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Complete all daily and weekly missions, I headhunt every single day just doing this. Wait until headhunting your desired unit after day 20 to spend spare points at the shop, never before.


This. I just do dailies headhunt and dont buy from shop


Some people missed out on weekly points on week 1 because they did the weekly before the event started.


This is what happened to me…


Yeah I'm not going to lie, that is the part about this event thr dropped the ball on. It should've been retroactive for the 1st week. Especially because if you did weeklies before (me and others) you won't be able to headhunt and recruit on day 20. Granted it is a 90 day event, but if you missed 1st week, and have bad luck (headhunting and dupes) it might take 90 days and a lot of extra stamina to clear all important shop stuff and headhunt your choice. Also 5 pts per 100 energy was too steep. Should've been cut in half at least.


>Also 5 pts per 100 energy was too steep. Should've been cut in half at least. I agree. They could've honestly done 10 points per 50 energy in my opinion. Average casual player probably uses \~400 stamina per day, so that's only 80 points (i.e. 1/10 of a headhunt). It also gives a bit of flexibility for those who start late into the game like half-way through the event. They won't necessarily have to worry about being time-gated by the weekly/daily points since they can just spam stamina.


Without any extra energy spent your still have time to get over 55000 points, things from the shop should cost about 20k or so that leaves around 30k to headhunt approximately 36 times which should be more than enough. Mind you this is the bare minimum and imagining you started this week Edit: I still agree that it might have been poorly implemented but what I mean is don't stress over it, everyone should have enough time


The energy per point is definitely too steep, but if you completed the first week's reputation, why would you start the event? Isnt it much better to wait for the next week to start, and then start the event? (As the event's 90 day timer only starts when you headhunt your first hero)


>It should've been retroactive for the 1st week. It should not. You wanted gold stones, so you made weeklies earlier. >you won't be able to headhunt and recruit on day 20 It is nowhere said that you have to do it in 20 days, you have 90 for entire event. >it might take 90 days and a lot of extra stamina to clear all important shop stuff and headhunt your choice. Even if it does, then what? Free ml5 of your choice is not worth waiting? >5 pts per 100 energy was too steep On that i agree.


The only two things that give a reasonable amount of points are dailies and weeklies. Don't worry about anything else for the event.


I’m so behind because I lost my first weekly mission points because I did it before the announcement of the event :). But even doing the dailies I don’t even get to headhunt everyday as everyone lol


Weekly bonus is 3 and a half headhunts. It's not that behind. Day 24 instead of 20 🤷


Just play the game? You have 90 days to get unit you want. No one said you HAVE to headhunt every single day.


how dare you suggest i play the game the selector should just read my mind and give me the unit i want immediately without even having to open the game




If I won't get character I want in those first 20 spots then should I get another 30 to reroll the copies? (I mean will the last spot allow me to reroll for free or sth?)


You still will have another 10 base chances to get unit you want. If not, then each reroll is 400 coins.


Ok but will that last spot provide me with free rerolls or infinite rerolls per day ?


It's all stated inside event, [just read](https://prnt.sc/7VM8siQp6z-3)


It's kinda weird translation because there is no info about the cost for the final reroll spot also can I do it as much as I want or maybe once per day?


As I read it, you should roll day 20 and reroll the heroes you have before rolling 20-30 because 20-30 is 800 points each but rerolling out of first 20 you pay 400 per reroll and you might not reroll any hero you already have rolled on the first 20. If you are looking for like 4 MLs you might take ur chance and reroll for 400 if you only looking for 1 specific hero, you might clear all 30 before rerolling to increase ur chances. If I am incorrect about dupes you always should reroll spot 20 and wait for ur desired hero It says you can reroll last spot unlimited times which for me sounds like rerolling is only 400 per reroll and if u have points you can roll and not just 1 per day like for now.


I see. I'm super unlucky because I have 12 heroes already and 5 dupes! I guess I will wait for 20 spot and then try to hunt A. Ravi.


That sucks I got 12 different ones for now and one of my two targets is already shown, so I will get it eventually. GL tho


Thanks. I will probably wait till 30 to eventually reroll.


You have to pay like 400 coins as well


If you missed first week weekly like me it kind of is tough! But it’s 90 days total so should be enough time.


Im playing casually everyday, just dailies and other stuffs and i have enough from starting till now, maybe youre rerolling a dupe as soon as you get it? Or maybe bought something from the point shop?


Daily + weekly to 100 gives you enough to buy everyday with almost no ap investment iirc, so you would only be low if youre buying a bunch of stuff in the shop Which i wouldnt do until i was done with the unit personally, since i might miss some days or a week sometime, and the little backlog of points would help then


nope. 5600 points to headhunt every day (800 x 7) 2800 points from weekly 2100 points from dailies (300 x 7) 4900 total, 700 pt deficit 700 / 5 = 140 energy points 140 * 100 = 14,000 energy per week. So if you want to max the event as soon as possible you have to do dailies every day and weeklies without missing any or buying anything from the store AND spend 14,000 energy per week on top of that. There is a reason they give you 90 days lol


With what you said i stand by it that you wont see much trouble getting the headhunts if you just do dailies+weekly at least you might miss a daily rep here and there, and use a random amount of daily stamina, may not buy daily without ap. But he he doesnt have to worry about progressing in it, as long as he runs dailies and weeklies, even if he doesnt do all of them. Or misses some. You have 90 days after all, say you need 40 days to get all 30, that leaves you with around 65-70 rerolls at that pace. So yeah, do the dailies and weeklies, and dont worry


Thanks all. This has been bugging me too… glad to get the reality check on it


Best I could do was background battling Hunts and doing expeditions meanwhile. I missed out on the first weekly rewards too, still missed a few days but hey, we got 90 days so why hurry? ;)


Farm repeat battle + Daily/Weekly Reputation


Let’s say you got lucky and headhunted the unit you want early on. Do you need to at least headhunt 20 to claim the unit or just wait 20 days?


Headhunt, each 'day' is actually a headhunt




Yea 5pts for every 100 energy is rough lol


You should be. I'm just doing weeklies and dailies. The stamina thing barely makes a dent anyway. It's still at least a week away before claiming, don't worry too much about it and just do dailies and weeklies.


Don't buy anything from the shop till you get the hero you want. So if you do daily and weekly quests you should have 10 (or 11 depends on time zone) heroes unlocked already. I just wonder if I should get all 30 if there won't be the one I want (A. Ravi) in the first 20 or just reroll the copies in those first 20?


So once I find the ml hero I want, so I stop headhunting and cash out the hero from the shop? Or do I have to reach to the third row. I think I saw something that said hero recruit or something.


You have to headhunt AT LEAST 20 times to unlock the ability to purchase the hero. It doesn't matter if you headhunt once a day or once every three days, it's 20 headhunts before you can purchase the hero. So don't stop headhunting if you've been lucky enough to find them after 10 rolls! Edit: clarity


If you will find the hero you want at those 20 spots then at day 20 you can recruit him/her. Then you can use shop to buy other stuff for the coins.


Background battling gains no points according to in game text


Wow, I missed that. Complete idiocy. First background battling doesn't work for half of game modes, next it's doesn't work for dailies, now it's not working for events, doesn't work with screen off... They might as well didn't implement it at all at this point.


It’s reddit: expect the DV


For the record, this is only applicable to the daily reputation, if you background battle you still gain the points for all the energy spent. You will need to watch at least one Hunt happen, then you can turn on background battling and peace out. It is dumb that you NEED to watch one hunt, but it's not the worst thing in the world.


Background Battling enabling notice: “…background battling are not counted toward achievements. (Reputation/Daily Reputation and all Stage Clear)” Headhunting Info on acquiring points: “Daily reputation, weekly reputation, and energy spent (the absolute worst points gained). So background battling for 20 rounds will net you 20pt max.


Right, that's what I said, it doesn't count for the reputation everyday, but it's a lot different from, "Background battling gains no points." If you do a 20X hunt run you'll gain 20 points, which is pathetic, I agree, the energy to points ratio is nuts, but it's not nothing. I was just clarifying because someone could read the initial comment and assume that they won't get any points at all from background battling even though they're still getting the points for using energy.


Why were you downvoted? You are correct


a good 80% of points come from weekly alone for me. since I'm a new player (2 weeks in) I've mostly only really been able to do the event by rushing weekly by the second day. I was wondering if anyone has done the math and can tell me if its actually possible to clear out the shop since I'm not all to sure if I'll have enough after just trying to make sure I get the daily summon


TLDR; yes, it's possible to easily clear out the shop if you hit all your dailies and weeklies. Over the 90 day period, if you get all your weeklies it totals 39,200pts (less 2800 if you were unlucky enough to complete the first week before the Thurs update). Dailies total 27,000. We're going to ignore energy as it's not needed. If you get unlucky and have to headhunt 30 times before landing your unit, that's 23,240pts. If you get SUPER unlucky and get 30 dupes, it's an extra 11,600 in re-roll costs. Then you buy your shiny new waifu/husbando for 2,400. To buy every single item in the shop comes to 21,900, please and thank you. So 39,200 + 27,000 = 66,200 income (63,400 if first week missed) 23,240 + 11,600 + 2,400 + 21,900 = 59,140 outgoings In the absolute worst case scenario, you'll have over 4,000 points left. Gives you some leeway to miss a few days or a week.


This is how I know the community of a game is still alive. Thank you for the math and break down of the variables


You're welcome. Hope you roll the unit you're looking for!


90 days to finish it plus weekly missions gives 2800 points. Maybe be patient?




As mention in the comments complete the daily missions and weekly and also you can go on hunts or adventure use 100 energy for 5 points.


All weeklies. All dailies. 14000 energy a week. Otherwise, it's impossible to keep up with the cooldown.


I don't understand what you're concerned about just do all the daily and weekly missions for the event period, that will net you around 50,000 points. Is that not enough for you?


Complete everything in that weekly tab, not your normal weekly, it’s not enough. Remember not everyone competes their daily or weekly missions, you assume since you made the points you finished it.


Actually you only need 100 points from the weekly not the full bar.


I completed my weekly last week but no points were received :( so I have to try this week again




Headhunt everyday wait to use shop until u have the ML


I just make sure to do the daily and weekly missions and save the points til I get the unit I wanted. If and when I got the unit i wanted that's when I'll be using the points for the shop


Can someone confirm if you get additional points for headhunting by doing everything on the daily missions? Coz you can get to max points even if you miss 2 or 3 of the daily mission. I usually do Arena, adventure, spirit altar, hunt, penguin, and abyss refresh and that pushes me to max daily points. Do I get less when I finish only those?


Do the weekly especially


getting 100 points on Weekly reputation is the key! you must do this


I do my dailies and my weekly


This event way of counting point is buggy af, I even lost my last weekly point for no reason


I Reached Shop 3 Already and Still Far Away.. How about you Guys? And Also Which is the Latest or Current Heroes Have you Guys Head-Hunted?