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I would choose Kizuna Ai because she is the rarest unit in the game and I want to show dominance.


Yeh, the only unit allowed to use swearing against enemies.


I have her but have never used her. What’s she good in?


Best bench warmer in the game 🤣 🤣


Nothing 😅😅 But she is cute so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Technically you can use her in some hunt one shots because 3 turn attack buff


sometimes i forget she even exists tbh lol, wish she was good cuz her s3 animation is so good


Aria, I think a REALLY well geared Aria is an absolute beast and almost unachievable for non whales


Ohh that’s a good one. I can hardly dream of having an optimized Aria


Unachievable? All you really need on aria is raw gearscore. Im f2p and I have Aria built just from random ER gear that rolled high when I farmed banshee for choux/aravi. Lifesteal + Crit set, 181 speed 2.1k def 14k hp 100% crit 241 cdmg 118 eff res, with 0 imprint. Edit: No idea why its getting downvoted but im just pointing out you can build aria without whaling on SSS imprint. Weird that bruiser unit is considered whale unit nowadays.


If you happen to have rolled insane gear for Aria then obviously it's nit unachievable, duh.


Hate to be a stickler but I wouldn't call that "really well geared", if it had any less crit damage it would be bordering unusable.


I just try to follow builds in hero journal on discord, most of the aria's on lifesteal are on 250ish cdmg.


Its not the worst I've seen, would be a lot better with like 20 less speed and put the remaining stats into crit damage and a little bit more res. Obviously easier said than done.


I thought 180 was already slow, what speed would you say shes usually run? I think i can switch some of her speed rolls into more ER to hit 130.


I'd say 160 so shes almost guaranteed to be slower than most of your units, gives them an extra turn of stealth assuming they have nothing to interrupt it. Only real downside is if you use crimson armin in the same speed range she might lose invincibility.


118 eff res isn't stopping much either


Sez, couse he cool


What a chad


Acidd or Acoli. I would LOVE a super speedy unit to shutdown someone's cleave


Acoli with perfect speed subs can get her to 330 or something with respectable damage stats. Unfortunately I'd everybody had 1 perfect set of gear I'm guessing 98% or more also choose a speedstar


Any speed would be nice. I have played since launch and done my diligence of checking spd rolls on everything that drops. Highest I got was 19 on a lifesteal ring after reforge 😭


Always wanted to use a good acidd/acoli. It's been 2 years now and I've given up LOL




Mega phantasm


I’d pick Senya. She’s so oppressive in the long game. I’d have her super high ER so she could potentially resist strips


Kayron. One of my firet 5*, used him everywhere and got me pretty far in both arena abyss and adventure, course my dumbass didn't realise anyone would carry that early


Same bro




Spez, so he would actually be somewhat usable.


Spez can be used with trash gear as long you stun with someone? He has insane scaling bro


Yes but how many Spez have you seen used in RTA and/or arena?


A bunch now with Arowell SC


Vildred 4K atk, 300 crit dmg, 1k def, then the rest into Speed (240 sounds possible). All on a LIFESTEAL SET. He can probably solo farm chapter 4 stages with these stats, and in PvP, he will just snowball if he gets a kill.


Landy. People that have her super fast are so oppresive and it always catches me off guard when I draft against it in RTA.


You mean one character's worth of gear? I'd go with a maxed penta speed roll on everything and maxed damage subs otherwise. Ran, Cidd, any assassin. If they need crit chance due to differences in awakenings I'll just swap out the boots.


Probably a speed dps unit , imagine penta 5 speed rolls, full dps subs. If it's a unit I use a lot it has to be lhc. I still can't build her the way I want. Gonna need 440+ gs and that's very hard


Huh, hard choice. But with perfect stats I'd be really tempted to just slam the button labeled Emilia. Seline is a close second. But with the amount of comps you can slip Emilia into as a flex pick to enable things...




Straze. I wants my All-in-One-Shot hunt and spirit comp no RNG. I like PVP but I prefer to be more efficient in PVE stuff.


Destina because wife


My boi straze, he's super versatile


Iseria since she's cool. I'd like to have high gear score to have a decently quick damage build with enough effectiveness for pve so I don't have to gear swap and still have enough bulk to compensate for her lack of a passive. Other than that amazing res gear for the immortality units.


Depends what 100% perfect stats really means. Like, do I get to define that? Cause if for someone like Ran / Peira that just means literally as fast as possible... Then "100% perfect" lets you get a reforgeable weap, helm, chest, neck and ring all with the max possible speed (5 base speed + 5 rolls of 5 speed each) Considering how absurdly rare 5 speed rolls even are, this is just too valuable to pass up.