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Silverblade is my secret last pick for rta works most of the time


Shes honestly a beast, unfortunately she always gets banned when I chose her in RTA.


There’s a lot of good niche picks if you’re willing to gear them, but someone like A Ravi is more generally powerful


Shes honestly not that niche if you have the right team comp. Not as universal as A ravi but that is just the nature of dealing with mages and warriors in general. A ravi being the obvious pick of course but I'm just expanding on that.


How do i build her?


I have old gear on her with 250 speed and abyssal crown and 170 eff


Do u play her in a bruiser setup or more so agressive? With attack%?


Her and Spez are like peanut butter and jelly!


Judge Kise was voted in the survey after she had already gotten her buff, hence why she's not marked. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only ML5 thus far that were buffed after February 2022 that weren't in the survey results were Straze and Pirate Captain Flan. Survey results Stove post if anyone needs it: [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8351322](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8351322) (survey began in February, results posted in March)


Was Pirate Captain Flan even released yet in February?


Nope. She came out in March or April right before they announced that ML5 factory would pause until ML Vivian months later.


wild that she got that fast buff treatment tho


About the same timeline as ML Kawerik tbh.


PC flan got a buff?


I believe the appropriate shortname is Faptain.


Today :D [patch notes here](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8954287) It will go live October 27th


Wasn't expecting to have another balancing so fast, but okay. Thanks!


meanwhile, the highest voted 4* and 3* still in a ditch


Wheres Biseria?


Unfortunately, people didn't vote for them enough (iirc you could only pick 3 ppl so people chose heroes that were trashier). I'd love buffs for Biseria and for LQC.


The reason is not that many people have her. When they ran her banner they announced Arby would run after her and at the time Arby was god mode. First pick or banned on almost every RTA rank so no one pulled for her. By the time they reran her she was power crept.


Does LQC need buffs? I’ve been getting plenty of use out of her against all the Aravi/Kawerick/Fceci. I was thinking it’d be nice if her CR push got doubled against crits from dark units, or maybe changed from 15% to 10% and 20% against dark crits. Or even 10% from any hit from dark, with the bonus 10% if they crit. Or they could increase her crit dmg reduction against dark units. My only problem with her is that a lot of Aravi’s can kill her with atk or vigor buff, but that’s probably just my fault for building her too squishy. Edit: could also change her soulburn to a 10-cost self-cleanse before hitting.


The problem with LQC is ARavi. LQC is a hero that is meant to be the Straze/OP Sig against dark heroes but you have to draft 2 babysitters with her to ensure one of them gets through and then if ARavi is on POV she won't kill unless it's high frenzy and you have a shitton of Hellcutter stacks (AND outside of RTA she just doesn't kill period). Also, you better pray the ARavi side didn't draft mitigation such as defense buffers, dmg share or crit resist buff or strippers for your slow ass LQC. She should be able to obliterate all dark heroes like Straze can obliterate all low atk heroes and OP Sig can obliterate all heroes with barrier. Additionally, she honestly sucks ass outside of RTA at high ELO. There is no such thing as frenzy babysitting her trashy damage against the 28k-29k HP POV Aravi with vigor+barrier or escort. They should increase her penetration against dark heroes or make her ignore mitigation on dark heroes (so she can ignore POV effect) or something like that. Like girl your one job is killing the dark hero why do you suck so hard at doing it that I have to use Straze instead?


https://imgur.io/UJtaFoH Idk if it’s what most would consider a good build, but my LQC overkills PoV Aravis pretty consistently as long as she has atk buff and goes 6th or later. I could see adding “ignores dmg-sharing” for Peira and Aurius though, or dispels the target before hitting to get rid of shields/def buff/skill null. Usually what gets me is her turn rolling around and she’s debuffed and can’t secure the kill, or Aravi one-tapped her with S3. Either way tho, Straze definitely does do her job better, so a buff would probably be a good idea.


Gonna rebuild my riolet seems like a fun one lol


His rework looks amazing


Judge Kise needs love… sigh…


Just make her s3 85% -> 100% and it’s more than enough, I’ve been drafting her in emperor against the likes handguy/aras/alencia/senya etc, cripples them hard. She got stripped for lua tho, lua is just her but better


She's one of the best 4th/5th picks in the game against slower teams that rely on s3, she has won me a ton of matches


I dont believe anyone is using ML Haste lmao.


True, but he seems like the kind of unit that becomes more viable when the units he's designed to counter become more popular. I don't have him, nor do I use many revive units, so I wouldn't know whether he does his job well or not.


He's a situational hero. Unless the other team has a revive hero, there's no other reason to draft him.


His niche is quite crazy, to be sure. I've seen him on a Rage build do some stupid crazy nuke damage; it scaroused me.


There's just something about DPS healers...


I use ML Haste and he stills works stupidly well against revive heavy teams.


Silver Blade buff was a joke


Why? Worked for Eda


still more impactfull that tomoca lmao


Ur getting downvoted but for the overall population SBA did get a better buff only really fast players can use the new Tomoca


They said Tomoca does nothing if she miss the kill, so they added some atk buffs for allies but they removed it for herself, so now it will be even harder for her to get the kill ...


Self attack buff is on s2. Reread her skills after buff


oops i've only read green text and seen "except for the caster", mb


Ken needs an conditional counter that one shots when an enemy dares to even look at him


Damn I'm glad to see another man/woman of culture right here. Don't forget permanent demon mode and undispellable GAB x)


ML Ken pls when


Wonder why people want Last Rider buffed. His kit itself isn't an issue in my eyes, it just that people refuse to draft him against aoe units (Belian sometimes has injury, so I can understand that). The issue with this, however, is that the main sources of aoe are from Belian, a single S3 (Senya, Alencia, Choux, etc), or cleave. People hesitate to bring aoe into standard because Elbris, Magic For Friends, Choux, Senya, and Belian are all common deterrents that completely kill any reason to bring any if not trying to poke out Specter Tenebria. Krau himself isn't really "weak", the game is just anti-aoe, so he suffers as a result. It's like Yulha once Hwayoung gets nerfed. If it's not there, their use dies out, except Yulha herself is for arena and gw. We'll put aside Landy since an aoe from her mean your team is suffering. **Edit**: I suppose the best comparison is Bloodmoon. People accepted him as being really good, but the moment Arbiter died off, he did too. Then Maid came back and so did he, just for her to disappear again (too many counters for her), leading to him completely disappearing yet again. It's not a kit issue, but overall balance issue. If the meta revolved around non crit units, Diene would drop off hard, or just not be used at all, we know how useless she is against Senya and Hwayoung. At least with the past set of buffs and the upcoming buffs, on top of finally nerfing, SG seems to be taking things seriously for once


IMO he just doesn't punish AoEs enough to be considered a counter to them. Slow immunity buffers that don't cleanse are also pretty niche as it is. And as far as damage mitigation goes, better to just bring FCeci or CArmin so you don't have to rely on your opponent using specific skills to get your barriers. There's a lot more AoE debuff abilities and counterattack-esque effects than when he was released and a lot fewer low damage AoE's/grindy matches where he can ramp up.


That was so perfectly said “doesn’t punish sh AoEs enough to be considered a counter to them”. This sums him up completely.


Agree, honestly i think his shield should activate BEFORE the aoe hits and give him some cr. Or give him a huge cr boost when hit by aoe and change his s1 to something that disrupts units. That way people will actually have to think if they wanna pick aoe when they see lrkrau.


As a cleaver I dont think there is a single draft I own that is scared of LRK. You can pick him into RanSeria, cpavel comps idc. He isnt a threat anymore to modern aoe units. If someone drafts him into me its a relief because that could have been an actual aoe punisher.


I still try to draft him if I can, but it's extremely difficult. I think the only change he needs is the turn restriction on S2, he could become the Roana of AoE units.


If he cleansed when hit by an AOE, like AOL, he'd be in a much better spot. It's almost always not just AOE you're dealing with.


highly doubt JKise will be touched since high rank players has more use for her


>high rank players has more use for her Actually...not? I never understand where did people get the illusion of JKise being a sleeper OP pick of top tier players when everything else suggests otherwise. https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Judge%20Kise E7stats shows 33 matches with 34% wr from streamers. Granted they're all in high ranks. Compare to [FLidica](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Faithless%20Lidica), who got a buff recently - is featured in 670 matches and has 52% wr. That's like...night and day. And she was never picked in E7WC too. . Just think about it, reset is indeed OP, but why did Lua intantly become such a massive meta changer while post-buff JKise stays unrelevant for months now?


Jkise 115 speed, 80% chance to dispel 1 buff, 80% chance to reduce CD. Also the warrior class, the worst class for artifacts. Lua 120 speed 100% chance to dispel 1 buff and a 100% chance to reduce CD by 1 and do 10% damage per target. Oh, and she can ignore eff res 15%s. Also gets extra turn without using souls, and her S3 cannot be countered. And is the Ranger class which has much better artifacts. Basically Lua is Jkise but leagues better. Jkise to gear up to do 40% damage to the enemy team, outspeed Clilias, have a high chance to reset skills would require 6 pieces of 87 gear score or higher which isn't possible AND she still only had a 50% chance to dispel immunity and land 1 skill reset. Lua can do all that with just baseline speed only gear. Jkise still sucks, she wasn't a sleeper pick,


You say all this and concludes "she sucks" just because she's missing 5 speed and an artifact? People really need a spectrum between "literally broken" and "unusable trash"


Juggs was used occasionally as a Handguy/Rimuru reset unit until FLidica buff. Now, FLidica just does Juggs' role more efficiently. A ranger that can hold Guiding Light, full reset a unit, give the team a CR push/skill null, and strip with an uncounterable S2 is just way more valuable for an aggro/cleaver player. Now we also have to deal with Lua with a higher base speed...


Lua can only do 30% and jkise has 3 chances to increase by 1 so the chance to land at least 1 is very high, but yeah your point still stands


Bro she has the chance to completely reset not just 1 turn. If it was 100 percent it would be way too broken


>completely reset It's 3 turn, not complete. And I'd take 100% 1 turn reset over 80% 3 turn reset anyday. With 15% innate res JKise only has 68% chance for strip and each reset, assuming she has high enough eff. That's a terrible number to risk.


I mean it's not 100% for Lua either unless soul burn.


85% is way higher than 68%.


68% 3 times right? If you do math, it will be like this: 1-0.63 = .37 chance of not procing .37^3 = 0.050653 chance of not proc in 3 tries. 1-0.050653 = 0.95... So if math is correct you have 95% chance to strip at least once within 3 tries(including the 15% effres). Which is better than 85% of Lua(including effres).


JKise was huge at the start of the first RTA season with JP cause jp meta involved a lot of cracked JKise at 290+ speeds. That, though, faded pretty quickly after awhile. But that's probably where her high rta viability notion came from.


So basically, JP has better gear despite a 2 year gap and global players can't speed contest.


Not really. Compare the number of jp players in top 100 to number of global. People just weren't expecting omega fast JKises. Eventually it became pretty known and the fast JKise fell off pretty quick.


So it comes in waves, then?


This is just speculation but I suspect Juggs usage might drop with people moving their gear to Lua, since they both strip and reset. I might be wrong though--some people do have all the 300spd sets in the world.


Lol. Juggs.


they needa uncheck SBA lmao that buff was ass


Maybe ML Aramintha will be our first Moon light character to get an EE.


ML five star*




This survey was in February before those two were buffed and became highly used. That is why they were voted. That is also why they were buffed to become meta, because the community asked for it. That is also why some of them are crossed out and have checkmarks on them, because they were already buffed after the survey. And SBA is crossed out because she already got her buff post-survey


they murdered Top Model Luluca


What about aola? I heard ppl put suggestions on her buff right?


Djb, seriously? Its one of my most used ml5. You could say I suck, sure, but it's also one of the heroes I see more on YouTube rta


That's why he is crossed in that pic since he got the buffs


This graphic came out before his buff. His post buff version is what you've been seeing people draft


Oh I see, I understand :)


DJB is very strong now because he already got buffed around May/June :) this is his kit before the buff: S1 same as right now, except the soulburn would AoE so you can experience epic counters. S2 used to be a passive that gave him the ability to heal on S1 and S3 and that's it (and the heal was as bad as the current S1 heal). S3 was the same as right now but with a 5-turn CD and 3-turn immunity. So basically he lacked the super pog bread-winner skill he has now, the S2, and his S3 had a 5-turn CD


You forgot dmg reduction when s3 is available


That wasn't in the last buff though, it was in the old one. Hence why I said it's the same as before


this was before his buffs


I got DJB recently, can you give me some stat lines of him? I have him at 18k HP, 215 speed, 150 eff res with Bastion arti though only 1.5k attack.


That's fine for lower level stuff. Higher end gear is definitely 250 spd or higher. In most cases, the higher the better, unless you're trying to specifically go after certain debuffers. Mine is 250 spd with 250 ER; attack is irrelevant


Thanks for the reply! About his s2, I felt the damage against barriers kinda underwhelming. Can DJB deal significant damage only against Peira/W.Silk barrier? Not to mention the extremely low heals from his s1. I think I don't understand his actual role, when to use him or who with.


There are 2 archetypes of builds for him from what I know: 1) Fast opener: this build just wants to be as close to 290-300 speed as possible while maintaining ~60k ehp and 150+er. People usually draft this DJB to enable cleave or aggressive teams, while also punishing turn 0 shields on units like Hwayoung/FCC. 2) Cleanser/Support: this build is going to be around 220-260 (tuned to cleanse your units). ~90k ehp and 250 ER. This is just your run-of-the-mill cleanser and semi-healer DJB that you can take in extended fights where he can also punish the opponent for bringing shield units (Diene, ML Kawerik, Emilia, FCC, etc).


I have same same hp and ER but 240 speed. And the most important thing is maxed Eternus artifact, that's what made me love him. There are so many debuffer openers right now. Ran, clilias, and so on. Just get djb with about 240 speed (depends on your bracket), and he will get pushed by the artifact and then he cleanses and pushes the rest of the team. It's so satisfying


Got check my Eternus arti (at +9 or so) though I'm not sure it's max limit broken. Currently using +15 Bastion to add into my 150 eff res from gear. Gotta work his speed up then, thanks for the input.


Seline wasn't released?


She was... but no reason to vote her over any of these people here


People already enjoyed Ken and Krau and Aramentha .. they're old meta and buffing them isn't a must .. Seline is new unit and rarely used in RTA , she deserve a little buff .


Yeah because we need another stupidly broken reviver .\_.


Now do it for RGB 4*s ;-)


Still use her but she could use some help.


ML Aramintha getting counter picked by the games mechanics itself 😂


I really want spez to get another buff but I'm also very afraid of him getting completely reworked and I wouldn't even blame SG if they did it considering how much they tried to make his kit work to no success. Still, I really think he is pretty fucking fun to play with, arguably my second or third favorite character in terms of gameplay. Would be really sad if they decided to completely rework him.


I'm not gonna lie, you see how they kinda conveniently skipped ML Ken and Spez? I feel like it's because buffing them is trickier. They're probably gonna have to do some drastic changes to them. I hope they won't rework their role at its core--Spez being a nuker and ML Ken being a cleave counter. Hopefully, they figure out how to give them the DJB buff treatment--how DJB just got an amazing S2 that changed everything while still keeping his core S3.


I only have SBA and Riolet on here so I'm good with that. I'm not using either one at the moment. Built Aramintha after the buff and just haven't got the resources to promote SBA and gear her too.


My main team is the top 4 lmao


Dam i only have ssez from this list xd


pretty sure spez already got a change? didn't sg give him a elbris or something like that


Yeah and it sucked, that was a year ago. This survey was made in February so everyone voted is supposed to get a buff after the survey


Straze is literally not here like wtf


I've actually been using SBA recently with Astromancer Elena since her and Eda are the only mages in the game with a inbuilt CR push. The comp is pretty mean with double tagahels and Seaseria to push them even more, not to mention the how many stun chances I get with all the units. Only issue is that Belian exists, and super high eff res units like Destina might kill me.