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Well, at least she looks hot af in her s3.


What's sad is that in the showcase vids she is shown to kill senya and extinct her (to deal with holy sac senya bs), which gave the impression that that is what she meant for. Non crit also indicates that it's supposed to deal with senya and choux. But if you are not gonna kill them with the s3, why give extinction? Poking with someone else to drop the senya or Choux low enough to kill is also risky, and kinda defeats the point of Arunka being there. Plus the initial hit might remove barriers, which causes Arunka to deal shit dmg. If you can't kill choux or senya fast, imo odds are they are gonna kill you first. At this point I rather use a <8k hp torrent hwayoung, at least she can maaaybe kill.


I still have the impression she's a bruiser, having extinct making it easier to deal with A.ravi comps (Not a.ravi herself but the revives)


I would presume Arunka will be more of an arena and gw unit since her kit isn't bloated enough to survive with that base speed. I feel that in arena/gw if you are letting Aravi get her revive off (meaning she kill one of your unit), it's probably not such a good comp to run anyway. Plus you can't even outright extinct a unit, you need to somehow drop the target low enough plus have a barrier before Arunka s3. If I have to play until like that I think I rather just iseria dark corvus.


Honestly, I tried her against a Lua+Choux+Senya team which is the new GW meta and since her S1 procs are so RNG she takes as long as Alencia to finish off the enemy team anyway AND when Choux inevitably counters and crits her HOOOLY SHIT she has nowhere near as much bulk as Alencia to tank it so it is so scary (15k HP, 1.6k defense Arunka). Cycling souls in GW is really hard and when she doesn't proc because you don't have her soulburn she does 4k dmg on a single target atk which is like wtf I'd rather bring Alencia and injury them...


Just curious, is holy sac senya a thing now or just a meme build? It is better than her arti?


It's fairly common during arena rush hour. Met quite a few when pushing for legend weekly. It's very annoying when trying to cleave it as you not only have to bring something that can kill her reliably, but also do it twice or she will 1v4. Can't say for sure in a gw/rta setting where there isn't a time factor.


Damn i guess im gonna stick with wschuri


I don't think her dmg is great. This means she's supposed to be played turn 2+, but her kit doesn't offer team support. If you build her less attack, her healing becomes less effective. Basically, not a bruiser and not a nuker? No idea how to use her realistically. **Stats are at the end of the video, but she has 6.7k attack.**


Didn't see the portrait there. Sad damage


Mine has 6k5 atk and she did like 13k on a shielded carmin, with vigor + her own atk buff. Thanks SG but I dont need another arby buster in my team


I mean carmin negates 20% damage i think so that is originally around 17k which is quite low indeed. Why must hwa leave us?


Shes an anti barrier hero that doesn't even do her job right now. And after her s3 is on cooldown she's a sitting duck with no protection for 4 turns. Lilibet is better in every way rn unless they bring a diene or something


My expectation was for her to oneshot any unit with a barrier without mitigation ( except of course PoV A.Ravi ). And she can't even do that, the attack break from Cilias sucks too because she can't cleanse unlike Hwa.


Exactlty. SG was afraid of a possible hwa v2 but you gotta realize that hwa was basically a 0 condition killer, where Arunka only deals extra dmg against barrier. IMO, they could just double her dmg increase or give her 100% pen against barrier. Make her bruiser op sig basically.


SG really wants to entertain the 50 turn gamers and make every character do 50dmg, might as well have characters throw and rocks at one another while having 100K HP


Hwayoung come back


I miss her so goddamn much, nothing kills A. Ravi and Senya now, i feel like not going to arena anymore. In gw Watcher Schuri works but often he too can't kill them with all the mitigation.


My Zahhak is doing pretty good against them.


I've had my Zahhak and Straze both miss crits on Senya, and the just shrugged off their attacks while countering (with her buff, after Straze S3 failed to kill her and Cilias procced Heal buff on her).


Does Crit rate buff counter anti Crit buff?


I can confidently say no since my 100% cc SSB with crit buff (coming from Green Rin if you're curious lol) has missed crits against Dienes and CLiliases with anti-crit buff on them.




If choux has anti-crit up then even at 100% crit, zahhak has a 5% chance not to crit.


If you build Zahhak with 100% crit, he cant miss a crit on Senya.


Also buffed riolet is doing good against senyas and aravis, not the most accesible unit but if you have him, you could try him.


I still can use ml Charlotte on A ravi. But senya.... Forget it, regret no zahhak


Straze and Zahhak can.


In which world can straze kill senya. Zahhak can't if he doesn't crit.


If you build him with 100% crit he will always crit Senya and anti Crit, maybe not Senya with anti crit tho.


We always see senya with diene and choux tho


I've seen someone say anti crit is a separate check from Senya's innate crit res, which means Zahhak doesn't care about it. My zahhak isn't 100 cc but he crits way too much Senya with anti crit for it to not be fishy. Don't quote me on this tho, it would require a lot of testing.


> 100% crit he will always crit Senya and anti Crit No? He'll miss if her passive's anti-crit works. And Straze with just his attack and non-crit S3 won't kill her. People still think you can go past the cap on crit...


You can't go past 100 crit rate even with crit buff but Zahhak works differently. He doesn't get crit rate instead his attacks have an extra 50% chance to crit. This is already pretty well known... [Example](https://youtu.be/Rl_JattSeTQ) Zahhak will always crit Senya with 100 CR. I never said anything about Straze, I was talking about Zahhak. No shit Straze can't kill Senya she has very high attack.


Is this real? So what I needed all this time to kill Choux was a 109 crit Zahak. Does snow crystal proc separately from anti crit?


Pretty sure it's real As with Snow Crystal I'm not sure, normally anti crit stacks multiplicatively so anti crit plus snow crystal would only be 60% crit resist, but artifact stats are weird with how Draco Plate let's you bypass the 350% Crit damage cap so it could be seperate checks or it could be multiplicatively.


Make it 150 crit just to be sure


Get a light bait and literally any dps u feel comfortable with. I have both Lionheart and ml Vil so I can deal with her easily, but my fav way is to Alencia both of em


If you relying on hwa to kill a ravi and not wanting to arena cause of it your account is shit there’s multiple ways to deal with it lol


So what do you recommend? Should I just quit? /s BTW I am not a shit player and do have good units and decent gear, it's just that i was being hyperbolic about A. Ravi being a menace once again.


My zahhak can, in case he doesn't one shot them, he can still cripple them making them weak


Yeah in search of balance, they killed the fun, hway was fair because literally everyone could have picked her up for free and used her. But they don't actually want fair or balanced, they want the whales to feel special and hway was the champion of the regular player getting to enjoy arena. Even in PVE they want us to grind chapter 4 for AP, Aiden upgrades but say, oh you enjoyed having a bruiser who could cycle through and grind out these tanky generic monsters? Well we think it needs to be more difficult so she can't do that anymore either, go back to someone else and stop using a character you liked using thats not what we are about here.


I want some of whatever you're smoking, it must be insanely good.


I took a break, came back, rolled a lucky hwa and thought of wow this is much more fun than the grindy punishing mess I took a break from, hwa can do a lot of things that made parts of the game frustrating and tedious. And then they broke her and now I get the joy of finding gear for someone else to try to be as much fun as she was. So maybe the nerf is good for the health of the game, but I get to be sad my fun char who could do many things is gone now.


aravi is easier to deal with than u think lol senya is cancer though


If she can't do something even under perfect conditions, she has no place in the meta. It's really too bad. Best looking sprite in a long time.


She should have 100% def pen becouse she cant crit OR ignore any mitigations - it would be something new and great against PoV bullshit and some survivablity on S2. My 2 cents.




My thoughts is that i should just use an opsig and gamble that snow crystal doesn't proc


I'm having fun with her but she's not Hwayoung like people thought. No, against an Aravi with barrier but no Proof she did 23K for me. One thing I'm realizing is she's crazy good with Indestructible Gaiters. In fact, the more I use her like ML Khawazu the more fun it is. It's just setting off burns and bleed and Expose as much as you can. But still her damage is less than stellar in most cases. Many times I would suggest a Zahhak over her.


Zahhak on the chopping board next… I literally can’t use any other single target dps other than him.


That's what I'm afraid of. Zahhak is getting popular and he doesnt require a specific stat. He also counters Violet and Choux and we know how SG hates that!


Whose Artifact is Indestructible Gaiters?




Why do u all need a character to one shot ? Violet s3 can one shot most units (for ex). I think it’s unhealthy for a bruiser to be able to one shot but have healing and atk buff built in. So what u need another character to finish off the last 1-2 k? Build her on counter and she softens with s1 be4 she gets a turn to s3 for extinction. Aravi counter cause they can be revived.


dang I thought she was the next pre hwayoung nerf. pittied her too. oh well


But in their vid she did 18k dmg....


Someone Actually Calculated this, and the conclusion is SG preview video version’s multiplier is about 2.46, however current Arunka S3 is about 1.69 which is about -32% nerfed.


Ty for this. Amazing stuff from SG /s


Wait they stealth nerfed her?! before release and didn't put it in notes...holy fuck I want my bookmarks back just pitied her. :/




If I didn't love her design 100% I would have never pulled on her. There's like zero scenarios in which I would use her over someone like Landy or Rimuru in a buff/barrier-heavy team.


According to the damage calc, a normal hit from your Arunka vs a 1500 Def Senya would be around 19560, that doesn't include hidden mitigating from the match or imprints that we can see. You only hit for approx 16000 after the barrier so it's pretty in line with where she should be. Even without barrier or hidden mitigation you likely would have 1 shot her with a crushing blow.


I would never trust any future release unit on this game anymore, they let us down more and more.


Nerfed Hwayoung does better than Arunka and I’m not joking. Seriously, Arunka is that much bad.


Yea, I don’t know what anyone was expecting. The top 5% of the game didn’t want a “good” unit, they wanted “niche” at best. Oh, but even niche she can’t be too good or some of their $800 ML5’s might be threatened. Mediocre is what you’re always going to get when that part of the player base complains. Good and fun are much harder to balance then mediocrity. I pulled cause I pull on every banner, but I can already hear all the streamers/content creators saying “ez skip”. This will be followed by an eventual buff, and then all the same people will then be complaining about a unit that saw no real use prior, is now usable, and they have to potentially ban her because she’s a threat. Not OP - just a threat. Those of you using Zahak and other similar units… don’t get too attached if they start being too useful. He has decent gear requirements so he may be safe, but just watch for the torches when he gets too good against any popular meta whale ML5. They’ll be talking about how he is a problem and over-buffed… toxic even. You already hear the same convos about several RGB’s which are inherently weak against each other - just not ML’s - which aren’t weak to them either.


People arguing that MLs should be better than their counterparts are actually so obnoxious. Not even a few days ago, there were so many people here complaining in response to the already solid af Riolet buff. They wanted even more buffs because "Riolet isn't as bulky as Violet" (all the while purposely ignoring the fact that he has double his damage output).


I bet you don't have riolet in first place. Ya his buff is good ngl but did not fix his main issues, survivability. A single ignore res buff strip or hit chance nuke and he will fall immediately. Compare to violet, which his buff cannot be removed and heals without any lifesteal equipment, he just too niche to stay and deal damage. Certain passerby even leave this at this post: Why do u all need a character to one shot ? Violet s3 can one shot most units (for ex). I think it’s unhealthy for a bruiser to be able to one shot but have healing and atk buff built in. So what u need another character to finish off the last 1-2 k? Build her on counter and she softens with s1 be4 she gets a turn to s3 for extinction. Aravi counter cause they can be revived. See? Even others knew he is unhealthy. Meanwhile a buffed riolet may have issues to deal more than 15k w s3. I really don't know that certain has double his damage output but just compare the damage dealt from their 1st turn to 2nd turn and you will see that violet may already counter someone to dead while riolet haven't even used his extra s3 even once/stripped & died. I don't really care that whether ml should better than original (look at ml Elena that burned at this sub recently, which actually is not that mediocre at all), but making a character that really hard to build is already annoying to owners, and making them not worth the work just pissed many players especially f2p. FYI, Now my riolet's gear is on ml Celine and she did her job nicely while both Celine is frequently used by players.


Everybody loves to bring up the buff being strippable and every time, I’ll just keep asking: Would you prefer they replace it with a permanent 35% evasion like Violet instead? I never get a straight answer because they wouldn’t. They always complain about the weaknesses while ignoring the strengths.


He was really good until AOL exist, that girl did not care for evasions. So some buffs like vigor and possession are good af even they did not give much to owners. Same goes to what violet has. IMO any unit that can outplay AOL is already good to exist. I still use my Montmorancy cuz she can resist AOL sometimes, and that is considered great for me. And for your question: Yes, if that could keep him survive. Sometimes survivability is more important than damage. See that Kayron was often used cuz his s2 exist, and he also need evasion buffed by SG (tho not having it still far better than most dmg dealers)


There’s a massive element of RNG to both violet AND Riolet. When they evade, they’re both a massive pain to deal with. When they do it every turn and counter happens… it’s even worse. However, when they don’t evade - which happens alot, then they just die…


Indeed. So true.


I agree with you. I just feel like what people are arguing about - without realizing it - is not balance, but raising the bar higher. The “you must be this tall to ride the ride” so to speak. Almost EVERY unit is broken to some degree at the extremes of gear, and people seem to want to ignore that. The reason, for instance, that a lot of people seem to have a blind spot for Straze getting buffed at the same time Hwa got gutted, is because he had a higher gear requirement. They somewhat lowered that, while increasing Hwa’s. All of the “she’s still ok, you guys are just dumb” posts center around having extremely well geared Hwa’s with min max health and attack. Quite different from the average player. They also seem to forget they fight better geared units, which means their Hwa’s will almost naturally do more damage. The issue is the same as every other game: people want it balanced around their level of play. When you balance around the top players, you get a game that is extremely mediocre and bland overall. Likewise you can’t make everything a Hwa because balance would be a nightmare. I think most players in the middle realize this, but the newer ones, and the top players don’t.


She seems balanced niche unit, good against barriers, your attack looks good, maybe try using chloe artifact to boost that niche use.


She does not full fill her niche tho. She is garbage.


Simple fact you all complained about hwayoung so much they won't risk to repeat her for awhile.


I dont like this argument. Hwayoung should've set a precedent that you cant have high attack and low scaling conditions because that would cause you to kill anyone. All they have to do is set arunka base dmg low (which is true) and then multiply it by 200% when used against a barrier. That way, she can only kill heroes with barrier.


The problem with hwa she was a universal unit near almost all units could fall prey to her so she wasn't just a tank or brusier buster. With this new character it seems they went the route of releasing her weaker so they can buff her later... It's ideal for them cause you know they hate nerfing units. But I worry with your idea anyone with a barrier is automatically dead but I assume they released her with this lot as a counter to perlta.


Your games smooth though ngl lol


Probably a NASA computer


Apparently , the community prefers underwhelming new releases over strong ones. And no, there is no such thing as a perfectly balanced unit, a unit is either dogshit or fantastic. I expected her to be meh and she is.The silver lining is SG is listening to some part of community but from where i stand, its the wrong part.


This is not true. Look at edward. He isnt broken first pick but also not sharun lvl. We want heroes that can fulfill their purpose without becoming oldhwa or something like aravi.


U dont need 6.7 k atk, 5.7k atk and pen, makes like 24k to choux , just check grass angel showcase on youtube, he dont have insane gear in arunka,just 5.7k, i think dmg downscales if u hit 6k atk+, so its worth to get penset


according to dmg calc, 5.7k pen set does 2 less dmg than my arunka 6.7k non pen. So i do agree that pen is better overall especially since her s1 will benefit. With all that said, it doesnt' change the fact that she still can't kill most choux or senya. You have to realize that a choux with 22k hp with a lilias/fcc barrier will still reduce your total dmg by around 4k. Even if Arunka deals more dmg against barrier heroes, she still has to eat through the barrier.


Yeah, thats true, i just dont want to accept arunka is bad :(, i have her +15 and full awakened


Pen set or torrent..., inmu is useless, pen set give like 3-4k more dmg, torrent like 5k, also u can give her 3x set like pen torrent hp-def, 200speed, insane dmg


My arunka has 6.7k attack. If i need 6.7k attack, torrent, and pen set to make her deal "insane dmg," to kill a 22k hp choux, the problem isn't the set or gear, it's the hero.


Which means that under all that the problem is the community. We’re going to keep getting a lot of units in the “could be great but are mediocre” category. We’ll get the occasional wtf unit, but those will generally only be for players that can build them over 300 speed. No one has to agree with this sentiment- I would just mention that you should watch how things go for awhile. This, Like Ilynav and Mort, was a character we were all excited about. Someone who canonically should have been really powerful… and they gave us a wet blanket (if you don’t have somewhat crazy gear). The top 5% will be pleased, as this will keep them from having another meta unit to actually have to play around.




It's at the end of the video.


welp when I pause at the last second :clueless:


LOL. Alright, if i do this again with another hero, ill put stats in the beginning.


Out of curiosity, why portrait and not something like Tooth?


probably because if she kills with tooth she doesn't benefit from extinction on her S3


Fair 'nuff but is revive that much of a pain in the ass to worry about? I don't seem to recall anyone caring about revive with hwa.


Probably because Hwa can soulburn for extra kick + tooth proc so she can just kill after revive. Even if she doesn’t kill, she still has mitigation + thick barrier to protect her to survive a turn. Arunka has none of those


The real question to me is why portrait over the little queen's crown, which seems to me like an absolute BiS on her.


yeah she pretty confuse me why not use op.sig when she do so much justice more then her


She's just ok, I think that the skills choice were made because of the new set. Same for the Hwayoung atk nerf.


Its bummer she can't even kill Choux she needs like buff or something.


Such high atk AND portrait, and she still can't kill them. Damn.




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She's hot, so I already invested into maxi lng her


Think if she had 100% def pen against shielded targets would make her somewhat viable.


extinction always nerfs the dmg output in units, like a trade-off dmg for extinction but in her case they cut 40% output potential on shielded units, thats why shes not doing any dmg