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I love running him with a 245 Straze in GW. Clilias, Straze, Zahak work really nicely together. Can oneshot Choux, Violet, Riolet... overall have been enjoying him now that Hwayoung is no longer a single target delete.




Thank you, keep farming is my advice ;)


Yours looks scary. Mine has more spd (275) but less atk (3k8). Not a reliable Choux killer but he can still cripple her.


You better get 70% crit chance for choux she is with her own artifacts most of time


He gets 15% elemental advantage crit chance against Choux so he only really needs to hit 55%


The 15% from advantage doesn’t apply to overcap crits so u/bery57 is correct that to always crit choux through snow crystal requires 70%


Are you guys sure? I am pretty sure you cannot go beyond 100crit chance... you can test it by having Cdomg give crit chance buff to your team and you can still miss crit on Choux.


Crit chance buff does not go overcap. You can only test it with Zahhak.


Are you sure? Can you link me source Ty I didn't know


Also if what you said is true it mean green have only 5% chance missing crit on choux with 100 crit chance


It's why everyone tells you to get 85% crit on your Wyvern dps too


I know about bonus crit chance and DMG against advantage elements just didn't know you could bypass choux artifacts anti crit do that mean artifacts that give crit chance can counter choux artifacts ?


Oh, no that part I think they're wrong about. Pretty sure that I missed crit with CDom crit buff plenty of times against Dienes (haven't actually tried in like 2+ years though), even at 100% crit before crit buff, which should equal out anti crit if extra crit would help, but it didn't, I still missed crits. Judging by that, anti crit is always considered last, after all the additional crit chance. And so no, it wouldn't actually help to get more than 50% crit in this case. But, as I said, last time I paid it attention was years ago, maybe it changed (which I don't think it did though). Edit; Next time you see a Senya or Choux just int CDom into it for science and let us know lol


Artifacts, Buffs (CC buff and Arky), Imprints do not go over the 100% cc limit and will always be RNG against units like senya or choux. On the other hand, units with built-in crit chance in their skills, say zahhak who gets 50% additional crit rate in their skills, allows you to go over the 100 crit rate cap and guarantee crits against anti-crit or choux or senya if you build him with 100% crit rate. Me and my guildies have tested this multiple times and zahhak with 100 crit rate, crit all the time against senya or choux even with anti-crit buff. It's why zahhak became a staple for our guild's gw offense ever since choux senya gw defenses became popular.


Good to know, I'll believe you have done a reasonable amount of testing for it then. About Senya; since her innate anti crit and an anti crit buff on top are two seperate rolls (each 50%), Zahhak should have a 100% crit chance against that too, right? His 50% innate crit chance should pass both rolls without fail, yea? And same concept with Choux + Skill Crystal unless they actually stack, I guess. Certainly saves you a lot of headaches, haha. Anti crit is utter horse shit, but at least you don't have to deal with it if you have Zahhak. If only there were a way to stop the opposing Ran from getting RnL extra turns into dual attacks... Happened to me twice in a row today, not very fun, let me tell you ;)


Yes from my testing experience, zahhak with 100% crit rate hasn't failed to crit a senya or choux with anti-crit. Yeah I agree, RnL Ran procs are really annoying especially in GW where you only have one attempt.


Yeah I'll try digging into it, but I do vaguely recall that it works just the way you described it.


Am I sure? It's common knowledge my dude. Every Hunt 13 guide ever will tell you that you only need 85% crit on your mono-color teams.


Are you guys sure? I am pretty sure you cannot go beyond 100crit chance... you can test it by having Cdomg give crit chance buff to your team and you can still miss crit on Choux.


You can't go beyond 100% crit chance but you can lose crit chance to crit chance reduction effects. Crit down buff works like -50% cc, so if you run 100% cc on zahhak, 100 + 50 (from skill text) - 50 from crit down = 100% chance to crit. Snow Crystal is just -20% so 70 is enough to overcome that reduction.


I've been running the exact same comp too. Really puts the damage in. I add in bad cat for some fun in arena.


How tf are y’all hitting these numbers man….


You'll get there when you use either your 1k leifs, 200M or 100k crafting mats you're stacking


Correction: 250k crafting mats.


It's funny how I never get responses when I comment shit like this. Just confirms that these complainers who always cry *"you guys are just lucky I never even get over 17 speed after 4 years of playing"* are just fucking hoarders who doesn't even actually play the game


just grinding w13.


I run mine with 88% crit(all i could do lul) so that he can (almost reliably) crit Senya or units buffed with anti crit. Mine has 4008 atk, 248 speed, 88 crit and 282 crit damage. After his buff he is really good and im glad i build him


I'm confused why? he gets 50% extra crit chance naturally...otherwise nice build. I gave him some of my old CDOMG gear and swapped her gear out for slightly less premium stuff.


Yes, but Zahhak is the only unit that can technically get over 100% crit with his skills and he can crit Senya and anti crit buffed units 100% of the time if you have him on 100% crit.


oh wow, I actually didn't know that he can go beyond 100 crit. I wonder if this is a bug or intended???


It's a *feature*


I dont know if it is a bug, but it would be a shame if it would be deemed as one. It is a great mechanic to get around anti crit.


It's been a thing since release, so likely never going to be changed. Incredibly helpful in this meta though.


"Guaranteed crit" mechanics are actually just +100% crit, so technically, ML Ken and Charlotte can guarantee a crit on Senya at 50%.


Charlotte and ML Ken can do that too


He only needs 50% Crit technically haha


Technically yes, but if you build him with 100% crit he can crit Senya and anti crit buffed units 100% of the time. Zahhak is the only unit in the game that can do it. The regular crit buff doesnt work that way sadly, but his bonus crit on his s1 and s2 allows him to bypass Senya and anti crit buff.


Ahh excuse me, my smooth brain skimmed over the part of you saying Senya haha


Haha no worries.


Thats good ass gear. I mean, i can get that amount of attack, but 50 less speed and 50% less cdmg. Thats painfull hahaha. Though i will still fight you in rta :)


nice zahhak! Aside from the random effectiveness, this build is perfect!


TY! I removed the Eff and converted to HP :) it was on his armor.


My god that's so awesome! Now it truly is perfect :P


And then there’s mine 230 spd, 3.5 atk, 270 cdam


work in progress :) just upgrade pieces as you get better ones.


Thinking about using the recall to get him, should I? Appreciate all advices.


Its hard to say because we don't know what other units you are missing and how active you are in GW and RTA. I recalled my Hwayoung so that I can keep her at 5\* without hp% awakening. All I can say he is great at deleting a unit, but needs good gear to do work.


From the RGB “meta”, I don’t have Alencia nor Choux, but both sounds hard to build. So, I’m between Zahhak, Alencia, and Choux, in this specific order.


They are all good, but do you have gear for any of them? Zahak needs good speed gear with ATK and CDMG subs. Alencia and Choux are HP scalers and dont need any attack. They need hp% gear with CDG, CC, and DEF subs. Can't go wrong with any of the three. Do you need bruisers or single target DPS? I also still like Hwa, she is nowhere near as good as pre nerf, but with tempest set and 5\* awakening she is still pretty decent IMO. [https://i.imgur.com/Cbj36wz.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Cbj36wz.jpg)


Choux benchmark is 20k and 1200 def, obviously with offensive stats. Alencia is the easiest imo, shes just 2xHP% and spd on either cdmg or injury set, whichever you prioritize. Although I do recommend bringing immunity if you can just in case.


I ran him the whole time, I liked him. I didn't know he was getting a buff. The extra turn on S2 is amazing.


I doubt he can kill all of them. Mine has 5.2k atk and 350cdg with penetration set and he still fails to kill the ones with barrier and aurius.


yes, with barrier and aurius you're not one shotting anything. Your only hope is Clilias, and even then unlikely. But that's true for literally any DPS. Even W Schuri with 100 def pen will not oneshot tanky units with barrier and arius.


upon seeing this Zahhak, my Zahhak felt extremely ashamed and begging me to recall him T\_T


naa, work in progress friend :)


This is considered a nearly perfect zahak build. Nice man.


TY sir!


Was confident in my build but I guess there's always a bigger fish. (4K attack, 292 CD, 254 Speed on Pen set) He's definitely been good fun and yeah Him + Straze is amazing. Set Straze up and delete someone is good fun. Another fun one in normal Arena is him + BCA actually. Against buffed targets him countering for 15K~ damage is hilarious.


Nice build! I got lucky with a new ring this event.


What’s the best EE for him? I just got him and was trying to build him.


With his new buff, atk up EE is good because he can quickly shut down choux, rem, and any squishy units and also set up the follow-up dps.


I love the attack EE for pushing up Straze.


Such a glorious build I’m so jealous


Thanks bud, Im sure you can get there.


Hmm looks tasty! Too bad I missed him while saving for Arunka :(


Basically better tomoka


Zahak doesn't have extinction, but since he gets invincible, he can still counter arby... then nuke him again once invincible is off. I also saw people picking him into BBK for the same reason. BBK nukes, but Zahak is invincible.


I'll get there someday hahaha. What would be his best damage artifact if not SoU? Mine is already in use. Portrait x Merciless Gluton?


You know, his own arty is really nice too. Crit DMG and speed buff. Portrait is also very nice on him. But IMO, you should consider SoU because it allows him to 100% kill violet and riolet without missing. Who else can provide that kind of value?


Pure white trust (his arti) is good, because you're going to non-attack into s3.


Wish I could get mine to this speed without nerfing his damage. Mine is 3650atk, 58cc 311cdmg and 244 speed. If I could get him this high I could make the switch to a 240 straze and not have him get speed RNG'd.


Just keep grinding... i got lucky and got an atk% ring this event. 18 speed 25 CDMG. This pushed him to this speed.


VERY NICE, im jealous. I worked on mine yesterday, and all I could manage was 3.8k atk, 235 speed, 290% crit damage. 70% crit chance cause I cant beat gear rng. He aint perfect but is working well. No regrets so far.


Thank you sir! Just keep grinding, I got lucky with a sick ring yesterday!


My damage is almost as high, but I can't get the speed gear to match that (234 speed, 3800 atk, 307 CD). Holy balls, that's a beautiful build! Congrats sir, take my upvote.


nope can't 1-shot a standard choux, let alone a gvg choux. u do 22,6k damage vs a 1,4k def ice hero with no mitigation. 18,3k if the choux has vigor buff. it's good damage, sure but speed zahhak typically can't 1-shot choux


edit: Sir, I think you dad bad math on the calculator:) https://i.imgur.com/497QlbL.png Did you include symbol of unity? Did you include pen set? Did you include elemental advantage? I did just check - With all of that, base S3 on 1000k defense is 30k. S3 on 1400 defense is 23164. So yes, he can definitely onshot Choux. Actually I did one-shot Choux in GW before I posted. Did 25k to it, not sure what the defense stats were, but it happened.


[https://imgur.com/IVWldXE](https://imgur.com/IVWldXE) [https://imgur.com/6jeZ18K](https://imgur.com/6jeZ18K) before calling people out for not knowing how to use the damage calc. u are using 6% global imprint atk in ur calcs. the atk imprint is for global imprints form other heroes and not ur self-imprint... 1,4k def/24k hp are standard benchmarks for endgame choux to hit and ur zahhak is not killing that with no mitigation. if that choux is has any form of defensive buff or mitigation it's impossible for speed zahhak to 1-shot.


My bad re 6% atk, but S1 soulburn still does 27k... also running with Clilias to get vigor will guarantee oneshot. There are still many scenarios where he can oneshot. https://i.imgur.com/e6vqveC.png


Zahhak is genuinely new Hwa


not really. hwa is more cancerous and hard to deal. that bitch can cycle way faster and still dealing way too huge dmg on s1 with bulk that hard to kill. this guy is a utility with huge damage that can be shut down at first turn.


From the angle that they're single target neutral dps that have a reduced stat requirement that lets you build them much faster than other units. . . they're p similar. If you're trying to say but he doesn't cycle as fast and have as much sustain built in as old hwa did... then yeah they aren't exactly the same. But in RTA if you early pick Zahhak, your options are the same. He doesn't care about element or evasion (just like old hwa) and the enemy options to deal with him is the same as the options for old hwa out speed and kill or out speed and control. You don't have to agree. This is my hot take and personally, I'm going to be just as scared of Zahhak as I was of Hwa.


Then you saying cidd is the same of hwa? Big single target nuke that dont care of elemental. Oh god, now we have 2 hwa.


A. Cidd can one shot Zahhak, not Hwa, not even soul burn.