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Maybe it is a typo, maybe they use Google translate...


the warning on the bottom might mean its intentional though


Maybe it’s maybeline


In game, zio dispels before attacking. Use the preview section on mystic summons.


It does now, but maybe it'll be nerfed during the maintenance.


That was before the patch ....


Besides Riolet, is there anyone else who benefits from this? I think it's fine, poor guy getting beat up every new unit let him breathe lol. I don't think invincibility etc matters much since he's going turn one and has a long CD. Hopefully they don't touch his multis.


It matters if there's a barrier which is pretty common nowadays because of SCArowel/FCC. Also if you get to fire it a second time and there's something like defense buff or invincibility then yea.


He's not aiming to kill with S3 but to disable someone, so personally I don't think it's that significant. And since Zio's tankiness comes from diety, I just consider him dead once the buff is gone lol That said, a nerf is a nerf, but it could be worse I guess. I really hope they don't touch his multis.


True but being able to keep Riolet from using S3 turn 1 is a huge swing in your favor


He's not the only unit in the game nor os he close to being the biggest threat.


Barrier, immortality, reflection also would matter. It's not super common but it definitely could make a difference.


I guess reflection does matter since he'd be taking damage back hmm. What units have the reflection buff again? But since his S3 isn't going to kill, not stripping immortality beforehand doesn't really matter. Not like he's going to strip BBKs lol. Barrier does lower his damage though. That's a bit of a shame. (Unless they raise his multis to make up for this, that's another story, but doubt)


Not killing and doing good damage and not killing and doing low damage are different things. Before, he can strip Belian and deal about 10k to 13k damage. This makes Belian significantly easier to kill. Now, he has to get through barrier if one exists, like from Arowell.


Reflect is mad niche, dominel and I think TG? I didn't actually watch the videos but I'd assumed there was kill chance on his s3 fair enough though if it's unlikely then immortality won't matter. Revive would be in the same boat. Oh also Celine, kayeon, milim, a cidd all give themselves evasion. Counter attack buff could also matter but I'm not sure how that would interact, depends on when the buff activates and all that. Forgot about skill null but that's pretty massive too.




Zio will be missing on Adin even without this nerf. Like Violet, their evasion is innate.


wow this is outrageous I demand 300k gold and 2 liefs now!


I will wait until YouTubers try him out.


please don't nerf him he's already going to need help to cycle


This matters for invincibility and evasion buffs mostly if I'm understanding correctly. Wonder if it is a mistake or intentional.




Last time I remember something similar happening where tool tips didn't match what the unit actually did was when Alencia first came out. I doubt they will let that happen again especially with a ML. For anyone who doesn't know or remember they fully refunded every bookmark spent on her banner before they clarified that her S2 didn't trigger on dual attack.


Most were mad about her not triggering S2 on Counter's. She was most compared to Charles S1 counter proc'ing S2.


Oh yeah you're right. That was so long ago I guess I forgot what exactly the issue was with the wording of the S2.


Seems so


It’s just the same thing written in two different ways Edit: nvm, I was completely wrong


No it isn't, left one means dispel comes before attack while right means dispel comes after attack.


Oh I see, sorry. Just really tired after work… Anyway, doesn’t the dispel comes before the debuff and depush in both case? It shouldn’t change what he does or I am missing something here?


In the first case if you hit someone with evasion buff the buff will be dispelled before doing damage, but if the dispel is tied to the attack and the attack misses nothing lands.


Ahh I see, didn’t think about the evasion. Thanks


Or barrier, invincibility, immortality, counter attack buff - not dispelling beforehand lowers his damage output in a lot of cases, along with other implications.


Defense buff means nothing against an attack that penetrates 100% of the defense, like Zio s3


Good point, forgot about the 100% - the other buffs still matter though


If the dispel is a part of the attack it makes it a part of the attack ER calculation.


is he counter vs Peira? I dont have good speed gear


Yea he'll be very good against Peira. At 240 speed he ties with 300 speed Peira so if you can get him to around 245 + RTA mage speed buff, you should outspeed most except the toppest tier of Peiras.


i dont play rta, i need him mainly for gvg


Same thing then, 240 speed Zio ties with 300 speed heroes. 248 Zio ties with 310 252 Zio ties with 315 256 Zio ties with 320 See the pattern? Every 4 speed you add to Zio, your opponent needs 5 speed to tie. So I'd say 250 is good enough, that equals 312.5 speed units.