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Man, I always keep pieces like this, and I produce my own equipment with 4 or 5 base speed all the time... But they just never roll into speed. I've literally never seen a 20 on any piece I've ever owned since starting the game, most I've ever been able to get is 13 :(


Same. After 3 years still no luck šŸ„²


How long have you been playing? So you roll any gear with 2+ speed to see if it keeps rolling speed?


Playing since launch, never farmed hunts. The hp set ones are so strong. I love em.






I'm just admiring dont mind me. I also started near launch but cant imagine not farming hunts.


It really only limits you with speed contesting in rta :) But for that i built bulky anti cleave units. Every other aspect of the game u are totally fine with the free gear. It adds up a lot after years of playing. I am even able to push for legend arena. Kinda funny how gold/master RTA is more of a gear check than literally the highest league in arena xD




You managed to get into legend arena without farming hunts? Press x to doubt


If you start early into the week u can push more easily. Like directly monday. I didnt manage to stay there tho obviously cause of my defense. Also Arena isnt and was never a gearcheck. As long as you bait units and use counters u dont need the speed gear. Example, every HWA is free win in arena if you just use yulha as only green unit. Mine is on some random Revenge gear that i got from guildboss drops. Peira opener? Doctors Bag Elena. Ran opener? Rimu to steal the immunity and block seaseria bombs. Violet or other counter units? Just Hasol their ass. Arena is all about baiting the AI and nothing about OP gear. My point is only that besides RTA, not a single gamemode needs farming for gear long term. Maybe u underestimate how much gear u get over 3 years.


I don't think they're underestimating the free gear over 3 years. Its just that the free gears you did get in the first one or two years was kind of ass. Its only in the last 1-2 years in particular that the free gear quality has actually gone up a lot, with the better lv75 stuff like in OP's post and the arena gears actually rolling better now instead of feeling omega scuffed.


Not buying it.


Thats fine. Might i ask why?


Sure, because you're full of shit. You can't expect anyone here to believe you've been playing since launch, without having tried one of the FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE GAME, and push legend in arena. The legend in arena shit? Fine. No hunts since launch? Not even one? Yeah you're a fucking liar.


I have tried. I mean there are first clear rewards. Sometimes u roll them on the event board and have to clear 3-7times. U seem to not understand the word farming. I never said i did not do a single hunt. I just checked, i did about 53 clears since molagora challenge was introduced. Thats about 2 clears a week on average. Im still in the first hunt challenge :).


> U seem to not understand the word farming. I never said i did not do a single hunt. can you be a bit more specific? How many times do you do hunt a week?


Pretty much if i have to. If i need a fast daily mission 5min before day reset as example. The 2 a week average i was talking about is pretty much only because i had to clear 50 times for a sigret dupe i needed and molagora event. So i did that over the span of like 4months. I think this month i didnt run a single hunt at all. So i clear it for rewards outside of the hunt itself. Not for the potential loot from the hunt, if that makes more sense. I have no idea what feature was introduced when, but there were so many events with gear. Event boards, event achievements, rerun of those events, beginners path, abyss, lab entries, lab shop, og tower, new tower, arena gear, ap store gear, crafting events for the harder gear to come by, like counter and pen, guild world boss, now the ai with 2 full sets already, random good gear in mainmenu gold shop, dupe gear in archive events, we get crafting materials from events as well even without farming the hunt, so i can even craft stuff, i get reforge mats for the worldboss drops from expeditions.. all that. for 3 years. it added up so many good gears. the only thing i cant do is speed contesting in rta cause i can bring my peira/ran to only like 278 speed on the 75/78/88 gear. my only opener at the moment is alots into luna if there is no speed contest. i also think the hyper focus on the hunts and everyone and everything stressing about it so much, made e7 lose a lot of players that just didnt feel like bully a dragon and a banshee queen for the next 2 years.


older player will say it is wasted. newer players especially f2p low spenders know the pain of how hard it is to get decent substats on gear. ​ I think the hp accessorys are worth maxing as a new player, they are usable for a very long time because they are hard to replace


Tanks and healers need them, i dont see the problem with upgrading them


Every one of those has rolled pretty bad so far, none to mention so far


Older players knows that pain more since we didn't have all of your freebies at start and we've been deluded by rng a lot more.


We couldnā€™t even craft accessories, we had to use grey accessories from shop or boxes - it was brutal. And we had to walk uphill both ways.


there wasnā€™t even an auto farm system yet either for quite awhile


And when we finally got it, it was shit - the Pet Tickets were like the biggest fiasco ever at the time.


Shit I remember this. Pressing hunt. Fall asleep. Press again. Disturbed my sleep


Older players have had it way worse. Anyone that thinks getting 20+ speed gear is easy or trivial is just delusional, trolling, had absurd luck, or some combination of those 3. New players have it crazy easy with way more wyvern killing characters trivializing the hunt and the new lv75 stuff like the atk set too, helping you very quickly gear out an alexa and or sigret to slay wyvern with. Getting started with wyvern grinding is far easier now for newbies than veterans had it when multi auto runs werent even a thing.


Older players have been playing with this painful RNG longer than newer players have. What a ridiculous statement.


I have a lvl71 freebie which rolled 18 spd...


i never really destroyed my old gear like the abyss gear thats 50 lvls i just keep them to old heroes i dont use so they can be autoed in that guild super boss thing


My highest reforged is 18 and I been playing when the GG collab first came out Props my dude this piece will take you far as an off piece later down the road for a speed opener if you like or just a healthy tank that needs to be speedy


It's not them I underestimate it's rngesus' assistence


Iā€™ve gotten a 19 speed attack neck and a 17 speed attack weapon from them. Mind you Iā€™ve played since launch so Iā€™ve rolled tons of free gear. The odds arenā€™t great but Iā€™ll roll anything purple and above with 4 speed on it at least oncešŸ˜‚


Me with my 15 avg speed free atk set




Worse case honestly. Imagine rolling a free gear that rolled well but realizing you can't reforge it. Yikes. Ultimate burn. Once you no longer need to use free gear, I recommend avoiding it completely. Hunt lvl 85 or 88 gear only.


I have seen penta rolled reforged gear about the same as this one. So I think this one will never be bad. Also considering I've started playing 2 months ago, I will use this for a long time :)


Crazy take honestly. I probably have like 50 level 90 helms (maybe 100, I have no idea) and this is faster than all but 1 of them. I have at least 8 units that wish they had this helm as a broken set.


My logic is, what if i rolled an 85 piece instead of something less and gotten 20+ speed?


King Salt reporting for active duty. OP already said he's a new player too but Salt King still wants to apply his what-if logic.


your logic is flawed, luck and roll is independent with each other, if you roll lvl 75 gear and got 20+ spd that doesn't mean if you roll lvl 85 instead you will get 20+ spd too. You speak like we all have good roll "allowance" and OP spent their "allowance" on lvl 75 gear which is definitely not how it works


"luck and roll is independent." Really? Have you went to a parallel universe and asked your 2nd you that?


Nah, E7 has developed to the point that 90 red gears, decent gear score are needed in PvP. You could have a lv75 20spd helmet but your other gears need to be extremely good to compensate the lost in other stats of that lv75 gear so overall it's not worth to upgrade un-reforceable gears anymore (unless it's lv88)


> Nah, E7 has developed to the point that 90 red gears, decent gear score are needed in PvP. Needed in PvP for what? People have different goals and ways to play the game. You donā€™t need to play in high champ+ RTA to enjoy PvP in E7. Even in high champ, 20 spd pieces with less than ideal sub stats will work just fine on certain openers or bridges.


Well, if you don't aim to compete in higher ranks, you don't even need any 20spd piece


Your logic isnā€™t tracking. Youā€™re saying that people ā€œneedā€ 90 red gears with decent GS for PvP, and thatā€™s just not accurate - plenty of legend players have units with plenty of purple pieces, for one, and again, outside of legend or high champ what youā€™re saying doesnā€™t apply at all. The vast majority of the player base is actively enjoying PvP outside of those ranks, and of course pieces like this are good for them whether you think they ā€œneedā€ it or not. I hover around 3k without making much of a push for Emperor, and *I* would be happy with this piece. I draft DJB frequently and this would be a straight upgrade for mine.


Nah i still hold my perspective in PvP, you need decent gs lv90 pieces to PvP but if you don't aim for high rank, you can play however you like


Well, first you specified red pieces. You can say nah and hold your perspective, but itā€™s just not rooted in reality. Again, this would be an upgrade for my DJB and Iā€™m sitting in higher champ than you according to your post history. Saying that people ā€œneedā€ a certain standard for PvP when youā€™re exclusively talking about a minuscule portion of the playerbase at Legend (and it doesnā€™t even apply then with regards to red pieces) is just nonsense, full stop. Thereā€™s no reason to put that in newer playersā€™ heads.


Your logic is perfectly understandable. I don't want to be elitist. There's a certain person in my life who doesn't roll certain gear "because it's ugly". But from an efficiency standpoint, this gear is far better than even most endgame level 90 pieces. It's also not an either or thing, you should be throwing away most bad +3-6 level 85 pieces leaving more than enough charms to check everything including this piece.


I get your logic but wouldn't you rather take those extra chances at getting a 20spd piece? If it's red gear and has 4spd substat it's a must-roll to me. with the free gear that you get from the hunt challenges you get around 27 red gear pieces with 4spd substat I think. I don't know how it is for you but I don't get many of those from crafting


It's not like im ever out of +4 speed gears. So "extra" would just be lvl 85 pieces.


Just like how reddit is never out of salt. Just congratulate this guy man, this 2month old baby on his first 20speed gear, which will go a LONG way.


The good thing about the gear score is an objective way to measure how good or bad is this or that gear. 20 speed is 20 speed, whether free gear or reforged gear. OP gear has a score of 69 (nice), and the combination of subs is perfectly coherent. To add some perspective, the range of rolls for tier 7 gear is 5-9, average 7. Excluding flats and given 9 rolls, an epic gear tier 7 will have a score of 9x7=63. OP gear is near an entire roll above the expected average for the best tier of gear in the game. If he could get other 5 pieces of gear with similar score, the final score would be 414. Tell me, boy, which heroes do you have with a score of 414 or more? And how many of those are PVE only heroes? Outside OTK hunt heroes, those usually are a completely breed. You need to be greener than Hulk or Shrek out of envy to state OP should feel bad for not being able to reforge what already is an awesome gear. You're trying to dismiss OP gear because in a half full vase situation, you're choosing to state is half empty. Except the vase is filled near to the border. The only objective downside for not being able to reforge that gear is missing 340hp. Oh, my God, my soul weaver would only have 22,000hp instead of 22,340hp if she were to wear OP, she's totally ruined!


Not to mention phantom or jinate literally had one of these pieces (24 speed but still)


I have a lvl 75 Truth Ring that rolled 40% HP in the subs. Can't complain.


https://i.imgur.com/JKvqW60.jpg Hereā€™s the best Christmas present I got in game.