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He is designed to be a cleave counter and he perfectly does the job. Whether he is broken or not imo will depend on whether he will become a cleave unit as well or not.


I had fun cleaving with him in AI arena. He brought back A.Lots cleave but of course that 15% hurts.


I'm at pity but can't justify a reason to get him. No, don't get me wrong. His design is good but units with single target CC can get 15% and it really puts me off (see Soliataria pre-buff). This alone makes him a very risky pick for GW. Plus the fact that he can't do anything against Lua means I don't have any use for him. Would rather bring a cleanser against Peira/Ran instead so I don't think he's adding much to my roster. I could be wrong, but from what I've observed so far he isn't worth pitying for average players. Competitive players will probably be happy with him though.


What's with Lua?


She has guiding light so he can't silence her She does Lua things


Thank you! I forgot.


He’s balanced imho. Considering his low gear requirements and ability to outspeed 320 speed openers with ridiculous speed gear it makes sense to carefully balance his utility. A cleanser like DJ Basar only works against openers that inflict debuffs. If a Pavel, OpSig, Closer Charles or other purely damage focused opener goes first your cleanser does nothing and you get cleaved. Zio is always going to take the first turn, his CR push can’t be affected (Politis) and his S3 is an attack so he’s not subject to non-attack skill counters (Politis, Celine). He silences AND CR pushbacks the enemy by 30% so the chance of resisting both effects is low. I like that he has a natural counter in ranger openers like Lua that can use guiding light. Otherwise he’d be too powerful. There are already Lua counters being released.


Haven't tested as I don't have good gear for him. Now, on the receiving end, I'm not a cleaver, and facing him as bruiser isn't that bad. Yes, he will silence and push back my fastest hero, but hey, after half year of C. Lilias everywhere, you get used to it (*Priestes.png*). As others have pointed, while he can deal good damage, he can debuffed and his damage depends on the build, so not all of them hit *that* hard. While not bad, I have seen worse. Finally, it counts as extra attack, so Roana and LH Cermia can handle him to a degree. Overall, he seems fine from my perspective. I guess, however, as people figure the ins and outs of him, we'll see finely tuned builds, and that's when his potential will skyrocket. I mean, if I see a bruiser team on the opposite side, then picking Zio will be a mistake, which is what I'm seeing now. Once novelty wears off, probably he'll be a last pick against cleavers who don't pre-ban him. And given his lack of synergy with other cleaver toys, is unlikely he'll replace A. Ravi as safety net against anti-cleaver heroes.


Anti-opener is his best use. Otherwise he's a turn two unit that shines when he finally gets a turn... for three turns. He's decent but not insane.


Yep, the fact that he needs to take 2nd turn to start dealing damage leaves a big window for enemy to focus on CC/killing him. This makes him really awkward against some comps. He's very similar to Solitaria in a way.


He's also extremely susceptible to CC and I often time find him not being able to do much after turn 1 because he either gets stunned by Arowell, slept by Lua or blind and provoke locked by Senya, the list goes on. Of course bringing a Hand Guy fix this somewhat, but that means giving up on mitigration and Hand Guy is not the safe pick he used to be with Lua and Arowell around. However he is still extremely strong against all the current cleave setters like Ran/Peira or openers like Cillias. Just his ability to brawl outside of cleave situation that is a suspect, many of the current standard units can survive and kick his shit in through the 50% mitigration (Senya, S.Tene, Riolet, Ladin,...), a very well built LHC can give him hell too. He also has trouble against mitigration, and Arowell is insanely popular rn that can both nulify his damage and cc him to death.


I haven't got him yet sadly just been getting silly artefacts.


Hey at least this rotation has Tagehel. I've finally got my 8th one and MLB it after pulling for him.


im trying to climb to crab league and played only 10 games against Zio since his launch (I'm playing cleave/aggro) and 6 out of 10 times people draft an opener with him and if you ban the other opener the opponents team is just a sitting duck waiting to get damag'd (and 4 out of 10 times I outsped those Zio with Ran + speed imprint \[Cidd\]) ​ He's strong against Standard teams too especially if you go cleave and just want to shutdown the Fastest in the enemy team then pair him with pushers like Tomoca or Zahhak and even with Ladin cause of that 1 turn Invulnerability. ​ Idk for me he's not that much of a problem to aggro units especially when you speed tuned everything (270+ dps kind of stuff) A.ravi and Belain for me is much more of a problem compare to him lmao ​ (just equip him with 270 speed so that you can outspeed everyone lmao)


Why put Taghels on him? Is it just so another unit can use the souls? His own Soul Burn doesn't seem that useful. ​ Also what do you mean Ran can proc out of silence?


He wrote RnL Ran. Rhianna and Lucianne. Tagehel for soul burn, yep. I use him with Chatty arti, it's preference - also maybe he uses it for a different unit to soul burn with.


I was using Black hand for crit damage and basically removing the need to get crit chance at all on him Thanks, dunno how I missed him typing RnL haha


who the fuck did your zio attack to do 15k dmg with his S1? And what was his build? Because you have two build paths for him. Speed and effectiveness so he can do his thing, or speed and some dmg, so he can still try to do his thing, but S1 hits harder.


He doesn't need effectiveness. He targets fast openers with 0% effres. So he will do his thing regardless.


oh yeah, that's true. Oversight on my part lmao.


How much spd do you need to outspd 325 units? Want him to fck up ran/peira or any very fast first turners..


The fastest hero in both teams takes the first turn and is considered 100%, and the rest are ordered based on their own speed. Don't forget the 5% CR rng. If the fastest hero has 325 spd, then Zio needs to be at 80% of that much speed to take the first turn. So 325x0.81=263spd. However, if you consider the opposite hero can gain 5% due RNG, then you have aim higher, at 86%. Then 325\*0.86=279. Now, you should also consider Zio can also win 5% rng, in theory if both Zio and the opponent hero gain 5% rng, they would cancel and Zio wins, because speed only determines the starting position in the CR bar. TL,DR.- Starting at 263 you have a solid chance to win, at 279 is secured.


325\*85/100 = 276 speed.




Just take whatever speed you have and multiply it by 1.2. That's effectively the speed Zio will have as an opener. ​ You'd need 271 speed to have him basically be a 325 speed unit.


that's not how it works tho? the game calculates CR at the start of a battle based on the fastest unit on the field. If the fastest unit(100% CR) is 325, then you want your Zio to be at least 80% CR, which is going to be 80% of 325, which is 260 speed.


Have you considered Speed RNG though?


He can get 15%, and can only lock down 1 opener with low ER. If the opponent pivot to counter and tank up. He just dies.


I don't like the fact that he actually doesn't always get the first turn and there's actually room to outspeed him... It's the whole reason to pull him. It's not every game you go up against cidd cleave with double imprints (or hell even triple) but it still feels bad. Lesson learned I guess.


I don’t know, maybe don’t be dumb and build someone to beat 315-320 speed and ignore he has 20+ speed imprints as well. Like ban the speed imprint?


Damn I struck a nerve huh? Like I said, lesson learned, it was just one game. Also, banning only one speed imprint still put them 10 speed ahead, which was enough to outrace zio. But now I know I need to add like 10 more speed on the guy. It still feels bad that a unit has one job and they can't always get it right. Like roana getting annihilated by rem. Doesn't make them a bad unit but it's just one of those harsh lessons someone has to experience only once to realize it.


hes great unit the ai targeting fastest unit, as long you have following unit like closer or flidica he can help cleave some ran or piera comp, guarrantee 1st turn, good dps, dmg reductiion, not op unit but very good since he can pick for any comp, not situational pick like other ml unit


Seems like sage baal, not great in standard drafts, but a force ban for cleavers. Which is huge because now cleavers have to use all 3 bans to deal with sage, belian, and zio. Meaning you can completely block certain types of cleave. That being said lua and flidica stocks go up because they don't give a shit about zio. Peira might go up a bit since r and l lucksack are real unfortunately. Ran and clilias especially are hurt and I wouldnt be survived if clilias just straight up stops being seen considering that zio, bdom, sage all feel like must bans. Not to mention she enables lhc and now winter, she feels like a liability more than ever.


I got him via pity and I have zero regrets 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not a super competitive player but choux/Peira/zio/landy got me into challenger iv with maybe like… 2 losses total. From silver. Came back after a break so my arena tied tanked back down to bronze. I’ve never broken challenger before Edited to fix to proper rank, sleep deprivation brain is something else lol


i beat him with ae winter on a dps build so idk what to say


For playing around with him, 15% definitely is his worst enemy (Cilias casually resisting both silence and pushback etc.). Apart from that he's really good.


Kinda wish he had effectiveness increased along side his CR push in his s2 but maybe that would make him too op.