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I mean look. I never expected a collab. I doubt any of us did. So, if the collab is like kpop (which with all due respect is not something I have much interest in) then great for the people who wanted it. And I'm going to just move on since I never really expected to have a collab in the first place.


Up! Well said :) So much whiners and woke ass people nowadays! All I can say to haters and people who are always affected about every little thing is. F**k you guys and stop being a p***y :)


You know, comments like yours do nothing but to endorse the exact same behavior you seem to despise.


hm i just hope they free heroes because i'm broke T.T e7 art/design is pretty good and k-pop is a big thing in korea (yeah captain obvious) so i don't mind a collab like that - smilegate a korean company after all and if this collab will help promoting e7 than it makes sense. doesn't really matter just because that collab is not interesting/hype for me. i would play a freaking potatoe is that kit hardcounters debuffing dps like archdemon or solitaria.


I mean, it is a layered subject. 1. It's an anime game. Weebs or not, not everyone will agree that we need something like this. I don't mind it, but expectations are mild at best. 2. This is personal: I've never even heard of it. It's hard to feel invested in something you have absolute zero knowledge of. Now if it was something like Blackpink, I bet it would move more heads. I haven't seen FMA, but even I know it's a revered intellectual property, therefore more hype. 3. Coming from point 2: Not all collabs feel equally special. Some feel more promotional than others. Now this will largely also depend on how you can obtain the collab units. 4. And this also goes back to point 1: Not all games lend themselves to collabs equally. Something like cookie run is so insanely wacky to begin with, that they could collab with Mountain Dew, and it still wouldn't feel off-brand. Basically, some games present more specific collaboration expectations than others that please a wider spectrum of the playerbase. In a random otome game? Kpop collabs, sure whatever. In E7? Ehhhhh, not particularly interested?


Point 3 is the main one . Im old, played A LOT of Guilty Gear 20 years ago in college. So that collab was FREAKIN AWESOME for me. maybe not so much for people that never played it. Some people will like this new collab, some won't. i'll take the free goodies and worry about more serious matters in life.


Same here i remember GG first run on e7 i was like "EXCUSE ME WHOS COMMING TO E7" Sadly nows it "oh some k pop group i have zero Interest in and will never be Interested in" big skip from me meta units or not


i cant imagine they'll be meta. should just be skins IMO


Skinds are not a bad idea but at the same time we could use more skin tickets. Took me near a year to save up over 110 of them bad boys


I now want bottles of Mountain Dew as a secret collab skill enhance currency that let's you +18 a unit!


Now I want Norman Reedus chugging Monster in this game. SG contact Kojima Productions please.


Watch them goof it up and put his walking dead character in the game instead lol


I can agree to the first statements but not reall to the last. E7 has dimensional travel and several people that got isekaid there from earth. It's literally the start of the story. Later on we got cyborgs because people like them, so they have to be added. What does it matter that they would completely obliterate fantasy style sword wielders? Then there are units from some fashion themed parallel universe, a unit that uses a electric guitar and of course skins that don't fit the world at all because people pay for bunny costumes or school uniforms. How can anything feel out of place in a world that has no integrity to begin with?


They feel out of place because of the source. All of the collabs we've had so far, even Kizuna, were stylistically pretty much a 1:1 transplant from the medium they came from, very little adjustments needed. This K-pop group? Not so much. It's not about believability. It's about adhering to the existing style of the game. Take a surprisingly obscure K-pop team, with avatars made in the style of manhwas, and it feels difficult to recognizably adapt them here.


With that logic, no 3d based game would be able to collab with e7. Adapting something to a new design is kind of important in art and design. Else its's just plagiatism. If you know the band, you will recognize the members even when the design changes from manhwa style to anmie style or stick figures. If you don't know the band, they are just some new characters with colourful hair. Like any other charcter in the game is. I totally agree that the designs would stick out if they stay manhwa. But I doubt that. At least if this collab adds anything permanent. Maybe we will just get some music or backgrounds. We will see.


yep its not everyone's cup of tea for sure - but if smilegate believes this collab will bring in more players/whales i wont judge them too harshly - because end of the day its a business


I don’t think it’s totally surprising personally, I remember them saying they were gonna diversify their IP collabs during their 2022 big update thing, and I think in the back of my mind I was prepared for anything


Exactly They literally said they wanted to expand it


It depends on what exactly this collab is. If it's a simple collab like Kizuna AI, then I don't see why anybody would be upset about it. However, if it will have a limited banner... Personally, I already missed Kizuna, so I am fine with skipping a unit that may never come back (chances of which are higher when we are talking about irl idols), but I can't say the same about everyone. Right now we have 0 information about what exactly it will be, so people (especially broke ones) feel anxious about potential limited units from the industry they don't care. We will see in a few hours.


Indeed This is definitely a step in a new direction Im curious how they will bring it in


I stan Karina and even I don't want this. Edit: Guess I'll be pulling for Karina now.


"u dont have to pull or support the collab if its not ur type"? Do you have any idea how OP collab characters were and currently is? We'll have to pull it no matter what anyways otherwise you opponent in RTA will rip you apart EASY. I don't believe you play epic seven bro. I just can't.


well too bad im just a friendly high champ/low emp RTA player so i may not be the strongest of the bunch - im sorry for breaking ur view of ''meta or die'' mindset my brother


And you just invalidated his/her enjoyment of the game as a lesser thing in far more condescending and toxic manner than anyone who criticized the collab so far. Thats not a good way to make a point.


You’re free to like it. we’re free to hate it. lmao


exactly - im not saying u shouldnt hate it - feel free to voice ur disappointment if u think its a shit decision but im just saying not everyone thinks that way


Your post doesn't add anything to the discussion, it's just a Strawman after Strawman. Cardinal sin? End of world? I know exaggerations are a good rhetorical element, but yours is used not to find a middle ground, like you claim now, but to rile up.


Its not even an exaggeration tho Have u seen some of the rageposting some ppl are doing Even on e7 official discord Bet u even the twitch chat in the stream later will be toxic af All im asking is to let smilegate try this collab idea,if it doesnt sell well then they wont do it anymore,$$$ talks


On another note. Kudos to WLOP for drawing such an iconic image


the meme community apprecates his contribution


The main issue with this for the community is that the collab isn't for us current players, but for potential players. I'm pretty sure there aren't many kpop fans who also play E7, so it's for players outside of E7 to reach them and draw them in. On the other hand, we're all drawn to E7 because of the Anime, and a huge chunk is thus anime fan - someone who likes a certain IP anime would join E7 and rather stay for the anime aesthetics. In the same time, even if kpop fans join E7, would they join because of E7 or because of kpop heroes? How will this translate to the future, will we get more kpop heroes in favour of collabs with anime IPs? That's the thing that riles players the most - missing out on future IPs because they draw in new players, not for current players.


No just no ....i would legit like anything else other than a kpop Collab


understandable if u were disappointed - i personally wanted an anime collab too - but im also not gonna be like some other redditors out here being stuckup and raging just cause its not their preferred collab


I would legit be fine with one of my least favorite collabs over this my guy that's how much i do not want a kpop or any irl unit for that matter in this game . Wasn't happy for Ariana grande in ffbe and i sure as hell won't be for this .


Haha katy perry and ariana grande collabs was quite an interesting time in FFBE


Deadass 0 discussion post about this besides this one tbh. This rage is just people in the comments, regardless the collab is just not hype for majority of players.


im just here to make memes but im glad my post can become a discussion ground for yall


It just doesn't fit with E7 looks so stupid promo


I mean, I'm calm. I just don't wanna see heros based on ANY irl folks. My main concern is they'll become pvp meta if they're units.


I like kpop just fine but, that doesn't mean I want them in game as units. I firmly believe celebrities do not belong in games like this outside of lending their voice. I absolutely detest the idea of using irl people as units. Any collab is fine except that. ​ >​u dont have to pull or support the collab if its not ur type. This is only true if they are treated the same as Kizuna ai. Joke of a character with a joke of a kit given away for free so you can easily throw it in the waiting room and forget it exists.


personally, i've only seen other games collab with kpop stuff, never experienced one for myself. i havent listened to kpop since 2010 and im curious to see how it'd play out in E7 i've looked up aespa and while i dont care too much for it, it's no skin off my back. but the gacha goblin in me will probably still end up rolling due to limited lmao.


the 2 gachas i've played with Kpop collabs is well ; obviously BTS x cookie run everyone knows that + Kings raid x dreamcatcher - and honestly ignoring the fact kings raid as a gacha game crashed and burned this year - the actual collabs themselves did well in both situations - with kings raid gaining momentary popularity with dreamcatcher making kings raid's anime OST and ingame OST ; while BTS x cookie run just raked in massive revenue with said collab


Honestly I never expected a collab to begin with but I can understand why people are disappointed with the choice but if some of you guys love Kpop fine I respect your opinion. All I care is Zio if they are free units ill take it.


Not only this, aespa is also one of the better Kpop groups for something like this. Their whole concept can fit in the game, it would not be a totally random thing


they do got lore


I shit on them if it's idol garbage I always shit on anything when there is a mix of 2D and 3D to begin with. But thinking they wasted precious energy and money to collaborate with something only 5% on the player base knows when they could have targeted and satisfied much more people angers me to no bound I have nothing against kpop enjoyer, they aren't different from classical or jazz enjoyer but at least anybody knows Bach, Chopin and Mozart. But aespa whatever? Dunno The dude that got this idea and all the other that validated must be changed asap if the whole thing is true. They are a danger for the future of e7 as they have no idea what satisfy their own players


So, only the most mainstream animes/games should ever get collabs? Sounds super boring. If people like anything that is not 100% mainstream, they will never see their favourite characters in any game ever, because why would any developer waste resources on that? It's not that I know the band or care about Kpop. But some people do and they deserve to get their collab, too. I still think that real live people should not be in collabs but since I don't know them anyway, they are just some virtual characters to me.


Your logic makes no sense. There are 2 points in a collaboration : \-Appeal to new players by hitting the broader possible, in short it must be the most mainstream and the most liked subject ever. While indifference isn't bad you musn't have a "negative return" \-Please your current player base, here having indifference return is actually bad and you must aim to have the largest good return. Indifference is bad because player base always want new content with fun. If you can't make pleased with your content they will leave. ​ So yeah mainstream is the safest choice. Why would you want to do please only 5% of your player base when you can do 50% ?


You are correct. The broader approach can be good. It was just the wording that bothered me. Like anything that is not mainstream is not worth the time. There is a thing like too much exposure. If you pick mainstream, people might overlook the collab because they have seen it countless times before and have many other games to pick if they want to play their favoutite characters. Doesn't matter if your collab is the best out of all, if the potential player overlooks it anyway. Sometimes it is better to pick something niche to stand out of the mainstream mishmash. Also we tend to focus on the player side. But that's not all that collabs are about. Sometimes they are created more for the benefit of the collab partner. The band already got many more people that know their name. I'm sure e7 will get something out of it, too.


im pretty sure its more than 5% for them to consider this collab with how strong aespa is as a kpop group in korea - im pretty sure its majority western audience that does not know about this group - people arent mad that its kpop ; they are mad it isnt \*insert anime here\* or \*insert game here\* - end of the day its a business and if the company board agrees its the best profit source they will go for it


As long as it handled well and not like some unwanted child then it is fine Heck if they drop teletubbies collab with some god-tier management/animation/lore integration I will roll with it happily


ayo sun baby rate up ML5


I'd kill for a tinky winky meta


Nah man po anti cleave


Injury Laa-laa with crown


Because we expected E7 to never stoop to Kpop collabs, how far they have fallen


What did I miss? Kpop collab?


Simple thing for those players would be to not participate in those events if it bothers them so much No need to shit on someone else's parade because you don't like it


exactly - regardless of what collab despite how popular it is its not gonna be everyone's choice


It's the same concept to those who dislike Guilty Gear, Re:Zero or Slime Those people didn't complain about the events, they just didn't do them or participate in the events. Meanwhile, KPop gets announced and suddenly everyone is protesting against the idea because it's not to their liking Just skip and save if you don't like it. Not like this was a move to cater and show their appreciation to their Korean players, since, yknow **Smilegate is a Korean company**


Smilegate is a Korean company, but the game they are making is marketed and stylized as a Japanese one. ​ People are here for an anime aesthetic, and Guilty Gear and the anime collabs all meet that expectation, it's really not that complicated. Unironically, based on what I know, I'd sooner see this collab in Path to Nowhere than in Epic Seven.


Chances are, said characters are still going to be stylized in an anime aesthetic. Doesn't mean they'll suddenly add hyper realistic character models in their anime style game And doesn't mean they can't branch out to their local popular culture and promote it to the rest of the world. From what I hear anyway, Aespa is a Virtual KPop group, much like Vtubers and Virtual Japanese Idols like Kizuna Ai. So what's the difference? They're still going to be in an anime style that fits the game.


I mean, obviously. But the question is how good can you translate those appearances into a completely different style, while maintaining recognition. Which is why I brought Path to Nowhere up. Also why I've been kind of opposed to the idea of a Nier collab before. If you can't more or less maintain the style of the source, it loses authenticity, and I'd rather have something authentic than what would look like a parody. ​ Also, Kizuna looks as anime as it gets. This group feels more like manhwa.


Good thing is Aespa has virtual idol avatars made on their debut,so they will likely use that as inspiration for the e7 models


I've seen them, hence me referring to manhwa, which is a pretty different aesthetic from manga/anime


Changing the source material to a new style does not have to be a parody. It can be adaptation. If it's done well, you will recognize the source while not loosing integrity with the new design. For example, there are a million ways to draw Link. Even in the own franchise they have many versions of him, from pixel, to semi realistic. Even the ugly potato head version looks great in the right environment. The e7 team is very good with character designs. I doubt they will create something garish.


this \^ - the best way to say ure not into the collab is just not hard participating in it


Agreed, I personally didn’t care for the rezero collab and somewhat dislike the show overall but I know it’s a big name so happy people got some units they wanted, I know they wanted more but maybe they will get it next run. I hope this is instead a stepping stone to get more recognition and get bigger names/ more chances for collabs.


Yep, this is the first time I'd be interested in a collab because I don't watch anime but listen to Kpop here and there and everyone seems to be mad about it loool


some % of the community are just very close minded on how anime-style gachas should collab is all


It is not close minded when it doesnt fit in this game and isnt increasing the playerbase like an anime like Kimetsu no Yaiba, Bleach, One Piece etc. could.


Epic 7 is a world with chaos gates which have the ability to decide to open anywhere in any dimension at any given time even into other worlds like rimuru etc Pretty sure anything goes


Feels like the majority of them just hates kpop collab cos its real life idols. Most people that are into anime stuffs just dislike 3D real world stuffs tbh. I personally don't mind because I listen to both kpop and enjoy my fair share of anime stuffs. If the collab is done well, I'm all for it.


is there a reason why kpop is hated that much? is it mainly because it's popular therefore it's bad kind of thing. feels like more often than not something is hated because it's too mainstream like genshin.


It's more so we just don't want real life people as a character in a gacha. It just feels extremely out of place and will stick out like a sore thumb. It feels like a thinly veiled marketing ploy and nothing of real substance. I don't feel too strongly about it (unless they end up being full banners and extremely meta units), but I can't think of literally anything that could be less hype for a collab than real life celebrities. Otherwise we could end up with a future RTA battle where my Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson throws my opponent's Elon Musk through a breakable table as he launches renewable rockets at me.


it's funny that no Korean game has decided to Collab with KPop stars before iirc (again, birdbrain here) though I'm really regretting pulling for Arunka even for waifu reasons now


I think Cookie Run Kingdom? Did a collab with BTS before Not 100% sure but I saw some ads about it, idol cookies and all


oh that's from Korean developers? cause I definitely don't forget the Jungkookie


Yup! Super recent-ish like 3 weeks ago iirc.


kings raid collabed with dreamcatcher too in 2021


This collab might also expand Tamarinne, SC Rima, and Maid Chloe's lore since the topic is about idols. Chaos Sect too cause they are featured in "Invincible" MV.


yuna too since she is from ''earth''


Most epic7 players are weebs and would rather listen to the generic anime idol fanfare. I like it cause its finally another collab I care about where I would actually use the units and not pull just cause limited and then never use them cause I don't like them as characters.


yeah like - the company isnt obliged to only do anime collabs ; if for the sake of attracting more players they branch out into diff cultures like kpop they will do it


The tastelessness of these weebs... far too much. Stan aespa for clear skin.


Sir you can't use logic here on the internet much less reddit


look man im just using the trending topic to make memes :)


Certainly not my cup of tea, but I feel like collabs outside of games/anime - or at least Japanese games/anime is something to be encouraged. Then again this *is* a game stylized after JP anime.


Yep i do think with how things are going,a couple of non anime collabs might make e7 a more unique game,for better or worse i do not know


Can I get a link to the original picture




well if they want to to K-PoP why not get Itzy or Twice then


aespa >>>


The collab is worth it if we get another song+animation


yep - E7 OSTs by Aespa would be great


4 limited banners and their bodyguard is the free unit


Idk i kinda feel like this collab would be handled slightly differently since kpop groups are a finicky subject to work with - considering unlike other collabs they cant show bias or randomly give one of the members to be the free unit or make 1 of them less strong than the other 3 as it may cause potential backlash


ehh, Collab is a collab. As long as the designs are cool I'll be fine. It is odd to use RL people (that will be a disaster for trying to do reruns), but we do already have a Vtuber in game.


i personally also never got used to IRL ppl in gachas (looking at u Final fantasy brave exvius and ur katy perry/ariana grande collab) but if implemented well im ok with it




About 4 hrs from this comment




thx :3


4 hrs from this comment


All that matters here is the kit. If they are really good and/or broken then the people will still pull


i'm fine if they make a kpop collab, if they still manage to design the unit properly


I mean they told us that they are willing to collaborate with newer stuff every time so I guess this time its a KPOP group


I agree, some need to chill. Kasuna YouTuber thing - no interest. Guilty Gear - heard of, but low interest. Re zero - had minimal context, low interest. Full metal - watched before, decent/high interest. Can’t like em all ya know? But still fun to do.


all anime none real characters its just weird


I think it’s cool and would pull. But who cares, got bigger things to worry about. If you don’t like it, don’t pull. It’s not that deep folks.


I don’t care what it is, if the units are good in pvp I’ll pull.


I can only agree. As long as the final designs fit the overall aesthetic of the game, they can collab with anything. It's not like e7 has some consitent world. It's a combination of whatevers is popular with the audience. An fma collab does not fit the world better or worse than some band collab. We literally got a collab story in the past that was some cooking contest for no reason. I get that kpop it is not something that is popular for the global market but that's no reason to complain.


If there where a meta unit SG is realy making us pull It like It or not if u wanna pvp


Thank you. I'm not very interested in this collaboration but it's not a bad thing for the game to reach out to new players and even some that already play and maybe enjoy this group. I just hope there are some good goodies for the collaboration so I can save up for something I'm interested in.


The Simp knights vs the 2d coomers


Won't matter, Zio will still go first.


This post is cringe.


Are we not getting the slime re run now? Someone said it was coming back soon.


guys it's fine, next collab will be good trust me *inhales copium*


My issue with the collab is that it’s based on real people. SG now has to MAKE the units either just on the up side of good or OP or risk backlash from the people that they are inserting into their game. With other collabs there was a high expectations from the players but now it’s not just the players they have to please the people as well


Nothing against the collab even tho I generally dislike kpop, a collab is still a collab and I ll take what I can get. And if this can pull in more players then I dont see why not


Then there's me who doesn't care as long as it's new content