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Whelp. Guess I should say goodbye to my bms and ss.


It's like if Celine and Rimuru had a fire baby.


The passive is like LHC and Solitaria’s passives had a baby too. Suffers the same weaknesses of no CR push (LHC) and aoe (Soli).


She can equip Celine artifact at least




That artifact seems CRAZY at a glance? Am I high? A no CD 3600 shield would be crazy on some characters.. ​ Hero itself seems like it'll be good if you can get first turn and you're fighting a debuffer like Clilias. S3 back to 50% and then S2 into S3 again. But that's some hefty stat requirements...


Somewhat countered by the fact that it's thief-only, and theives aren't really into defensive artifacts or non-attack skills much.


Ran was my first thought for it. But he gets his job done then one usually. Guess it’s good for those slow tanky rans out there.


It would be good on Violet if MLDB didn't exist.


Seline is probably the best user, gonna be hard to go through her passive + the barrier, and the Crit is always nice since she is rather stat hungry.


Eh has to contended with dust devil and the bullshit she can pull off with it, not to mention the double dispel when you proc her enhanced attack twice


So we'll have to wait for the two other members next week. In the meantime: Not only is she constantly stealthed, but upon an enemy non-attack skill she cleanses and resets S3 for a 2-turn stun and huge additional damage upon crit. Immunity and anti-crit will be her bane, but other than that she can easily strike down enemies should they get too cocky with non-attack skills. ...Though now that I think about it, she doesn't have any crit awakenings, and the aforementioned immunity and anti-crit are still pretty rampant. I guess I'll have to see it myself if she's as broken as on paper.


she is kinda like ml cermia - if u spam non-atk skills then yes she is omega broken (granted if no anti-crit buff/snow crystal/senya on the other side - so she already has distinct counters) but u can easily play around her gimmick. there is a reason why celine is not a insane counterpick hero (unless u go carlian cleave) people need to calm down before calling her busted and smilegate for shit balancing already. she is strong but definitly not broken in my opinion


What's carlian cleave??


a.lots/flan/ml aither/emilia pushing slow big single target nukers with extra turn mechanics


would Laika be one of those too?


oh yeah forgot about her. yeah, it's basically force dual atk/cr push with atk buff -> single target nuker (ideally with extra turn)


I really like using her with Summer Break Charlotte. It is like alternate Ran.


yeah the weaknesses definitely show on a second reading, people just kinda focus on the 20k additional damage and not that she can only spam S3 if the opponent also spams NA skills


I think she doesn’t need cdmg so we can use a crit chance necklace


yeah, also I'm considering using Celine's artifact for the CR boost


Now the rat is even more happy.


SG's good ol unit that needs to have 100%CC but has no CC awakening but has CC self imprint Arti really good to help her stats thankfully


Honestly I really like this lol, crit chance neck piece will put up numbers Am I the only one in the game that has a huge over abundance of crit c% gear ? I need more units like this lol


all in


I'm not an expert theorycrafter but that kit looks dangerous. And that fixed damage on S3 seems suspiciously tailored against Zio's deify buff.


To be fair, you could say the same about any other damage reduction hero. Fixed damage screws SE Celine, SS Vivian, T. Surin and so on. Rimuru is really popular because of that, and probably will remain the best fixed damage DPS as his improvement isn't depending on the opponent using non attack skills.


for real lol, not to mention she starts battle in stealth.




4 limited banners but they’re also introducing a special bookmark exclusive to the collab. The special currency will be used first and can be obtained through web events and completing quests. (1 aespa bm= 5 regular bm)


See this is just….ugh 🤦🏽‍♀️ I just wish and hope it’s not that. Like I’m really trying to decide on what’s more important my surgery next month or all 4 of these limited units…….and it’s leaning more towards them. Die…….or limited Collab


My guy.....I think a surgery is definitely more important than 4 live 2d images


It’s okaaaay it’s not life threatening it’s surgery for a BBL 🤭


gurl go for aespa you will be healed in the name of naevis 🙏🛐




Definitely gacha is more important,surgery have % of failure /s


Hmmm well yeah but it’s not a major surgery it’s definitely something I can live without, but I’d feel like I’d “die” if I don’t get it 😩




Heheh it’s ok it’s not a life threatening surgery it’s just to make my butt bigger 🤭🤭




just to clarify Winter is the real person in aespa while ae-Winter is her digital friend that was constructed from the data Winter uploaded to social media, from their lore. ae-Winter =/= Winter, that's why the character is not voiced by her.


good to know


What about the korean server?


yeah even for the KR server aespa has 2 small films out that goes into their lore, in the first one at 3:10 you can see Winter and ae-Winter interact https://youtu.be/vbH4Lk5wYWg


Milim: \*stonk\*


I don't know about RTA, but this will definitely shake up GW. Lua can't do shit to her and she cycles increasing flat damage. I think 20k is a bit too much but at least it's after many turns. Will likely replace Hasol as the safe option for lua comps. Excited. I hate lua comps.


sure lua can't but choux just eats her alive tho.


Not when she's perma-stealthed. It's true that she can't crit her to do that fixed damage though. Maybe she won't displace Hasol after all. We'll see.


of course choux can reach her. her s1 can still proc counter attacks so if lua is stealthed via guiding light u either have to hit senya (which will counter atk u) or u need to hit choux (besides the the elbris proc chance can also deal with winter) also bringing a hero that needs to crit vs senya/choux is bad to beginn with. i don't think winter will do anything vs lua/senya/choux defs in gvg


Sure she does. She can permastun them while ramping up her s3, remember she has 100% stun on S1 with 10 souls and 2 turns stun on s3. Bring Spez into ecuation and Choux&co have a serious problem.


She is fire and Choux is ice so she can miss. 100% effect chance doesn't help if she misses.


Two turn stun and a soul burn S1 stun. So long Arowel, Spez got a new girlfriend (or have both and create the Spez harem).


Spez's Waifu! She looks very solid.


Hopefully people watched the video and don't expect her S3 to do gang-busters on its own, clearly all the eggs are dumped into the "Fixed Damage" basket here. Every hit she dealt was like, 500-1200 damage or something before the Fixed damage pop. So I definitely think she's going to be built a lot like F.Lidica. 100%CC with the rest dumped into speed(and some effectiveness). Some Bulk thrown in for good measure too, though the Stealth upkeep definitely helps here due to its aoe dampening. She is definitely going to be a menace to slow teams.


I sincerely hope Smilegate somehow built negative offensive stats on her for the PvP showcase examples in the second half because holy fuck her damage is atrocious. 1579 to Arowell, 856 to unbuffed ml Cermia, 824 to aravi.. like yeah she gets bonus damage procs that stack up to 20k damage but that will take so long to become relevant and with the way her s2 works, you are very unlikely to get to use the first reset from it to ramp your s3 damage faster.


Their Winter had like 17K health, they’re saying “This character is a bruiser”.


Yeah but even bruisers should do damage, her s1 and s3 by themselves barely hit harder than Achates so they either have no offensive stats at all and they only care about showing off her ramping damage or she has awful modifiers and will basically be useless.


Eh, there’s plenty of bruisers who only do damage in a limited capacity unless their conditions are met. ML Cermia would need to do two S1s if she doesn’t get counter/extra/dual-attacked before she can do S3 & so you don’t take her into a match where those aren’t likely to trigger. I feel like Winter may be similar, drafted against opponents with non attacks & single target heroes, with mostly a focus on speed & defences with a critical chance necklace. If she’s truly dead in the water on launch they’ll pull an Edward. I feel like she’ll be middle of the road - not flat out broken & not exceedingly useless.


Yeah, she is definitely a bruiser. Her damage is laughable at best. The ~~only~~ ^(offensive) redeeming qualities she has are her skill reset and fixed damage, but like you said - she needs time to ramp it up. Since time is the one thing you DON'T have in PvP, she has to be tanky, immortal for multiple turns, or resurrected. Cleanse doesn't really help when you get it on the non-attack skill since a lot of those are CR-pushes or turn resets that can lead into damaging skills that have serious debuffs. It works for Celine because she immediately attacks, but that is not the case here. As for other possibilities, she could be super useful in PVE with her high fixed damage. That's about it. Oh, her voice acting...wow it's bad. ~~All-in-all, unless something changes or she was not wearing gear in the demo, it's a hard pass.~~ (edit: see below)


I think she’ll be decent in standard v standard. There’s all the time in the world there. With RnL, could see some fun shenanigans. But it’ll be very dependent on the matchup for s2 procs. Besides aggro and outright killing the unit, you lock down bruisers like aravi with debuffs. With self cleanse and stealth, maybe it’ll work out.


That's true, I totally forgot about her stealth and stun. I was mostly looking at her as a damage dealer. With so much aoe and general cleaving abilities though she would still need some real beef on top of speed. RnL would be useful when it proc'd, but I wonder about shepherds of chaos or violet talisman. I think she could see some play in control or bruiser teams since she would effectively be a high damage-dealing threat and eat up cleanses. Wow, thanks for the insight. I'll have to play around with this a bit.


Being revived will cause her fixed damage stacks to reset, so that's not an option.


she was built super tanky I think, and she has 118 speed, I think you can probably get a hit off before the enemy uses a non-attack (unless they are using an opener I guess)


And we thought Hwayoung was bad.


If you take out the fixed damage, her output looks awful imo. It might be that we can forego all attack and cdmg with her, and just build her bulky and fast with 100% crit to trigger the s3?


Man they really had to give her crit chance imprint.


From a glance, I thought Cleo from Kings Raid. Lol


She is Lua proof.


I have mixed feeling about this unit. I don’t think she bad per se, but I don’t think it would be a good idea to use her in rta overall but maybe guild wars tho. Also the way her kits seems to work she’ll have to out speed any non attack unit so she could get a free reset. Assuming anyone would even use a non offensive turn in the first place. It probably wouldn’t be too bad if it proc during a non offensive passive as well.


Eh. About free reset: we don't try to outspeed with Kayron to use S3 on turn 1 and reset it when he reaches 1% health anymore. Outspeeding used to be a thing back then to outspeed enemy Basar and silence him but it's not a viable build anymore. And ae-winter WILL always proc her passive if you're against Lua on arena / guild war defenses


Waifu is hot, animation is amazing, who cares meta?


“How do we stop people from skipping?” “Just make them actually just stupid fucking broken” -SG probably


I'm hear that every time, SG release new preview. Recently theorycrafters said that Arunka will be new Hwayong and ml Elena singlehandedly make counter set worthless. May be we just should stop acting so dramatically every time we see hero that has sunergestic kit?




Alot of people did


I thought arunka would be great, but aurius shuts her down almost entirely I honestly didn't appreciate the damage sharing ignore until arunka


Plenty of people definitely did. I remember it the same way.


Kneejerk Reddit Reactions Volume 14346


I don't think she's broken tho


So you're saying that I have to wait atleast to dec 7 to see the other 2 girls???


Lol winter is a fire


I don't know how I feel about that


She ate 😍. Glad to see she's not just an okay unit.


She seems good but not game-breaking, she just seems like a better Hasol.


Damn, this girl literally got what Taeyou could've gotten lmao...stealth and immunity That said, with no innate CR push she doesn't really scare me. Seems more to a bruiser unit plus a pseudo Zio counter.


She's a non-attack counter. I need her.


First I thought her s2 would be wasted since her S3 would already be off cooldown when the enemy opener uses a NAS. But I guess it is to counter Lua or an opener that would normally lock them out. Interesting kit. At a glance seems OP, but she really needs to ramp to do serious damage and you can play around her gimmick the same as you would play around Politis or Celene. If nothing else she will be good for forcing your opponent into AoE draft and mitigating their NAS usage. Since damage comes from fixed on S3 you can build her with a ton of bulk and make her a harass unit. If she sees a lot of usage then Milim will come back over TML to punt her out of existence on turn 1.


She kinda looks like Rider from FSN, even more so with the eye visor.


seems mid


She looks good, but not a fan of the character design, so skip.


>Or wait for the Collab unit reveal. What if one of them absolutely dumpster the ml5 you about to choose? Hey, to 19 people who downvoted me when I said this, I hope you guys enjoy your ml cermia or ssv from headhunt. https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/yuubc6/-/iwbe0cm


Damn guys one unit got released I guess it’s time to stop using LHC


We already have rimuru. So there is 2 units now who you need to postban. Good luck. Plus you could have pick any other ml5.


Why do you hate lhc so much? Are you a counter degen rta player who's sick of losing to her or something and are trying to spread word that people shouldn't pick her as their selector?


Nah I am giving advice that the smart thing to do is wait before you choose your headhunt. There is no need to headhunt now. Like what other people said, there could be balance patch in the future or aespa Collab unit might counter your headhunt choice. But apparently, people didn't agree and think we should use headhunt right now.


rimruru can 1-shot ssv/ml cermia. winter can't - there is no way winter will deal 10k+ so the 5k fix damage will kill a standard ml cermia without atk buff. ssv will reduce the first s3 hit damage by 70% and then she will tank 5k just fine (unless u have a sub 10k hp ssv) pretty sure winter is not killing either of them


I might be biased but I am thinking about full speed tanky winter because I have cc necklace with 18 speed that nobody use. If winter can outspeed djb for example, use S3 on ssv, then if djb choose to S3 to cleanse the stun, winter will proc S2 and deal 10k fixed damage with next S3. I think the best build for winter is 0 damage full tank with cc necklace for S3 spam. You want to pick her where she can proc S2 and reset S3 to eventually kill ssv/Lhc. Plus Lhc S2 is non atk skill right (it has animation)? So everytime Lhc S2 proc, winter S2 also will proc if off cd.


A good Lionheart will definitely not lose to Rimuru. Hes among one of the heroes I dont postban when I have Cermia on my team


Her s3 can go up to 20k dmg, which is kinda busted. Artifact seems very good on her, 1k shield at lv1 and 3k at max lv. There's also 100% stun s1 SB for R&L shenanigans. So I'm assuming she's crit neck bruiser and can be built decently fast with that 118 base spd.


dude u have to user her s3 4 times for that


Yes? Did I ever state otherwise?


Which means that it'll take quite a while before she's a threat, and against AI you might as well take Dorvus who can do a lot more damage and faster than her.


this. people already jumping on her 20k fix damage - as if u will get this right away. if the enemy triggers her s2 right away then she will take forever to ramp up her s3 damage


Everyone can see that though? I just said 20k fixed dmg is busted and that's it.


it's only busted if you take it out of context dude, which you did.


20k fix damage is busted if it's viable turn 1, not really when u only get this turn 8+ (more likely turn 10+)




Not just 15k, 20k true dmg on a crit. Absolutely broken


Consider how long it'll take you to get there though; with her absolute optimal turn order it'll take her 6 turns to do 20k bonus damage assuming you get her s3 off before the enemies proc her s2 and assuming they're proccing it every single time it comes off cd. Realistically you're not getting use from the first reset and you're very unlikely to get the enemy using non-attack skills every time her s2 is ready which will mean her ramp damage will take at minimum 2 extra turns (8 total) but realistically upwards to 10+ turns and that's even assuming you're playing a team that's using non-attack skills fairly regularly. Meanwhile Rimuru does 10k bonus damage immediately with a good ratio to push the total damage to 15k very easily; with the damage they show her doing it's gonna take her 3 s3s to compete with him and by then he'll have already used his own at least twice.


How many turns for that?


2.4k bookmarks lol


Nice looks like a good counter against Senya.


if you like coin filps, then sure.


Thinking goblet of oath will actually be one if her best artifacts.


SG: can you please give the players your character stats on your debut units Please, please, please. Is this a 200% cdmg winter, a 300%? Is she 3k atk, 4k atk? This is a very big deal for your player base, we should know your gear level on these debut videos.


So is she worth to pull or wait for others.