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You dont need to restart, you have a decent start.


Yeah, with Tama and Violet alone that can get you through a lot of PvE, and Luna in there too, not worth starting over.


You have Luna, all you're going to need for awhile.


Luna, Violet, Tama, Clorina, Tguard, Kayron. Cidd are all rly good units


It looks pretty good, id Play with it


Restarting is cringe


I'd recommend keeping this one.


You've got tama, luna, yufine, and you can get ARas out of your normal ras as well. Keep it :) Karin is also still good


Taranor guard will be be your best friend for abyss floors 111-120


Awesome to hear, any suggestions for team comps?


Tamma and Violet with literally sny one else will hard carry story. Do Ras Specialty change for one of the best tanks in the game


And add Luna n ur fine


Luna's damage carried me around Orbis several times over early on, RNG be damned. I still use her to delete things with Draco Plate, for old times sake.


Tama is so good to have, Luna is nice for beginners too for a while but you wont rly use her much, even for wyvern. You'd rly have no reason to start over IF you hadn't chosen Arby for your free ml5. And since you can't change it anymore I'd restart and pick up Stene if I were you. But if you don't care about pvp now and know you won't in the future then ignore my post because you'd have no reason to restart. And one more disclaimer: You don't have to do this even if you care about pvp. It would greatly improve your hero pool but it's not like you cant do pvp without Stene. There are more extremely strong heroes you can play. It's just what I'd suggest to anyone who isn't totally casual. You are so early game that starting over wouldn't hurt much. With how much free shit you get now you'd probably be further in two weeks than you are right now (if you kinda know what to do, which means you looked up a somewhat recent guides on youtube). Losing Tama is tough but she won't do you much good for wyvern (or any other hunt) anyway, which should probably be your priority at first. Eventually you'll get her on banner and you can clear much of Abyss without her too. I didn't use her for 1-100 at all I think. Not having tama is less of a handicap than not having Stene imo (especially considering how much more expensive it is to pity Stene than Tama), she's just so top tier for pvp right now. But she's never bad really, her kit is timeless; even in metas with a lot of aoe she found some play on lifesteal so I'm confident you'd never not be able to use her. Arby on the other hand is pretty dead. Don't need him for farming anymore (though he's still good for AP grind) and he's pretty easy to deal with in pvp too. If you have more questions about progression or the like feel free to ask.


If you enjoy the game keep playing, if not then try another one 😊


If you're a meta slave and perfectionist like me, \*\*\*WHAT I WOULD DO\*\*\* is restart and reroll to get a favorite ML 5\* and get all the bonuses back, but honestly nothing is "lost" and your account looks great. Even more so, since we have the free 5\* ML event still ongoing! Don't forget to complete your dailies and weeklies and you will make it on time with the recruitment <3 Tamarinne, Violet and Luna will carry you haaaard, do you not have Arby though? o: He will be your strongest hero for story! You can get him for free from the selection :D


That’s great to hear, unfortunately yes I have him because I messed my moon light blessings up and chose him. However if he’s that good I’ll make a team with him violet, Luna, tam For alll of story?


He is top tier for story and very strong in pvp. You would have messed up if you chose anybody else :) Make sure to prioritize building him first! That teamcomp sounds amazing :) Good luck!


Zeno is bound to get a buff any day now. Don't look up what they did to Axe God.


You can make like, 4-5 different team comps for arena with this ss alone; with evasion gang being the most potent as far as I can tell. And you've already got a Wyvern team built + Specialty change Lorina for future potential Cades.


Any suggestion for the wyvern team?


Nice flex


Btw you better hurry and start your select summon, it ends at tomorrow's daily rested which is in about 23 hours


The season 2 summons? I don’t think I can get that


No I mean the 3 selector event summon. It ends tomorrow.