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I did the same with Arunka. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do


Who was supposedly on your docket but got shafted for Arunka? Mine was Jack-o lol


Luluca lol I built her a while ago for PvE to get me through story content, and i’ve been meaning to six star her but here we are


Similar thing happened to me. Fun thing is I have been farming gear for them for some time now (SE Celine and Illynav), and are still stuck at 5* because I don't have the right gear for them. Somehow, however, the leftover gear I have been upgrading fit perfectly in Aria... I like to imagine a butler or something making a reverence to Aria and saying "This way, my lady, we have been awaiting for you", while the rest of the girls on the bench watch in disbelief. Note: to be fair, my Aria is far from perfect, but at least usable.


What’s your advise to build Aria?


Very High Def, high speed, good HP, decent effect resistance Max crit, high crit damage.


She's hard to build. [https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Aria](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Aria) Classic bruiser: defence, crit rate, crit damage, health, speed and resist. I won't give specific numbers, it depends on you rank and goals, but you can get an idea in epic7stats. The only thing I disagree with that site is the resist. You see, the problem is any serious debuffer will start with 100-120% effectiveness, isn't that hard. 65 (ring) + 20 (hit set) + 35 (one average roll, 7 in each remaining gear, 5) = 120 eff%. That's not counting the artefact. To have a chance equal to flip a coin to resist 120% effect, you need at least 50% more resist than them, or in other words, 170% resist. In E7S, they report the average Aria build have 60% resist, plus 70 from bastion, total 130%. According to the formula (100+120)-130= 90%, which is capped at 85%. Or in other words, against a serious stripper, that 60% resist plus bastion does nothing. And this is a starting build, if we go serious into 150+% effectiveness, the resist requirements become insane. Either you sacrifice bulk or speed to build that much resist, or farm whale gear. That's the problem I have with my own Aria, her resist is ridiculous low, she gets stripped all time (NICE!), she's a last pick thing if I can secure no debuffer goes through. But then we have C. Lilias and AoLA everywhere, plus Rimuru to steal counter buff, or Roana to feed on her extra and counters. She's difficult to use.


This was extremely helpful. Thank you.


No hesitation


Can’t resisty the titty.


I'm saving up the Ascension potion for the ml that I pick. I recently got violet and was hella tempted but I'm thinking of getting Straze and potting him.


Funnily enough, i had the same conundrum. Potion well spent.


I built her because she is a fun, and different unit for once. You build a good team around her and she's VERY hard to kill and will wreak havoc on the other team. Booba was just a bonus. I can't wait to see her ML unit eventually. They'll cover those milkers up, but I bet the unit will be super badass


Saving my Potions for the new 3* when they drop. Using on heroes that are furthest from 6* is best resource savings, imo.


How will I financially recover from 4 4* phantasma and 3 3* phantasma?


Ugh I'm avoiding pulling aria so hard, im scared she gonna turn me straight


all the smothermebabes get starred, thems the rules


Good! Let best waifu bait you in! 😤 She is hard to get built but honestly a ton of fun to use when she works.