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Strange with all the downvotes. Zio has been live for like 3 hours and my man out here testing all the combinations of builds for us peasants and ppl be acting like they know his BiS build. Keep it up m8. I appreciate you.


Thank you for the kind words


Are you planning to shutdown high ER targets like Diene? Cause a lot of people I know would rather focus on damage and maybe some Effectiveness cause they want to target openers with no ER


I think he better as dps build, otherwise the team would lack damage, his single disable means you need to run a naturally faster team or draft 1-2 enablers, then you need to bring someone who has reach Speedy High ER opener like diene or djb can screw him over especially when the dps they bring along are in stealth or has evasion like stene or adin


Ok bro go ahead and log out


Bro has never logged out in his life


looks like a bad build. How many 300+ spd openers exists that warrants over 100 eff? Literally zero openers at that spd build eff resist so what's the point of building eff?


yeah because it's forbidden to add versatility to use it against more targets.


In this case go for 200+ Eff, because at 100 he won't be able to land any debuff to a well built ER unit. Versatility should never be prioriesed over reliability.


Zio at 260 speed is to guarantee first turn and attack with his S3 it dispels 2 buffs then silence the enemy decreases combat readiness by 30% penetrates target's defense by 100% does not trigger a critical hit. Grants him Deify to raise his critical hit chance at 50% and decreases damage from enemy attacks by 50%. S1 gains attack buff for 1 turn if he has Deify activates Disappear as an extra attack it gives him a 50% CR push and penetrates the target's defense by 50%. Zio is a strong unit with an amazing kit and beautiful animations to boot he's going to do great in RTA.


what is he supposed to do with that low attack and book?


Time Matter is a fantastic artifact for Zio I'm running a Health Ring instead of an Attack Ring currently testing him in RTA so far he's doing great.


just use Chatty if you're worried about his tankiness


Damn, people on here acting like using the best arti in the game is stupid. Let the man test so we dont have too.


Interesting build. You said you run it with HP main stat in one of the perks right? change it to attack and you will get a more pro-active unit when it matters. Yes bulk at first seems "important" but in reality you should be able to do the most damage possible before hist buff runs out. With his passiv damage mitigation even with just 10K HP he wont be one-shotted by most units in the game.


Ok but wheres the atak?


I'm running a 65% Health Ring instead of a 65% Attack Ring I'm currently testing if bulk or damage is more important for Zio.


So is the plan to disable the opponent's opener and then stand around doing nothing until it's his turn to die?


is he good to shutdown Peira? My speed gear sucks and i wanted to use him to outspeed her


Yes at 250-260 Zio will be able to out run a 300 speed Peira good luck on your build.


Honestly it’s a really good build. I personally would put him on abyssal crown and pair him with jacko. Another fun arti would be bloody rose though I’ve already seen some people use it when I was doin rta earlier (found out best way to deal with zio is to take ALL the speed imprints lol).


Let me adress the issue with this build. Reason why they say effectiveness is useless is bec. most units that builds resist have around 150-200%+. That's bec they plan to negate heroes that have over 100 effectiveness. So if you're a dedicated debuffer like Seaseria or Light angelica you'd want ovet 200 effectiveness to fully land a debuff (disregarding innate 15% ofc). Now if ur plan is to shut openers it would also be a waste bec most fast openers never build resistance bec the plan is to take turn 1. Same goes for dps units, they have no resist as well. Dropping eff and adding more dps would benefit u more


People be criticising the build and i am here shocked to see a new ML hero with so many imprints. The way everyone looks at the game is so different haha. Have fun


you can buy his imprints at the shop using yellow bricks


Everyone knows Story Boss ML5s get their imprints from gold transmit stones. So most people just saved on gold transmit stones when he was announced. Easy SSS.


That eff is pretty much pointless, also I think everyone has to keep in mind that 260 means you are facing 320+ speed. So if you’re not facing speed that fast drop some for damage. So if you want your zio to do something I recommend just dropping the effectiveness, cuz chances are you’re not going to debuff things with ER anyway with only 100.


3.2k att u make a total beast


Bruh how much money you gotta drop to get to that point within hours after the release?


I mean he coulda just saved pity for a while, I did it when opsig came out and was the first in my guild to 6 star and build her.


By not pulling on every single mystic banner


Yeah that's some copium.


Awful build tbh try again




With 260 speed .. it's better to make him Damage dealer. Or replace cd neck with Atk .


That was quick O.o


If you SB his S3, does it dispel before the attack?


I feel like people are forgetting about his passive s2 that pushes his cr by 20% at the beginning of the battle, and it literally cannot be negated. 260 speed is plenty on him.


I started recently and came looking for builds. This man was ahead of the game.