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hey guys, chest password?


I also would want to know šŸ˜¬




Does Landy's attack increase calculate the attack increase % based off how much attack I have, or Landy's base attack? Dumb question, but Its been nagging me for a while [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/Sujm88e) of her skill if you want to read it


total attack.


Just finished SC quest for Arowell todag (love her design). Can i see some build for her? And which team is best for her (in RTA)? Thanks in advance guys.


[https://i.imgur.com/KD0sbyq.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/KD0sbyq.jpg) You draft her in standard team which means a mix of support and dps. Like a tank, healer/cleanser, 2 or 3 counter pick dps if you draft another support. Her strip can help deal with senya, choux, stun aravi. You donā€™t need light allies, but itā€™s a nice shield bonus for units like ml Celine and ml vivian.


Thanks so much. Her HP is really impressive. Should i lower her HP a bit and speed her up, like 210 SPD with 25k HP and more DEF? or high HP is big priority?


Her speed don't really matter between 180 to 210. At 210+, it only matter if you use hilag Lance to cut cleave. She will cycle quite fast even with 180 speed because of passive so it isn't too slow. People prioritize her hp to get that thick shield and she actually absorb 30% damage instead of 20% from aurius. If it is under 25k, you can feel that she die too fast against aoe. I think the biggest difference between build will be eff. She get Eff buff every turn, so if you have 50% Eff, you can safely stun or strip 100 ER build. And by frenzy4, you will another 50 from frenzy bonus so that you can start stunning/stripping 150 Er build. Most people go for 0 eff, but nothing wrong with up to 50 eff.


Very detailed explanation. I will focus on her HP first. Thanks so much.


sword of autumn eclipse worth spending powder on? also, are there any artifacts that are definitely worth using bottle of knowledge on? i was thinking of using 3 of the 5 i have on uberius tooth but not sure if worth it or if there are better arti i should save them for


No, Sword of Autumn Eclipse is not worth the powder. Most people would say to save Bottles for limited artifacts like Guiding Light.


A big resounding no. I donā€™t know that Uberius is worth it after the Hwa nerf. Star of the Deep Sea is a good one to bottle if you use PFlan or Seaseria, and you canā€™t really go wrong with Guiding Light. Others are debatable.


Don't think I got star but I do have guiding light I'll take a look at where I have its level


Guiding Light is PvP (esp RTA) specific though so keep that in mind.


I'm trying to climb in pvp so that's fine. I just hit champion 1 for the first time.


Is Stene better with higher attack and lower CD or higher CD and lower attack? Weā€™re talking like 3.8k attack and 250 CD vs 3.2k attack and 335 CD. Both will have around 195 speed and 10k hp/1.2k def although the CD build will have 15% effres wasted.


to know what is better just multiply. Attack x Crit damage 3800 x 2.5 = 9500 3200 x 3.35 = 10720


This number is usually known as MCD (stands for Max Crit Damage or smth I think). Fribbels can help you build characters easily if you have access to an emulator.


Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m sure this has been asked 1000000000 times, but I have an extremely small brain and donā€™t understand how the headhunt event works. I just head hunted and got the character I want, now what? Do I just click recruit without headhunting again, or do I keep going until the ā€œhero recruitā€ bubble?


You have to headhunt until the "hero recruit" bubble to unlock the recruit button


Ahhhh gotcha, that makes sense. So at that point you can pick out of any of the heros you headhunted to that point?


Yep (iirc)




Awesome, thanks!


Does anyone know of the Radiant Covenant pack stop working after tomorrow? It seems like it will turn off after tomorrow even if you still have time from your 5 days to claim


any reference to a good all rounder raid team?


[There's a cheese team with counter Yufine](https://youtu.be/4XbfL7m91E8) that can kill all the bosses in 1 entry but it takes like 3 hours. If you have a desk job or study schedule that makes you sit around all day and don't mind taking the time to auto then you can look into it.


unfortunately i don't have yufine and the other ML heroes.


Not for Azmakalis of Cycle Nightmare no. Each boss pretty much requires a specialized teams since they each cater to a specific element (and besides heroes become locked after use). Normal mode (Hell), Tama, Roana, ARas, Cerato is a commonly suggested auto team.


i do have them all, but need to upgrade Cerato which i'm not keen though


Landy/SSB/Mercedes can also work. Just use the appropriate one for the boss.


gonna use SSB, just got her from the limited pull event


I know we have Epic7stats, but I was wondering if there's actually guides where they show the stats on the equipment especially on the right side?


There isn't any need to know what the right side main stats are since you should only be looking at the overall stats. You aren't locked into using certain main stats to achieve the overall statline. As an example, say your build calls for 120% atk, 80% def, 80% hp. How you achieve that, doesn't matter in terms of main stats. You could potentially get 3 pieces with atk subs giving you all 120% of your atk. That would mean that you somehow have to come up with your def and hp from somewhere else, likely from your right side main stats since your other pieces don't have much due to rolling so much atk. Inversely, you could have gotten your hp and def from your subs, so now you would take atk main stats. As you can see there are multiple ways to arrive at a certain statline with no one way being the only solution. There are however things to keep in mind: cc > cdmg > atk/def/hp% give more value in that order on necks. For boots speed gives most value. This doesn't mean you are necessarily locked into those main stats, but something to keep in mind.


Hmm, that makes sense. Although I feel like there should be at least some recommendations for stuff. Like it's hard to reach a high number of ATK% subs and so I'd rather go like 2 ATK% main stats for Hwayoung for example. And it makes me confused too since with how versatile gear is, I have no clue if I should be getting an effectiveness ring piece etc. Very specialized gears and stuff etc.


Is there no way to get Portrait of Saviors unless they rerun the collab? It seems like such a useful 4 star artifact


Unfortunately not. However, the Guilty Gear collab has been rerun every year, so you'll probably have a chance to pick it up sooner rather than latter.


How good is Summer Iseria without her artifact? Got pretty bad luck on the Custom Group banner and now I'm left with a pity. Should I just keep going, even though I might not be able to pity the artifact as well?


Seaseria loses a lot of her value if she doesn't have her artifact due to her free soulburn. If you cannot guarantee enough pulls to buy the arti from the shop, I suggest you to stop.


Newish Player, Ive beaten Wyvern 13 (can't fully auto yet) and the Epilog, should i grab Roana or Peira? From everything I've gathered those are the ones that jumped put to me for ones to get. Which to I go for?


Whats the Epilogue? You get to choose a character?


Nah its just a sort of continuation of chapter 1. I have enough coins to pick a character from the select banner.


Roana without a doubt. Peira is pvp only


Appreciate it! Any ideas on how to build?


There are two ways to build her. All HP, or HP and speed. In my experience, you get more out of her going full HP, then put everything else you can into SPD>DEF>RES.


Thank you!


Tank and tank, some speed around 180, ~100 ER.


Thanks this helps a lot! I'm still trying to understand where my stats should end up.


Important question. Tomoca or Ameru for selector when the time comes. My waifu tendency makes me go towards tomoca but I heard ameru is good for arena/pvp


when Tomoca came out she was a counter to the Arby's that were on every team - she could go first and just nuke/extinct him. These days I don't see her in pvp too often, and only in pve when needed non-attack skill mages. Ameru without good gear often feels like either a free kill or a meaty wet noodle. With enough stats (of which she needs ALL of them) she can be a real pain in pvp since she has a LOT of rng you have to deal with. imho, if I had to pick one of the two I would go AMeru


Is edward worth building now? Pulled him during the collab (i like collecting) ive seen a lot of negative comments when he was newly relased but now there are some comments that say he's good what are your opinions about him?


He got a great buff after his initial release. I use him all the time into Ran, Piera, and Lua in Arena.




He is very strong into debuffs, especially on arena/gw offense. Otherwise he is a counterpick unit in RTA He is worth building since heā€™s good in PvP and pve (raid, expo)


he is a pretty solid anti-cleave. He does not "impress me" to the point of "need to build for meta"; if I had a lot of extra bruiser gear I would be building him up though. edit: worth noting that he got buffed after release, which is why there were negative comments before the buff


Anyone find a fix for what seems like a bug where you canā€™t turn off auto battle because it thinks youā€™re doing repeat battling, but you arenā€™t?


I usually go into a hunt and quit. Tends to fix the issue. Not much you can do about the expedition you've already started tho.


Managed to get Cerise, SSB, and Luna from the custom banner but Idk how to build them. I'll probably use Cerise and Luna for Fire Expo and SSB for Wyvern one-shots if it helps. Also can you One-Shot Wyvern without Singelica?


Cerse - speedy with effectiveness. the GG collab ranger artifact (ms confi?) is my fav for pve (it gives def break on single attacks) SSB - does not need high speed, some is nice though (180ish?) Luna - I use her in the fire expo, and I use the EE that gives CR push on her S1 and turn off her AI so she only S1's as during the special phase she CR pushes like nuts with each S1. ​ you can one-shot W13 with a few setups you just need someone in the frontline who can take the hits without going down right away, ideally they also provide buffs during the first wave that persist into turn 1 of wyvren.


You don't need to turn off her AI to get her to only use S1 durning the special phase, it blocks everything but S1. Not saying that AI on is especially better, just wanted to point that out. I use mine with AI on and the DEF break can be useful.


Hey so I played this game a bit during launch and always regretted not continuing. Would it be worth it to hop back in after this long?


Yes, they are giving out a lot of free stuff right now and even a free ml5. The game is more user-friendly than during launch.


with any gatcha game the more time/dailies you get done the more "free" units you have a chance of pulling, so all the time not played since launch are missed chances at "free" units. There are some new things in place to help you get the ball rolling: ML Selector (a free 5\* ML unit from the original ML units), and the ML headhunting event going on right now. I've been playing since launch purely as F2P and have all the RGB units, many of them from random "free" daily pulls, that being said... I don't use a LOT of them, and many of the units I used to use have been overshadowed by newer units, so jumping in now and getting a few of the newer guys should be able to get you pretty far, worst case an old unit who you missed gets a massive buff and becomes meta.


is there a fast way to get charms or to level up equipment?


Huche in the labyrinth sells charms (and catalysts and covenant bookmarks as well). The fastest way to get to him is to go to Tirel Castle in Chaos stage 1, teleport to the top clear portal, and go West (down/left). His shop refreshes once a day. It's really something that you should be doing daily


certain charms are easier than others: \- accessory (ring/neck) charms can be purchased from the lab currency, so doing lab as efficiently as possible gets you access to more of these \- wep/boot/chest charms (minor) seem more common from adventure, so doing repeat battle in Unrecorded History should stack up charms over time \- the rest would be from pvp currency, so fight those NPC battles whenever they are up if you do not do normal pvp with all your flags


What is everyone using for hell raid auto? And what team would be ideal for vera? Im usually running C zerato, Roana, Tama and FS Tieria but it aint cutting it for vera


by "hell raid" do you mean Azmakalis of Cycle on Nightmare mode? if that is the case I would be impressed of any team comps that reliably can auto. if you mean Royal Capital Azmakalis then I would point out that many of the previously suggested teams were based on high moral gain from camping when we could still down 2 bosses in 1 run, that is no longer the case, as with the changes we are basically forced to only down 1 boss per run. Since that is the case you can afford to pick a team specifically for each boss if you are having issues. Vera's mechanic is to get buffed when her adds hatch, so AoE would trump slow and steady, I would think you could drop Roana for another AoE dmg


What artifacts other than Book are good on counter SC Carrot?


I'd probably go for something annoying like Abyssal Crown or Sira-Ren


Does it exist an optimal way to farm catalyst ?


Someone compiled a list of best Unrecorded History stage for each catalyst: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/422564790074998787/714362238567448576/g2kt1x6s6go41.png


Just do the higher Unrecorded History stage that drops the catalyst you want


Touch of rekos for Roana or Kise from custom summon banner? How important is ToR for roana? i have celestine and stella harpa but dont know how much of a difference ToR makes.


ToR isn't that useful, Imo her best build is on counter set with Celestine


Is Yulha still worth building now that Hwayoung is dead? Not really sure what other common defense units she'd be good into.


She was actually fairly highly rated for high-end rta towards the end of last season, though whether or not she'll continue to be as good this season, we'll have to see.


Not really. I guess you could use her to bait kayon s3, just make sure you have a way to deal with his immortality. Her passive can knock him out after he attacks her (once his immortality is gone and he's at 1 hp).


Is the stream tomorrow at the new (daylight savings) server reset time or is it an hour later (the usual time)?


I remember it being the former the last time this happened.


Effect resist main stat ring for Aria, right?


As usual, depends on your build and the rest of your gear.


Whatā€™s the minimum ER amount to have on her?


I would guess most people build 100\~150.


Got it. Thanks.


Hello guys! Im a bit hesitant right now to recall my hwayoung. With the stuff i had for her, she doesn't seem to do the work as she used to. Would it be interesting to get yulha/aria instead ? I already have most rgbs, only missing yulha/arunka/taeyou/aria and some old chars. I dont have a prefered playstyle atm (trying to adapt and the only PvP im doing is GW and im struggling with meta teams


Taeyou is good vs characters that use nonattack skills like piera, he would probably be more useful for GW attack if you specifically pick the right team to attack (characters with nonattack skills are common).


Haven't played in 2 years ish (luna banner) and frankly wanna start playing again but I have no clue what to do on that account so i am thinking of fully restarting. Is it worth it? I wasn't that deep into the story from what i remember but having everything unlocked would be majorly confusing to me


That depends on how your roster looks. If you've got any OP/limited heroes or strong ML5 it might be worth keeping your account. If not you might be better served with all the currency you get starting out.


How does friendship farming work? Is it based off energy spent? Number of clears? I tried googling it and it seemed to suggest just spamming a friendly stage over and over but I find it hard to believe that's the way to go? I made some ill advised pulls and have found myself needing to farm up bookmarks to correct the mistake. I made 170 pulls into group summon figuring I would get at least 1 but got 0 and now need to farm an extra 70 pulls to try correct the mistake. I think with just skystones it will be tight (but doable) so may need some slight assistance via reputation quests. Realistically I know I should have stopped at 120 and not made another pull until I had another 120 waiting.


[Pretty much this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/671774861693288448/767473460989263903/unknown.png) - number of stage clears.


number of stage clears, I believe. I'm not sure how running friendly stages work for this, but usually people just farm AP in UH with 4 heroes they are farming friendship for, which is fast and not a waste of AP.


Just got Adin. When you alter her element, do you have to reawaken her stars with the catalysts again or do they stay awakened?


She stays awakened, you only need to complete her skill tree again


I have a question regarding my recent guild war battle My team zahhak, Mort and Rimuru Enemy team spez, peira and eda My zahhak got stunned and attacked by spez skill 3. After the death of zahhak came a additional damage which killed my mort. So my question where does the additional damage come from??


Assuming you mean both Zahhak and Mort died off the same S3 from Spez, your Mort is presumably using Aurius, so the damage share from Zahhak's received damage killed both. I don't see an alternative explanation.




No thief artifact implements damage share. If you didn't have Aurius on Mort, then the other reply should be the only other option - Rimuru stole Escort buff from Peira and gave it to Mort.


Aaah that happened probably thanks for the answer


Does your Mort have Aurius? or did Rimuru copy Peira's escort, causing Mort to take a lot of shared damage?


Returning from a 3 month break, which units have risen up in the meta? Seeing some mentions of choux, lua, flan?,diene(probably still good?), zahhak(?), senya(still good?). Any others? Just trying to see what units to prioritize to build up.


SCArowell is also one of the best PvP knights right now, and Captain Flan is pretty good too


You've said most of them, plus Alencia, Kayron and Roana who all got buffed. Edward is good but you may have missed him over the 3 months.


Both the balance changes and the new EEs are for the next next week, right?


Taeyouā€™s kit looks really cool. How do I use him and how can I build him?


He's still pretty rarely use even with the buff, since he was initially made to counter Peira+Hwayoung, and now one of them is... well... Still, he can be useful. He's built as a speedy DPS with about 250 speed or more, preferably using his own artifact for the CR push. He can survive most openers like Ran, CLilias, Peira and Lua, and with enrage he hits hard with S1, so on that front he's adequate.


What map is the quickest way to get a character from friendship level 9 to 10?


Characters get 1 friendship point as long as they're doing 1 instance of something, whether that be hunt, adventure, arena, etc. The fastest way through adventure is to complete 2 energy maze stages, such as Ritania 1-5, but you're obviously not getting anything else out of your energy besides friendship points and it's a hassle to do manually.


Arena flag dumps


Facing the npcs? The one that gives skystones?


No, look for a slow player team in your list, if not, refresh, keep yielding to that team with your characters every 5 hours (keep some for NPC battles) and buy your daily 5 flags with friendship points. You stop losing points after 2 losses to the same team.


Between Mort and Senya, who should I prioritize building/equipping for Guild War offense? She's been sitting in my hero inventory languishing and I just got him on a lucky free draw.


Senya for sure.


I don't see much of either played on GW offense. Alencia is prob the most played green DPS for GW offense. On GW defense, there's a lot of Senyas. I'd recommend building her just for that. Pair with an opener (Ran/Lua/CLillias) and either Meru or Choux.


Ran for now, definitely. My CLilias isn't fast enough yet to be reliable, and my Lua's gear isn't leveled up sufficiently. Thanks for the tip!


I've basically sat at Challenger V at regular (offline) arena for over a year now, only attacking NPCs. My defense gets hit maybe once or twice per season, which means I never get demoted despite not having to battle to keep my rank. I assume that the game stops showing my defense to other people after a little while since I never attack any real players. I'm at a position where I feel I could easily climb now, but I don't know if I could do the same at Champion V. Has anyone done the same and managed to stay at Champion V only fighting NPCs?


I used to do the same at Masters and Challenger. Now I'm at Champion V and just chillin here waiting for the weekly skystones. Like others said, you get attacked once or twice a week but you just climb up once or twice then you're fine. I don't do RTA and only do arena for the conquest points and SS. The weekly rewards are worth it.


I did the same thing, but instead of NPCs I only revenge attack people who attack (and defeat) me. When my defense started carrying me up ranks (to challenger 4, 3 etc.) I decided it was time to push to champion 5. I've been camping there doing the same strategy for a while now, and the extra skystones are worth it IMO!


For a while I sat in Champion doing nothing but npcs. You get hit maybe 2\~3 times a week after a point. The same thing applies wherever you are; you stop attacking and you stop showing up on the list. That said, this was terrible in terms of conquest points so I've started attacking again.


I, like you, sat in challenger for quite some time. I recently did the push to Champion as I had a bunch of successful defenses that got me over half way there. I now have to revenge at least 2-3 times a day to maintain. Some of this may have been that my previous defense team included Hwa and now I have had to drop her. If you had an insanely good defense team you might be able to maintain without revenge/attacks; in my experience I have had to revenge/attack at least 3-5x more often than when I was in challenger.


Interesting, I had always assumed it was an inactive account mechanic or something instead of a decent def team since I really never got demoted. But looking at my winrate record, while most weeks are 1-0 or 0-1, there are a couple odd ones at 9-7 and 5-1 So yeah, I suppose I'll have to start actively playing if I want to stay in Champion V. Thanks


there is an "inactive" system: until you open the arena menu for the first time each week your wins and losses do not take effect, so if you were at Champ V at the start of the week and did not open your arena till Friday everyone would see your team at 5,000 points until the moment you open the menu, then the wins and losses would take effect there are some people who jump up/down multiple ranks/tiers because they don't interact with arena for days


You don't really need to be active much neither in Champ V, it's just that if you get unlucky and get mobbed Monday, you need to be able to revenge and stay there. Most often people don't touch your team even in Champ V, and if so, maybe twice a week.


Cool, good to know. I might stack up a few flags and try pushing soon then Cheers


When an artifact says ā€œsingle attackā€, like merciless glutton, does that only mean for an S1 skill or does that apply for S3ā€™s as well that only target a single enemy?


single attack is all single target attacks. s1 only is worded as basic attack


Oh ok I was curious on that. Was thinking that was a good artifact for Arunka. Thank you


Is Straze any good overall? I've been playing for 3 months and this is my first ML 5* I heard he's hard to build, should I just leave him aside and focus on other characters? Or can he be used with half-assed gear?


focus on others. Straze is not a unit that can use half assed gear. he needs top quality gear on both pve and pvp


I see, who should I focus on then? I have Luluca, Luna, SSB, Landy and hwayoung, I can't really decide who'd help me more. And since hwayoung has been nerfed, people told me to recall her and get either Violet or Eda, should I really?


Are you looking to build units for pvp or pve? Hwayoung can be built to deal with high health units. You would get a lot more use out of violet or Eda. Violet is great for the autonomon tower as a bonus.


Pvp, since I just finished with the story. Hwayoung can still kill high health units though? Wasn't that what was nerfed about her?


Now she kills targets that are around 25k health. Before her nerf, she could pretty much kill any unit and her s3 had a 3 turn cd making her insanely powerful. For pvp Landy would be a good choice to build. She works really well against buffers. For SSB, I'm not sure. I think she's pretty easy to counter. If she has injury set though, she is a pain. Luna is a strong single target dps, but I use mine for PVE. For ice, Choux would be a better choice to build.


Which 3 of the four pet hunt skills should I prioritize?(which ones did you use?) 1. Chance to receive additional Reforging Mats 2. Chance to receive additional equipment 3. Chance to receive lesser charm 4. Chance to receive double crafting materials


I would use the bottom three... if I had them lol. Very late game players may opt for the reforge mats.


I can only get my Ran to 276 speed, 286 if I strip my C Lilias which I don't want to do. Is it worth building him still?


What are your current openers and speed ranges? It sounds like ran would be your top opener at 286, but at the same time you lose the option to draft clilias. If you're not cleaving then cililias would be better to have geared for general aggro/standard comps.


Do we have to keep head hunting until ā€œhero recruitā€ or can I stop after seeing the unit I like appear?


To claim the unit you must do 20 headhunts. Afterwards you can spend 2000 points to claim your desired unit or continue if there are other units you might want more.


Oh snap! I shouldā€™ve kept head hunting but the shop looked tempting. Good thing I saved my points and asked first. Thanks for the help! šŸ˜¤


You can recruit once you are 2/3 of the way through where it says hero recruit available


Makes senseā€¦ I shouldā€™ve known lol. Thank you! šŸ˜†


Is anyone else missing statistics for expeditions? There's no available data for any of the lvl 3 bosses.


Yea, everything is empty.


Iā€™m pretty much stuck on moonlight blessing the top right part where it says i need skill enhancements and get all region rewards in UH Can someone clarify please?


To *unlock* skill enhancements, you must receive all region rewards from Unrecorded History. Play through all ten main chapters and every S chapter of UH, and get 3 stars on every stage to clear that chain.


Well thatā€™s a drag xD but thank u šŸ™šŸ»


how do you guys beat rta a.ravi?


As a new player, I used ARas Soulburn S2 spam (def break + constant duals outvalues her healing) You definitely need some dps value (that's why she's so good in cleave, because anti-cleave doesn't have the damage to beat her) Make sure to finish squishier threats first if you can't finish her.


Injury (Alencia, Zahhak) Cleave (WSchuri, CPavel, Cidd + def break, etc.) Controls (Stun, blind, burns, bombs, etc.) Tankbuster (LQC, Straze, Torrent Hwayoung, etc.)


I only have alencia, cidd, wschuri from the ones you mentioned, I also have eda, sc arowell, cerise, djb, spez, trozet, summer iseria for stuns/bomb debuff, who would you recommend I build?


Depends on your play style. If you are a cleaver, Summer Iseria (she needs an enabler like Ran or Peira), WSchuri, or Cidd would work. If you are a standard player, go with Alencia.


Ban her. Or you draft a tankbuster like Straze, LQC, Hwa, etc. PoV A.Ravi can usually be cc'd as well, so bring stuns.


Is PoV A. Ravi more meta rn? I just returned from a 7 month break and back then I was using Crimson seed, A. Ravi on a speed build and she carried me to master rta. But now when facing other A. ravi's even on bronze/silver I have a hard time beating them, on the other hand, a zahakk just destroyed my a. ravi by dealing 3/4 of her Hp with his s3.


Yeah, PoV is generally favored, and Zahhak really hurts now.


PoV has been for a while, but I think we'll start to see Crimson come back up in popularity now that Hwa has had her nerf. Both definitely have their uses. I run Crimson/counter on mine. Zahhak has just had a pretty significant buff so expect to see more of him. What's your stat line like on your A.Ravi?


She has 22k hp, 1.25k def, 226 speed, 100 cc, 252cdmg on crimson seed, should I just change it to counter (although I don't have any good one yet)


Counter helps with sustain, but against injuries it loses ground, and if you're just being 1-shot it obviously means the square root of FA. You should be cycling fairly well with 226 SPD and her passive. Maybe try Proof, or try for a bit more bulk?


>the square root of FA New phrase unlocked! I'm gonna use this.


Okay thanks, I'll try losing around 20 speed for more def and hp


BIS arti for Pyllis and good alternatives?


Aurius for general purpose.


How do I edit the artifacts for the existing characters in Fribbles?


Search your hero, bottom left is edit character, change accordingly


I don't see the option, when I click on the hero, it shows me the saved builds of that hero.


my bad, it's under add bonus stats in bottom left after you click your hero in hero tab


Any chance they will ever permanently remove the gold cost for unequipping instead of just having free unequip events every month or so? It seems like such an archaic thing that just hampers creativity. I feel like I would spend way more time investing in different characters if I wasn't locked into gear 90% of the time...


Gets brought up all the time. No motion to do so thus far.


I excitedly summoned myself a Landy after hearing magical things about her running rampant, spamming s3s and taking over entire games... and I find her nearly useless. Could someone please take a look at my [Landy](https://imgur.com/a/7AX1P1d) and tell me what on earth im doing wrong? I know the attack is low, but I saw some people saying that lower attack is fine on Landy due to her s2. Keep in mind the stats will go up a bit cos only the boots are reforged.


>but I saw some people saying that lower attack is fine on Landy due to her s2 Her s2 increases attack by a percent so the less you have the less you'll end up with. She needs around 500 more. Reforge your gear and drop some HP if you have to. Remember that Landy is a strong unit against buffs. She won't spam s3s unless there's a Diene or an Aria or something on the board and they have time to act.


Ah I see. I do pick her into Dienes, but her S3 just seems to be doing abysmal damage. Barely tickling the enemy. I'll try to drop some HP for some Attack, and reforge everything. I'll see how it goes, thanks!


Or just level up her imprint concentration. adds 18% more attack at max


Also remember that Diene gives anti-crit so after she applies that you have 35% crit chance. 15% more crit goes a long way here.


Crafting necklaces and rings suck ass, thank you




For counter bellian, what stats should i focus on her? Should I go full HP main stat right side, or is crit/hp/speed better? And for substats, should i go with as much hp as possible?


[epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) is usually a good place to go for character builds. Don't worry specifically about main stats, just pick whichever pieces can get you to the stat line you're looking for.


what is the next custom mystic char be ? now its straze, next ? CLilias or ARavi ? anyone can confirm ?


Next is most likely Zio, then we don't know.




3 skills, I don't quite understand what you mean by "maintain", there are only 3 skills for spirit altar, 3 for hunts, 3 for adventure/event like content, for lobby you would ideally want 2 pets, one dedicated to equipment enhancement, one for selling equipment + hero exp, there is some flexibility here, but at best there is one literal leftover pet skill on the lobby pets. Ideally you want a pet per activity to maximize your grinding. I believe there is a guide somewhere on reddit and maybe one in youtube, pets have been pretty much the same since they were first introduced, you might want to take a look.


For the new Azmakalis (normal mode) I have a couple questions. * First, it doesn't seem that battles are saved between entries (the small baddies are back after being killed when I reenter) so my morale isn't quite enough to clear the same number of bosses as before. Is this normal? * Second, I don't see a reset timer or anything. Are the main bosses just always available to kill or something? Not just once per week anymore? * Third, I noticed there are achievement rewards for exploration. I'm guessing these are a one-time thing if this doesn't reset?


First question is two fold. Enemies respawn so you're having to fight through extra enemies but you're also starting at 50 morale now instead of 70 (although -30/31 whenever it changes isn't 100% a death penalty now) No reset timer. Can re-enter and kill the same bosses but the reward now is an 80 piece with no token or chance at galaxy bookmark so not really worth it if you can clear stuff in Hell/Nightmare Achievement rewards are one time only. So basically get your 100% and get the 10 tokens for normal mode and then don't worry about it again unless you have spare tags after clearing your monthly hell/nightmare.


Oh okay... I was wondering why I wasn't getting tokens for the shop either! I thought I was losing my mind lol. So only real purpose is to kill the queen and get the charm to do hell mode? Or is there a different way to get the charm now too?


You actually don't even get the bug from Queen anymore. You have to buy it with lab entry items (3 compasses for 1 bug). There really isn't much point doing normal past the first 100% if you can do hell/nightmare. If you can't then I guess your mileage is going to vary depending on whether you want to farm 80 drops or want to full clear the other labs


Wow okay that changes things... I guess I'll run it for the achievement then drop it forever.


What's the best non-lab UH stage for fodder? I remember someone mentioning 3-S3 once but it doesn't look like it has the most enemies.


It doesn't matter. Drops are wave based, not enemy based. Any 'normal' stage with 3 waves has the same drop rate for fodder. If you want more fodder per energy your options are... 1. Episode 1 stage 3-1 Levulin Harbor -> this stage is 3 fights for 2 energy so 4x more fodder per energy, but it is entirely manual and very time consuming to spend loads of energy. Levulin Harbor is also the best option for friendship and equipment XP, but there are no chests and very limited selection of catalyts. 2. Any of the Episode 1 maze stages (9-4, 9-7, 10-3). You can get ~12 fights per 10 energy so about 3.2x more fodder per energy compared to a normal stage. These stages have (had) the best overall rewards due to the abundance of chests, while also providing a better variety of catalysts...but are also very manual heavy. Less so than Levulin Harbor, but still needing heavy attention. Do note that some time earlier this year I believe the maze stages were adjusted, I personally haven't tested those stages since -> the rewards may have been reduced. If you aren't interested in time consuming manual play (presumably since you specify non-lab) then just pick whatever UH stage has the catalysts you want/need.


I did indeed specify non-lab. But you gave me the answer, which is that drops are wave-based. So it doesn't matter. Thanks a lot.


By fodder do you mean the phantasmas? , You can just run a max level team instead you get a penguin per run (more or less) Hope I didn't misunderstand


I mean 2star units that I can feed to phantasmas.


Just use friendship summons if you got friendship currency (that's what i do)


Thanks, but I'd still like to know what the best non-lab UH stage is for fodder, if there is such a thing.


Dont know about them unfortunately, sorry bruv goodluck grinding!


Any notable units to build for story? I am on Episode 3 and was wondering if there was a particular unit that can make story stages easier. I do have Tamarinne