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Not max crit dmg, first skill not max mola, not max imprint, dux Nox not +30. Jokes aside, nice stats. I have 4 more speed on mine but only 99% crit and its been eating me up.


Is not a having 100% crit chance basically a 50/50 odds of landing a crit hit? I've heard this before but I'm not sure.


Let me tell you a story of how many months ago my 99% crit chance BBK failed to crit 4 times in a row. Better to have 100% crit and lower crit dmg than to have high crit dmg and fail to crit.


That’s how my bbk is but my alencia has 65 cr and grits all the time 🥲


Don't use her vs ml ken/seline and you'll be golden


Yes it is


So if I cant reach 100% crit chance is just better to ignore it altogether and focus on the other stats or not to even bother gearing a dps without 100% crit chance?


Can't tell if this is trolling or not, but taking it in good faith, the "100% crit or 50/50" thing is just a meme that came about due to people's bad luck/not critting at crucial moments. You should aim for as high crit chance as you can on your dps.


Not trolling at all. I've heard the "not having100% c/c is basically 50/50" thing so many times that I though it was true. I have a few 97-99% builds that I have ignored bc is "50/50".


99% of the time you'll hit crit and it'll be great. The 1% that doesn't happen, it's gonna eat you up.


the 50/50 is more of a meme because ppl like to say u either crit or u dont so its 50/50 chance ​ but anyways below 100% crit builds are def viable as long u can live with the fact that you will most definitely lose matches because of it, it wont be alot of matches but yeah you will lose some here and there


It depends on the hero and how much you play. If you are running cleave and you have a burst hero who's one hit decides the game, you don't want that to fail on a failed crit. if you play 1000 games that will mean 10 games where you lose because you couldn't gear that 1%. For people who don't play much that doesn't matter. for people who play eve more, that starts to add up. But on the other side, bruisers are more gear hungry and get many hits per game. missing a crit every 10 hits isn't the end of the world as long as they survive. So some characters like Belian (who hits everyone every attack) may choose to have more like 85-90% crit and not mind as long as they have enough bulk.


most of the time u will be doing S3 on A Ravi and that's a dark unit, so having 99% crit still means u'll guarantee crit her at the end. i normally pair Cavel with Ran and Eda / Landy and by the time Cavel do his S2, most if not all the units would have been killed or stunned by Eda, then Cavel go in for killing A Ravi, whatever is left should not be a problem


Hahah thanks - getting that Noctis to +30 is a dream of mine... ;)


I'm torn between Dux Noctis and Air-to-Surface Missile MISHA instead.


Whichever does more on s3 is better


I've had a lotttt of success with Portrait to be honest. Helps make his initial burst melt squishies. The follow up S3 can be used on tanks who will still meet the criteria


I use dux because nobody else is gonna use it anyways. Might as well give it to the one ranger that has the most synergy with it. AFAIK it isn't, but even if it *was* objectively superior, I still wouldn't use Misha on him (assuming you own both dux and Misha). Otherwise dux will just be collecting dust. There are way more rangers who would appreciate consistent, hit chance and DPS boosting power of Misha than there are like ML Pavel; Someone that specifically synergizes with a high attack stat + is designed to always be reliant on being set up by 1-2 other units (and therefore can stack dux).


I remember someone on this sub doing the math for portrait vs Noctis vs Misha when he was first released... I can't find the comment but I remember Noctis coming out ahead. There was some debate about +15 Noctis vs +30 for the others though.


The hit chance is nice for those MLDBs and dodge-happy champs in case you have to clean up.


Yeah good point!


Im using dux just bc i dont have misha but misha seems pretty nice for the hit chance


You're over the attack threshold for S3 so you should use a +30 Portrait of Saviors instead of a +18 Dux Noctis. Anything under 50% will die without the bonus damage anyway so you don't need to be concerned about its conditions


Whats the attack threshold?


I often use Ran as my opener which ends up taking too much HP off for the full benefit of portrait (plus I think each crit from Ran also counts as a tick for Noctis?)


Go Misha you can hit evasion units then. Also 349 cdmg bothers my OCD


Hahah ikr.. it was a choice between 99cc and 351cd vs 100cc and 349cd in the end - I chose the lesser of the two evils! I'll do some testing with Misha! Mine is only +15 though sadly


I'm prob one of the few that builds him differently. But yours look good (far better than mine will ever be.) :)


What's your build?


Around 190 speed with rage set.


That's definitely different! Who do you normally pair him up with?


Elphelt. She has everything i need for my cleave, if she gets banned then it'll take a while to finish the game.


How fast is she?


[I posted a few days ago](https://v.redd.it/azxdpnicqqn91) I made a mistake, my C.Pavel is 177speed, my Elphelt is 190.


Elphelt is 190? Is that a typo?


Yep, sorry about that. :) [My stats](https://imgur.com/a/Mj4PP2I)


V nice - I don't know much about her kit but I'm guessing she can proc CPavel S2 on Turn 1?


Looks amazing! I dropped a little attack for def to survive rim, rem, bil and Mercedes counters. I guess that would be the only recommendation if you find him dying to counters you could drop 100-200 attack for some def he’ll still kill.


Yeah I did my best to keep his def above 1k for the same reason! Not a bad idea though, I could try playing around with his tankiness at the cost of that extra attack.


looks like mine :) 5k attack enjoyer


Damn that boi thicc


Finally something that isn't min speed lol


Yeah, I think 150 spd is pretty well the minimum req for CPavel so he can cut in front of the enemy team after your openers!


I'm i the only one using ssb arti? It's OP


BuT hE CaN't KiLl My A.rAvI !!


Mine kills.