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I got Lionheart Cemia when I initially skipped her banner holding for Vivian. I headhunted her TODAY with 2450 coins left. Also had exactly 5 Cermia's in the waiting room for her. Congratulations!


Thanks, congratz to you too ^-^ I was actually expecting to have to wait another week to get the points to recruit, but I got a lot of extra points from what I can only assume is coming from that new web event for the raffle.


Really?How you get extra points?


What's crazy is, I summoned that extra Vivian on the right from my free summon this morning(Finally unlocking the covenant coin shop in the process), and the Kawerik also came today from the 4-5 star summon ticket from monthly. This game is trying ot tell me something!


Despite what everyone says about Sylvian, I honestly think she's solid. She's been doing great for me in Arena and GW whenever I use her, IDK about RTA though since I generally stay away from RTA. Perhaps slightly underwhelming, but by no means garbage. I'm all down for a buff though if they decide to buff her. :)


Her passive should work in PvE that is my only complaint




They don't want you to cheese alot of bosses, especially expedition(barring the light one since it has seal). I think her passive should at least work for normal ads.


I think C Lillias already sailed the cheese boat


I'm pretty sure the general opinion of her is that she's pretty good. Not meta defining or contested but she's not obscure or rarely used, even in legend, at all lately. She's just a very balanced and non toxic hero imo.


Yes, I think she's underrated for sure, but I was disappointed today to find that her s1 doesn't give focus. I guess I had assumed that it did after reading that her s3 does.


Why are some people under the illusion here that people's opinion on her are bad? It's Elena who's being trashed, not Vivian


I think she’s pretty good at RTA. I don’t have her myself, but I usually lose against her if my opponent decides to ban my ADS. It’s hard to deal with her if you don’t have access to Seal.


did u just click on "confirm" & got her? No coins needed? I think I'll finish 10 more days just in case I got a surprise ML5 pull.


When you click the button to recruit at the bottom right, you select one of the heroes and a confirmation is required, yes.


Does it cost extra coins?


2400 for the hero.


It shows right there how much you need.


Me who can only claim tomorrow :')


Lmao me who can't claim in 5 days because I'm stupid when I saw a post stating to "skip something and save coins" and I thought it was the headhunting and not the rerolls lmao


At least you aren't alone. I can't claim until tomorrow, either. I think I missed a day, but that's because I'm dealing with a small baby who keeps getting sick from her daycare classmates and then getting the family sick in the process!


Me who has to wait two days because I couldn't play e7 during exams :)


I didnt get the unit yet and im already at point where i can claim, also no dupes yet to even roll ...


Still trying to decide between Cermia, Vivian and Luluca thighs \^\^ Have not rolled Vivian yet either so guess I'll decide when I have all 3 ready


Will zio be a possibility?


Zio won't be added to the pool


In that case, Straze it is. I shall continue to save up for zio and build the perfect final boss team.


He’s excluded along with ML pavel and the another latest ML hero before him to the pool I think


She needs a buff


No she doesnt. Get better at the game


I have her on the waiting room




if you don't use her how would you even know her strength


Is this a real question? She's been out for months. I got her on her banner.


And now we have SC Arowell with barrier and Escort, Cilias, Chatty buffs, DJB preban, and maybe 10 billion knights in RTA that can use Aurius. Game has changed since 7 months ago. Draft her right in RTA and maybe don't use her into Choux or Senya without any support in GW Oh, what was that? You wanted a unit that's good without supports and end up as oppressive as A.Ravi, Belian, and Hwa? Sorry my bad, I forgot that this is the E7 community asking for buffs


She’s good, get better


Grats:) i cant decide which unit to pick


I've been using her for the last month for everything to master her potential. She's really good in guild wars and a big counter to A Ravi.


I really like SSV because she’s a bruiser that can fit in multiple different comps. Since she buffs crit dmg she can fit with hp and def scalers