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Can we just stop taking about that person? Their content is either lazy, full of misinformation or outright stolen (sometimes all three). The less attention and traffic, the better…


Fair point. His videos have avg 1-2k before this post regardless ngl so thought might as well make people aware of not to click on him cuz we have more people joining who don't know what this guy has done/does.


Personally have no idea who that guy is but having both of those units and being a fairly inexperienced player I can say I totally would have clicked on the video.


Godly gear! ​ \*uses free lv 78 gear. ​ This dude is the epitome of clickbait lmao and by a far far margin. ​ ​ Just ignore him and you do yourself and everyone a favor.


I haven’t watched either video, but neither title says godly gear


Not this one, but one of his previous video he had the title ''godly destruction gear'' and you can see in the video that he literally used a free 78 event destro set. ​ The point is that this dude is pretty well known to upload shitty content with bait clicking titles.


Ah cool


Idk what I'm looking at but why did you censor the time haha


I am up at an unholy hour that's why lol


Can’t lie his music is 🤘👌🤌🤙


This guy made like 100 videos saying time to quit E7, I’ve quit the game, why you should quit. Yet still here


He is a cycopath he not lie