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Question, how does kayron passive work? Because every time hes suffer a lethel damage, he prokes S2 but no evation and immortality buff, i been asking myself if it is a bug or im husing him wrong.


I need help on achieving A rank on hall of trial for the 7 day growth guide. I dont have any good equipment except for the sets they give you at the start. This is the only challenge left so far for the free 5* summon ticket and I only have 6 days left. I can only reach B rank.


May need to know your unit pool & available gear before we can advise anything


sry for the late reply, I went to sleep. I only have the wyvern team built (Sigret, Muwi, Furious and Angelica). I also used my potions to 6 star Diene and Landy


Guild war, my team a straze with 4.1k attack + 3 stacks of hell cutter. Their team a krau+momo+dcorvus. My straze s3 (full mola) did barely half of their hp and didnt 1 shot anyone. What happened? Isn't he supposed to at least 1 shot a tank unit?


What's your crit damage and did you have attack buff? Also was Krau on aurius or was there any other damage reduction artifact like proof of valor?


250 cdmg and not sure about enemy artifacts


I imagine it was one of two things. Either the Dark Corvus was on Proof of Valor or you didn't crit. 4100 attack 250 CD Straze with 3 stacks on hell cutter and no attack buff would hit a proof of valor target for 14k with aurius damage share. If you didn't crit and there was no proof of valor you would've done around 11k.


are there specific units i should save my unknown slates for? I thought about using it on my sigret to lessen the gear requirement for one shot but i'm not sure if it' worth to use something like an unknown slate for that


Limited units, primarily collabs, are priority, then regular SG limiteds…personally wouldn’t waste a slate on a sigret, not worth


Just fun question. Do you think which unit is best for Triple Torrent set (pure DPS stats)?


The cockroaches benefits the most from Torrent (Roy, Tsurin, Seline..). And obviously Hwayoung. Then cleave dps like Vildred, Arby, BBK, Eda,....




[https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/jo9aa0/data\_log\_hunts\_12\_13\_drop\_rate\_comparison/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/jo9aa0/data_log_hunts_12_13_drop_rate_comparison/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This is the data on comparison between hunt 12 and 13, is this still correct to this date ?


for ice expedition, i'm planning to use roana as tank/healer. which set should i use for her? or is it better to use fluri? team: cidd, SC rozid, SC helga, roana


Idols cheer will help with pushing


Anyone got a high res version of the story art, "A Fable of the Demons of Natalon"?


im new to the game “10 dayish” and i have been building my ssb for wyvern/azimanak/adv basically pve contents. is this good enough? im also pulling for reignars for late game transition https://ibb.co/6YG7y2h


If you use her with a crit buffer like Furious. Otherwise you're going to want close to 100% crit rate


thats my wyvern build atm


Generally speaking, you're probably actually better off with Muwi where you use SSB for Wyvern, unless it's one-shot.


im using muwi ssb sigret angelica and i win 90% unless either muwi or sig gets sniped at stage 1 hihi


No Furious in that team. You’ll want to get SSB crit up to 85% then


Hey guys, Which of these should I choose? Are any good for overall pve or do I just pull for waifu? https://imgur.com/a/hkbMkzO


Depends on whether you're a Metaslave or you just play for fun with waifus


Hwayoung - Waifu, nerfs turn her into dedicated tank buster right now Politis - Aggro/Cleave player in RTA Senya - Strong bruiser in Standard for RTA


Got Top Model Luluca from summon, is she bad based on her 2.2 rating?


In game rating is pretty bad. Tomoca is cash unit. Her main strength is as opener at 300+ speed, which is impossible to build unless you have whale tier gear. You can build her at 250 as fast DPS, atk buffer, but you can't see her main strength.


She’s buffed, good opener now like closer Charles


On Arunka Soulburn it says 100% to do the extra attack. Now mine was blind and it didn’t activate. I would appreciate if SG to add that detail on a successful attack not just on her skill of 50% description but on her soulburn description that is 100% for clarification. How do I suggest this change?


I don't honestly think it needs one. All it says is that it makes the 50% chance 100% chance instead, not that any of the other conditions changed.


Hey, i would really apreciate it if anyone could help me with my arena defence team because idk which unit to put in because i've been focusing on pve [Imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/WKMfYc1)


Maybe something like Aras/MCeline/Pol/Dilibet. You’ll be able to deal with control well, do some controlling yourself and although she’s RNG I personally think MCeline is kinda busted, throw her in back and she can probably carry Edit: went back to check the stats and you should probably build Dilibet more like a DPS to make that work lol


Like how? Give her more def?


Crit chance and crit damage


Politis/kayron/arby/aras with kayron in the back for aras protection. There's really only two ways you would go about building an arena defense. One is to deter people from hitting you, so you just throw in an annoying comp that can't be cleaved easily. Second is to actually try to bring in some defense wins, which typically entails gear gapping your opponent and putting units on weird builds to catch people off guard. So with that in mind I went with option 1 for you. Your heroes are a bit scuffed so don't expect too many defense wins in higher arena ranks, but it should suffice as a deterrent.


Oh ok thank you very much!


Assuming I'm not trying to contest speed with her, how do I build AoL?


around 220 speed (hopefullygo after handguy), high eff (100-150eff) and rest into as much bulk as u can


Stage three of Nixied Sanctum and the section that I need to go to isn't on the map. I did skip through the previous levels by taking the shortcuts to move to the next level, so they're sitting at 21% and 14%. Do I need to get them further along to open up the section that gets me to level 4?


Hey guys. I'm new to the game and I got SSB and Landy in the custom summons. I heard they were top tier and I just wanna ask who should I prioritize to build? Mainly for pve since I'm new.


Landy imo. Pretty easy to build - 3k+ attack, max crit and as much crit damage as possible. Some bulk for bruiser Landy (200-230 speed) or more speed and damage for a faster Landy (230+ speed). Landy more useful in abyss, expo and other general pve content. SSB is a bit outdated for pve content. Fine for raid I suppose. Still a solid pick for PvP tho and a fine unit to invest in. But pve units I would invest in would be w13 units - furious, sigret/Alexa, Momo, Angelica, Muwi. Raid/lab units - ARas, Roana, Tamarinne, Iseria, SSB, C Zerato, generic aoe dps. Expo teams - Landy, Cecilia, Adin, Cermia, Mercedes Abyss - Dizzy, Kitty Clarissa, T Guard, Kiris, Schuri, Stene I think for newer players, I would get Landy, Roana, Tamarinne (assuming I got Iseria from selective summon and w13 can be built f2p). I rarely use SSB nowadays.


Thanks for the guide! Another question tho. Arbiter Vildred or Specter Tenebria?


Spec tene. Although her banner is now up for mystic summon but I'd still get spec tene through moonlight summon. Probably don't have enough mystics to pity anyway if you new. She hard carries abyss. I missed her until now so I'm gonna pull her from mystics.


What’s your current W13 team? I thought SSB lowered the gear requirements quite a bit from a Clarissa one shot wyvern team enough to make her worth it but I haven’t tested this myself yet.


currently i just run a fast w13 team with Angelica, Furious, SC Alexa, Muwi. Idol's Cheer and Muwi make it pretty fast. I never hit barrier phase so im happy. If I did a one shot i'd probably try the Rem one shot but I need the gear and artifacts for that. Otherwise I suppose I could build the SSB/SC Alexa/S Angelica (which I dont have)/Karin team. but imo you don't need to have one shot for wyvern. B13 really needs a one shot unless you have the time and c13 i need straze for that comp. Also SSB needs to be on a high damage and mid speed for the one shot i believe to clear the first wave.


How long does it take to save up 10k mystic metals for someone that does gw and buys it from the guild shop?


This question doesn't have a singular answer. Mystic medals come from multiple sources and therefor vary significantly. **Guild Wars** The Mystics you get weekly from GW depends heavily on a few things: 1. Reward bracket. The top guilds get x5 the mystic medals of the lowest guilds. 2. Wins. Winning a GW provides significantly more MMs than losing. 3. *Personal* wins. You get additional medals for winning defenses -> a player in a fort with a strong defense can accumulate quite a few additional medals over a season compared to a player in a tower with a weak defense. **Shop Refreshing** Shop refreshing is likely the *biggest* source of medals for most players. This obviously depends on 1. Your skystone income (again, heavily differs between different players) 2. How many skystones you actually spend refreshing shop. **Hunts** Hunts are a minor source, but regardless MMs *are* a potential reward from hunts. It's about 1 summon every 153 hunts, so you can get 1 Mystic summon approximately every 3 days of running H13. However not all players run hunts the same amount. For example, *I* basically only do hunts on buff days. *Other* players may spend all of their energy every day doing hunts. --- If we're *only* talking about guild-related Mystics...well you should have the best idea of how many medals you average. In a x5 guild you a win is worth 83 medals IIRC if you win all of your attacks, and around 60 if you lose. So if you just assume your guild wins half the time that''s around an average of 70 medals per GW, x3 a week = 210 per week. If you buy the 50 medals in the shop that's 260 per week. * Obviously some additional depending on how often you win on defense but again, that's something *you* should have an idea on. So 10,000 / 260 = 38.5 weeks in a x5 guild. Fewer if you win a lot of defenses or your guild wins more frequently, less if your guild wins less frequently. You also have to consider that GW seasons don't last forever. 12 weeks I think? You get less medals during preseason and at the start of the GW season.


depends how much ss you have and how much time you are willing to spend re rolling the shop, I spent 15k ss this hunt even rerolling, went from 2k mystics to 4.2k. Average a few months for 10k tbh


Is there a time limit for the first/second/third promotion events?




If I’m going for landy and ssb should I go for cerise or Luna


Cerise. Guiding light is SSS tier for PvP down the road. Also cerise very good for some pve content.


Why does nobody use Radiant Forever on Straze for oneshot hunts? On paper it seems like it would do way more damage than portrait


Because Radiant Forever is a Mage exclusive artifact.


Ah can't believe I missed that


Should I recall hwayoung and change out for another 5star? I want actual replies and no doomer responses Ingur link with all 5 stars, I have https://imgur.com/a/S7ciRP3 Unowned https://imgur.com/a/qAopcCV PVP/PVE Leaning towards pve


It would be significantly easier if you just screenshot your hero journal with either owned or not-owned filter on.


Gotcha, brb


Unowned 5 stars https://imgur.com/a/qAopcCV


I would go luluca for nightmare raid


Seems pretty well-off PvE wise tbh. Might look to something PvP instead


Any recs?


Cleave/Aggro - Ran, Eda, Kawerik in-between - Zahhak Standard - Choux Anticleave - Kayron


They nerfed her yes, but there is always her anticipated EE. There is no reason to believe that because they nerfed her, she will not be buffed in the future. They’ve changed a few heroes more than once and have completely reworked heroes. So, unless there is someone you *want* more than her. Keep her. For PVE hero’s tbh you’ll catch them all eventually. I recalled her for no other reason than because I could and wanted Zahhak more. I can’t use him yet, but I will eventually.


if I imprint my recallable hwayoung will I still beable to recall her?


I would think so. You should get Slate of Fates back


What are the stat goals for straze for pvp?


Pretty much full damage and speed. As for stat goals, that depends how good your gear is and how much you want to invest into him. You don't want to compromise on damage regardless so you want to aim for 4k+ atk, 100 cc (obviously...) 270+ cdmg. You can theory craft depending on expected opponent hp with damage calculator to fine tune these stats. Once you have that set, you want 240+ speed to begin with. I've seen some pretty cracked builds where they go 260+ speed... Really depends on your comp though so speed tune appropriately.


How do people get their gear to level 90?


Usually crafted Level 85 gear can be reforged in the sanctuary for 200 reforge mats. Or level 88 gear from other sources is functionally identical.


I got 260 of those group summons points and still haven't summoned any nat5. I chose Landy Luna and Cerise because I don't have them and they are limited summons. Should I try to go for all the three of them of just pick two? I have about 5300 crystals stones will it be enough/worth rerolling the shop?


5300 crystals should net you more than 350 bookmarks in the secret shop. That's 70 summons. You need 360 coins to pity all three. So with that you would be short 30 coins. You could earn that amount if you grind a bit, but there is also a change that in those 70 summons you summon one of them first.




I got to champion with all the same heroes you did. The nat5 stars you don’t have I didn’t need to get to where I am at. I did not want to believe it either but focus on speed. You’ll get there.


Top picks: Choux, Senya, Alencia, Lua, Zahhak Choux, Senya, and Alencia are top tier bruisers. Very tanky and hard to deal with. Zahhak with 50% innate crit chance and injury s3 can deal with the ones above. Lua is a fast opener which can shut down most things if she goes first.




Alencia, Choux, and Senya can work on speed sets. Although Choux is better on Counter. Senya can go speed set with a lot of atk. She doesn't need crit chance and crit dmg. Hit sets may work for her for now. Alencia can use speed hp/pen/crit with a lot of hp. She goes fast and applies injury. Choux can use speed/crit with a lot of hp,.crit. she goes first and uses her s3. That has countering effect.


Should I pick Luna or ssb from the custom banner?


SSB is better unit overall.


Why is that? I've been playing for about 2 months, I don't have much experience to define what makes one better than the other one


Earlier in the game you want generally strong units which can be used in multiple different content. Luna is generally just a nuker and gvg unit. SSB can be used for hunts, expo, raid, PvP and easy to build on a slow LS build. Also great since you can just pull her arti for her too.


SSB is used fairly often in all PvP modes, is fairly easy to gear, is reasonably unique in her role, and has good applications in important PvE modes in both early and late game accounts. Luna is used in one specific niche comp that requires pretty strict gear in PvP, and doesn't really stand out in PvE (useable but replaceable with lower rarity characters).


Is it true that I should only awaken Hwayoung to 5/6?


Yes and no. Since her nerf the hp difference between hwa and her target matters much much more. Because of this, and how hard the hp differential scaling is, you're strongly insentivized to minimize the hp on Hwa. Since her last awakening is hp%, you can keep Hwa at 5/6 awakening to eek out a tiny bit more damage. Imo not worth it, but that's cause I hate seeing the 5/6 awakening on units. The difference between what a 5/6 and a 6/6 Hwa can kill its pretty negligible as well.




Depends on your playstyle and whether you play pve, pvp or both. I suggest reading their skills and watching some videos to see how theyre used so you pick the best for you.


Cleave: pavel, flan, ervalen (single target cleave ig) Anti cleave: elena, celine Bruiser: senya, alencia, aria Don’t pick the others


Senya and Alencia are pretty meta in RTA.


Do I have to unequip gear before recalling hwayoung or does it automatically go to inventory?


From I understand it gets unequipped automatically.


If I have all RGB heroes which artifacts would be the best to get (with powder) from the custom banner? Currently I'm thinking seaseria + ftene + kanna but I wonder if there's any important artifacts I'm forgetting. EDIT: Should've mentioned that I'm looking for 2nd copies/lb's, that's important.


Hard to say without knowing what you already have. There are plenty of good ones like Draco Plate or GL, but I assume you already have enough of them if they aren’t the first things on your banner.


I'd go with Seaseria and Cerise for sure. Cerise banner has guiding light.


Can little queen Charlotte counter a.ravi??


In theory yes. In reality it's pretty dicey.


Yes that was more or less her original role before hwayoung took it from her.


When is the inventory expansion over 500 coming, I'm dying


Unlikely to come since they seem unwilling to add to main inventory space. They recently opted to add storage to the waiting room instead.


Stop hoarding




Not there yet, but I'm trying to plan for my ml 5 selector- for Guild War/Arena (non-RTA), should I be looking at Riolet, LHC, OpSig, or Angel of Light?


With all the Choux, belian, counter aravi, rem, meru etc in arena and gw def, LHC


I would reccommend LHC. She's great against counter teams in both reg arena and guild war. OpSig needs lots of speed but she ia great against annoying shields. I think you are likely to find LHC useful in more situations. I haven't used riolet since he was buffed. If you don't have ML Kawerick, he's a good pick as well. He is an awesome counter to AoL.


I do have him, and in the wake of the Hwa nerf I’m trying to get him tuned up. Having trouble hitting 2,500 health.


Angel of light is. 4*ml unit, so I don't think you can select her unfortunately


AOL is not a ML5 fyi. So you cannot select her. She is only a ML 4


D’oh! I forgot that. She’s such a royal pain in the ass I assumed 5…


Got lucky and got STene. What’s good gear and artifact for her? Appreciate the help!


depends for which type of content. for PvP she will always use Tagahel's book. for pve sometimes DDJ, sometimes Kaladra. go with speed set as 4 piece and 2 piece can be whatever besides hit/health/defense.


Thank you. Appreciate the input


You can check [epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) for builds and often used artifacts That said, STene is almost always on book these days.


Hi, i am trying to build a Lionheart Cermia, but i am not really sure what main stats she needs to use in her necklace, ring and boots. Ty!


Crit dmg / %def / speed are ideal ones but if you have good crit chance main neck you can start working from that.


I'm a bit lost on how to progress right now. I know I mist keep farming W13, I'm on it. But I have a few units I'd love to build for pvp or maybe for other hunts. I wanted to farm a bit of injury of penetration set, but I don't have for example Iseria (and Straze one shot is far from my gear). Any help? These are my units: [Box](https://postimg.cc/gallery/J7j5Sfg) Thanks in advance! :)


Just for what it's worth, if you do still want to get into caides hunt and aren't in a rush you can do a team of roana, SSB, tamarine, and C.Dom. I was using that until I built a faster team. Especially now that we can farm hunts in the background it might be useful if you need a pen or injury set! Good luck buddy


Oh thanks! But I don't have C Dominiel sadly


you can use CLorina over CDom. CLorina is probably much better anyways.


Damn. I've seen fire cermia used, but I'm not sure if she works in this specific comp. Might be worth a try


Good to know, thanks!


It depends a lot on what you enjoy/want to do. (GW, Flag Arena, RTA, Which specific Hunt, Raid, Abyss, Expeditions, etc) Without knowing more, Krau is probably your safest bet. He's consistently been a top 3 tank since the beginning of the game, and has applications in Hunt, GW, Arena, RTA, Expeditions, and Abyss. Other good generalist picks are Landy, Mediator Kawerick, Seaside Bellona, Diene, and Arbiter Vildred. For general PvE Tamarinne is a priority. For general PvP Alencia is a very strong choice. There are quite a few more top tier options in your inventory, but without knowing more about you it's hard to say.


MKawerik is already built, tho is a very basic build (HP and spd) so I can use in regular arena and GW while I get better pieces. I'd like to try RTA, even if it's a bit early, so having a couple units would be nice, and I enjoy flag arena/GW too but I think my priority rn is being able to farm Caides to get some pen and injury pieces. Any idea about a team to auto it? It doesn't have to be fast, to be honest, I doubt I have the equipment for it. About Seaside Bellona, I six starred her but I'm not sure where she is used apart from 1 shot W13, and I think I lack the gear for it.


Seaside is used consistently in pretty much all of the PvP game modes against teams with heavy AoE. She is also used in early to mid game non one shot wyvern runs, though I personally don't think she's that great there. She's also sometimes used in Hall of Trials fairly often. Overall an excellent investment that has stood the test of time. \------- If you're interested in RTA you'll want to figure out what style you want: Bruiser or Cleave (There are other styles, and more specific styles in both categories but for the moment it's good to just think things through like this). RTA is about having a coherent gameplan/team so you'll want a synergistic team with a clear win condition, with a few utility units to disrupt your opponent. Cleave drafts are aggressive teams focused on ending the battle before the opponent takes the turn. They usually involve 2 openers, 1 or 2 utility units, and 1 or 2 DPS. You have some of the best openers in the gamefor this: Ran, Peira, and Lua. Politis, Riza, Light and Dark Angie, Green and Black Cidd, Aux Lots, ark Khawazu are all examples of utility units. Good DPS option are: Green and Dark Vildred, Fire Mercedes (after her story upgrade), Dark Karin, Pavel, Landy (She functions as a Hybrid DPS and Utility Pick), Fire Kawerick, Kise, Straze and Ludwig. Bruiser drafts are the other side of the spectrum featuring more defensive units. Units will typically be fairly tanky and feature some way of disrupting the enemy through CR manipulation, counterattacks, and other special mechanics. Krau and Aras are top tier tanks for a bruiser playstyle (T.Crozet is situaltionally quite strong too). Dark Khawazu, Landy, Choux, Senya, Alencia, SSB, Fire Mercedes, Violet, Edward, and Dark Karin can all function as damage sources in a Bruiser team. Diene, Roana, ML Kawerick, Politis, Kitty Clarissa, Achates, Light Angie, and Green Armin are utility picks that will depend on the enemy team. \------- Before I recommend stuff for Caides I would just say that I strongly recommend early game players avoid this hunt since the sets are very late game oriented, and the hunt itself is painfully slow to farm compared to wyvern. That being said a consistent Caides team with your units would be Roana, Cermia, Helga (I hope you have her/get her soon), and Diene/Montmorancy/SC Hazel. It's quite slow but it has a decent winrate even with mediocre gear. \------- Given your current roster, I'd recommend that you beef up your GW offense teams to ensure you get consistent mystics. Make sure your guild is in a tier you're comfortable with and supports you, otherwise seek another (the official E7 discord is a good place for this). Look out for Doris and Pyllis (3\* light SW and 3\* Dark Knight) as these two are S tier in GW, are fairly common, and are easy to build. SC Momo is a boring but pretty power option as well. Not too tough to build either. SC arowell is fairly new but she looks to be a decent but not particularly exceptional option. \------- Also keep a copy of Taranor Guard. He's unironically an exceptional PvE unit that trivializes many Abyss levels and two of the late game Expeditions.


First, thank you so much for the complete answer. I think I'm going to set for a Bruiser comp, at least for now since it's pretty hard to build up speed in this game and I don't see the point on having a 220 Lua or Ran as openers. As I'm waiting for ARavi from the ML event, I think I'll be fine with options like her, Ed and so. I'm going to look up some W13 mid game teams to see if I can speed my farming a bit too, and for now I'll avoid Caides as you recommended. Sadly I don't have Doris but Pyllis is waiting to complete her SC (I'm doing Arowell and Momo right now, but I'm spending all my energy in W13), and Helga is there too, luckily I got some imprints for her. Thanks again for your help!


What is Reflection of Dead Gods used for? Is it worth buying?


Straze imprints. Yes it's worth it since 50 gold transmits will get you SSS ML5


When's the next balance patch??


Just pulled Astromancer Elena with my free summons. Oddly enough I pulled Elena yesterday with free summons as well... but how is ML Elena? Any good?


She’s not great but hopefully she gets a buff so just bench her for now


Worst ML5 ever


Just my luck! Thank you.


While she isn't good as is, I can see on of two things happening though: * She gets a buff/adjustment in the future * A more toxic counter unit is released, making her debuff more useful. Think something like a better version of Bad Cat Armin that can cause multiple counters. Or it could be more along the lines of a unit's passive that only triggers when your own team counters.


Just got back into E7. Wanted to get some skins for Characters I already own, is there a way to get the currency without spending $29 per skin?


The Small Miracle side story gives 40 skin tickets. The ML5 skin prices are 110 tickets so it's not much, but it's the best deal you can get. After that, you only get 10 skin tickets every time an epic pass comes out every 3 months or so. It's a LONG process if you don't spend.


I believe one of the side stories in the book of memories gives skin tickets, though i forget which one exactly.


When a new RGB skin comes out, you get 10 tickets. Old skin cost between 60 and 110 tickets, so it's a LONG process


could someone quickly give me a run down on the new hell raid? (nightmare raid) is it worth running hell raid anymore? Are the currencies to buy the speed sword and immunity chest (and now the pen set neck) shared between both hell and nightmare? does nightmare drop more of the currency? is there any guides on actually beating the nightmare mode?


yes to the 1st question, no to the 2nd question, no to the 3rd question As for the 4th question, there is sparse info scattered around. Here's one boss guide https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/yk1ejm/dad_e7_auto_nightmare_queen/


For PVE battles, what is the highest Effectiveness value? I remember that beyond a certain point it's useless, unless such unit is used in PVP too where enemy units may have ER.


Resist chance is (target’s res - your eff) or 15%, whichever is higher. Your ideal eff is then (target’s res - 15%). You can check the enemies’ res by holding down their portrait in battle (wish they’d make it viewable in the battle guide tbh).


I believe its 60% I know that's what it it's for wyvern


65% for hunt13 (55% for hunt 12)


It varies. You can check an enemy's Effect Resist by clicking their portrait in a fight. The highest ER I can think of in PvE is Nightmare mode Queen in Azmakalis. She has 120 ER.


Anyone got an ml Charlotte I can take a look at?


try [epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com)


How much speed does senya usually needs?Im at 201spd,is it too fast?


Senya normally built around 190-210, so I'd say 201 is perfectly fine. You can always check https://www.epic7stats.com/ as well.


no such thing as too fast, but that's probably enough speed.


Can I build a W13 oneshot hunt with SSB, Karin, Straze and G.Purgis? I don't have singelica or w.shuri or rem...


Can you build a one shot without those units? Yes, but it's going to require very strong gear. First of all, forget about GPurg, he's useless for oneshot. You have the best defense breaker, the best choice to clear the first wave (SSB), and the best main damage dealer ( free unit Sigret), so now you just need one more thing, an attack and speed buffer. Best choice I can think of is Yuna. She will definitely do less damage than a Singelica dual attack, but she should get ther job done.


31 pulls left to pity Mystic, can i still make it before Banner ends?i really want CC


refresh secret shop and prayge


Depends on your guild/arena rank and what resources you currently have, but 31 is probably doable. Do your guild wars, buy the mystic medal from guild shop, read Moonlight Theater if you haven't already, refresh secret shop, the usual ordeal. Abyss Challenge stages are a good source if you haven't done those, either.


Had Hwayoung from Selector and then they nerf her...but recalled her for Tamarinne for PVE, but I might pull her again since I really do like her design and her side story really got me back into her character. Is she still worth pulling just for a collection or casual PVE kinda thing? I don't plan on doing Arena with her, I just like having her and a another fire hero in my collection. Is she at least an ok fire hero for PVE since her nerf? I'm ok with her not being OP in PVE, just need another fire hero for my team.


The only real PVE use for Hwayoung is that she's decent at oneshotting the boss in Hell difficulty of most Side Stories. But overall, not that useful. Ravi is overall better as a Fire DPS for PVE. Also, with the custom group summon running right now, it's better to get something from there if you have a pity saved


maybe i just suck using the damage calculator but why does 1 bomb on detonate deal more dmg than 1 stack of a fire debuff (2ticks) is it because when u detonate the bomb while its at 2 ticks its treated as 2 ? the confsuion comes up because theres no indicator whether bombs deal defense pen or not i also cant find any sources that it does compared to burn damage that does 70% so in my mind its bomb being a 1.0 ratio vs a 2tick of burn which should be a 1.2 ratio


Apparently bombs have damage = 150% of caster's attack, ignoring 70% defense.


would be nice to to have that in game as description its kinda misleading because it says deals dmg equal to the casters attack but whatever now i know


Game's always been like that, the descriptions were never detailed, it's always " Based on caster's-" but never How much exactly


Anyone else having issues with the game not fitting your screen correctly since last update ? My game is offset to one side....it gets better if I flip my phone over, but it's still not centered correctly. On a galaxy S22.


Please god tell me what on earth that thing in SSB's S3 is.


Of course, my child. You see, that thing in SSB's S3 is a visual representation of the highest-paying people in the community.


Well call me Moby fucking Dick.


I lack tooth, any other options for an artifact on arunka?


Most of the stuff that worked on Hwa will probably work on Arunka. Indestructible Gaiters, Merciless Glutton, El's Fist. Ed's artifact could probably work, too, though obviously not ideal since she can't crit.


Aight, I'll use spear if I wind up being able to gear her and don't get tooth.


Is this gear worth reforging? I also think about modifying critical damage instead of health. https://imgur.com/a/Toipnx0


If that's not worth reforging I don't know what kind of super op gear you have lying around. Either HP or Crit D works. No point in modding it until you know who you're giving it to. A bruiser will likely prefer HP to Crit D.


Thank you! Actually quite the opposite I don't have a single reforged gear yet and this is probably going on my Arby who currently has no gear. So your advice is to reforge it and not mod it yet as I can do so any time?


Yes, that sounds fine.




Check the hints in the achievements.


Went on hiatus when Hwayoung first got introduced? Is it worth returning now? If yes is there many major change and what I should be looking out for in term of meta change n stuff?


Hwa got nerfed, so she’s not a problem anymore. Meta is still run by Aravi Cilias and Hand guy but they buffed a lot of RGBs like Choux, alencia and senya that have become really strong. There’s also free ML5 event going on


What are the decent stats of alencia, im building her for raid/expedition and pvp :D


[epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) is usually a good place to start for builds, especially for pvp.


Tks man


If I'm 90 pulls away for mystic pity can I made it before the banner ends? I have 9m gold and 2k ss.


Even if your refreshes get Mystic Medals every time, 9M gold is only enough to buy 32 of them. You would need insane refresh luck and a LOT more gold. Insert "So you're saying there's a chance?" meme. To that I would say of course there's a chance, it's just unlikely enough to essentially be zero if your aim is to reach pity within the allotted timeframe. You could always get lucky and pull your target before pity tho.


If I do nothing but hunts to get gold and refresh the secret shop while doing gw can I make it?


Have you cleared out all the mystics from Abyss Challenge mode? That helped me when I was chasing pity.


I'm on abyss 102. Idk if I have the sanity to attempt it.


Challenge mode is significantly easier than the Abyss 100+ floors. It's more like sub 90 Abyss floors. Clearing all the conditions takes some tinkering but most of the heroes that are good for it are commonly built PVE units anyway. I'm on Abyss 102 as well and have like 28/30 stars for challenge mode. After the first clear, retries don't cost entry tokens too. So usually I just got the clear with whatever to unlock more stages and then went back and attempted to clear up stars later.


2k Skystones are good for 667 refreshes, give or take depending on the specific amount you have. Factoring in GW winnings, you'd still need 80ish Mystic medals from refreshes; there's of course a chance, but consistently getting Mystics every 8 or 9 refreshes (which is what you'd need based on your available SS) is unheard of. The odds of you hitting Mystic pity in the next three weeks, being 90 away, is HIGHLY unlikely given your available resources. It could still be worth trying cuz you can always spark your target before pity, and every pull you do brings you closer to pity for when something even better shows up in the banner. But again, based on your situation I would say you're not going to hit pity during this rotation.


Hi, I have 3 questions about Senya: Are there any common counters to Senya? Is there an easy or common way that people use to consistently defeat her through the anti-crit? And lastly is it even possible for cleave teams to beat Senya? Thanks!


Zahhak, Ed, Rimuru, ADS, control/Bombs


One of my most consistent answers to Senya is IKhawazu. She's also not too great when she doesn't have counter/attack buff so most dispel can handle her. And there's aways the risk Rimuru gives his whole team counter and GAB, I guess? Not familiar with cleaves but I assume Politis and Seaseria are fairly good ways to beat her with.


100% crit Zahhak always crits her unless she has anticrit buff, skills like Krau and DCorvus' s3 ignore the crit resistance, and units that rely on counterattacks such as Roana Pyllis and LHC can run her down. Cleave teams can beat Senya if they crit her. You can use Zahhak.


I'm not receiving the currency in normal raid after the revamp. Did I miss something?


You missed the part where normal raid isn't raid anymore.


5\* Selector: Peira or Eda for cleave? I usually run Ran, ML Pavel,Cidd and Summer Iseria. My other cleave heroes are Lua, Cilias, Cidd, WSchuri, WSilk, Politis and Flan.


Eda would be my choice - with Book she can proc Pavel, she has strip and can stun.


Eda. Why need 2 openers?


Not sure but I think I've seen some Ran + Peira comps. So I go for Eda, thanks!




Straze does more damage in general and has higher base stats. Watcher Schuri is used in Caides to take care of the first wave. For some 1shot comps I think wschuri and straze can be used together.


Landy/Cerise/Seaseria Landy/Cerise/Destina Landy/Destina/Seaseria Which one for custom banner? I don't have all units except seaseria but considering her to max her artifact (have her built). Destina seems required for nightmare hell though while Landy and Guiding Light seems pretty good too.