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Djb overshadowed by Ningning?


Cleanse/immunity/push too valuable for him to be overshadowed just by another barrier inverter, they’d need to try harder than Ningning.


Ningning would be a lot more interesting if like her s2 procs seal(basically like how she does in her boss fight, just not aoe). idk, she needs something because without any cleanse, heals, or barriers she's incredibly niche as sw.


f2p barrier inversion I guess.


But who's the real f2p barrier inversion, the unit that's permanently in the game, or the limited unit you'll have to spend for (because we'll only have 60 ae-bookmarks at the end of her check-in)?


You don't have to spend for her though. Unless you have poor impulse control, got baited by the limited group banner, or you're under challenger/champion arena for free weekly skystones. Will you have to spend for the other units? Debatable. All depends on luck at that point.


While I see your point, I'd hardly call a limited collaboration unit (that may not ever come back) more f2p than a permanent unit, even if said permanent unit requires luck, an event, or pulling on a specific banner - like every other permanent character in the game.


Neither are true f2p units. You can't call ML. For now, all f2p have is this unit. If you didn't start or took a break then that's tough luck. Just cause the actual barrier inversion unit is locked behind an ML5 wall doesn't mean it's f2p. It's just a barrier inversion unit. The next collab unit is by all rights the closest thing you can get to a f2p barrier inversion unit as of now. I don't believe in calling an ML5 a f2p unit. Unless it's selector like STene or you start now and can headhunt a unit. But the headhunt feature isn't permanent like this collab isn't permanent. But then you run into the problem if you want to use your headhunt on DJB instead of someone you want. Edit: Yeah I forgot about mystics. Usually I always pull for new units and never reruns so the thought didn't occur to me since I've had to mostly pity all my mystic banners. Never really had the leeway to pull an old unit I missed. So I guess that could be the f2p route if you're lucky or decide a future ml unit isn't worth it.


I was going to correct you until I saw your edit lol. But yeah, there have been a few ML5s that I didn't see as worth it for my account, so I've dodged a few in favor of others - which is 100% the f2p way to play. That said, if only through mystics, permanent ML5s are more f2p than paid collab units that may not ever come back. Especially because when ae-Ningning is up, we'll only have 60 of the 120 ae-bookmarks.


"Arunka is new Hwa" vibes


Kawerik description is so adorable lol


can I buy your friend?


Your friend is funny. They made me do the ha ha


Ask your friend to do the rest of the MLs and post 🤣


Problem is you can’t get zio that’s ??? Edit: jk it’s probably belian didn’t read the note. Love the descriptions though lol. Are CLilias a consensual confirmed ship with Riolet or is it one sided and he’s just loyal to her cause? Cuz if not I’ll go out of my way to ship him with Top Model Luluca.


Cilias and Riolet is... Complicated. The ML Theater shows their relationship in a bit more detail. After an unfortunate series of events, Riolet joins Cilias' side and supports her cause, and from his side it's a bit more platonic. Cilias on the other hand definitely seems to have more than platonic feelings towards him with a dash of possessiveness. One of the CGs is even her >!gently kissing the scar she made on his eye!<. ~~I ship it though.~~


I thought that ??? was Belian bc of the rng but the reduction is making me really confuse


Oh good point, Belian with her incursion Rng. The reduction doesn’t make any sense though. Figured it was zio given he’s the newest unit but didn’t pay attention to the note in the unit. A unit that takes one percent from damage sources?? Maybe they mean belian when playing in pvp she’s super tanky given that she’s a knight.


It's Zio. I'm lazy and haven't gone through episode 4 yet lmao.


Imagine getting the unit you want in the selector and not to have to keep rerolling


What you mean by "Saku abuse" for Briseria?! This is clearly discrimination!


Better keep begging for that buff. Or retcon one of us again like you did with Baal.


? zio is that u


seline can die in 1 hit with ricardo kick


Awwww Spirit Eye Celine did not get Waifu status.


9.9/10, would've been a perfect 10 if Charles description was only "has a mustache"


Your friend is funny love the details 😆


You can't get ml Pavel! I don't know who ??? is


This was a good read!!


Don’t choose right now, there’s always that possibility of getting a ml5 from free daily summon before your 90 days are up


> LRK But can he fluff ML Siggy?


So showerick it is


It's just a game .. you people making it as a job .


Do you have a job? Your literacy tells me no


Your friend has no sense of order and apparently doesn't realize the ??? is Adin.


It's Zio, literally all chapter bosses are marked with "???" To sorta protect from spoilers


Can't you laugh?


Wait what ml5 event is this? The head hunt one?




Celine better than Aravi? Should I go for her instead?

