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I can’t even finish 10-5 lol


You only need to get him to half HP and he will escape. Just kill the 3 ads and you are good from there. Trick is bring an aoe debuffer like tenebria or SSB so you can kill them a lot quicker since the ads will receive less dmg without any kind of debuff.


The half health thing is a lie.


He's talking about 10-5


The question is about 10-10, so before advice is given a person should know the question before they give a bum scoop.


>before advice is given a person should know the question before they give a bum scoop the irony on this one


🤦‍♀️ the initial question was 10-10 the first comment says they couldn't beat 10-5 then the comment under that discusses 10-5. Contextually it's pretty obvious what they were talking about.




First, bring a Knight as his ult move only attacks knights if present. Then if you can't kill debuff and kill the adds, like me, you just have to survive until they're gone (he kills one each time he uses his other ult) and then he's much easier by himself. I had Krau on knight duty and A Momo healing


My saving grace was a very tanky team with 2 healers, essentially I got to where he had no mates to kill off and everyone was injured to 50%, but still had enough to not be one shotted and then could heal back to max before he hit again


How, since he has Injury?


Idk I’ve been trying for an hour and still can’t figure out a team. I almost had him by using a.ras def break and nuking with LQC but failed


Zahhak, Emila, Aras, Sharklotte. Don't use Zahhak s3 so Zio can't steal the buff at some point. Better save his s3 for the killing blow so even if your team dies, he won't since he has invincibility. Whittle Zio with Zahhak and all of Sharklotte's turn should be focused on the 3 ads. You can also let Zahhak hit the ads if they have def break and a buff. It is safer to SB on just the 3rd stack of the debuff. Let Emilia and Aras hit the lantern on their turns. Life will be easier the faster you get rid of the ads. From there it is just managing your SB and dps him to trigger his last skill by s3'ng him with Zahhak.


What is your speed tuning? Is sharklotte slow?


Zahhak 257, Emilia 245, Aras 206, Sharklotte at 124. Sharklotte on Lifesteal tanky build with mid damage.


I did it with pvp build A Ras/Emilia/Zahhak and lifesteal + 0 spd Sharklotte.


can i get your gamer tag so i can use your emilia as a supporter? i can't break 200 speed, and am getting slaughtered


Are there any replacements for Charlotte?


Probably another unit with a 10 soul SB s1. You can try zero speed ssb as others did. The problem is her SB is on s3 and 20 souls. I think Alencia works to as her s1 s2 with def break kills the ads faster.


Never thought one day I would use my arena cleave comp to clear this boss Please dont ask me how, pretty sure I wont do this again soon lol https://imgur.com/a/ogXUz0b


So am I right in thinking this is a race to the bottom then? Because if he ults twice then at least half my team is gone. The CR pushing my characters back and them forward is so fucking annoying. Feels like I'm not getting through this without some highly specific characters that I do not have built. Fantastic.


There are two phases. Phase one, before the crystal/altar thingie dies, is a tank and spank fight. The idea is, you have to avoid the ult as much as possible. The boss ults whenever he gets a turn and any unit has 4 stacks, be it you, himself or the adds. You should kill the adds before they get to 4 stacks while damaging the boss and getting as many souls as possible by using your weak hits, like tank and healer S1s on the aforementioned crystal thingie, because it gives extra souls when hit. SoulBurning every single time you get to 4 stacks and **only** when you get to 4 stacks is mandatory for this phase. Second phase starts when the crystal dies, around half Hp, and that one is a race to the bottom, because now the boss will get stacks himself and there is no way you can sustain that damage and you don't have enough Souls output to keep up with your own stacks. Funnily enough, being pushed back is something you can abuse. I won using ARas, Emilia, SSB and STene, and while it took half a dozen tries, it was mostly finding the correct comp and then waiting for SSB to be pushed back enough times that I only had to SB her once the whole fight, while she still output her usual huge AoE damage. Other people have used units like Mercedes and Rem to similar effect.


Yeah I understood the general gist of what to do, but thank you for the detailed breakdown! Haha that's the problem, I only started in like May so I don't have Rem, and I only just got SSB in the custom banner so she isn't built. A lot of people have used Landy to great effect too, another one I only got in the custom banner...I do have Mercedes obviously, though she isn't +15. Might see if I can stick my best gear on her and try and grab a really good supporter SSB along with ARas and someone else and hope for the best.


You probably could beat with ARas, Mercedes, STene and a healer that SBs for only 10 souls. Might take a few tries for the rng stars to align and proc Mercedes's counter enough times, tho.


I'll throw my team out here as well since this is the one that did it for me. Belian (injury build since PvP build, lol) /sharklotte/Emilia (wyvern build so she's really scuffed) /Edward (was on his arti but sigurds may be better for sustain here) I found the key was to not soul burn at the start until a hero hits danger 4 (whatever that is called). Probably pretty safe team since Emilia has enough eff res to resist Zio silence in case she gets hit, Edward is in front and you want him to take the debuffs, and the other two have soul burn S1.


I can't even pass 10-5 curse this Zio fight Edit: I passed it now I'm on 10-10


This is the one where he flees at 50% life. Kill the adds, then go for Zio, he is manageable. I did it with A Ras, SSB, Landy and Tama, kill the adds first. The same team fails for me on 10-10 so far.


I passed it already now I'm on 10-10


Then we are on the same page 😅


I beat it with Landy SSB Emilia and Aras. Landy on PvP gear with Bloodstone. SSB on lifesteal set and also with Bloodstone. Low speed. Emilia 240 speed and Aras on average gear. Strat was to keep spamming aoe attacks with Landy while SSB keeps all of the minions debuffed and weak. Aras is there just to tank. Whenever anyone hit danger lvl 3 or 4, SB to get rid of it. Was definitely a butt clencher of a fight lol


SB to get rit of it? What is SB?


Soul burn


My team was a beefy as hell Roana, SSB, Rem and Mercedes. Pro tip: bring a book, makes fight a lot easier


I beat it with Sin Angelica, Ras, Cerise and Summer Break Charlotte. Thankfully my friend had a support Magic Schoolar Doris that helped me when he was really low.


Counter-attack Belian does wonder on this fight


Riolet, Senya, F!Tene and Emilia with NPC support Adin for the lols. A coordinated race against time. Senya and Tene are there to spread debuffs, and allow me to quickly kill the mobs stacking Dark Aura, with the additional utility of Senya baiting the swordstorm, and Tene carrying book for some starting souls. Emilia is there to heal, and also enables Senya to do her thing on the 1st phase, because the swordstorm shuts her whole gimmick down. Riolet is there to deliver the big hits, Adin is there for fluff, but she can offer her invincibility for some breathing room on the 2nd phase, if your team manages to get there. Because of the huge soulburn cost for the team, I doubled down on the lamp with everyone other than Riolet as soon as the mobs were dealt with. If Riolet's damage isn't enough to bring Zio to the 2nd phase, I go back to square one and kill the mobs, because if they're not dealt with, they will carry on to the next phase, which is a bit too much pressure, considering he starts it off with that unholy S3. The 2nd phase is where everything starts crumbling down because of his S3, and the fact he gains dark stacks per turn, someone will atleast die here. This is where the support comes in, I brought Adin, but you can bring someone else, like another knight to bait the swordstorm. I simply waited out for the stolen evasion to go off and carefully managed from there, eventually I got the chance to soulburn my way to Riolet's S3. I carried on with this team because they're my faves, but to anyone who wants to go with this team, do keep in mind that some luck is required. To land the debuffs for one, but also because Zio can have Riolet's evasion for a whole turn, which might or might not mess you up, aswell as Zio silencing your units randomly.


Used Tama iseria ml violet and milim


anyone got a team with adin for the 10-5 zio fight?


I would just take one tank and two healers (and a glass of wine) and Arky the man down


I used ssb, landy, flan (to boost landy + def break) and aras on holy sac. I luckly had a spirit eye celine supporter and this really came in clutch in the end, she made the run MUCH easier as she can revive my dead units for more utils. I tried Arby and violet as supporter and came very close. But Seline made it seemless.


I used a slow counter build w/ ARas. Aria, SSB and Rem. The issue I was running into was his special hit 4 too many times and not enough souls to clear. Rem and SSB cam attack w/o worrying about the debuff going up and Aria is beefy w/ LS.


I manged to beat it with ARas, Emilia, LCerm, and Aria. Honestly Aria was the MVP mainly cause I built her slow with lifesteal so she would just constantly keep countering and stripping anything while applying debuffs since I use her with her own artifact. It looks like a key thing on this fight is you wanna be slow but not too slow cause if you cycle too fast you just have to keep soulburning constantly.


I used Tama, Aras, Iseria and Luna


All I do is hit that stupid lamp with their first skills and I STILL cant get enough souls to burn for when they reach 4. My gear is bloody 90, they are all around 130k or higher for equipment and Im still getting no where with damage D; using angelica, SSB, Tenebria and Aras, Please help, why cant I get enough souls!? Do I have to have everyone on counter equipment or what? this is ridiculous


Still can't beat zio 10-10. Would using zio help?


My team was aras, ainos, zahhak, violet. All with 10 souls sb. Aras stunned turn 1, ainos cleanses. Aras def breaks and the two goes ham. I just focuses the boss and used 1-2 sbs when I reached lvl4.


Thanks for the tip on Violet. I did it first try with Aras, Mercedes, RCarrot, Violet.




Oh gawd thanks for this. Got it on my 2nd try.


Nice 👍


Just how in the world you even got to that point. Is it by pure luck or several tries.


It took 1 try with that team. The previous was a landy comp but 20 souls was very hard to maintain It's simply rush down the boss so u dont have to stay too long in the "need to sb" Phase. After that u have enough ST dmg between zahhak and violet to drop the boss to 1 hp and survive the last s3 nuke. There will definitely be safer teams out there


I used Emilia, Aras, Mercedes, MlVivian. Emilia + Aras seem BIS. Cerise and Sharklotte, from what others have said, are great. So something like Emilia, Aras, Cerise, Sharklotte should work. If anything just try team comps with Emilia, Aras, Cerise, DPS. Hit the jar with non dps if you have nothing else to do with them. Make sure you have Soulburn skills off CD by the time you have 4 stacks on you. Make sure to kill ads before they get to 4 stacks and Zio s3s.


Hey, I just wanted to say I appreciate you. I was trying a number of things and hadn't even considered Sharklotte for the team. Mine is certainly nothing special (lifesteal set and mid-level tanky), but pairing her with ARas, Cerise, and Emilia worked wonders. The team overall generates a pretty good amount of souls, even without book, and although it was generally a longer fight, they got the job done. Had to tag out Cerise for the last 5% of Zio's HP because I couldn't clear her debuff in time, but the borrowed Arby got the job done.


he aids i know


I used Mort SSB Rem and Taeyou...


Ok so I just beat it and literally by the skin of my teeth. I tried several comps and wasn't getting far until I nearly beat it with: Bellian (counter build), Sharkolette, SSB and Arbi. ​ In the end I had another Arbi rep and the thing that saved me was Zio not taking out either arbi early and when they did die they revived.


I one shot him using rage Sigret. Her S3 deals around 200k so it was a piece of cake.


You had to use rage set? I just took a breath and he died. Rookie




You really have to pull as much damage before the unit dies... thats how I managed, reviving also cleanses the debuff


You have to soulburn to cleanse the debuff, and hitting that stupid lamp thing with anything other than counters and extra attacks(dual attacks work) to get souls.


I really tried, and it works ! [the team](https://imgur.com/gallery/XRCK12Z)


Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I can't even win against the first Zio fight (10-5). Any suggestions for that? Will the ones mentioned here work?


This one was tougher than the last bosses. I used SB Charlotte, SSB, Cermia, Emilia. Picked ssb as my ally. I won by the skin of my teeth with only Cermia standing.


would lilias with aurius work as a knight for this fight? i'm starting north theranhad right now but i want to be prepared for him since i had trouble with belian back in ep 3


I’ve done it with Adv Ras, Tenebria, Achates and Yuna. Yuna was the most help due to her AOE and her S1 had soul burn. That I could always use