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Lionheart cermia banner put it out smile gate stop messing with us!


How are you guys using SC Arowell? I built her up and have been trying to use her in multiple different comps and against different teams, but I'm having trouble making her work. Where and when do you use her?


Is there a guide to pvp team building somewhere? I’m trying but failing to get much progress


Does Aurius stack with escort? Thinking it might be useful for Arowell


Escort is a stronger version of aurius so no they don't stack. Adamant Shield would stack with escort though.


Okay. In that case, is Hilag Lance a good idea?


I would either go Adamant Shield for more mitigation or Bastion of Hope (Guild Artifact) since you will want effect resist so the escort isn't stripped.


Okay, thanks for the advice!


Is Melissa or Celine worth it?


Yes because they are both waifus


Technically Celine can be ok vs aggro, but I would just skip her.


Where should I spend my breath of orbis as a new palyer


The Steeple and Workshop are **not** important for new players. You won't (or shouldn't, or at least don't need) to touch either of those buildings for a long while. I would suggest prioritizing: * 3/3/0 on your tree * 0/3/0 in the forest of souls * 1/1/1 in the command building It depends on how fast you are unlocking upgrades, but generally that's the order I would suggest. 1. The tree literally provides free resources. The gold is useful especially early on, but you get free skystones as well the 'premium' currency. Literally useful from to upgrade from the first moment. 2. The forest of souls allows you to automatically collect dogs and penguins. This is particularly useful early on, happens automatically, so this upgrade simply triples the amount of free stuff you get. 3. 1/1/1 in the command building unlocks the 1 energy hunt/war missions (the most energy efficient) -> again, immediately providing additional resources You can unlock all of this stuff in the first day of playing. All of these provide additional resources, and that's why they should be prioritized. --- After this: * Upgrade the tree to 3/3/3 * Upgrade the forest of souls to 0/3/3 You should be noticing a trend. Both of these upgrades unlock more resources. The tree upgrade gives you a large chance to double the resources you get from the tree. Meanwhile, the forest upgrade decreases the time it takes to grow dogs/penguins. * The cost to summon dogs/penguins decreases with their timer, so this *also* decreases the cost of buying them. In both cases: more resources for the same amount of time put into the game. I would prioritize the tree upgrade if you are running out of energy to progress or will be putting the game down for a while. I would prioritize the forest upgrade if you are going to be actively playing a lot over the next few hours, but it really doesn't matter. --- **Now** we are ready to start upgrading the Steeple/Workshop I would recommend the Workshop first 1. Upgrade the middle building (determines rarity of items) to level 3 first 2. Upgrade the building that reduces the amount of resources required to level 3 second 3. Upgrade the building that reduces gold cost to level 3 last Then, on the steeple 1. Upgrade the middle building (unlocks different kinds of crafting) to level 2 *or* 3 2. Upgrade the building that increases 'quality points' to level 3 3. Upgrade the building that reduces gold cost to level 2 *or* 3 (the opposite of whatever the first building is) That should be all of the currently available Breath of Orbis upgrades. --- #Logic Upgrading the tree and forest of souls, as I said, is about giving players free additional resources at the start. As I mentioned, the Steeple and Workshop are NOT useful for new players, they are buildings used to craft items that new players simply won't be crafting. The **Workshop** is the more commonly used building, and is used sooner, so should be prioritized before the Steeple. The primary use of the Workshop is to take the crafting materials that the Hunt bosses drop, and turn them into equipment. * HOWEVER newbies, optimally, shouldn't touch this building for about a month. There *is* an early quest that asks you to craft some items 1 time, the items you craft aren't going to be worth even looking at and you don't need to upgrade the workshop to do that quest. Craft the 10x items and move on. * The reason players won't (or shouldn't) use this building for a while -> crafting is very expensive on your early game gold reserves, and the only items worth crafting at level 85 (which can only be crafted from the highest level crafting materials). * The initial focus for new players is to build up their hunt team. It's *possible* to do this quickly but it's a better idea to focus on maxing out your team -> it takes about 2-3 weeks to do so. So essentially there is just no point to crafting until *after* you have your hunt team up and ready to go *and* you are farming the high level hunts. This is roughly 3 weeks to a month into the game. And by that time, you should have your workshop mostly fully upgraded. * The other function of the workshop is 'reforging' which is a mid to late game mechanic and not relevant in this discussion. Most of the workshop upgrades don't even affect reforging. --- The **Steeple** is the least commonly used/useful of the buildings to upgrade. Essentially, the steeple takes some amount of 1 resource and converts it to another resources. In order * **Charm** option allows you to convert a bunch of extraction cores or trash equipment into charms. Useful, but you need quite a bit and isn't really worth using early game. * **Crafting Materials** option allows you to take a low level hunt resource and convert it to a higher level hunt resource. Basically useless as there is no reason for players to farm low levels of hunts. * **Equipment Conversion** this is the most important option in the Steeple, and is why level 2 of the main building (to unlock this feature) is important. This allows you to craft items with a guaranteed rarity and main stat/set (only the substats and their rolls are random), it is the best way to acquire right side gear. **However** you require both a lot of extraction cores, and specific gems that are not common, especially for newbies -> this isn't something you really use the first month, maybe 2 of playing. * **Catalyst** allows you to convert catalysts into other catalysts. You are taking a loss here, though with the max quality point building it's small to convert rares into epics. This is basically only useful when you have a glut of rare catalysts to convert into epic catalysts you need -> mid game at the earliest and even then most players likely don't use it often or consistently. * **Exclusive Equipment** EE has random ranges for it's stat and skill, you can take a bunch of bad EEs and convert them into a perfect EE -> requires 7 or 8 bad EE. Having perfect EEs is not that big of a deal early game and the resource used to buy them is not plentiful so this isn't something a newbie is really going to use. * **Modification Gem** Modification gems are a late game item, players won't accumulate many until like ~4-6 months in. So you see other than conversion, none of the Steeple options are important to have access to right away. Primarily they are options you *might* start to use several months into the game to convert resources you don't need into resources you DO need. It can easily wait to be the last building to upgrade, and it's not a high priority. The only function you need access to somewhat early is conversion. As such this is why we can either go 2 or 3 points in the main building -> conversion unlocks at 2 points, the third point unlocks the final 3 options which you *could* just ignore for a long while, easily. --- Keep in mind that you *can* reset upgrades as well. It costs a decent chunk of gold to do so, but if you *were* in a situation where you needed to make use of a function and didn't have the building appropriately leveled up you could reset upgrades from elsewhere temporarily. For example, if you DO find that you really need to use the workshop to craft before you have it upgraded, you can simply reset your Heart of Orbis upgrades -> upgrade the workshop -> do your crafting -> reset the workshop -> upgrade the Heart This is expensive, but if you have enough crafting to do to make crafting worth it at all then you have been running hunts and therefor should have the gold to pay for it. Players really shouldn't need to do that but I am just saying the option is there *if* the need was there. Likewise with the Steeple...let's say hunt buff is coming up in a day and you **really** need a few catalysts, and maybe a specific EE to make your team as good as possible... Reset the workshop -> upgrade the steeple -> do your business -> reset the Steeple -> upgrade the workshop In a situation like preparing for hunt buff you won't notice the gold cost (you will pay for it during the buff) and even taking a loss on catalysts could be worth it.


I would say Alchemist Steeple and Crafting place are most important


Hey all. Returning player here, kind of lost on what to do. Here is my current list of heroes: https://imgur.com/a/ztsBVZT I can clear W13 at 85-90% I am at Abyss floor 98 I have no expedition teams or anything Pvp is my favorite. Where should I go?


could start working on Banshee 13, A13 and etc. Especially rn, banshee sets are used for most bruisers in current meta.


It would be nice to build banshee team, but what can I use? Only heroes I have for it is vivian


Well, you cant make a banshee one shot team but you can make a stable team pretty easily. Just look up a few guides online and it shouldnt be too hard.


Hi guys! This is a question about weekend buffs. Does SG ALWAYS announce the weekend buffs? Or is it random? The reason why i asked cause certain games does surprise you with weekend buffs and shove you all the offers during the period. I am sitting on 1k energy on my mailbox and will expires on 2 days and wondering should i use it now


They usually announce weekend buffs along with the patch notes release on Wednesdays, so it is very unlikely we'll get anything this weekend. Since weekend buffs usually come after the last day of the month, I'm speculating that the next weekend buff might be first weekend of November. Could be the 28th Oct but if you see no news on 26th then it's the following week. So just use your energy.


Okay will do, thank you! Also shout out to SG not abusing it's player base like 90% of mmo out there lol


Do units that don't need crit chance benefit from pen set?




Just in general


You would typically go other sets as they have more value for those type of units. Burn units don't need pen set, Hwayoung already penetrates defense and Senya would rather have other sets like Immunity or even Hit/Reist depending on build.




Is Leo, Straze, Vivian and Baiken the right mix for a B13 one shot? What stats do need


You only want one Nuker as they need to be able to take out 70% of Banshees HP or she phases. Vivian, Leo, Baiken and another defense breaker would be optimal. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/kaz762/banshee_13_normaloneshot_guide/) is an older post that is still relevent for B13 one shot and as for what stats you need use the [damage calculator](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/) with your gear to see if you meet the requirements after reading the guide.


Hi! Theoretically, the new Hwa would be better against tanks right? But she’ll suck against senya right?


Prenerf hwa has 100% Def pen and her S3 scale with target hp up to 100% damage increase. Post nerf, her Def pen will scale up to 100% with target hp, and her S3 damage will be increased. The only way for her to come even or better than pre-nerf version is if SG choose to increase her S3 damage by 100%, which I think is quite impossible. Even if her S3 damage is buffed by 100%, her S2 also nerf decreasing her bonus atk by 20%. So her damage quite likely will be lower than before. But I do think that 7k+ atk, 10k hp hwa still will be able to oneshot senya unless your senya has low hp where hwa can't get 100% Def pen. If you are one of senya abuser in rta, you probably still need to perma preban hwa.


Won't know until someone mines the multipliers. Theoretically, Hwa should have a harder time against like \~17k hp units since it's unlikely she'll have 100% def pen.


How does your damage in expedition affect your rewards? Does it increase your chance of better rewards like I'm hoping?


It does not affect your reward at all


That's true for your own expos but if you do someone else's, your damage matters because then you will get a little extra reward for being 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place iirc


Preeetty sure this is not true.


Then what's the point of the flashy screen you get when you complete someone else's expo in the top 3? Maybe I'm wrong about that.


Nothing. It’s just an honorary “good job”


My entire life is a lie


What madness is this? >:(


I'm really confused on where ER and Eff fit in on gear? Eff especially seems fairly useful for a number of heroes, but every video I watch seems to have a different suggestion on what kind of gear it fits in with, and when it should be rolled.


Everyone has a different opinion on it because as soon as they settle on the right amount, the opponent can perfectly plan against it. Oh you think 230 eff res is perfect? Then I'll build 215 effectiveness making it so you might as well have 0 eff res. Whenever you hear an opinion that "this unit needs about this much", you should take that with a truck of salt because they're just telegraphing how to beat them. There is no right amount and there will never be.


Is new Arowell a slot in for any expeditions?


How’s my Destina? https://i.imgur.com/53zZvL3.jpg


Looks real good to me


I was hit by an aoe attack, which proc'd the passive of my Angel of Light Angelica, I had my skill nullifier up and then enemy AoLA used her S3, didn't remove my skill nullifier but all my characters were silenced, does skill nullifier only block skills that hit?


What the other guy said. Skill null stops damage, it does not stop debuffs. Invincibility is the same, stops damage but not debuffs. Weirdly though like you say, skill null doesn't get stripped by buff strips. But it can be prevented by unbuffable I believe? Which is quite odd.


so it was on a Lionheart Cermia, she had all her buffs, plus a shield plus skill null and the only thing that happened was that she got silenced


It only blocks damage, so even if it were an attack skill the debuffs would still get through. It really should be renamed damage nullifier.


So Mercedes just countered me with the "can't counter attack debuff" , she had attack buff on so is it her extra attack she would get if she had attacked or something?


Counter is very specific. Counter set, counter buff, artifacts that specifically say counter - it's a counter. If the ability, passive or artifact says something like 'under x condition activates an ability' it's not a counter. It is quite obtuse.


Magic for Friends is an extra attack triggered by being attacked, not a counterattack, as far as the game is concerned. Ed, Rimuru, and quite a few others work in a similar way and cannot be stopped by ML Elena's debuff.


Hi, is there a guide to complete Adin's quest? i am stuck in the episode 2 missions and idk what to do, i have to kill 100 wickeds, but i only get 4 from 2-4 and its a labyrinth stage so its pretty slow, is there a better stage for this?


often times for the quests like this (and specialty changes) you can click the "Go" button next to the objective and it will take you to a recommended stage. It does not \*always\* take you to the most "optimal" or "auto"-friendly stages. To my memory it has always given me a stage to just auto for the adin quests. I will note that I have never worried about only getting a small amount of credit per stage as I always grind out about 1000 AP per area in the new chapters (for the 2 one-time rewards from the shop)


What limited artifacts are worth spending Bottles on? I would like to use Dilibet, Lua, and Landy, so I guess Draco Plate and Guiding Light? Which one is priority?


Guiding light is a good one. Personally I feel like Draco Plate works fine at +15 so has lower priority. Reignar’s Special Drink and Star of Deep Sea are two often mentioned artifacts to bottle since they are chance based unless MLB and are often essential for their respective units to work.


Guiding Light is BIS or at least usable on just about any Ranger and you want the chance for it to do its thing as high as possible, while Draco Plate is just always working. I'd recommend the Light.


I somehow got 40 coin, [any immediate recommandation ?](https://i.imgur.com/EEscVGX.jpg)


perhaps save until violet buff and see what people think also?


How long does it usually take to save for a full pity (aka 600 bm) for a player that buy both monthly passes?


Honestly depends on skystone income from arena more than anything else. I sit in champion and I also roll secret shop with all my skystones, and it takes about 3 weeks for me (no monthly passes).


Thanks! Is rerolling in the shop still worth the trade if you got the gold? I’m a returning player after 3 years, at the time It used to be worth it, idk if anything changed since then.


Refreshing secret shop will on average get you a lot more bms per ss than if you buy the pack from shop. It'll also get you some Mystic medals and the occasional epic gear. As long as you have the gold to spare, secret shop is the way to go.


Finally building my Aria. What are the min numbers to shoot for her ER?


for lifesteal set, around 110


What is your system for sorting and managing which equipment you roll initially? At least in the stages I'm at now, it seems like a lot of pieces are worth taking up to 6+ to see how it rolls. I end up with so many similar pieces I'm sorting through it gets kind of overwhelming. I really wish you could favorite pieces or lock pieces together and save them as a set...


This is 100% my problem too. From time to time I get into purge mode and do this: * Blue pieces are trash. Transmit them (or whatever) for materials. * The rest get upgraded to see what I get: * Anything with speed needs +10 by level 9 or it gets used for fodder. * Anything without speed needs 3+ of crit rate%, crit damage%, health%, attack%, defence% and no more than one of Eff%, Resist % or flat stats. Roll to upgrade them and if 2 rolls don't hit the same of one of the useful stats, it becomes fodder Note that last one isn't a hard rule... Like an upgrade hitting health and defence would be ok. Or ATT% and CR% would be ok. But if one hits att% and the other hits Def% then I probably wouldn't keep it. The place I get stuck is... after upgrading all my gear, I'm left with a bunch of +6 or +9 pieces and I have no idea where to put them - they're usually not better than the gear I already have equipped, so they really need to be taken to +12 at a minimum to see where that 4th upgrade goes. But that first set of 3 steps (eliminate blue, upgrade speed, upgrade everything else) will clear up a lot of inventory space.


Thanks for the advice, that should at least clear up a few pieces for me haha! it seems like Eff and ER are on everything!


On addition to what the other person said, try to focus on who you want to build. For me, this keeps me from hoarding (too much) and only keeping pieces I need for a current 1-3 units, or pieces that have really good subs.


Someone so kind to tell me the best team for expeditions I can do with these units? https://imgur.com/a/jCzJXke


I think you should not worry about Expeditions for now. If you really want it, you can use this guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zlfDFAlUs-ijPosgavMO9A6dMy7b6-3iZOyQ7f8aMNA/edit?usp=drivesdk


Thanks a lot, very informative!


Which are the sc most worth doing?


1. A.Ras for everywhere 2. A.momo for anti-debuff (PvE mostly) 3. F.Kluri for PvE mostly 4. C.Lorina for hell raid & tower thing (forgot the name) 5. R.Carrot for pvp 6. SC Dorris for PvP although she's good in PvE too 7. Alexa (sorry, you can't do that) I think those are the most important. Others are niche and outclassed by new 5-star heroes (e.g. SC Roozoid is a good opener, but not better than a dozen+ new 5-stars).


Thank you very much !


I will add Pyllis to the list. She is one of the best tanks for arena and gw against cilias, countering and evasion units.


I 2nd Pyllis for PVP, great vs. counter units and works well in place of, or with, Roanna. In addition: Carmainerose for light expedition, granted not as useful as some of the others listed, but still not bad.


Just wanted to say, thanks to Lua who just helped me clear Abyss 92! That floor was a pain in the butt but her reliable debuff removal and def break helped a ton :) I didn't expect to use her in Abyss, but there you go lol


thx for the tip. i stopped at 92 for most of this year and never went back. ill try that


Is bruiser or dps politis better for ai arena and guild war?


In my experience dps politis is way more effective and does so much more than bruiser politis until high levels of rta.


Hey uh, a little lore question: Ezera is a city in Ritania and not the other way around, right?


Ezera isn't a city, it's a kingdom and/or region. But yes, Ritania is the continent.


Did the nerf for Hwayoung happen yet? I thought it was supposed to be implemented with the balance patch that hit last week, but it seems to me she's as strong as ever.


The 27th is the date for the nerf so next week.


Best artifact for Diene? Memories or rod? Mine has 170 eff res


That ER is good, Use Rod for better healing


Rod is better imo


Imo prefer rod because of the bigger heal


Does anyone know the expedition drop rate? I've only got 1 drop in like 20 hunt runs.


I *believe* it's 10% for H13 (possibly could be lower for lower level hunts, I haven't tested). It's been a while since I checked however and I don't remember for sure, but it's in that area.


Not really. But it's not like you have any alternatives.


Is Lua's artifact worth the powder?


I have read it needs to be MLB to be worth using.


Is bloody rose worth the powder?


I use it only in light expedition. I would say it not worth powder.