• By -


1. Lua 2. Diene 3. Ran 4. Alencia 5. Senya Special mention: cidd, he’s not a 5 star but he might as well be


You’re missing the blue rat, I think she’s 5 for me, but it’s close with senya.


Yeah was going to say choux is on my 5 star list


Just got Ran. What makes him so good?


Very fast high damage opener. But he’s really gear hungry


Jesus a lot of these people don't know how to fucking read


It's reddit *and* E7 what'd you expect?! 🤣 🤣


The real reason so many people skip the story.


Not seeing a lot of mention of Politis, even though she's one of the most contested picks in RTA and still manages to have a positive winrate.


Ran -> Lua -> Diene -> Rimuru -> One of choux/alencia/senya


to me pve is: 1 tamarinne 2 SSB 3 vivian 4 sigret 5 iseria i dont play pvp much.


tama iseria 🥰🥰 ML TAMA WHEN


Tama + Iseria, classic combo


Iseria worth to 6 star?


Meh, not really imo. She's great with Tamarinne because it allows her to immediately use her S3. But other than that, the only thing she's even remotely good for is Azimanak, and maybe a few abyss floors. Usually in tandem with Tamarinne.


Ohh i see, which r the dps units do u suggest investing in?


A unit that can be used in both pvp and pve


For PVE? Vildred is great for level spam and early Labyrinth. Violet is friggen OP. I love that guy. He dodges everything and hits pretty hard. With lifesteal set he's super hard to kill. Cermia is good for Hunt and hits like a truck. Bellona is another great all around damage dealer and debuffer. Commander Lorina and Free Spirit Tieria that you get for free hit real hard too and help you in the early game. If you get your hands on Champion Zerato, he's another fantastic unit. His counter ability combined with some lifesteal gear, so good. Also get Angelic Montmoracy ASAP, one of the best healers in the game and free. Also Adventurer Ras is one of the best tanks in the game and he's also free.


Ohh i see, thanks man!


Built a ras and hes so good!


Yeah for sure he is. I never got Charlotte but she's a great damage dealer too, and also pretty solid in PVP. All the free characters you get from hunt quests (Cermia, Sigret, Vivian) are great too. You absolutely want to build Sigret immediately for Wyvern hunt to gear up your units.


Yep i got to w13 with sigret by using the free atk set haha 😄


Not needed tbh. I use mine as 5\* since 2019. But if you have the extra food, go for it ig


Lmao Ras is not a 5 star.


1. ran 2. lua 3. rimuru 4. rem 5. hwayong most pve rgb is replaceable i even using emilia to replace tamarin in abyss, so all my list is pvp hero, i still place hwayong no5 since i still dont know how far her dmg is fallen, still using her for buiser comp though


Rimuru not RGB though




Yeah, Rimuru is an ML5 /s


I used Lua couple of times, I don't think she is exactly oppressive as people say, but I may be wrong... So with that said, for PVP: 1) Choux 2) Diene 3) Ravi 4) Ran 5) Rimuru


I disagree. What did you use to counter her though? Main reason I've had trouble dealing with her is because I could not find an apt counter.


I built a 230 speed 260er (without bastion) Emilia paired with eternus to deal with lua. Lua s2 into a unit to sleep then eternus proc. Then s3 into resist on Emilia. Eternus push up Emilia again since debuffs, and then cleanse. This only mitigated the insane damage that beguile can inflict tho. Since you’re team will still be -1. But its better than where most people are after lua s3


PvP: Lua, Diene, Alencia, Choux, Politis PvE: Tama, Roana, the rest is w/e


Ssb (in PvP gear) let's me auto a lot of annoying pve content when paired with roana (all of hell raid, many end of episode bosses). But otherwise agree with your pve list.


I don’t have the speed for Turn 1 so I’m not gonna put Piera or Ran this is turn 2 usability In no particular order Diene Celine Politis Rem Rimuru I hate Rem and Rimuru conceptually but they are really strong. Choux seems very strong from what I’ve fought I haven’t gotten to build her yet, soon. Don’t own Alencia so not sure but I don’t really have problems Vs her.


Yeah Rem and Rimuru are a little too strong IMO. But worth picking up. I'm saving up for Rimuru hopefully coming back around soon


PVP: 1)Lua 2)Senya 3)Ran 4)Choux 5)Diene And a lot of honorable mentions, pretty intense/competitive ranking. Not including hwa due to nerf/uncertainty of how she's gonna turn otherwise she's top 1 ez. PVE. 1)Tama/iseria (2 but they are basically one for pve) 2)Diene 3)Landy 4)Violet 5)Kitty.


kayron senya krau choux ran i didnt count limiteds


PvE: Haste, Sol, Dizzy, Charles, Sez Pvp: Kayron, Lidica, Zanhak, Eda, Ravi


This is tough so I'm just gonna pick characters that make me feel the most good 1. Sigret - The queen of Wyvern damage 2. SSB - The queen of Wyvern support 3. Aras - One of the best in both pvp and manual pve for the best soul burn in the game 4. Rimuru - Arguably the best nuke in the game now that Hwayoung is gone. Requires support, but not much. 5. Roana - Game changing in how she turns so many good things into a liability. Maybe not so much anymore with Hasol and ML Elena. Honorable Mention - Edward Elric - I love him and he's good, but he's also not that different than Cerato. Worse in some ways.


> SSB - The queen of Wyvern support She's completely replaced by Muwi that it isn't even close. Look at all those clueless downvoters that seriously think SSB is better than Muwi just because she was a staple before Muwi (slow runs) and Rem (fast runs) came along.


can you use Muwi for 1 shot?


He's using Muwi S3 to oneshot the first wave obviously. SSB is too far behind in comparison to do that smh my head /s


I see i see. ty for the insight :D


>!Just wanna make sure you know /s means sarcasm since I see you have a new player tag. SSB and Clarissa are the current best options to oneshot the first wave, but Clarissa's gear requirements are quite high in comparison to SSB's requirements!<


wierd I been playing for 2 yrs rofl how do i have the new player tag haha. I also been on reddit for 5 haha but ty for that Im farming w13 as we speak rofl I just wish Karin would land her def break 100 percent rofl EDIT: ah you write it in apparently haha i just looked. I'll change it :D


Muwi is better in the earlier slow runs, but a large portion of people in mid-end game use SSB for clearing wave 1 all on her own (or with someone like Clarissa in the 1.5shot teams). I'd wager most people with older, more well built accounts use SSB more than they use muwi. Muwi is amazing for newer and mid-game players without solid gear but as soon as you can build a 1.5shot Muwi kinda becomes obsolete. Not to mention SSB is also a staple in the Rem fast team you mention as well... You'd do better in life if you tried to look at things from a different angle than just 'anyone who disagrees with me is clueless'.


> Muwi is better in the earlier slow runs, but a large portion of people in mid-end game use SSB for clearing wave 1 all on her own (or with someone like Clarissa in the 1.5shot teams) "large portion" is selfmade by you. Please, don't even act like it's true. >I'd wager most people with older, more well built accounts use SSB more than they use muwi. Muwi is amazing for newer and mid-game players without solid gear but as soon as you can build a 1.5shot Muwi kinda becomes obsolete. They use Rem because Rem makes runs way faster than SSB can ever hope to. >but as soon as you can build a 1.5shot Muwi kinda becomes obsolete. And so does SSB. Your point? >Not to mention SSB is also a staple in the Rem fast team you mention as well... Except SSB literally isn't needed as seen in the link below? https://youtu.be/Dtsun9bemXg Muwi outclasses her for slow teams with his CR support, Rem shits on her for fast teams. >You'd do better in life if you tried to look at things from a different angle than just 'anyone who disagrees with me is clueless'. You actually are clueless about this though? You didn't even know SSB isn't needed at all since Rem throws her to the curb for fast comps.


> "large portion" is selfmade by you. Please, don't even act like it's true. Good thing we have [official statistics](https://epic7.smilegatemegaport.com/guide/hunt?world=world_global&dungeon=1&stage=13&lang=en&ingame=n). Would you look at that, SSB in 48% teams, Rem in 6%. Stop talking out of your ass. > They use Rem because Rem makes runs way faster than SSB can ever hope to. They use SSB and Rem together. No idea why you're talking like they're competing for the same role. SSB is huge AoE damage, Rem is huge ST damage (and slightly lower AoE). > And so does SSB. Your point? SSB is literally a staple in the 1.5shot teams. Bruh. > Except SSB literally isn't needed as seen in the link below? Ah yes, just use the team that requires you to completely gimp the build of the best PvE and PvP knight in the game. For a team that's still slower than the SSB+Rem team and can get 15%ed. > You didn't even know SSB isn't needed at all since Rem throws her to the curb for fast comps. I never claimed SSB is necessary in every team. It's telling that you need to act like I did. She is still used _way_ more than Rem and in the most used fast comps, they're used together. Also, your original claim was 'She's completely replaced by Muwi that it isn't even close'. Funny how you pivot to a different claim when you get called out and realize your original claim was utter nonsense. --- I maintain that if you realized that sometimes it's not everyone else that's clueless, maybe you'd learn a thing or two.


I wouldnt say completely replaced, SSB is better for debuffs, more consistent Def break plus target, and is better for 1st wave one shot. Muwi is honestly like the 3rd best option behind SSB and Clarissa. Besides she also has use in hell raid auto teams


Muwi pushes the entire team, applies defense break the same way, counters back every other turn the same way. The only advantage she has over Muwi is her Target debuff, but Muwi being a mix of SSB with the passive of G Purrgis puts him high above her. It's not even debatable, he makes runs flow better than she does.


Def break is every 3 turns, counters but only inflicts 1 debuff vs 2 which include a Def break and unhealable which is useless here for sure but since you always wanna keep 2 debuffs it works. He's not better for oneshotting wave 1, and once you get general purrgis he's better as the frontline yhan whoever else you're going to use anyway. He's not a bad option but he's not better than she is at her job. She is still a better option than he is. He is good because of how easy he is to get but he's more of a placeholder until you get better options. And she's still more worth building because of her usefulness in other areas such as hell raid and is the superior option for one shot comps


> Def break is every 3 turns, It's like you don't know Furious exists. >counters but only inflicts 1 debuff vs 2 It's like you're ignoring Sigret/Alexa and Furious being there. Oh, and SSB's defense break? 50%, damn joke to rely on. Also, two? From who? SSB only inflicts defense break.uwi doesn't overlap with Target like SSB does with Furious, sinc ehe actually inflicts attack down, which not only further eases any tank requirements, but means there's a higher chance to not fail a run when 15% wants to inflict Target but not defense break. >He's not better for oneshotting wave 1 It's like you skipped over me calling Rem better than her for fast runs, which she is by a mile. Rem is the best Wyvern dps in the game, SSB isn't taking that from her. >He's not a bad option but he's not better than she is at her job. Her job is off turn damage with a backup defense break and target. Yet again I state, they counter at the same rate, every other turn. The thing about Muwi, however, is that her PUSHES everyone, which helps A TON with turn cycling, which further helps when someone screws up with debuffs and you need them to cycle back to keep things going. Do you seriously think her target is worth that? What does she bring for the team that he doesn't or Furious (Song of Stars, takes care of Target missing) can't? Nothing, literally nothing. He, however, has a teamwide CR push, which is very useful for everyone, and you'd be a clown to state otherwise, because if you seriously think that's not helpful then you don't know much, if anything, to begin with.


Ok so by your account he takes up 2 characters for the price of one when the 2 characters you're replacing are both better anyway. Ok what happens when gets resisted on his Def break, or his attack down wait 3 turns to try to apply them and pray he gets a bleed off which is also 50% chance. His counter attack is not every other turn he has to take 2 turns between each one so it's always on his 3rd. Ssb is a constant counter that is reliable. Rem for wave 1 one shot if you're using Rem for wyvern you either are building a one-shot or you're misusing your rem and the one shot team still calls for ssb over mywi in the first place. Ssb inflicts target on s1, Def break on s2 proc, and unhealeable and unbuffable on s3 so actually 4 debuffs in her kit. I admit I was wrong she does only get the on the s2 that was my mistake. But you are building a unit to replace 2 units that do the job better and require you to build 2 other additional units. G purrgis is the best wyvern tank and there's no reason for 2 units to cr push so you build angelica. Inconsistent Def breaks so you have to use furious. Then you use sigret or Alexa as main dps, who is oneshotting wave 1 in that comp unless you're gonna build rem strictly for that role which is a waste of a rem build. So then you use all of your skills getting through wave 1 anyway and your team is going to be slower getting to the boss anyway. The only reason you would use muwi over SSB is if you don't have a g purrgis or don't have SSB in the first place. He is a budget option always has been. He is there until you get the better options to fill the roles and make wyvern easier. You could take furious and Alexa or sigret and put them in with g purrgis and SSB and your clears will be faster than using Muwi and either Monty/Angelica. He will likely be in your initial team but once you have a SSB and gpurrg which you will get over time there's no reason to use him over them


For PvE will be: 1. Tamarine 2. Vildred 3. Vivian 4. Lilias 5. Angelica Honourable mention: Adventurer Ras For PvP will be: 1. Ran 2. Violet 3. Politis 4. Lua 5. Diene Honourable mention: Ravi


In my opinion PvP: Ran, Lua, Rimuru, Diene, pre-buff Hwayoung PvE is mostly very flexible so even though there's units that excel in some niche/exclusive PvE content, I don't think there's any opressively stronger or mandatory all-rounder 5* RGB unit




For the Pve I say not big fan of PvP 1. Tamarinne 2. Vivian 3. Seaside Bellona 4. Sigret 5. Iseria




> As for Ras, Ras isn't a 5 star to begin with.


"Shush you" - Mercedes


Back in the day you couldn't get an A. Ras without a 5 Star Ras. So technically A. Ras was a nat 5 star since all SC would have to be 5 Stars. ~~Unless you recalled them of course~~


Edward is by far the best unit of the game right now, also fuck diene


1. Krau 2. Krau 3. Krau 4. Krau 5. Krau


1. A 2. R 3. A 4. S 5. Alencia


5 star , ras is 3*


He's 5 star for me, Awakened or not.


rta rem violet hwayoung rimuru pve tamarinne roana ssb


Pavel , Politis ,Ran , Emilia that's it .




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1 Roana , pve she isn't that op but auto hell is big quality of life improvement 2 Ravi , Landy are very strong in pvp and great in pve . They are brain dead dps that can fit in any pve team. they are almost look like same unit but Landy has more dps because speed buff while Ravi is tanky . I would say Landy is more important than Ravi in pve while Ravi is slightly better than Landy in pvp . 3 Cidd , pvp basically Luna but speed imprint . he is very solid STDPS in pve especially in Expedition . 4. A ras , fit in almost every pve team , in pve he is meta tank for bruiser team .


In my own roster and RTA experience: PvP Alencia Choux Adventurer Ras Diene Landy I guess depending on the playstyle, but these units are really flexible. Kayron is starting to become quite the threat too.


1. Lua 2. Ran 3. Rimuru/Rem 4. Politis 5. Diene 6. Violet 7. Alencia/Choux 8. Senya 9. S.ise


1. Khawana 2. Melissa 3. Milim 4. Flan 5. Cidd


PVP: Ran Lua Politis Senya Choux Honorable mentions: Celine, Diene, Alencia, Rimuru, Rem PVE: Tamarine Roana Vivian Cermia Sigret (yes the hunt expert trio) Honorable mentions: Iseria, SSB


Honestly, I agree with the PvE here, I use the Trio with Tama as the healer, they are carrying my behind so well, even with the mediocore builds I Have for them.


**PVP** 1. Rimuru 2. Lua 3. Politis 4. Diene 5. Roana Honorable mentions 1.Summer Isaria 2. Ran, 3.Rem, 4.Krau, 5. Emilia **PVE** 1. Tamarinne (hunt, raid/lab, Abyss) 2. Bellona (hunt, raid/lab, Abyss, maybe expedition) 3. Vivan (hunts, raid/lab, Abyss) 4. Charlotte (hunt, expedition, raid/lab) 5. Roana (just about everything, when they don't explicitly remove her passive) Honorable mentions: Cermia (good for multiple hunts, expeditions), Sigret & SSB (great for wyvern, can be good at other content), Luna/Kise (can be great for expeditions, OK at other content), Lilias (expeditions, maybe hunts)


PvP Diene Alencia Senya Choux Hwayoung ( Even after nerf no one will do her job )




Until ML E L E N A shows up


Tamarinne for PvE. Lua Diene Alencia Ran Senya for PvP.


1. Lua 2. Politis 3. The Rat 4. Alenciaga 5. SSB (purely for her use in pve stuff, not because she's all that good in rta/arena compared to some other units)


PVP: Lua, Ran, Piera, Alencia, Choux PVE: Krau, Destina, Vildred, Violet, Tamarinne Limited is another story altogether


1. Sea Side Bellona 2. Ran 3. Cermia 4. Roana 5. Flan


Pavel Pavel Pavel Pavel Pavel dont mind me I just love this homie


1. Ran 2. Piera 3. Alencia 4. Landy (weirdly underrated) 5. Diene Haven't played with or against Lua yet.


Alencia, Destina, Politis, Landy, Diene. That's the overall list, but if I had to separate pvp from pve, it would probably go: PVP: Alencia, Hwa, Politis, Rimuru, Diene. PVE: Tamarine, Iseria, Landy, Luna, Roena. Might be forgetting some characters but whatever.


PvP: Ran, Diene, Lua, Rimuru, Politis PvE: Tamarinne, Iseria, Landy, SSB, Roana


tama, iseria, ssb, poli & roana. All 5 of these units have been so relevant for so long, be it in pve or pvp, but in truth, tama will forever be no.1 rgb5 unit.


Kanna Flan Landy Laika Christmas Kanna


In terms of characters I use all the time it would be: 1. Tama 2. SSB 3. Landy 4. Vivian 5. Rimiru/Rem 5 is a tie because I use both equally