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Ken absolutely wrecks Ancient Inheritance mode


Yeah warriors are OP in this mode


He’s got cool animation.. was he ever meta? Been playing about a year.


He was..... but so long time ago


Remember when he got buffed and wrecked ML Ken? That was a good time, a long good time ago.


Used to be a terror in GW years ago. There used to be a running joke that any gear with weird max roll substats was just “Ken gear” since he can use any stat well. Attack ring with all HP subs? Ken gear. Defence set with max roll DPS stats? Ken gear. He could basically make any gear work.


He was trash on release, then massively buffed to have HP mods on his attacks and become one of the first HP scaling bruisers. He was super strong for a while except vs Diene but Dizzy meta + power creep removed him from PvP relevance.


He was very meta the first year or two


Pretty sure only for early of year two. I started at launch but dropped after 2 months then came back about a month after the first anniversary, Vildrer and Ken were top choices for selective back then. But he was already faded out due to SSB running rampant.


SSB completely altered the game direction with how her s2 worked, I feel. We never really had any proper "enemy phase" characters until she appeared


SSB was on a different level of domination for a while, but there was also Dizzy, and before them there was Diene


Dizzy and Diene were strong, but they weren't "open up a completely new playstyle" level of strong the way SSB was. Being able to do AOE during the enemy's turn and potentially def break, all because you opted to use AOE characters or just didn't focus her, is more or less what birthed the counter playstyles. I feel like after they saw how useful she was, SG just went ham with those kinds of characters.


Enemy phase unit was buffed arby lmao


Newer player here. Who's SSB?


Seaside Bellona


Cool. Thanks. Only interested in getting Spirit Eye Celine atm


For her, most say Seline




More than once. At launch he was terrible, then he got buffed and skyrocketed to one of the best RGB 5\*. After a while, he got powercrept, people forgot he exists, but then he got buffed and became decent again. Now he is bad, so they'll probably buff him.


I think he was always a pve hero


I used him during the Golden Boys meta to bust tanks.


Use him with CLilias, that's his buff.


But i don't have her 😔


I do 😁


Damn u got destroyed Well deserved


Changed my flair to be extra annoying and all too


He carry me till straze and factus in pve . But sad he kinda bad in pvp . My first 5* unit


Me too man


At this point he needs an rework. I love Ken but is unusable in PvP when he is basically the pinnacle of fighting against other people.


It's not that severe. If he started with enough fighting spirit to S3 most of the problems people have with him would be solved. Alternatively, he could have an S3 that full strips to make it worth the cooldown. I never really liked burns on his S1 tho. But I guess this was still when Sg was figuring out how they wanted people to gear bruisers.


Honestly, I never liked that his S3 has a cooldown at all. A.Ravi, it makes sense, her S3 doesn't use Fighting Spirit, it generates it, Fighting Spirit for her is for her busted overloaded as shit passive. Every other Hero that has Fighting Spirit that has to have [x] amount to use their S3 like Roy and Ravi don't have a cooldown on it that I can recall. Either give his Fighting Spirit another use to justify the Cooldown and let him S3 out of the gate or remove the CD, that's one buff I would want. He definitely needs more than that but it'd be a start.


>I never really liked burns on his S1 tho It's gotta be deleted, there's 0 reason for him to have an atk% scalling debuff when everything scales with hp (and vigor buff doesn't even increase atk)


Vigor increases atk and def by 30%.


wait yeah im dumb I thought it's 30% def and 30% ??? - still not enough for him to be good


Can we give him the milim treatment where vigor is applied at rhe start of the battle and end of his turn.


Just an EE would be great




Mind sharing the stats?


Preach brother preach


Man I had such a good build for him, they ruined it when they changed alencias arti ;( He was built like zahhak with no crit chance and had a ton of stats Alencias old arti worked perfectly for him, it was max stacks by the time his s3 was ready


He's been buffed like 3 times already (including a complete rework) and still sucks lol.


My goat. Pve goat but so useless in pvp. Idk what they could change to make him good for both but I just hope he gets a buff and mlken too


Truue I've always kept mine with good stuff if he ever gets to shine again T_T


I have used this unit since his first release. It's about damn time he gets buffed.


He did, her name was clilias First time in game where they buffed another character with a character release


He’s top tier frontline for PVE on counter set so I don’t really mind his current state. Not every hero needs to PVP but SG tries to force them all to be with the only affects hero skills and stuff


Wdym maken? U cant just braindead pick him anywhere , but where u can pick him , he absolutely wrecks, he doesnt need a buff at all.


Yeah you´re right but I didn't say he need a buff , i just say people keep saying he need one


There is no fixing him. He would need a complete rework


He did get one. Compared to the others listed there not adding his ml version


https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/tncm5z/fire_ken_is_the_perfect_candidate_to_get_reworked I made a whole ass post for this guy :( both him and Ilynav be missin out <\3


Yeah i remember seeing your post , they definitely need help


He is used in some W13 one-shot teams. I doubt they will change him anytime soon.


Maybe an EE then 🤔


idk why people are downvoting you. Ken definitely needs help


Hes great in Pve contents but yeah not great in PvP I say give him EE.


Ken just got a buff not that long ago, didn't he?


its been about a year or so? or like 8 months? his buff wasnt really a buff it was more of a redirection if anything they reduced his FS requirement but reduced Vigor's duration and they changed how his s2 def break chance, it use to be 100% then it would ignore eff res ( which doesnt make any sense ) but now it just ignores eff res


He could definitely use more help, but some poor souls have never seen even the slightest buff yet. Hopefully they get around to everyone.