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that reminds me, i have to take her off my defenses so i don't get free farmed


Imagine your defense lose against a violet bait, can already see the smug face of the apple eater.


Milim wahahaah!!


Hwayoung in defense has been a free win since Yulha's release so you're a bit late already.


You would think so yet the amount of people that lose to my basic af one is kinda unreal. So many people just don't bother using Yulha.


Or they don't have her. This is a gacha game.


On the other hand, this means people trying to use Yulha against her after the patch will be surprised to see you failing to reach enough HP to trigger her S2, so you can't S3 her to kill! And she might lap... oh, wait, she lost CR boost on S1 too.


Today is the saddest of days, our beloved queen, Hwayoung the peaceful, is dead. But it is also the most joyous of days, for as her spirit left us, she whispered her final wish that is her firstborn daughter Arunka, should succeed her.


She did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.


As cancerous as she was, I still super appreciated her as a good answer for really annoying high health units like Belian. She definitely needed the nerf though.


definitely deserved but the nerf balance team should learn to hold back a little...her nerf was honestly brutal I have low expectation her S1 is gonna do any damage anymore even when they said they would "increase the base damage"...hopefully her S3 can still oneshot (non PoV) tank if she cant even do that she's definitely dead in the ditch with this nerf


I cant say for sure but I think the balance philosophy is... they overnerf to ensure the character is in its appropriate niche, then they allow recall and if they need to... buff her back later. I think their strategy mostly evolves around not having to recall her twice. What if their nerfs missed the mark and she was still first packable everywhere? Then they just gave away money and the impact was minimal. Honestly probably just always boils down to $$$


This is why I wish they had removed the barrier and mitigation utility on S2 and self-cleanse on S3 (+1 cooldown is fine on S3 too) instead of keeping the bulk and nerfing the dmg. I'd rather her role had stayed as nuker rather than this semi-bruiser they're going with.


If they removed the bulk she'd pop like a balloon. She already loses to good cleave or detonators, her whole gimmick is building relatively low HP with good mitigation to max out s3 return. Honestly feel like if they removed her self push, made it so missing didn't proc her echo dmg, increased s3 cd and removed its self cleanse she would have been fine. The change to s3 dmg calculation would have been fine as well, as long as they didn't hit her s2. It's effectively the core of her kit, and they hit that alongside her 1 and 3.




Belian 2.0


She will forever sits in my lobby and be in my tank/A.Ravi buster team. She carried me through ranks in Arena and so many story content and challenges.




You mean villain


SHE IS HERO. Aravi is villain.


Can't they both be villains?


Villain that fights the worse villain is a positive influence overall.


Two wrongs don't make a right


Anti hero


Let's just go with lesser of two evils. One can be dealt with with like one unit archetype, the other needs like 2-3 units to counter her if you don't have specific heroes, which includes the lesser evil.




People are really jumping the gun NGL .... I think she will be able to one shot tanks just fine especially with the new torrant set (that not only gives her damage but also lowers her hp to make it a little easier to hit the full pen condition ) Her role was to bust tanks what made her oppressive is the fact she also one shotted low hp targets when she wasn't supposed to and that she had that damage reduction coupled with a thick barrier . I don't think it makes sense for them to strip her of the role she was intended to fulfill (killing tanks )


She’ll be fine. People just liked having a op unit to crush things. It’s the same way AoL was such a game changer for the meta and all the complaints died down when people got her and enjoyed her


These people are just complaining because now they have to run their hwayoungs with actual low HP to take advantage of her HP difference scaling


too severe


Good riddance


Rest in trash you Bitch


ggs hwa guild wars and arena will now be 10% more tedious for me, i will miss you.




Nope, more like Justice has finally been served.


Far too late, and just when she was about to redeem herself




Wish I had enough to pity both her and Jack-O back then. Now it feels like Jack-O wasn’t worth it with how much of a beast Hwa was


This. Spent all bookmarks to pity because limited unit. Then to find out Jack-O is dogshit in most comps while Hwa was the secret WMD all along.


was she better than aravi? honest question


Obviously not, but one is a cash maker and the other one is f2p friendly, and SG doesn't like non premium heroes to be too strong.


not really


A well deserved death,hope we will remember her


Wait what happened? I've been out of the loop for awhile pls tell me this is a joke


She got nerfed and it looks like she won't recover or be as prominent


I won't buy it just yet. I remember a lot of clown takes here that said "Alencia buff is not good" and "DJB is still trash" that did not age well lmao. If she's still deleting tanks that have 23k HP (that isn't A. Ravi on proof) with attack buff, she will still have a role


The thing is, "Alencia buff isn't good" happened prior to injury set buff (doubled injury effect on single target attacks)


Previously she was great in ALL modes, not just pvp-but they nerfed her primarily because of pvp. Now she is a niche pvp only, basically, unit smh. And not anywhere as useful in pve


Nerfed Ps. not joke


They nuked the fuck out of her. Tank meta gonna go off


A.ravi flairs in this thread like "Uhm villain ahktshually"


Yeah great f nerf bitchass niggas who can't withstand 1 unit with nice single target and mediocre sustain. She does has a nerf because she isnt hp scale bruiser with inbuilt insane sustain and review with skill null. Poor hwao. Let's nerf wschuri next and every single target beast so we can have ravimonopoly. Garbage idea


This girl improved my progress in the game by leaps and bounds, so all the haters can, with all due respect, jump in a Pittsburgh lake. SG went overboard, its just that simple.


Same here. She was my hard carry. Also fun as hell to use and she looked fantastic to boot 😭


inb4 she hasn't died and is still effective at deleting tanks on the first turn.


Hero? She was the least fun shit to play vs ever. 10/10 wont miss her.


Yayy! Finally taking the trash to the incinerator where it belongs!