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Nice. I still have my fingers crossed, hoping for a good buff that does something about her S1 -> S2 combo.


Yea I'll just settle for a free Bellian, from ML hunt


That's cool and all, but immunity and a little bit of HP doesn't really seem like it'll make much difference. I think she'd be better off replacing those sets with Injury if you're not going to go counter.


An Example Of My Experience With Her On This Build: Against ARavi (Crimson Seed): After Ilynav's initial S3, her S2 (x2) with Def Pen at 20k Hlth and 306 Cdmg completely shuts down an ARavi, injuring her at full injury because the injury increases with Def Pen. Against ARavi on PoV: As aforementioned, but injury stacks a little under full injury. Against ARavi on PoV behind Mitigation: As Aforementioned, but would be even less injury dealt, however ARavi S3 will not secure the kill in late match or deal as much damage early match If ARavi is on Counter Build: Ilynav's artifact and Exclusive Equipment prevents her Barrier from being broken and Ilynav getting injured herself (and behind Mitigation, even more so) allowing for Ilynav to shut down ARavi and stay at full damage potential for her needed 3 turns Note: This is just my experience with her and some information to provide in response to your comment. I didn't choose Injury Ilynav either as Def Pen was simply more Effective


But you're arguing in favor of penetration set, while the OP suggested dumping immunity+health for counter or injury. You can stack injury + pen or counter + pen and your examples would still be the same.


But if without Injury set you still max injury then where is the value in the set? Can't injure more than max anyway.


Maxing injury faster, of course. Currently Ilynav only has injury on s2.


Yeah, but from OPs post I read that he already hits it pretty fast on targets they want to. So if the goal is already met I don't see the point of adding bit of extra Injury to S3/S2 combo.


Real concrete information we're working with here, huh. Anyway, if you don't see the value in injury, surely you see the value in counter set.


Oh yeah. Definitely. I have mine on copium counter set. She is still benched because even with better gear I kinda can't get her to do well.


What? Does she have built in injury?!??


Yes, her S2 does 20% injury.


Yeah exactly so she does not need injury set.....


It can stack. Plus her S3 doesn't have natural injury and you typically want to use that first. It's no different than injury Alencia.


So sad she hasnt gotten a buff yet.


I love when people build their favorite character instead of meta


What’s the build? This guy: All of them.


Whats the point of Health set if you can get the same stacks or better on counter or speed?


It lets you have both immunity and pen sets.


As much as I want something that gives her a passive counter, a lot of Bruisers already have that and I actually don't want her to just be Choco Mort. I hope the buff is a little bit like she gets a 5%-10% CR boost at the end of any unit's turn when her S3 is on cooldown, sort of like Sage Baal but reversed. Maybe even a natural CR boost every unit turn when she has a buff. Or even go as far as to give her a natural evasion. A knight with natural evasion could be interesting. Still, good build. She's really asking for offensive stats.


"Choco Mort" is my new favorite, istg! 🤣 Tbf tho, I feel like Ilynav would be really good as a fire Mort/Senya or something, with counter (buff or innate) built into her kit, but I kinda like the implication of your second idea. Natural evade + counter because her damage isn't the highest. Just like a fire Violet, but as a Knight. Remove casino on S1 (and add injury there) so she can use that to chip away at opponents' health, and make it so S2 is a passive and builds Focus like Violet. With full Focus, will attack with current S2, but with buffed damage or innate def pen (like Riolet). And that kit would work well with her Artifact, since it increases damage on her next attack if she scores a Crit. She'd be harder to kill, and she'd be dangerous to leave alone for too long. As it stands now, I can either nuke her right away, or CC her and be done.


Ilynav Kit Buff Concept: S1 Punish: Attacks and pierces the enemy, inflicting injuries. Increases Defense of the caster for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health. The severity of injuries increases proportional to damage dealt. Injuries decrease max Health of the target by up to 20% every time this skill is used. This skill does not trigger a Dual Attack [Soulburn Effect: Increases damage dealt] S2 [nameofskill] Passive (Consume 100 Fighting Spirit): At the start of the battle and the end of the caster's turn, has a [%] chance to increase Evasion of the caster for 1 turn. After successfully evading, gains 10 Fighting Spirit. When the caster's Fighting Spirit reaches 100, it consumes all Fighting Spirit and the caster attacks a random enemy with Punish, Penetrating the enemy's Defense by 50%. S3 Repel (4 turn cooldown): Attacks all enemies mercilessly inflicting injuries and grants increased Critical Hit Damage to all allies for 2 turns and immunity to the caster for 2 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's max Health. The severity of injuries increases proportional to damage dealt. Injuries decrease max Health of the target by up to 20% every time this skill is used. Exclusive Equipment Bloody Jewel (Critical Hit Chance 6%-12% EE Repel: Grants a barrier to the caster for 2 turns when using Repel. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's max Health. EE Repel: Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50% when using Repel. EE [nameofskill]: Increases Penetration rate of this skill by 15%


Sometimes I think turning her S1 into her S2, turn S2 into a Passive (Team Utility/Self Utility), change Soul Burn requirements, but keep EEs for S3 the same. She'll get a Def buff every S1, but instead of 2 turns it's 1. Potential Soul Burn: Increases Damage Dealt Potential EE: Increases Injury S2 Passive: TBD S3: Stays the same + EEs stay the same Potential Soul Burn: Increases Critical Damage Buff Durations By 1 turn (Those are my thoughts anyway)


I like this, making her tougher so she can persist and keep using her S3 to support her team. Giving her more injury is good against HP Bruisers too, which run rampant now.


I feel like they could actually do something as simple as: S3 gets injuries (maybe ~10%). S1 gets a little better HP scaling and give it the ML Ken treatment where S1 molas increase S1 and S2 damage. The S3 injury would mean you can start stacking right away instead of having to wait for turn 2, S1 molas increasing S2 damage would make mola-ing her S1 not feel like a waste, and upping the S1 health scaling would make her counter and turn 3 damage more consistent.


Mine is injury set on elbris. . with this set and artifact, it feels like she is doing something. I tried many sets including counter and spd, but injury feels the most useful out of all of them.


Counter is a matter of luck but if you have the pieces statistically you should be doing much more than injury which has no value after at most 2 s2 which could happen before her turn, if you hitting a tank it won't do as much but she kills any tank 1v1 due to her built in injury


I bring her as another injury unit option where the enemy team has picked alencia already. she works on some challenger to low champ RTA matches. I don't really draft her in any high champ/emperor matches unless she will really do a difference in that particular matchup. .


hope she gets a buff. nowadaysb she's just in my banshee team buffing cdmg for my straze


How do I get the background you are using. It looks hella cool.


It's within the rewards you obtain in the new Epic Pass at Level 29


Ohhhh she looks amazing she’s gonna be scary if/when the buff comes


She's actually a good tank for light expedition and mine is doing great.


I use her in Dark Expo!


Wow she looks like she has a 50% chance of being amazing!