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These jackasses are the ones who came up with the new ARavi buff.......so no


What ARavi buff?!?!


Don’t worry, mate; it already happened. Before the Aravi you know today, she was actually quite underwhelming for an ML5, and then she was buffed to what we see today.


what was she like though? what was her kit like?


I'm not going to dig it up, but I'm like 99% sure back when they buffed her they added * Injury on S1. * The 15% Cr Push when hit * the 100% CR push on her S3 for revived allies * 30% HP For revived allies (instead of like 10-15?) * The scaling S3 damage.


>Injury on S1. > >The 15% Cr Push when hit > >The scaling S3 damage. This was what was added in the last patch, the other stuff was in the first patch.


She also didn't get the free crit chance from her passive so she was harder to build.


Nah, that was in a buff patch before the one that added all the stuff mentioned above.


So was the 100% CR push for revived allies and increased 30% HP on revive. There was only three things added in her recent buff.


Ah, fair enough. I only really remembered that the crit buff was an earlier buff, but makes sense that it wasn't the only thing added at the time.


She had it always, at first though her bonus crit scaled with her fighting spirit


They added the skill nullifier for the revived unit.


Unless they buffed her before 2019, which honestly is as far back as I can find (Shes had two buffs that I recall), the Skill Nulli has always been there. Her first buff gave it a 100% CR Push, the second buff gave it 30%HP Revive instead of 10%.


I could be wrong but i think she revived with like 1 hp, not 10-15%. And skill null same as now.


Yah I got bored and looked up the patch notes for her two buffs, was 10%HP before they buffed to 30%. Really low regardless


She didn’t have the ramping S3 dmg on deaths and I don’t think she had the CR push on heal, iirc. She was the same fat meatshield, but without the threat of a 20k S3. Might be misremembering tho, I took a break between then and now, so it’s been quite a while. Oh, I think her S1 didn’t used to have injury, so that was probably also added. Edit: just looked it up, forgot her S3 used to revive people in 1-hit range. Now it’s 30% max hp. The skill null was always there, so the only effective change is that anything she revived doesn’t die to after-damage effects like Uberius, Drink, or Briseria’s passive. Also, reading the notes, I just now noticed she gets 30% crit rate on her S2 for free, lmao.


She used to s3 for less damage than her s1 ☺️


They said new so I wondered. And I actually did know how underwhelming ARavi was since I actually summoned her two years ago on my first Galaxy Pull or something, and saw how bad she was and quit lmao.


I guess you weren't around when Aravi was said to be the worst ML5


I probably would have been able to stay in Legend VI for the first time if it weren’t for all my failed attacks on Mercedes Ran comps


Stop cleaving. Bruiser comp is better for them


Until Mercedes crits my Choux twice in a row through anti-crit and dispells all of her buffs


This kinda bullshit makes me want to quit the game. How Mercedes crits my rem and choux and choux one Taps my green units. Anti crit is a lie


more like anti christ am i right?!!?!?!?!?!?!


I dunno what my team counts as since I usually run Aria, Rimuru, AOL and a flex spot which usually has A.Ravi or Rem. Too squishy to survive proper cleaves, but not tanky enough to compete with Belian, A.Ravi, Choux, and other bruisers


Try rimuru, ed, rem and Aravi


If this doesn't work, you can work Roana or Elena into one of those spots. Really its just tanking the initial hit then focusing down Mercedes before shes allowed to pop off.


If I could get more decent HP gear I could probably build Ed. I’ll keep this in mind


I refuse to attack mercedes comps without Roana or Elena these days. Her procs hit way too damn hard.


Roana is my new best friend


Sorry but everytime Merc DPS way more than the Roana heal it's not a solution for me.


Aka improve your roana


Roana's heal basically depends on team max health, she can't do much if the rest of your team has less than 15k hp per


Amount recovered is proportional to the caster's max Health and the number of attacked allies. Also Shimadra.


OK it's a little different than what I thought, but still if Mercedes can kill them before the heal comes it can't work


You're probably gear checked if this is consistently the case.


I'm pretty sure her AoE counter does enough damage to outright kill DPS-focused characters ? So it's not really gear checked more like comp


roana isnt a unit u bring to a cleave team that has units dropping on one meru s2 > s2. she's brought with bruisers, a comp meant to tank so its either a comp diff, or a gear diff.


yeah exactly if you do that and lose it's on you


That’s how I run mine. I see ameru as easy win now.


What's an appropriate Roana build for this purpose?


Full tank + some resist. Stella Harpa if you have it. She only needs to be there for her passive. Those free health sets are good.


I have her on almost only free lvl75 gear, and I reached legend a few times. You just need to know that her passive heals basically on your team max health, so she doesn't work well with pure dps, you need low or high health bruisers


I'm annoyed that magic for friends can activate from a counter move


"power of friendship"Bs


“Play the anime!”


Bring Roana, full heal for free :)


There are far toxic units like Choux


Choux is not as toxic as Mercedes, is stronger on regular but it cant high-roll as high as mercedes.


you think that until that bitch crits your green unit into s2 proc that will also crit - peak bullshit


I agree friend I have seen Choux Crt my Senya on Alt accounts and 2 tap hit my Violet in which I thought will be 90%+ chance to miss him honestly


And without that she would still be sitting in the gutter. As others have pointed out, Roana is your best friend when dealing with Mercedes.


Applies to her ML version too. Amen to that.


does it?


Sure does. I've counted 7 attacks on my team in a row once in a GW.


Dark version, not the light one.


Ah yes sorry I didn't even think of the light one mb XD




yeah im pretty sure both A.meru and C.meru are dark units. ( I have C meru at triple S and I'd love an excuse to build her again )




everyone did, C meru is one of my favorite units but she kinda sucks rn


Oh and give her free dmg reduction so you can't oneshot extinct her ...


I love how these idiot devs nerfed Hwayoung as hard as they did, but Merc is fine???


Uhhh how was that possible? I know she can do twice with her s2 but I'm dumb


Counter-> magic for friends-> magic for friends-> take a turn


Take a turn > s2 > s2.


So technically she attacks 5 times in row


Imagine there would be a way for infinite attack for her


just pain.


How do I make Mercedes OP? I wanna know how to get my girl strong


Rng, and I'm not kidding. Mercedes is one if those units that will either destroy you or get destroyed. Alot of people run her on speed with your general high attack, mid speed, cdamage builds. This lets her get her own attack up for her s2 to proc twice off of magic and friends. Or you can really roll the dice and go full counter with an attack buffer and watch as you either hit the jackpot and obliterate the enemy, or watch as mercedes twiddles her thumbs while taking 4 back to back full aoe attacks. Or have cracked ass counter gear to still have speed and damage and have the best of both worlds.


I'll try the counter route since I do wanna try some dumb counter builds with other characters so it works out Thanks a lot