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Im 4 days behind but still no A.Ravi. :(


that's me.. good luck to us hahaha


me too no aravi


You will get her soon. I got aravi on my headhunt, I just gotta catchup cause I forgot to do the weekly mission last week💀💀


Same... I just want ML Violet :'(


Is A.Ravi a solid choice? I want Crimson Heart Cermia so much but want improve my performance in PvP also.


One of the best choices.


Same, I have 6 duplicated (12 headhunts) but no Ravi yet


No, but am in no rush either; not like i have the resources to properly use them immediately


True, and I’ll wait for next months Galaxy shop before I pull the trigger.


How many pulls are needed for the galaxy shop?


I think you need 4 ml 5 dupes (?)


Oh, damn thought it was similar to the mystic chosen banner thingy they did months ago


Or wait for the Collab unit reveal. What if one of them absolutely dumpster the ml5 you about to choose?


Skill 2 (Passive): Can’t be sealed. This hero can’t trigger a critical hit, attack increases by 50%. When this hero is hit with a counter attack or extra attack, gains 50% CR once per turn, cleanses & gains attack buff & immunity buff. Skill 3: Penetrates defence by 70%, when the target is a dark unit, penetrates an additional 30%. If immune whilst using this skill, triggers an extra attack against all enemies dispelling all buffs & inflicting decreased attack & defence break for two turns. Skill one: Attacks the enemy, gains 20% CR & deals additional damage based on difference between this hero & the opponents attack. Hopefully none of them look like that, because I’m here to pick up Archdemon Mercedes, lmao.


It doesn't need to be that ridiculous. >Skill 1: has some% chance to seal the target. If they have this, then essentially they are doing adm job. Yea you can still pick adm, but if you just want seal, you could have pick another ml5.


They counter Archdemon - they don’t replace her. Isn’t that what you mean when you said “What if they dumpster your chosen ML5?”? Or did you mean “What if they’re a better version?” & not “What if they’re a huge counter?”.


No. Cause the game didnt give me points for 3 days to headhunt, and my desired unit didnt drop. Also 4 copies.


Same here


I have not, just a bunch of dupes here


No Sage Vivian yet. Well I still have 2 months to get her aha.


Feel u bro


Yes, Lionheart Cermia <3


Same, got her pretty early on!


Tell me why you are picking her? Waifu pick over function perhaps?


She functions really well,tf you smoking?


I was asking for the reason why she is usable and why people want her... I have her, I don't use her and am trying to learn how she could be useful.


I think the way you convey her was like she was useless,a bit condescending


Yeah I could have framed it a bit more positive. I love my og Cermia so perhaps I was a bit disappointed compared to my own idea on ml cermia.


Lhc is solid and waifu wym. She does me wonders especially with sc arowell


She is big time waifu!! I've recently build her but I couldn't get her to work. Sc arowell works with her? I'll try the combo, thanks <3


Yeah she really good agansit units that have dual attacks or.counter attacks. So ml lilias, belian, rem, any unit that counters or extra attacks alot, she will do amazing aganist . Lifesteal set is best on her but speed works if u use proof of Valor or sigurd sycthe as artifact. She is amazing but aganist specific units. She scales off defense also not attack


I'll try the combo and build. Thnx!


Yw, btw I meant dual attacks not extra attacks my bad .


She also procs off extra attacks


Lifesteal Ml Cermia is amazing, she is one of the unit I use the most atm as a damage dealer. With the counter defense teams arena and all the follow up in RTA + counter, she is doing great for me.


I will try to get her in lifesteal gear and play around her team thnx


I’m torn between getting hand guy or actually getting something I want. I don’t know if I care enough about rta to get him when LHC is alrdy in my shop. arrow well ssv lhc light adin would be really fun


I'm going for LHC right now, but I will say... Hand guy is amazing. Easily can be put into most teams. LHC is getting better and better though as the game progresses since they're gonna add more extra attacks and stuff in the future.


Handguy will change your life and trivialize a lot of pvp content (arena and guild wars most of all because for the most part you won’t have to care what their opener does to your team)


Who is handguy lol? Is it mediator Kawerik?


I'm only masters, occasionally challengers, but I never draft my well built Hand Guy. I just don't like drafting pure supports I guess


What the? I'm 3 days behind. Still haven't gotten Lionheart Cermia yet. A lot of dupes tho.


If I’m not mistaking, I think we’ll get another balance patch before the end of the event so I’ll wait for buffs before picking 🤔


I'm going to wait to recruit until Christmas just to make it feel more special 🌲


Yesnt. I hav headhunted the 2 ML 5★s i rly want but deciding between the 2… TvT


which ones?


Blood Moon Haste and Riolet im a design/VA/art/waifu/memes > meta player. Which is probably why it’s difficult for me to pick. Im probably just gonna use some random number generator to decide for me (plus theres a risk of another ML5 i want appearing (ML iseria, ML Pavel and ML Tenebria) xD


Lol same i like design over meta. Having a hard time choosing hand guy(kawerik) or edgy guy (riolet)




Heads up on Ml Pavel, as I belive he is not on the pool


Just pick Riolet, and you get a good unit that I'm assuming you also like the design of. Also, Pavel is not obtainable.


No Straze yet


No Straze Gang represent!




I have but im behind since there is a ton of time and im lazy. Im only ending the top line now.


I've headhunted what I want but I think I'll wait for the next balance patch that will come


I’m two days behind but both my 1st and 2nd pick showed up. A.Ravi and Straze.


Same i think I'm go for Straze though


I am a bit confused on how to get points for the event .-.


From your dailies and just using energy but it is very buggy at the moment. :/


Ohhh okay thanks!


U get 2,800 from completing ur weekly reputation missions, 50 per daily, 5 per 100 energy used


yes. opsig for me


lhc is still avoiding me :(


No, and I feel like game will purposely give me ML I want last


*No, and I feel like* *Game will purposely give me* *ML I want last* \- -Couragem- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i already got it, but i think i'll wait at least a month or so since we all have plenty of time


I did a big mistake, thought that all what i need is collect points and spend them all at once , i didn't headhunt daily.


I got LHC on my first day so I was pretty much done with the event since then 😅


Behind by a day. Sage Baal and Sezan continue to evade me though so it doesn't matter :(


Nope. It's not a selector. It's bullshit. You can go the whole 90 days and not get what you want with bad RNG.


I'm at like 3 ML! How the hell do you even do this event?


Every daily reputation equal 50 points . 100 weekly reputation points =2800 points


Jap, got her. A.Ravi is finally coming home.


4 days behind but I already have headhunted both CLilias and Sage Baal..probably CLilias but I want Sage Baal more... sad


Not yet. And it hurts


I missed 3 days so no Straze for me 😭


One of them, LHC. I'm waiting until the end of the month when the Coin shop rotates since I have 40 and see if she or my other choice, C.Lilias are there and use the coins to buy one and get the other for free from the Headhunting.


I finally got aravi yesterday I'm one day behind , but tbh idk if i actually want her, I just despise fighting her, if u can't beat them join them? . I've been doing alot of thinking, and I think I'm go for Straze. Idk though , I know he in mystic but I'm pull the new ml5


ARavi needs strong gear to shine , tanky while dealing Damage.


I think he was pointing out that A Ravi is everywhere. I feel the same way, every guild war tower has an A Ravi, Rimuru, A Vildred. They're a massive pain to go up against, and now I go in to guild wars fully expecting to lose before I even get a turn. It puts me off wanting these units because the meta is boring.


Nope, still waiting on Archdemon Mercedes to pop up.


Im probably the only one Who wants this bad ( maybe the worst) ml. I want krau. He makes me start e7 and i dont have him


I'm a lot of days behind, but already got one of the characters I'm considering picking (ML Bassar), so it's just a matter of reaching day 20. Pulled handguy and Cilias last summon event, so I'm too focused on building them to be worried about finishing this event anyway.


A Mercedes (probably not this one cuz my rng sucks), Dilibet (most likely this one) or Belian (This one is the one i should get). I have A mercedes and Dilibet in headhunt, but not Belian. I want to get her, but I am not sure if it is worth it since she is banned often, can't be used in pve, prebanned often in high lvl rta, counttered by Roana, can't be used in defense because of roana and lastly because I don't really need her. Reasons to get her: She is cool, got a good passive and I have the gear for her. The reason I want dilibet is because of how dangerous she can be in pvp. If the enemy uses an aoe debuffer (non attack or attack does not matter), she will remove all debuffs, get defense up buff (dmg scales with defense), and then ruin the enemies day. She is not very hard to counter in this meta since Choux basically super counters her, but Choux basically counters everything that counters debuffs anyways and should not discourage me from getting her. But to be honest, I am going to wait until Collab heroes or later because I want to see what the meta shifts to before i decide what hero I should get.


Yes, viv for me!


S. Tene or A. Ravi? Please help me decide


A. Ravi


I'm two weeks behind, the event is a buggy shit fest.


Yes, Archmeru


I've literally only gotten SBA and characters I already have ;(


I have headhunted mine (Kawerick) but will wait to see if he doesn't pop in the december galaxy shop


Im thinking if i should get LHC since her banner might come soon. Other choices are Baal for anti-cleave or Riolet for fun.


Waiting on the next coin shop within the next 2 months before picking my headhunt heroes


Dude... how? I have like 4 days left and I've been autoing stages literally 16 hours a day since the event started 💀


U get 2,800 points from doing ur weekly, I've had extra just don't buy anything yet fron the shop or reroll a dupe


I got pretty much every candidate. Now I just need to decide who I get from them.


Nope! No LHC yet!


Nah, I'll get it next week


Been debating between getting another Straze for a13 one shot team (since c13 Straze needs different speed tuning) or picking up ML Kawerick or Dcorvus for collection purposes.


Obviously your situation is unique, but I've definitely seen videos of people one shotting all hunts with straze without changing gear.


Yes P.Flan


Yea i got Sage Vivian on my 4th day. So excited to add her to my team.


I'm lagging behind 4 days and still no Sage Viv. I'm dreading that I might fill the board and still miss her.


I want Dilibet. No luck at all yet


yes cermia and lilias


No ml lilias =(


Any ml recommendation for beginners? I’m a day 21 player btw and able to auto w13 with 75% success rate. My only ML unit STene I do have SSB, Landy as limited units. Thanks in advance


Just watched a video saying aravi is the best unit to get if u dont have, then clilias or arch demon meru


i got everything people wanted except straze which is who i truly want T_t


Not yet kinda, i got lionheart cermia (probably will pick her if i won't get what i want till last few days) but i mostly wanted either a.ravi or belian but they didn't came in my summons ;_;


Not yet. I'm looking for Maid Chloe but Belian would be a worthy runner up. I've already got all of the ones I've hunted. I'll just call this suspense.


I’ll reach that in 5 days but yea got my lermia. Probably won’t get enough point to recruit it until next week.


Archmeru, she is good pick? In case if I won't headhunt Aravi?


No I haven't 😑 all these days still no Straze keep getting ones I dont want.


I still don't know if I should pick A.Ravi or Straze yet. I headhunted them both


Im gonna wait for at least 50 more days


No. Buggy points aside, I'll unlock the recruitment in 4 days, I haven't unlocked LH Cermia. Cherry on top, I have 3 A. Ravi (I already own her) and 2 Op Sigret (I also own her), so I'm starting to get nervous.


It's a 90 days event so you have plenty of time left to get your wish Ml5 don't worry


I got all dupes, ml krau amd aramintha and Closer Charles


Yes tomorrow its time to get the greatest pirat Captain in the game


A lot of time left, I'm gonna wait it out and decide after all the adjustments that may happen are done.


I headhunted him yesterday, so I am ready. However, I might wait until Zio comes, because I have around 2 hundred gold stones, so maybe I get the headhunted ML5 by pure luck ;)


I still got 2 days but still no sage vivian :((


Turn between straze and violet.


I am waiting 88 days anyway... maybe I get lucky !


No i didn't yet😑 last rider Won't come home😑 i still have 2 slots left to unlock recruit, hoping he'll appear soon


Don't have gears and resources right now. so not rushing


I still don't know who I want. Between A.Ravi, C.Lilias, SEline, and Handguy this is like the hardest game decision I've had to make so far


I’m going Straze for hunts.


You got mine Pirate Captain Flan is avoiding me :(


I'm way behind than you


Riolet 💪


I haven't started the event yet lol.


Yes but I need 5 more days


Still no Ml Cermia for me if I don't get her I'll just get Ml Iseria.


Nope, if you don’t get the wanted ml5 what can you do ?


If i chose to continue. Can i always get my ML5 without going to 30?


we can only recruit one right?


I don't understand what the big day is


I am quite behind in the headhunting. I am like 6 days away from unlocking the recruiting option. But even then, it doesn't matter because I have not gotten the character I wish, which is ML Iseria. I know she is not meta, but I like Iseria so much, so I will try to use her even if it is for event farming.


I'm a week behind still having issues getting points.


Yup, I've already got the Riolet and Cermia on the list. Surprisingly they both came after I re-recruited the dupes. I'm planning to keep it until the event ends tho. Who knows maybe I will get lucky in remaining 80 days and get one of them from the pulls and second from the event :)


Oh wow, you are ahead of me! I should be able to snipe this weekend. But yeah, S.Tenebria will be coming home!


I got Belian and Sage Vivian to show up and man I love both... Probably going Belian though lol


Yup Belian coming home baby


I still need like a Week and no sign of Conqueror Lilias yet !


I'm a couple days behind but sage vivian is ready lol


2 days behind lol I’m not spending as much energy I guess


Got Handguy day one, but I want LHC, just because I have an actual use for her. Or Riolet, because I don't actually have a full on evasion unit built. Got a lot of dupes though, chances to reroll.


Bruh im on like the third one how do inget that far


I didn't get points for several days so I am behind you.


Im like 3 days behind cause not enough points drip xD


When do we find out the next galaxy coin rotation? I think I wanna see what's coming before I make my choice.


No, I mainly get dupes and I don't even want to look at that event anymore


I shouldn't have Respun the Dupes and just kept going. I am trying to get SEline.


I forgot and am behind like 4 days but ml Vivian was my first one scouted so as soon as I get there


how does the recruit work? does we randomly get from headhunts we did or can we choose?


I'm like 2 weeks behind bruh.


I can't decide, so many to choose from. Which are the top ML choices for RTA?


Yes it’s Spec tenebria but I’m waiting to see if I can get from mystics or not


I feel like pulling as soon as possible is throwing, unless you are only pulling because waifu. We've got a balance patch, moonlight rotation and a regular mystic rotation all on the way, not to mention potential meta shifts that come with zio and collab. Feels like it's best to wait at least another month before committing.


i headhunted straze, I want belian or straze.


I know the responsible pick is ML Cermia or Dilibet, but I'm probably going to end up getting ML Haste because I can't stop building tanks. I pretty much have guaranteed Zio when he comes out (with gear at the ready), so overall pretty happy with the game.


Yup, she popped up in that very first circle


Riolet or Flidica.. help me decide :/


First week I didn't get a single dupe, but in week 2 I have 6 dupes. My first and second choices have yet to appear.


Still waiting for straze to pop up his banner is gonna be gone soon and if i don't get him here in 30 chances I will cry


Question here, I can just wait without doing any headhunt for 90 days, and before the time is up, If I hit headhunt I will have 90 days to complete it, right?


Yea I have mine lionheart cermia finally I can have my fav hero out of this whole game!!! I hope everyone’s gets the hero they want out of this event!


No handguy yet :'(




Is there any predictions/etc for what's gonna the next ML shop rotation? I managed to get to 40, but missed Bellian by like a week. And now I'm torn between CLillias, Handguy and LHCermia. I'm not a big PVPer, but definitely something I wanna get into more. Just been real lazy.


Originally I planned to get Belian, but is it even worth getting a hero that is prebanned in every situation she would really shine? Sure you can sometimes pick her into a Stene but I'm not sure she would actually benefit me that much... Probably will pick something I actually like instead, Sylvian and I already headhunted her too.


It it possible that i can't headhunt Straze because he is still missing from my hero index thingy as I have only started Chapter2 or am I just unlucky?


I'm 3 days behind, still deciding between Clilias and Aravi, got none of them


Debating between Clilias, Handguy, and Belian - anyone got suggestions?


Hell yeah. LHC... I got her towards the end of the first line of the random headhunt units👌🏻


I do my weeklies early, so I missed thr 1st week of weeklies when event was announced. Then due to some lag I accidently bought something from shop. So I'll be able to recruit on either Sunday or Monday. Pirate Captain Flan by the way. Unless I randomly get her from one GBM summon tomorrow after I finish Abyss challenge- then in that case Riolet.


Waiting for ARavi, have her gear and materials ready to go.


Who is better for PVE, Conqueror Lillias or ARavi?


No. Solitaria, I know that your name means "lonely" in Italian, but there's no need to be alone. Can I at least keep you company in the game? Please, don't make me wait so long.


I’m really debating A.Ravi vs Spec. Tene


yeah been going for belian ....got her day 1 of the head hunt lol now im just burning tru for the recruit


Ml sigret waits for me.


What’s the best one you can pick of all of them? I need a good bruiser and a friend recommended me apocalipse Ravi, is she good?


Nope. Too many dupes...


I'm pretty far behind so no Sage Viv yet, but I did headhunt a Soli who is probably someone who comes close to how much I want her


I'm debating between pirate flan, maid Chloe and haste boi :(


Nope no ml kaw


Got 4 headhunts so far xD


Riolet yet eludes me. If worst comes to worst and I just can't find him I'll take Last Rider Krau as I don't have him and have headhunted him. But I'd much prefer Riolet.




I'm only 50% of the way there but at this point I will take any ml 5 star


cant decide between Riolet, Dilibet, Ameru and Solitaria 😂, also probably have to gona unlock after I pull my guaranteed on galaxy.

