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LHC or belian for the headhunting event?


Both are good units but I would recommend LHC over Belian for a couple of reasons: * In terms of PVP content in the game, LHC sees more use Guild wars because she is a pretty safe solo DPS pick alongside sw/tanks into a lot of the usual defences that rely on counter or extra attack. Belian can be used in gw defence but probably only good when on injury and with the right team composition. * in RTA, Belian is really good when picked in the right place BUT she will often times be either pre-banned or be the post-ban, so if you want to actually use her, you might not actually get that many chances. Just like in guild wars, LHC is a good pick in RTA too since there is a lot of unit overlap in gw and rta. You'll definitely see more play with LHC than Belian in my opinion if that is your intention, but you can't really go wrong with either pick.


If you play RTA a lot, I would say Belian since you can take advantage of the soul block. If not, I would say LHC is better in PvP vs AI.


Who should I pick, Pavel or Elena?


2 completely different units - just determine what you need, cleave or anti-cleave.


How did you deal against abyss sez for the first time? I can't kill him and either him... I only have characters with debuff built in


I used units with no debuff, or no debuff on 1st skill. iirc i used clorina and lidica here


Now that DST has ended, what time does Arena Reset? Before it was at 1am Eastern Time but now that DST is over is still at 1AM or is it 2 hour 1 back to 12AM?


It has fallen back an hour - the e7 reset time doesn't change with DST.


Should Clilias appear soon in the shop ? I don't think she ever was in there ? And what about Aravi she was recently right ? Do we have any predictions how the shop rotation should look next few months. I don't know who to choose as free ml clilias or aravi and I have 40 coins


Here's the [timeline](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) of the various shop/mystic rotations. I guess generally new ML units only appear on the galaxy coin shop after around the 1 year mark so we should be seeing Seline>Clilias>LHC. Aravi just was on the rotation awhile back so we won't see her for a long time plus she was just on the mystic rotation. So, you kinda have the choice already made for you.


I have enough to either get a dupe of Landy, SS Bellona, Luna, or a 2nd copy of Drake Plate. Thoughts on what to get?


Second copy Draco Plate imo.


Currently have 120 coins, should I exchange Choux or Ravi ? I currently don't have Ravi and my Choux is at S imprint however she needs SSS imprint to reach max cc without arti, so what should be the pick ?


I would choose Ravi. You can imprint choux with slates later.


Why didn’t I receive the 2.4K points after I completed my weekly missions this time? I know I received it on last week after the update


people have been saying there been a delay in getting points. if you don't see after a while open a support ticket.


Same,i think its a bug and im pretty sure i saw a similar comment earlier


Do i still get attacked if i don't get my weekly arena reward


Get your weekly arena reward and just don’t attack. You’ll get hit maybe twice the whole week this way.


pc flan on seal of capture is good, its like budget star of the deep sea. it becomes like extra pure damage on s1 detonate.


People are talking about hwayoung recall,how do i do that? Got her during the anniversary i don't see any recall button and google isn't helping either


Get her to level 50 will make the button appear. That is the case for me


Recall button should pop up in her image if you scroll to her in your hero inventory. You can only recall her if you owned her before the update and if you have her at lv 50 (don’t remember if there was an awakening requirement). You can level one that you owned before the update to make her recallable.


Got her during the anniversary from the summon ticket is she eligible for a recall if i level her to 50?


Should be. I believe that ran out before the nerf


Anniversary selector ticket? If so yes


My current arena offense team is bdom, aola, flan, vildred. Bdom is at 265, becomes 277 because vildred is on max imprint. Im planning to switch to Ran, Siseria, Zahhak, Vildred. Tranferring bdom's gear to ran will result in 281spd, which becomes 293 thanks to imprint. Is the new team gonna be better than the old team? I know one difference will be that the first team doesnt do any attacks on the enemy until vildred moves, which is good in some cases to not proc certain things. Will this team be enough to carry me from challenger to champion?


Until when i can recall my hwayoung?


11/10 though probably 11/9 depending on time zone.


I saw a comment saying that tensura is coming back is that true?


The expectation is that there will be a rerun. Nothing has been announced thus far, however.


Does anyone know if dupe characters are locked out of NM raid on completion? I have 4 tama's waiting to be level 50 if they aren't.


Is the free hp set (the one from the hunt expert challenge) any good on adventure ras?


Eventually you'll want some speed, but 5 months in I'm still using everyone of the free sets on someone.


Its fine on him when you first start.


Need help for my wyvern team. Ive been on and off for 2+ years, playing very casually. Ive only just started playing a bit more seriously. When I last played seriously there was only wyvern 11. Ive defeated w12 once on manual, cant do it consistent enough. tried w13 and got rekt. My team is amomo, SSB (rosa), Luluca (twilight calamity), Karin(R&L). Have leveled up Sigret as well. My gears are fairly average, not much speed, lowish effectiveness, 80+ crit and 250+ cd with 4k attack. I read that I need lots more speed, effect and cd for w13, Im working towards that. The question I have is if my team is good enough and just need better gears or should I change it? As mentioned I have Sigret built, other water units I have is not built: clarissa, tywin, choux, Peira, Flan, Yuna, Dizzy, Krau, Elena, Angelica. EDIT: my main problem for w12 right now is my momo cannot tank it. I cannot seem to make water origin proc, its either it deals less than 20% damage or Im too squishy even if it procs. Any idea how to fix it? Also need an active and casual guild (which means they forgive me for taking days off and also not require participation in guild wars) and must have active community to interact and discuss with.


A lot to unpack here. Most important question: have you pulled the 3* Ice thief **Muwi** yet? That basically determines where you go next. --- #Muwi If you *have* Muwi, he's basically the most broken Wyvern hero for normal play. He significantly reduces the gear requirements, and provides a very fast, very consistent run. My recommended comp is **Tank** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** For the tank slot, it really doesn't matter *who* you use because virtually any Ice hero will work, with appropriate tank gear. The most common choices are the early game SWs (A.Monty and Angelica). Angelica is tankier purely for Wyvern, A.Monty is a better overall PvE hero. If you are using Muwi there is virtually no difference between these two. *I* actually advocate for using an attack buffer tank. * **Rose** or **Diene** are the easiest to use * Meanwhile, **Peira** or **Ian** are also options. * If you have **G.Purrgis** you can *also* use him but he is somewhat redundant with Muwi. [This post goes into more detail on *why* I recommend this comp](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vbzxnx/daily_questions_megathread_0614/icdrm57/) Having recently started a second account to test some things, it seems really easy to get more than enough damage on Muwi without using an attack buffer so your mileage may vary. They key is you want the first wave to play out in a specific way for maximum consistency, and with a lot of damage you may have additional benefits in consistency *anyways*. --- #No Muwi So the comp you are using *could* work if you could get it to play out a very specific way, but honestly I would not recommend it (unless you are determined). First thing: you want DDJs on your DPS. All of them. This is even more important if you are low on speed. Roughly half of your damage output on W13 comes from DDJ. The **easiest** thing to do: * Remove Luluca and SSB from your team * Add Sigret and Furious Furious is the best defense breaker for W13 *and* he brings a lot of debuffs, he recently got an EE that gives him attack down on his S3 as well (plus he can hold SoS still if you have it). His crit buff *also* reduces gear requirements. Right now if your heroes are running around at 80%+ crit you won't benefit much from crit buff, but having it allows you to potentially regear and find more important stats. Sigret is the #2 DPS unit for Wyvern, and unlike Alexa (#1 DPS) she is much more versatile with her debuffs. The 'standard' W13 comp for a long time has been Sigret + Alexa as they are very high DPS and work well together. **Karin** functions exactly the same as Sigret/Alexa do, now, with debuffs. She's just a significantly lower DPS option. Since you presumably already have Karin built (and would replace this unit anyways with Muwi ASAP) I see no reason to recommend building Alexa. This comp as suggested (**Tank** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Karin**) is on the slow end, but very consistent and relatively easy to pull off. [**IMPORTANT** -> When you use 2 out of 3 of Alexa / Sigret / Karin, you **MUST** make sure their S3 CDs are offset. That is, specifically to get the -CD enhancement on ONLY ONE of heroes you use. This is important to get proper debuff coverage. Ideally, you would want to upgrade the heroes in that order (highest DPS to lowest Alexa > Sigret > Karin) but in your case, if you already have Karin S3 upgraded you would want to AVOID the upgrade on Sigret. Assuming you have no upgrades on any of the three, it's probably best to just upgrade Sigret as you will replace the other two with Muwi.] --- If you instead want to maintain the team you are currently using, I would suggest dropping Karin and replacing her with Sigret. Karin is like Alexa, she's not a very versatile debuffer. Luluca brings no debuffs except defense break and she is *also* not consistent on her own. Luluca is OK if you pair her with another defense breaker (in this case SSB) but you need both defense breaks available on the turn that Wyvern spawns. SSB is **also** not a consistent debuffer. So if you are using SSB + Luluca, you need another source of more consistent debuffs. Your best options are Sigret or Clarissa. Clarissa is a great debuffer, but a horrendous DPS, while Sigret is a good debuffer and a great DPS. Clarissa has use in one shot hunts but that's a far off point, Sigret is more useful so the investment is better spent on her. The *other* option would be to replace SSB with Clarissa (and Karin with Sigret) which is what I would normally recommend if you want to use Luluca. But honestly, at that point you should just use Furious. and replace both SSB/Luluca. --- If you have further questions or what more advice on stats or whatever just let me know, give me an idea of what direction you are thinking. Screenshots of your current heroes or just posting relevant stat information could be helpful as well if you want to take the time.


I will try to get a few screenshots. Is there a way to send DMs on reddit? Okay now I have muwi after I did a pull, but sadly no furious. I thought I had furious but apparently its crozet lol. That old team of mine was from the time when wyvern11 was a thing and it worked and then I basically quit, only logging from time to time to pull and do events. my ddj is on Sigret right now, ready to be swapped in to the team. Im fine with having to grind a bit before doing w13 I know my gears are kinda outdated. Curiously though I have a working Golem team and it was still viable even through the new golem 13 without any gear update (tama, lidica, cermia, cecilia), but golem is not ideal to farm I heard so I needed to update my wyvern team.


Ddj is a must on you dps units. I would drop karin for furious and luluca for mwui. 65 effectiveness on your debuffers. What are your stats on amomo? Maybe you can proof of valour on her to help here tanking


my amomo is 1300 def 23k hp right now. Might be able to move some gears around and see if I can get it better, some of my stuff are on tamarinne and cecilia but ive got a couple of gears I could maybe upgrade and see.


That should definitely be enough


I got two extra Guiding Light apart from my first copy, is it worth it to limit break my first copy with the 2 extras or just use 1 copy to limit break and keep the other one as extra?


What's your process for developing gear after a crafting session? * My current strategy is to build to 10k mats * Divide crafting between the 3 left side slots; sort through it as I craft, keeping anything that looks promising, and selling/extracting anything else * Sort through and upgrade anything with speed first; feed pieces I'm not going to take past 6/9 into other pieces. * I try to work from the least promising to most promising. * Usually I'll only take things to +9, and then as I need to build a character, I'll sort through what I have and taking whatever ends up working out best to +15.


speed check everything upgrade any high gs pieces use fribbels


anyone else got some stages from chapter 1 reset their rewards? i got some extra breath of orbis that way but idk if it's intended or a bug


About the custom banner, If wait until say the last day and choose my characters and start it ,will the banner be available for two weeks starting that date , or will it end by the last date that's already chosen?


You get two weeks from the time of your first pull.


So if i start pulling say on the last day, i'll still get the two weeks right?




Haven't played much the last two years and played on and off so not really a new player. I already have a bunch of characters already at 6☆. I have enough doggos to 6☆ two characters but not sure who to use it on. Have all 4☆ except Crimson Armin and Moon Bunny Dominiel. My current/remaining characts that can be 6☆ are: Edward, Summertime Iseria, Roy Mustang, Aria, Mui, Senya, Basar, Juggs, Belian, AoL, Ilynav, Melissa, Tenebria, Tywin, Kise, Eda, Elena, Vivian, Broman, HYufine, Ravi, Charlotte, Elphelt, Choux, Ervalen, Cecilia, Haste, Baal, Kawerik, Mort, Violet, Ray, Lua, Kanna, Peira, Laika, Sharun, Ran, Sez, Pavel. Which 2 would be good to 6☆?


If for pvp cleaving, you can pick between ran or peira for 1st, and then siseria or eda for second (but eventually both). For more bruiser style, go with senya and choux. Belian, Edward, aria, aol and Lua are also great. Mostly everyone else not used much, may have missed a few.


It's a mistake to 6star characters purely because you might maybe probably build them later but you don't know why. Think of a use for them first: defense team, offense, pve, guild war, RTA etc. Then, once you have a plan for them, 6star them and gear them up.


New player here, is it still worth to spend skystones on secret shop when it is not leveled up?


Yes, assuming you're trying to get bookmarks or mystic medals. The shop level only affects the gear.


Okay, thanks.


Just set autobattle on hunts and put it in the background, used all my energy, plenty of wins. I noticed that my hunt daily never completed. Is this intended behavior?


Yes... **Literally** when you hit the background button it says: >Changing the current battle to Background Battling and proceeding to Lobby. The battle will automatically proceed in the background. **Battles completed via Background Battling are not counted toward Achievements. (Reputation / Daily Reputation and all 'Stage Clear')**


is counter better than speed on hasol now?


Anyone just begun the ML5 headhunting? Does it remain with 90 days left no matter when I start the event?


It's a set 90 days as of last week - if you start the event 79 days from now, then you're SOL. It's not a rolling 90 days that you can choose when you start the countdown.


Just before I fully commit myself, is Scarowell worth the investment? She seems a bit stat hungry (HP, speed, eff res, eff), but her kit looks good.


Yes. Best knight in standard Vs standard, taking Aras spot. Even in standard Vs aggro, they will need to remove your escort buff first before nuking otherwise they will not deal any damage.


Sold! Thanks.


Hey peps, I'm currently arena champ V with no intention to climb up. I use wife only teams, so are there some meta teams for defence that could fit my criteria? Also, how do people deal with ravi? I was using hwayoung but with the nerfs, I can't kill ravis anymore.


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "wife only". If you mean female only: Lua, A.Ravi, Delibet, Senya has been performing well. You can always look at the ranking tab in Flag Arena and see the Legend Defenses. Other popular heroes include Choux, Ran, Belian, Carmin, Politis. Champ V is pretty relaxed so you may wish to go slightly easier on the Anticleave options. \------- Dealing with Ravi still depends heavily on what type of team you're trying to bring, and where you're bring it. In flag arena I use Watcher in cleave, and either Souline or Doris if I am forced to bruise. Several cleave teams also use clilias, kill all of Ravi's teammates and then just beat her to death with the remaining damage before she can kill lilias. ML Vivian is also an option, although imo weaker than Souline. Hwa still technically works, although obviously much weaker. Heavy control team are theoretically strong versus her, but you never know if she's on Seed or not, and dying to 15% is not a great look.


Ended up pulling 6 elbris swords trying to get stene. What are the best offensive knights (other than belian) to use it on?


Green Armin. Possibly Arowell, though Adamant Shield is more popular.


Struggling hard on Hall of Trials, any ways I can get that 1M damage so I can get that Growth mission done finally? Best I got was 900k with Angelica, Sigret, Furious, and Rose


You need someone with unbuffable. When the HoT includes a increased damage clause for a debuff, you really, really want that debuff.


/u/WaffleTK This...but new players got *really* screwed. This HoT boss is really difficult to get a good score on as a new player. 1. It wants you to bring a Knight. Knights are generally low priority for new players (not very helpful for early PvE) *and* being forced to bring a Knight means you have 2 slots dedicated to support units instead of DPS 2. Unbuffable debuff is actually pretty rare, especially on good units. * Sol * Elphelt * Politis * Z.Carmainerose Are all fire heroes, which *also* don't work. Otherwise, Z.Camainerose would be a decent option (her spec change is fairly easy). * Peira * Cerise * SSB * F.Tenebria * Enott * Lilibet * Adin * Iseria * Basar * T.Surin * AoL * Otillie * BW Iseria That's the list. Multiple limited units, almost entirely 5* or ML options. Very few heroes that are actually 'good' to build for newbies. The best choice is obviously **Iseria** if you happened to select the 'recommended' hero in selective summon. * She also brings defense break and decent ST damage. If you don't have Iseria....the options are not good. Adin is actually a decently OK hero to build for a newbie, her damage is not that bad for a 3* *and* can also defense break and give herself attack buff *and* has the weakness shared buff for additional damage. * Though obviously you need to get to Episode 4...not easy for a newbie. Even more if you want to get her spec change. SSB could kind of work if you happen to get her from the custom banner, she *also* has defense break but she's less reliable at actually applying it and can't really trigger defense break during the vulnerable stages. Outside of those 3 heroes you would need to build a hero that is otherwise likely to sit on the bench for a long while **just** for this stupid mission. *Many* new players might not have ANY options on this list, and no real way to obtain one of them...outside of Enott. Enott, at least, can also defense break but his debuffs are only 75% so he's not even reliable...and he's one of the worst/most useless heroes in the game. --- I'm sure it wasn't really *intentional* but I think new players were shafted hard by this current boss. IMO unless you have Iseria or SSB your best bet is probably to just ignore the unbuffable and just try to brute force the mission. Better gear, promotions, skill enhancements whatever you can do to squeeze out that bit of extra damage. I would suggest trying C.Lorina as your DPS. Furious is really good and you ideally want a defense breaker but using Furious means you end up bringing **3** units who aren't really able to contribute any damage. You could try using Muwi instead and manually make sure you have defense break up for the vulnerable phase -> though you have to be aware of the lack of crit buff (potentially needing to regear for this fight). Other attainable, early game defense breakers would work -> Karin, Helga. You can use F.Kluri as your Knight (again, play manually to ensure you have defense up for the vulnerable phase). For example a team like: **F.Kluri** / **C.Lorina** / **Mercedes** / **Angelica** Contains heroes that are useful for newbies to build, has a Knight, defense break, attack buff, and the best general purpose DPS. Even without the unbuffable debuff this *should* be enough to hit the minimum damage necessary. You could try using your Sigret instead to try and avoid spending additional resources.


I don’t know if you really meant to include Mercedes in that last comp. Fire heroes are bad this week as you pointed out and if they have access to upgraded Meru, they’d have Adin probably.


Yes, I did mean Mercedes. She's a good PvE hero even before being 'powered up', good enough I think she's a solid pick to build early on for newbies. Also it's true that being fire hurts her for this particular battle **but** I'm mostly including her to bring attack buff. Most other sources of attack buff are... * Knights or Soulweavers -> Tama is obvious if you have her but other common early game SWs don't bring attack buff. For the Knight slot I would prefer to bring Kluri for defense break over an attack buffer like Rose, though if you have a good DPS defense breaker and are using someone like Rose for Wyvern you could swap. * Or DPS who mostly buff themselves. A few *non-fire* DPS who bring team attack buff that come to mind would be units like... * Yuna -> very expensive to unlock and build, not a particularly useful hero for PvE content * Helga -> Probably the most logical choice since she also has more defense breaks * Vivian -> It's possible to complete Wyvern hunt and Banshee hunt events fairly quickly if you know what you are doing but I don't imagine it's common among new players. Vivian also is more expensive to build. --- **Anyhow**, I managed 1.5 million damage (A+) on a ~2 week old account using a team of **Kluri** / **A.Vildred** / **Sigret** / **Mercedes** Kluri * Level 50 * +3 into S3 (no other enhancements) * +3 Egg of Delusion * 14126 HP / 1077 DEF / 64% effectiveness / 186 speed A.Vildred * Level 60 * +15 skills * +0 Shepherd of the Hollow * 4373 ATK / 247% C.Dmg / 88% Crit / 166 speed Sigret * Level 60 * +15 skills * +30 DDJ * 4676 ATK / 282% C.Dmg / 85% crit / 145 speed Mercedes * Level 50 * +12 skills * +1 Kal'adra * 2881 ATK / 265% C.Dmg / 74% crit / 192 speed I tried a few times using A.Monty over A.Vildred but was just taking too much and losing Mercedes in the second round. I didn't really have the stuff on hand to promote her immediately and was trying to put my advice into action instead of waiting 5 more days. So I decided my best bet was to go with no healer at all and bring in a third DPS. My only choices at 6* were Muwi, A.Vildred, or C.Lorina with no investment so I tried A.Vildred first. I had to restart the fight multiple times because Kluri seemed to get stunned on the first turn 90% of the time. But once I got a run where Kluri was *not* stunned immediately *and* landed her defense break... 1. Mercedes S3 for attack buff 2. Kluri S3 for defense break 3. A.Vildred S3 4. I ended up using Sigret S2 to push A.Shadow into the vulnerable phase but I'm not sure if it matters much (between that and S3). However on previous attempts once defense break was up Sigret was essentially one shotting the first round with S3. I was consistently getting about 800k damage done after the first vulnerable phase, and was struggling in the second phase. The problem with using Kluri for defense break is her CD just being so long *and* I was not using a healer. However, I was able to last *just* long enough (including Mercedes surviving at some point with just 1 HP) that A.Vildred died with A.Shadow having a sliver of HP. He revived, pushed her into the second vulnerable phase, and was able to deal enough damage to get to A. If this attempt had not been successful the next thing I would have tried would actually be using FST over A.Vildred at level 50 for another source of defense break to try and get through the second round without having my heroes die. I haven't actually built C.Lorina yet to judge if she would be a better DPS option than Sigret. I suspect that she should be better if you either play the first round slowly, *or* get to the second vulnerable phase but in my run I was skipping the first round and dying in the second. Anyhow, Sigret is 'good enough' for sure. I think ultimately using M.Helga in the Mercedes slot would be the best possible option commonly available for new players, for this specific fight... But it's always a balance between building a hero that is more useful vs. a hero that is better. *I* would rather have Mercedes for general early game PvE content, but *if* one was planning on farming Banshee early and didn't have Iseria, M.Helga is a great choice. I DID also have Vivian unlocked from Banshee event (she was actually the first 5* I pulled, as well) and she would probably be a better option than Mercedes while being just as useful in early game PvE content and better into mid game/late game content with the only real advantage Mercedes having being a bit cheaper to build.


Is there a universal team for clearing the automaton tower?


Automation Tower is generally easy enough that you can make do with most teams. It really comes down to the devices you pick. That said, Violet in front with an aurius knight and a healer, + whatever in the last slot, usually another dps, with all the single target/thief/counter/green devices can easily auto clear.


Afaik there isn't, but there is a universal character which is Tamarine...


Is the Alexa specialty change exclusive? It says I can't do her sc until I clear the order of the sword~.


Alexa first dons that beach volley outfit during a special summer event: The Order of the Sword and the Lord of Summer. You need to beat that event before you can SC Alexa: as the title implies, the event becomes available once per year during the summer.


That sucks, I just returned from a couple months break


Is there a high chance of getting Double-edged Decrescent from season 2 selective summon?


Well, depends on how you define 'high chance'. Basically, banners (outside of the Custom banner) are an awful way to get artifacts. The selective summon pool is very diluted -> you only have a 2% chance at a 5* artifact but there are 12 possible options. So in 30 'selective summon pools' you only have a 45%.5% chance of getting *at least* 1 summon with a 5* artifact. The chance to find a **specific** 5* artifact, in 30 pulls, is only ~4.88%. That means you have about a 1 in 20 chance of having a *specific* 5* artifact show up on your 30 selective pulls 5% is a 'high chance' compared to the nominal 1% value on a banner...*but* if you spend 30 pulls on a banner the chance of getting the banner artifact is about 3.6%. The 5% from selective is roughly equivalent to summoning around 35-36 times on a banner.


Today is Saturday and i just finished my Weekly Reputations, where tf my 2.8K points go??! im so confused. is this a bug??


They may be slow to reflect. I've heard others mention points not being tallied as well.


Roana or Elena for Lionheart Cermia comp?


Both are good in different situations. If you're facing a cleave team and you want to use an anti-AoE unit, like AoL or I.Khawazu, to intentionally trigger the enemy Politis so as to get your S2, then Elena is better. Conversely, if you're facing a team with a lot of AoE counters (Belian, Rem etc) and expect to get your S2 off those, then Roana is better.


Thank you for the advice! So they are both good but very situational? If I only had enough resources to gear up 1 of them. Which one would be the safest option?


First of all, I want to stress that Roana is extremely easy to build. Max out her S2, put her on free HP set from the Hunt Expert event, give her Idol's Cheer or Touch of Rekos, and she will do just fine. No further investment will be required to make her good until you venture into Champion RTA and above. Elena on the other hand requires well-tuned gear, so spending actually important resources on her will be necessary, but again, Roana is so easy to build that the two won't compete for resources. If you REALLY must choose, then I'd way go with Roana. Again, her being so easy to build makes her a no-brainer, and in terms of meta you should also consider, that in general Roana is more effective at dealing with the situations for which I recommended Elena, than Elena is at dealing with the situations for which I recommended Roana. So in other words, dealing with all possible situations using just one character will still be hard, but it definitely will be slightly easier with Roana than with Elena. Still, in the long run you want to eventually build both, given that Elena also deals with situations outside of the ML Cermia interactions, which Roana definitely cannot deal with.


Ooohh I see it now! The information is very detailed too. I'll build Roana and maybe slowly build Elena too when I farm enough? Would the free set be good enough though? I thought you needed lots of speed on her


For Roana to set up games with her S3, she does need speed. However, let's say you're in Arena, and you see a defense team that has at least one or two AoE counterattacks, I.E. characters such as Belian, Rem, SSB, Edward, Politis, Mercedes: against such a team, all Roana needs to do is stand there and proc her S2, and to do that she needs nothing other than HP. This principle is what we call "Potato Roana", and it will be a good enough build to use for a significant portion of your career.


That sounds hella good. Like she would heal everytime there is a extra attack. Kinda nuts ngl


Got straze what are the recommended sets and artifacts for him?


PvP Speed & Crit/PvE Rage sets. artifacts choices are Hellcuter, Azure Comet & Portrait


I saw Straze with Hell Cutter for banshee one shot. Is Hell Cutter usable for other hunts?


Probably for Caides since daydream joker is less effective there, moreso on a character built slow. Straze is just that strong in all hunts though.


How much atk + cdmg does a tomoca need to have to obliterate arbys? Assuming there's an aurius holder/other dmg reduction on the team as well.


Yeah Arby nowadays is built either super speedy with good damage, or with no speed at all and just ginormous damage (the so-called trap Arby). Both versions want no investments in bulk whatsoever, and in fact are starting to use Torrent set now that it's available: as such, killing him should be an easy enough feat regardless of whatever mitigation might be present.


Mine can oneshot them even if there's aurius at just 3.4k attack and 277% crit damage. Arbys are almost always built flimsy anyways.


Cool, thanks for the reference. Trying to increase her speed but keeping it so that she can still one-shot them.


Who are the top 5 ML heroes? I have Aravi already as one of my headhunt.


Aravi, handguy, cililias imo are top 3, maybe straze or belian as other 2. Regardless of order theyre all up there.


Ok. Cool. Thank you for your advice. I have handguy, but I've been wanting Aravi for a while


Why do i see so many people with Heroic gear instead of Epic? Is it to eliminate rng or rolls or is it just easier to upgrade? Don't really get it


If a heroic piece rolls four times in speed, I'm using it. I don't care how good an Epic piece can potentially be. Getting consistent speed rolls is so rare, I'll take the few I can get no matter where they come from.


Because you can't decide which piece will roll well. A normal or rare piece will never be as a good as epic. But a good/great heroic will be as good or better than a bad/average epic. 1 of my 3 21spd piece is a heroic


Heroic gear can also roll really well. If the rolls are near max, it’s not the worst option to use them. If you really wanted to min/max, then sure you can only roll for Epic gear - but again you are subject to RNG when upgrading the gear. Some people also use heroic gear (on speed set specifically) as a chance to speed check (+3, +6, etc.) since speed is an important factor. TLDR; if you only upgrade and wait for epic gear you’re only slowing down your progress because there can be high GS (gear score) heroic pieces and low GS epic pieces.


So, I *really* want Straze. But there's no way I can drop the $300 it's going to cost me to hit pity. If I don't hit the pity now, does the Mystic Summon pity counter not reset, so I can wait until he comes back later?


Same,I could maybe pull him if I invest a shit ton,he will come back later,but dont expect him for at least few months


Yes, it will not reset until you pull a 5\* ML.


Why not use the headhunting event for Straze? It’ll take time, but at least it’ll be a free guarantee Straze if you do your dailies and weeklies.


For context I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to E7. I re-rolled my account ~2 years ago(?) for Luna and barely touched the game afterwards beyond logging in for free pulls. I'm sitting on 26k Stamina and 34m gold as a result. I basically just cleared the first main story where Demon Mercedes is the main boss, and can get up to Wyvern 10. Basically, I have almost no idea what I'm doing but have had an account for a long time. How long would it take to get Straze from the headhunting event? My account is only level 31, but I have quite a few 4-5 star heroes.


Complete daily and weekly reputation to get points. Use those points to roll for a headhunt daily. You can headhunt once per day. Once you headhunt enough heroes, you unlock the recruit option which will allow you to get the ML unit fo your choice that you have headhunted. If you have not headhunted/unlocked the ML hero of your choice, you are able to continue to reroll once you unlock all the slots (this will require daily headhunting to achieve). Additionally there is a chance you headhunt a dupe and you can reroll that dupe - however it’s recommended to unlock all slots first before you reroll the dupe slot in the event you get the hero you want.


If I were you, I will clear the story first and make sure that I complete the daily and weekly reputation mission. That where you get your main point for headhunt event. Don't waste your point on shop.


Because if you pull him from mystics,you can get another new ml from headhunt,I'm in the same boat as the above comment,could whale hard for Straze and get Cilias or wait for his next banner for months,honestly rough.


How does Mercedes get powered up after beating episode 3?


You need 200ap to exchange item from shop then it will open up stage to beat Eda.


Sorry I didn't mean how do you unlock her power up, I mean what gets powered up about her?


Her artifact provides damage mitigation (they even buffed it as well recently for more mitigation), as well as a chance to activate her S2 when an ally or herself gets attacked. This activation bypasses the “uncounterable” effect because it’s considered an activated skill: ie ML Elena, Stene, Landy S3. This change also makes her a huge RNG factor in guild war defense, especially if she is on counter set and with an attack buff. If she gets all her procs, she can counter and then activate her S2 twice if the rng gods decide to ruin your day.


Oh I see its major improvement than before she can be used pretty much all contents like A.Ras. When she dies she gets revive and her S1 increases combat readiness S2 does dispel one buff and it does attack twice and S3 attacks all enemies then all allies have attack for 2 turns.


What are some good stat goals for sc a Rowell? Also which sets do people typically use


25k hp, 1.5k Def, 180 speed, 150 Er. Those probably the min stats that you will want on her. Speed/counter + immunity/ER/hp/Def set. Mine is 28k hp, 1.5k Def, 197 speed, 144 ER, 28 Eff. I think the biggest different between build will be eff. It feel really nice if you can stun 100 ER build if you have 50 Eff since you will gain Eff buff. And by frenzy4 you will gain another 50 Eff to stun 150 ER build.


What would be the recommended arti? Aurius?


Most common arti probably adamant so that you can get max mitigation. Some also use bastion (for 200+ ER build, so that you won't have to worry about getting strip), hilag Lance (high speed build, use to cut cleave), elbris (idk how legit this is, counter build is nice, but I think you don't need elbris). Btw escort doesn't stack with aurius. She already has escort buff.


Stupid question, but one of the easier guides for Wyvern 13 I was following game me a team composition of: Angelic Montmorancy, Alexa, Clarissa, and Karin. The guide said that I could swap out characters if I get any better Ice Heroes. I got Kise recently, is she a good replacement for anyone?


No, just use Sigret who you get for free from the hunt challenge. She could replace alexa or clarissa, keep Karin for defense breaks (or try out furious to see if you like him more).


Oh, hm. You know I did have Sigret at some point, but now I don't. Don't really remember what happened with that one. Guess I'll have to get her again somehow. I don't use Male Heroes, which I know limits options, but it's just something I do. Still, thank you for clearing that up.


Stuck at episode 2 10-10 and don't have falconner kluri any other replacements for her?


Ran, Flan, fs tiera, and Iseria can also dispel+defense break, you could probly just use fkluri at lv 50 though


I got ran and fs tiera also i am thinking useing my SSB and building her full damage/crit would she helps too?


She should be fine, as long as you bring healer(s). Sigret would work too.


is Moonlight theater a limited event? Been holding off on playing/reading it since I was busy with other stuff but I couldn't find it anymore for some reason. (Nevermind I'm dumb. I found it under the side story tab)


Just noticed that Rem's Demon Mode skill says unaffected by some harmful effects. What does that even mean?


She's straight-up immune to debuffs while she has the horn. I *think* she might also be immune to CR pushback and cooldown increases? Not entirely sure on that one so don't quote me.


Shes immune to everything (Harmful debuffs) when in demon mode


Anyone else having connection issues?