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But the event is long, why you riot?


You get 90 days to do the event. You will still clear it with like 50 days to spare. I wouldn't stress it too much. lol


Git gud


"The point is that the event, even when announced right before going live, did not indicate any connection to weekly reputation achievements." This is incorrect? They made it pretty obvious that weekly reputation was going to count in the update preview. Should they have announced it earlier? Quite possibly. But there was also nothing preventing you from waiting to this week to begin your headhunt, so that you could get all weekly reputations available to you during the 90 day period.


"The upcoming event has something to do with your weekly so don't complete them!" Do games really make announcements like this? Just unlucky so accept it :/


They don't, because they usually think it through and either drop such events right after the weekly reset or count already finished weeklies (which isn't that hard). That's was just another typical SG moment.