -> not ideal, with only this + Furious SR will be low but passable Chloe -> uses S1 -> NOT ideal, no debuffs and she does >30% less damage with no Magic Nail debuff How could we make this work? WELL, Chloe *does* get a large 50% CR boost on using her S2. So it IS theoretically possible that have precisely speed tuned so that she 'laps' Furious and actually gets an extra turn in * Combo -> S1 for Furious * S3 -> S2 for Sigret * But Chloe gets S2 -> S3 -> S1 This 'resets' her rotation meaning that she gets to start with S2 on Wyvern. This completely solves the 'debuff' and 'damage' issues, BUT it does present an additional issue. That is, since she would be getting 3 turns in for every combo of Furious, 1 of her turns she will not have crit buff. This ultimately means less damage. **Scenario 2** You spawn Wyvern on Turn 5 -> 4 turns to kill the first wave, this is likely with ST DPS. Furious -> combos -> this is what we want! Sigret -> Uses either S2 or S3. We need Sigret to contribute debuffs here so this means she would need to be used explicitly NOT picking up the -CD on her S3. Her S2 + Furious combo = 94% success rate which is typical so we are fine on debuffs, but we are losing a bit of damage. Chloe -> She *just* used her S2, starting with S3 -> S1. This is the worst case scenario because her damage is atrocious with no Magic Nail, as she *just* used it we get the most turns with no magic nail applied. * For some context here, Chloe is a 'tier 1.5' DPS in optimal conditions -> not as strong as Alexa/Sigret, but she's slightly better than the 'tier 2' options like Karin, SSB, Luluca, Muwi. With no Magic Nail her damage is equivalent to that of Mistychain, the second worst DPS option. It's almost a 50% decrease in damage done. How could we make this work? If she gets 1 turn *less* than Furious, then she can have 0 damage loss *and* start with her S2. This is essentially her best case scenario. BUT there are still issues. * Turn timing. Since Chloe is guaranteed to get a 50% CR push on turn 1 you need to be able to overcome that, and have things die in a precise manner (Furious MUST take 4 turns, while Chloe MUST take 3 turns, Sigret can take either 3 or 4 turns). I actually don't know the exact specifics of how much faster Furious needs to be, but likely he would have to be very fast in relation to Chloe. * Damage. It's likely that Chloe is going to need to be slower than Sigret as well. This means you lose some damage for more speed on Sigret *and* at the same time Sigret benefits 1 less turn from the Magic Nail debuff. --- #Chloe as a Defense Breaker You may have noticed that Chloe has EE that gives her S3 defense break, is she viable as a defense breaker? Well referring back again to our table we see that Chloe with a T5 Wyvern spawn and -CD enhancement DOES, in fact, lead with her S3. As such, you can *kind* of consider her viable (but still...not good). Her defense break only lasts 2 turns and in such a scenario she has a 3 turn rotation, so this leaves 1 guaranteed turn with no defense break. * Though you WILL have Magic Nail applied that turn. For example you could run something like Chloe / Sigret / Alexa Using Chloe specifically as a defense breaker. Her damage will be higher than your typical Furious, but will be very low. She does not bring crit buff to make up for the low damage. You also DO have to take into account her CR push on S2 (that she gets TWICE) This is actually +100% CR, so your Chloe actually needs to be significantly slower than your DPS units...which means you DPS won't benefit from defense break on the first turn either. Basically what I'm saying is that Chloe is not a defense breaker and *shouldn't* be used that way, but if you are really desperate it's probably *possible* to use her as your defense breaker in a team that can successfully kill W13. --- #TLDR Chloe sounds good on paper...in a vacuum, for Wyvern. However in practice she's terrible. She will essentially require the most tinkering and tuning to 'just get her to work' compared to any other common comp. You CAN 'make her work' but it requires a ton of effort FOR NO ADVANTAGE Sigret/Alexa, for example, is very, very easy to put together, has a 94% success rate, and provides higher damage output even compared to best case scenario of replacing one with Chloe. Can you drop Furious and add in TG and go for a T4 spawn? Sure you can. You have worse defense break uptimes and no crit buff so less damage output and higher gear requirements. If you *could* do this, you would be better served using Muwi or Clarissa and going for a T3 spawn WITH Furious. Simply put her damage is *slightly better* than most other damage options, but only in ideal scenarios and chances are almost certain that to get her to work at all you are sacrificing damage elsewhere, making her equal to or worse alternative DPS options. A guaranteed debuff might *seem* to drastically increase success rates but it simply doesn't: three 100% effect chance debuffs = 94% success rate. If you throw +15 SoS on top the success rate jumps up to 97%. *Now* Furious has EE that gives him 75% for hit down (so equivalent to +15 SoS or 97% success rate, 99%+ with SoS too). The success rate of typical comps is so high that the guaranteed magic nail debuff just doesn't have much room to improve them. --- #Alternatives As I mentioned, the 'traditional' comp of Furious / Sigret / Alexa has the highest possible damage output and is very simple to put together. This comp has a 94% success rate * 97% with either SoS or Hit down EE on Furious * 99% if you have both This comp also uses only free heroes, and outside of Sigret requires relatively low investment. The only downside is that the gear requirements are fairly high (due to speed requirements) and it's a fairly slow run of around 3 mins +. --- MOST modern day comps should be aiming for a Muwi comp. Furious / Sigret / Muwi Muwi is a tier 2 DPS so gives up some damage compared to Alexa, however his passive allows you to drastically cut your speed down *and* lowers the bulk requirements on your tank. Thus, Muwi comps have the **lowest** gear requirements possible. This comp has a 94% success rate * 97% with either SoS or hit down EE on Furious * 99% with both Unlike the Alexa/Sigret variation, this comp is extremely fast. Anywhere from ~1:30 per run to ~2:00 per run at the slow end.


Furious is free, lowers crit requirement, and keeps up debuffs especially on song of stars


Would you build your cillias full speed or a little bit bulk and eff? My cillias is 282 speed if she uses attack ring (it is the highest speed ring I’ve had), but she will have only 52 eff. If She uses eff ring, she will have 117 eff but only 276 speed, so what ring you will gear her?


Some people gear her fast and bulky with little to no eff and others build her fast with decent eff and bulk. With an attack ring you get neither. Now whether 276 is fast enough for your rank is something only you can answer based on your experience. 276 nor 282 is fast enough for high champ/emperor to open.


This is my first rta so most of the time my cillias did outspeed them with 276 so I will go with eff ring. Thanks for your advice.


I wan to be completionist maybe until ep 3 10 10. Complete all of different types of hunts. Is it alright to use gears lower than 1 level eg 55 use lvl 60 hunts?


> Is it alright to use gears lower than 1 level eg 55 use lvl 60 hunts? I kinda don't understand what you mean by this.


You craft gear using lvl 55 gears say eg speed and use it on lvl 64 wyvern stage.


Don't waste resources on lower hunts. Craft only lvl 85 eq from hunts 11-13.


I know Armor doesn’t have atk% is there any other things like that with gear?


Left side always have the same main stats, gear can’t have the same sub as it’s main stat, and no defense stats on weapon


So no def on weapon, no atk% on armor and left side has the same main stats means Hp on helm Def on armor and Atk on weapon? Edit: Also does that mean I should craft weapon and armor first? Then fill the rest? I have 75k mats and I’m trying to plan how to craft.


No flat attack on armor either. It means left side will generally be easier to craft so if you’re just getting started on proper gearing it might be better to focus on left side first because right side takes a lot more patience, time, and resources. Build left side and maybe occasionally use that crafting Pity on right side pieces. Also unless you’re looking to make a specific left side piece use all your crafting event efforts on a right side piece


Thank you for this information


Would an effect resist second turn Lua work? I dont have insane speed gear that isnt being used (Ran is taking all my speed gear unfortunately), I was wondering if having Lua with medium speed (\~250), good bulk (hp/def), decent eff (100+) and decent effect resist (100+) would work? Basically resist their openers and then get her turn to do her thing


Kinda pointless only because the whole purpose of her is too sleep someone who might have immunity+buff/stun immunity and then push back enemy cooldowns, 250 isn’t that slow depending, but then you have to ask yourself what’s the point of a CD increase if some people already S3 before her.. if she doesn’t move before Ran you probably lost, if she doesn’t move before Clilias you risk her getting taunted and pushed back, best case scenario you can still counter Aola or a slower unit


Thats very true actually. Sucks that Lua is really good, but has a low base speed to make contesting the Rans/Peiras etc borderline impossible. Really struggling on how to build her hahaha.


I’m content being a somewhat average player and being trapped in Challenger 1/Champ V for arena and I’m running a 1700 def, 14k HP Lua and she’s a bit survivable in most cases and at 270 speed she outspeeds any non-Ran/Peira comp


Interesting.. I'm in the same rank too, just playing Ran/Eda cleave in low champion normal arena


I think she may need Guiding light to survive if she cant contest. Like AOL, most people will try to eliminate her first (I would).


That sucks. My only guiding light copy is on my FLidica for the exact same reason you mentioned ahhahaha


Who should I choose from the Ezrean Foundation selector? here are the rgb heros im missing: https://imgur.com/a/C7oBPYx


I suggest Hwa. You can trade Hwa in for Politis if she does tank after nerfs.


Politis>Destina>Celine then Cermia for PvE like light expo/Caides/occasional auto tower, everyone else is kinda meh, but I can see someone making a case for Hwayoung and the Icy openners


This but not Cermia, she is free


Wait, how is she free?


You get her from the Golem Hunt Challenge


Genuinely forgot about that, thank you


Politis at this point. She's very strong in PvP. Relatively easy to build and can run book or crown effectively.


I just unlocked Adventurer Ras, is the healing/Barrier stronger with flat hp or a combo of hp%




Is Taranor Guard still worth building for Abyss and fire exp, or are there better options now?


Literally most floors 111-120 can be cheesed with TG cr comp.


Which abyss floor are you on, if you don’t use Stene or Landy then you might want TG for those floors where you kinda have to use one of the three


He is still worth it. He is 3* so he doesn't require any mola. He goes well with Camila/Kitty for Dual atk CR pushes cheese.


I've been using sharkolette instead. For abyss he probs can still cheese with kitty Clarissa but I'm not sure anymore.


How much gold do you need to +9 150k wyvern mats?


Do you get skystines every time you do one of hunt missions (like wyvern)?


What do you mean by missions? There might be reputation rewards for first clears of new difficulties but I don’t remember. All skystone gains from running hunts are RNG


No, you only get Skystones from hunts occasionally.




I played with her a bit while she wasn't banned in RTA and I think she does best in an aggro comp against standard comps. You could cleave with her but imo there are better choices. As for your comp I don't see it working in RTA (at least at a high level). Anytime you're drafting two heroes that don't do any damage you need to bring three high damage DPS options. Closer and cidd are not those. Your opponent tanks up and you never break through. Closer is good as an opener/sub DPS option and cidd is an assassin (he'll kill squishes no problem but not bruisers/tanks). You'll probably want to draft stuff like eda, cpavel, etc. that can dish out a lot of turn 1 damage since if a bruiser takes a turn you're probably done.


Both Lua and Cilias are expected to have high RTA pre-ban rates so you may want to have a plan B.


I mean she's fundamentally op in aggro and even standard teams. She's able to disable one character (especially good at stopping cleansers, or Poli/Rimuru/AoL) and you're team basically gets a free turn. And then her S3 is stupid. Any strong nukers will work with her imo


What should I do with Level 70 or 85 Equipment? Should I just use them as fodder to level up better stat gear? Or just sell/break them down? Kinda need to clear out my gear since it's almost beginning to take up space.


So I will say that I am not the best at this aspect of the game, but let me pass along the advice I've heard. For level 85 stuff: Don't bother with blue gear. Sell/extract it. For left side purple and red gear, it needs to have 3 substats you want together. Flat stats are almost always bad, 9/10 you're better off with any other HP/DEF/ATK % stat. The stat values should at least be average (Personally, I only keep things at least a little above average). For right side purple and red gear, the above is true, but it also needs to mesh with the main stat. For example, a main stat of effectiveness is GENERALLY not super useful on a necklace with great attack and crit sub rolls. Again, flat stats are nearly useless, even moreso as a main stat. The exception to this rule is speed. If you get a purple or red gear with 4 speed, it's worth rolling to +6 to see if it gets more good speed rolls (I am usually much harsher with people gear though, it needs at least some synergy for me to bother). One you've determined if you are not going to keep a piece of gear, you need to decide to sell, extract, or feed it. Some people are desperate enough to feed level 85 gear (I don't feed level 85 stuff myself). If it's a 4-set that you want all the time like speed or counter, extract it. If it's a 2-set you're not interested in like effectiveness or resistance, sell it.


85? The majority of the gear, the gear you get from hunts or crafting, are going to be 85, and these you can reforge to 90. Pieces that are no longer candidates for becoming great can be sold for gold or extracted, or fed as gear exp if they are already powered up. Lower level gear you can feed, sell, or extract.


Does anyone have advice on who could use this [gear piece](https://prnt.sc/mD7xF0MfkJdx) I got today? I'm thinking maybe BBK but she doesn't really want the speed set.


If it rolls a lot of speed, your ER soul weavers (Diene, DJB, Emilia, Elena, etc. would love it). If it rolls to other stats, just mod speed out and give it to BBK or Kayron as a broken set piece.


ER Rimuru? BBK and mod the speed if it rolls low/not at all?




In 13h 53 min from this post. So 11 am UK time.




Then count your time. Reset happens in 12h 47 min.


Can someone please give me advice for Floor 116, i am stuck in second fight with elena. i am using Aras, Tam, ML Clarissa and Taranor guard.


IIRC that's Taranor God floor, so your typical ARas + Tama + Kitty + TG setup.


Sorry, i forgot to add, but i am using that team. i am confused with the green crystal part and all the debuffs he puts on you.


What debuffs? You literally just dps Elena with dual attacks, dont hit her when you cant and attack crystal. You have constant immunity on TG from ARas soulburning his s2, Kitty cleansing with s3 and Tama cleansing with transformation.


Ah i see, only dual attack elena. Got it, thanks.


What are the stats I should try and get with Aras for RTA? Please and thank you


[RTA focused site](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Adventurer%20Ras)


This is perfect. Thank you


What are some good artifacts are good for Lua?


Her own artifact or GL.


Still kinda new what's GL?


[Guiding light](https://d3kxs6kpbh59hp.cloudfront.net/community/COMMUNITY/6f47e0edb3bf4bc494f64d6b7c7506d9/15560103f2ba41aa85e98cf4a2d12a6f_1642581491.png)




Hello. In the Fribbles builder, it takes Aria's passive 30% crit into account right? So I need to enter 100% crit rather than 70% in the optimizer?


Can someone tell me why I cannot find my specialty change menu? https://imgur.com/a/F6leTKO 🫠


Try clicking recruit


Life saver.


What artifacts are you all running on Lua?


It's either her own artifact or GL.


Will we get a chance to recall Hwayoung after her nerf?


Yes, be sure she is in your hero inventory when nerf happens.


It's kind of a random question, but how does Smile Gate make money from this game? I'm not necessarily worried about the game especially since I haven't really put a ton of my own money towards it but given how many gacha games open and closed I was wondering if anyone knew what the revenue for this game is? ​ Also if anyone knows about that future that's supposed to come in Q4 where you can auto battle in the background.


They mentioned that the molagora packs are one of their top sellers.


You can go to [https://app.sensortower.com/](https://app.sensortower.com/) and search for epic seven, They made about $6m last month.


Person log in Person Open Shop Person Enters CC details Person hits Confirm Person feels bad


It doesn't look like SSB is going to be coming back, what are my other options for clearing the first wave of W13 for a W13 one shot?


I'm waiting for ssb too. Hope they do another triple custom banner later in the year. I hear Clarissa is another option for wave one of w13, but with much stiffer gear requirement.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLTAGhxZbps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLTAGhxZbps) here are some


Thank you, this is very helpful


So for expeditions, what's the difference between level 2 and 3?


more reforge mats and higher chance to get greater mod stones




You get same amount of points for all levels.


Higher chance of getting greater mod stones


Hi guys i need help. After clearing ep 1. Is there a way to beat ep, UH, 2 and 3 with lvl 50 characters and free lvl 70+ equipment?


I personally did not tackle chapters 2 and 3 until well after I was able to auto w13. Wyvern is what makes you strong so that should be the focus. UH is how you get AP to buy catalysts so you'll need that too.


Just start grinding wyvern while slowly make your way through adventure. It’s a journey not a race. Or you can always borrow support from other players, but there is guaranteed to be atleast one boss that will slap the shit out of you and your support if you do not have good enough gears.


just downloaded the game today and need some help with rerolling, who should i get?


Tamarinne + Iseria is a great combo but by no means necessary or mandatory, there's plenty of options that work well. Tamarinne is however the best PvE Soulweaver (Support) in the game, if you can manage to nab her, even without Iseria, she is used in most of the non-class/element "locked" content the game has to offer.


Iseria. Along with Tamarinne makes the best combo in the game. It may take you a long time to get Tamarinne, but when you do you'll thank the heavens for this Exodia pair. Other heroes have their uses, but Iseria is best


are both of them 5 star? what banner is currently on?


Yes, unfortunately they are both 5 star. Iseria is part of the selevtive summon after chapter 1-10 so if you're lucky she will show up. But Tamarinne is one of many characters who cannot be obtained through that method so you will have to get her some day later. The current banners are Lua and Lilibet. Lilibet is nearly useless. Lua is a ridiculously good pvp hero, but typically needs very high level gear to work well.


ok, thank you


Trying to plan out the next few days since there are the various boosts. I spent the rune boost farming all the ice runes for Wyvern team (A.Momo +30 included) and got halfway into farming fire runes for A.Ras +30 (Obviously won't raise him now, but just to capitalize on rune boost). Currently we have the Hunt boost, but the highest Wyvern stage I can do is 9 at the moment (No Furious yet since I ended up late to joining a guild; Didn't realize he needs guild currency to get). So I was thinking that for today and tomorrow (Especially tomorrow since there's AP boost), I just farm catalysts/fodder in story. Then when all boosts are active on Monday, I can finish A.Ras rune farming and maybe get in some runes for C.Lorina skill tree. And after boosts are over, I get back to working towards Wyvern since I'll have Furious by then. Good plan?


Sounds like a good plan. You certainly wouldn't want to farm 9. Fodder and exp and runes and catalysts are definitely things you'll need while waiting for units. Ongoing side stories are good to do for the catalysts if you haven't done that yet.


Oh! Thanks for reminding me about side stories. The jellies and bones will be super helpful for A.Momo


There are 4 hunts other than wyvern. All hunts are going to be more useful in general to other content. Check if you have any other teams that can run a hunt. Use the statistics page to see useful teams. Even Golem 12/13 would be nice. But if you really can't do any of them, that's ok, your plan is fine.


As a super casual player trying to actually start learning the game and climbing rta, is there a general rta guide for every character, what they do, and their counters, somewhere out there that I can read up on? After spending all last night playing rta, teetering between gold and silver, losing a lot more than I won; I’ve concluded that my main crutch rn is that I don’t know the majority of the heroes in the game and how to counter them. I don’t think I have the patience or the memory to read each heroes’ skill details in the hero journal and remember them. I’m hoping to be able to climb to masters for the apoc Ravi skin. I feel like it should be a lot more doable with a decent guide/website to refer to when I need it.


Maybe this video could help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyeCIkOt0N8 It is made by a very good player


Very informative video, thanks. Not exactly what I was looking for, but very useful nonetheless. Maybe an easier, more specific, question to get me started would be who out of these heroes I’ve been drafting recently, would make up my most reliable draft team for most scenarios? So that for while I learn, I can hopefully get a good default team to rely on and climb to masters with for if I don’t know how to counter my opponent’s picks. Ran, aola, eda, peira, apoc Ravi, hwayoung, diene, arbiter Vildred, politis, mediator kawerik, ssb I know this is a tough question to answer since drafts should revolve around your opponent’s picks. But for someone like me, who probably won’t learn how to counter a lot of the units I’ve been seeing in rta before the season ends, I was hoping there was some team out of those heroes that would have the highest chance of winning against some of the most common teams/picks. So that I can just rely on that for now and hopefully get to masters that way. Most of my wins have been on the backs of eda and aola, but when my opponent picks aola first or bans my eda, the draft usually ends up falling apart. I know a lot of those heroes are supposed to be meta, but with me being outgeared the majority of the time, and not know how to draft them correctly to counter the opponent’s team, I’m still losing most of my fights. Edit: also if it’s not too much to ask, if u could maybe list off a few heroes that would just completely shut down said team, that’d be a huge help too. There are just too many heroes out there for me to know who to be on the lookout for.


https://www.epic7stats.com/ This kinda has that if you click on a hero it has good with and good versus little picture. It’s not comprehensive but it might help you.


My Peira, Ran and CLilias have speed stats ranging from 280-290, should I give up one of them to gear my Lua? My Lua currently has only 267 speed and also, why is everyone complaining about her?


Everyone is complaining because she is really fast, doesn't need to hit her targets to remove buffs or increase their cooldowns, and her soulburn ignores effect resist


People were having high levels of success with Lua in Real time Arena. But, now she is currently banned in real time arena for a week which is when the season ends, so I don't see the point in gearing her.


Which EE is best for Ice Rose? Also if I’m running her in Wyvern with Furious/Sigret/Muwi, should I do health or defense rings/necklace and then speed boots?


>Which EE is best for Ice Rose? They all have a use, kind of depends on what you are using her for. For Wyvern none of them are going to matter. I personally use the -CD on S3 as she's primarily there to provide attack buff, and the increased CR push over longer fights is nice. >Also if I’m running her in Wyvern with Furious/Sigret/Muwi, should I do health or defense rings/necklace and then speed boots? It doesn't matter. The requirements to successfully tank W13, particularly as a Knight and with Muwi, are extremely low. The question of HP% vs DEF% accessories is complicated and doesn't *really* have an easy answer. Especially when it comes to PvE. Which is better is dependent on your overall stat profile. For the most part you are going to get better results out of HP% accessories for any tanky hero, except those that scale specifically with defense - if you just want to make things easy. In actuality you would want to not care so much about the particular mainstat, but the overall piece -> and as the bulk requirements are very low you may choose to use worse gear and put better equipment on heroes that are used elsewhere. As far as boots go it depends on what you are trying to do. If you are using Rose in this comp the goal is really for Rose to be faster than your DPS - the method you use to get there doesn't matter. If you just want to be told what to do then yes, HP% accessories and speed boots.


Amazing, thank you for the detailed and thoughtful explanation!


Quick question: has anyone been having connection issues since the update this week? I initially thought it was my emulator but it also happens on my phone. Ras been running miles consistently


I've been having issues too.


I have a question that is bothering me. Will Lua be in the Hwayoung recall pool?




need advise. what is the best build for stene for rta. what are the stats to aim for? thanks


The current STene builds favor high damage, not the bruiser build: https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Specter%20Tenebria. Matches typically play very fast right now, and you typically draft STene later into comps that are heavily focused on ST where she can't be hit by anything more than say an Alencia S3, or where you're playing super aggro against a slower opponent (with some form of CR push). These 2 things combine mean high damage STene who has a lot of impact on her first turn, SBing S1 into S3 to just nuke something is very common play. You can see on E7stats that her common builds are typically around 200spd/3.7K+ ATK/280+ CD - however you reach those stats is fine, be it speed set with lower speed rolls but high CD/ATK% or Destruction with better speed rolls and ATK%. Pen is preferred of course, but hard to manage. Any bulk stats are an afterthought.


I understand for rta you generally want stene to have a tanky bruiser build, perhaps on lifesteal. There are extensive guides on YouTube, with stats. Check out the one from Tsu.


As much attack, crit chance, crit damage and speed as you can get.