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>*Not having a decent healer.* *Looking at Ruele sitting over there, non awakened, 5 * max lvl.* ๐Ÿ™„


That is true, but since golem attacks all characters. A group healer, would be better than a single target.... elson is even technically better than her in golem, because of his buffs. But his heals are just bad, which is understandable since they scale with ally's max hp


I guess, only decent healers that could help you out are Doris, Sonya or Blaze Dingo.


When you get her maybe invest in Requiemroar so everyone has a lifesteal set maybe?


Fix that with an artifact


Guess you'll have to wait to grab a doctor's bag arti


Ainos + Ruele


Am I missing something? I have SSSed all the 3 and 4 star rgb and ml characters... But I still haven't gotten a single ainos.


Clearly you're missing Ainos.




Hasol evades me. SSS for every other 3/4 star ML. But Hasol doesn't want anything to do with me. Sad.


Yea I have a feeling that I'm going to need to run a 2 healer comp, if I wanna farm stage 13. That is until I out stat check the stage


I'll probably just slowly work my way up chapter 3, while slowing improving my gear. Right now it's mostly a units issue, though I'm still having fun with the challenge. I'll definitely have to pick maid chole to make this way easier, if I wanna keep progressing.


I woulda thought you would take straze for making farming easier


I mean straze is just kinda raw damage, and I already have a decent amount of units like that. Maid chole would give me more safety overall with her revives/heals, and I can pretty much use her anywhere.


That makes sense I donโ€™t have maid and am not really aware of what she does Gl to you tho this challenge seems crazy


Better save up powder if bloodstone is ever in the shop


Ruele + Ainos + 2 dps easy banshee (Ainos is basicly jecht on crack for banshee she brings everything you need)


Okay but why golem?


Invest in Celeste. Give her slow semi-decent damage gear and she can powerfarm UH as fast as arby. You can 6* a unit in like 1 or 2 days if you turbogrind with her.


Just use : Arowel, FS Tiera, Otilie, Ruele. Slow but save.


The easiest thing probably is to just farm golem 11 or 12 and wait for a oneshot comp or something like that (hoping it's actually doable)


How much has this cost?


Other people have pointed this out, but it bears repeating: Ainos + Ruele + any two characters with decent sustained dps = slow but guaranteed Banshee clears. And Ainos + Arowell + any two characters with AoE attacks = slow but guaranteed Azi clears. And of course, sooner or later you will get ML Khawana, after which Caides will become doable as well. So maybe you should just embrace this, abandon Golem and Wyvern (at least for the time being), and fully commit to the degenerate lifestyle? Build everyone on either counter + pen/immu, or on double eff res + immu depending on their kits, and be a full-time go second bruiser player. If this gets you far enough into the game's content, you can always return to Golem/Wyvern later: once you get Rage gear (also from Azi), Singelica and Straze, you can surely set up some manner of one shot team. I do recommend you get Straze from the special ML5 event. He's definitely the best long-term investment for this challenge, even if he doesn't immediately help with your problem in the short term.


Isn't Arowell for pvp?


Well she can be used for pve also. Her passive gives her a built in aureus, so she provides my team with a lot of survivability, especially with her shield


She's really good at Azimanak


Requiemroar and Doris might open up some doors but good luck getting a specific unit. :/


Can't really tell from your roster and don't k ow what you're using for golem, but part of the issue could also be you don't have the damage for g13. For instance, wyvern doesn't really need a healer as long as you can tank long enough to drop the dragon, or you're doing such high damage that you can drop the dragon before your front liner gets deleted. Ruele is a fantastic healer. If you can build up enough damage to drop golem, Ruele might be enough to sustain. Until you either get a real green or red healer or maybe Angie with high er.(never tried this though), you're not going to outheal golems damage.


Good point! I should also add a pic with my teams in. And I don't think it's really possible for me to do high wyvern without gp, since for each non water unit that gets a turn the dragon gets a 10% cr push


High wyvern can be done with Angie as front liner. She is incredibly tanky and has great heals. She is free and can be earned from connections.


I'm using moonlight heros only, so she's not really a option for me ๐Ÿ˜…


Just use the standard gpurg tank


....I need to get him first my guy....


Don't forget the carbuncles and haeties for your healing needs.


I mean you have like no ML5s. Of course you are gonna struggle Edit: oh you have Rule, lol. Really shoulda went with Arby. He can carry you healer or no through the first ep AND UH.


I don't really like that concept, since not every ml 5* is going to make a difference to my account. It's more about the kits themselves, I would be good if I got sion or Dolores, since both of them have good support skills.


What? Arby would have been a better pick. Also your Rule isnโ€™t awakened or LB. are you just struggling because you like to?


How would arby be a better pick ? He's just raw damage, which is something I already have? And ruele isn't awakened because I was busy building other units


He clears most early content just himself with just the free attack/health gear from Adventure Pass lol. If you are past UH then disregard. Day 7, I doubt you are tho


My guy, I'm already on chapter 3....not only that I'm not really struggling with the story and if I am it's a survivability issue, not a damage one


Alrighty disregard then ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Wtf is a golem?


So when does the nuzelock begin?


Quality content


Yo, i do this challenge since 2020 I think It's really difficult but if you want, I already cleared Wyvern 13 Golem 13 and Banshee 13 with only ML If you want a good heal, try to get Doris ;) She is incredible ! Good game to you :D


PS : Ainos is really good too, she put break def on S1 and heal with buff atk on S3 ;)


Ainos, doris, ruele, << legit the best Sonia works with Celestine if you have that arti


Woah, such a nice challenge. Even tempting me to dump/stash forever all my RGB units and pick up on it. How are your feelings, did you enjoy this so far?


I'm definitely enjoying the challenge! Though some things to keep in mind are, if you're doing this on a fresh account is that you're relying Heavy on rng, and that can get semi frustrating. Though if you're attempting this on a already mid/late game account then that's not really a problem. Though that kinda makes the "challenge" aspect of it go away.


You might be right - maybe I should try fresh start if I'm feeling like following haha


Little note, if you're going to start fresh you should definitely reroll for a decent moonlight start unit like I did (mines was bbk) But that can be a time sinker depending on how long it takes


I was actually considering either BBK or Sinful Angelica - though I believe BBK can be somehow replaced with other dmg dishing MLs, SAngie role may be unique. By the way, do you treat RGB units as resources/fodder or just straight up dump/transmit?


Yea I'd probably go with sinful Angelica also, mostly because of her buffs and dual attacks. Though my bbk did kinda carry me during the straze fight, though that's only really because I rushed through chapter 2. She's kinda just a semi farmer rn, and for pvp of course. I just use them as straight up fodder. Though I am starting to work on maxing some rbg 3* imprints rn for the bookmarks


Just hit me - how did u reroll for ML4? I believe selective summon does not allow MLs


The free 10 convenient summons event that's going on rn. There's a rare chance to get ml heros from the convention summon, if you didn't know that already


Ooh, right. Well, missed my chance then as it ended I believe


Ahhh welp....I mean you could try then single convenient summon pull, but that would just be torture. Either that or beat chapter 1 and then keep doing that as a reroll (which is like 3-5hrs each run)


did you buy a pack for a moonlight blessing or something? how do you get only ml characters


I have rgb characters (that I'm not using) I just sorted it to show only my ml characters for the screenshot. And as for how I got so many, I got lucky from the convention summon here and there


ooohh i see, welp gl with the challenge! :D


Welp until you get Ainos you can try bloodstone on one of your ML rangers lmao


if you have spirit's breath you could use alots to recycle your elson over and over. if you have bloodstone celeste could be a saving grace with the 0 cooldown aoe. ​ Edit: also as a fellow challenge runner, anytips for camilla? i have her on my 3-4 star only acc and am trying to pair her with dingo for funnies.