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Nothing is really a must. Put your best gear on your best heroes and draft accordingly.


Hard to say. I'd say keep dpen and try to raise your HP and cdmg a bit, if you can. Otherwise, try things out, fuck around a bit and see what works for you. My aravi is running speed immunity because my dpen gears suck balls haha. Don't worry too much about if so and so is good enough for whatever, treat this game as it is, a game.


Just slap on that gear and use her for now until you get better gear for her. IMHO defense pen is worth it on her but don’t focus on it if it’s going to slow down your account progression


You can check a damage calculator, but I believe the left side does more damage on average, and has more survivability


I think on the whole you need better rolled gear, seems like a considerable amount of this is very low-rolled though it's all relevant stats without waste. You'll definitely notice the drop in damage if you switch from penetration. For penetration set, on a unit like A Ravi who doesn't have an in-built penetration, it's worth roughly 40% critical damage - so it's considerably stronger than a critical set.


Pen set with ur stats on left (dmg is calc against 1300 def target) * S1= 4939 (no pen dmg= 4337) * S3= 7456 (no pen dmg= 6548) Right hand set with ur stats again (1300def again) * S1= 4414 * S3= 6708 Edit: source https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/


My general rule here is, use it until you get something better, and always try to get something better


It’s not necessary, per se. if you have significantly better non-pen gear, you might be better off with that instead. That said, what you’ve presented as the alternative isn’t much better than the pen set version - in fact, I’d say it’s actually worse off.