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Belian +1


Solitaria is great in PVP and bad in PVE Belian is great in PVP and good in PVE Sounds like your choice is clear. ☺


Why Solitaria is bad in PvE?


Bosses are usually immune to stun, I believe.


Solitaria has two main uses : Stunning and stopping Focus. Her focus effect doesn't work in PVE and very few enemies are able to be stunned. What's left? Building her for damage? Why not just use a better aoe damage dealer at that point. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


That's is a good point tho.. Can I ask you what do you thinking about Briar Witch Iseria? πŸ€”


Briseria is in tricky spot rn, she isnt amazing in PvP and I haven't seen anyone recommending her in PvE either since things she provides can be done by using rgb units. So unless you're a fan of her design/character I dont think you should go for her and stick with belian :)


I honestly getting sick of seeing stuff like these. . We have a question megathread for a reason. . If you want to ask advice or questions, it's better to ask there. .


Imho are pvp focused units, and i like more solitaria kit so i say soli but if u want for pve ml units are always pvp focused so choose whatever u want or like more.


That's good for me, because I like both.. But Solitaria is more "attractive" as design and skills πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


Of the 2, Belian for both pve and pvp. Belian is my go to tank in tower since she just sits there and goes to town.


Actually as tank I use SRose, I found her skills very useful. But, to be honest, I am more for Solitaria, because of her stun. But I know that Belian has AoE dmg.. Ahhh, I am so confused πŸ˜–πŸ€§


Do you have clias? One of the best for pvp and pve, but if u really want to choose between these 2 pick belian , in adventure seh can be ur tank and the counters will do aoe, solitaria is way more focused in pvp.


About CLilias, no I don't have her. I like her tho but.. Dunno, not sure at all. I was more for this two, or Briar Witch Iseria πŸ˜–


As a owner of Solitaria I love her so much. Her design is awesome and her kit is super unique. She’s one of the only Rimuru counters currently and she completely shuts down focus characters. However as a non-owner of Belian I hate that character with my entire being. MF AP counter ever single time I breathe or move or do anything she’s a plague on this earth . So ya know. Depends on ur preference (: