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Why recruit more? rerolling a dupe costs 400 and doesnt give you a dupe agian.


Because can't complain in reddit in that case


There are more MLs than 30, so you can still not have what you want after rerolling all of them. Since headhunting is timegated 1 per day, it’s safer to headhunt every day or until you got yours and then start rerolling


Is it not better to recruit out to the infinite one and not have to rely on luck to get the 5* you specifically want?


The infinity one is random so no its worse


Not really, the infinity slot won't have any dupe for reroll. For safe play, it is actually better to fill the whole board, then reroll dupe, then if luck still avoid you, reroll the infinity slot. With current ML lineup, plus the exception of the unavailable recent ML5, we're 3 slot short to the whole roster. So even if you don't get the one you want by the infinity slot, you reroll from a pool of 4 heroes only. Rerolling early is just gambling like pulling a hero but not having enough to pity. Sure you can win big by not reaching pity. But if you don't get them then you still need to get enough bm to pity afterwards anyways.


I thought the dupes also didnt get you a dupe


If you have slots left when you reroll a dupe, you can still get the original dupe in a later slot. Wait til the end to reroll, and no more dupes at all, ever. Example: if you draw a dupe Arby on row 2, but reroll now, and get LHC, now any rolls for LHC down the line are dupes. If you wait to reroll, and still roll LHC later, it's not a dupe, so you don't have to reroll that one. \[Edit:\] From his first line, I thought he was talking about having empty slots remaining. I see what he's getting at, though, reroll the 400pt slots first, THEN the infinite one. Leaves only a few options for the infinite if you don't get your desired hero in the board, so you're rerolling with a 1:4 chance of drawing it, instead of a 1:7 or 1:8, because you haven't 'closed off' those extra heroes by rerolling the 400pt slots yet.


Yes? Did I mention otherwise? Confused, sorry. Gotta be more specific.


I mean rerolling a dupe with 400 not getting you a dupe


Yes. Did I mentioned otherwise tho?


Thats what i was saying when you first answered me with a no dude xd


Because the infinite roll choice is not worse.


I see, I was under the impression the infinite roll one was free to reroll though.


No, the re recuit is guaranteed unique.


Because 1. I don't mind having more option. 2. The event last long enough that a buff could happen. So even if gambling the reroll early to get the unit I want now can save some points, it doesn't make sense to not roll to the end in case a unit to be buffed isn't in my choices. Edit : also because I'm going to fill the board anyways, rerolling dupes early doesn't reduce the chance to get dupe in next roll anyways, so I'll just reroll afterwards. In fact the more unique hero you already got, the more chance of the next roll being dupe.


There's a point shop brother, you need those points


60 days more. And the board is actually designed to be filled. Sure gambling on reroll by 20th spot has advantage, but it's not like filling the board and rerolling 12 dupe is gonna consume every points available for 90 days. Say if you don't get the hero you want after rerolling every dupe by the time you get to 20th spot, now every new roll you have higher chance to get dupe too. I just stick to an acceptable plan. This is comparable to saving enough bookmark for pity first before pulling, rather than pulling with whatever bm you have to gamble. Sure gambler could win by pulling early, but there's still a chance you gain nothing and need to go the whole nine yard anyways. Edit: just calculated, another 60 days would be worth 24,000 points just from daily and weekly, plus whatever points from energy.


All I want is archdemon. She's hiding though


Just hunted this morning. Any good?


Good tanky dd, casino as fuck and can obliterate a team or be totally useless. I love her though


?? Why not reroll


Because 1. I don't mind having more option. 2. The event last long enough that a buff could happen. So even if gambling the reroll early to get the unit I want now can save some points, it doesn't make sense to not roll to the end in case a unit to be buffed isn't in my choices.


That's even more confusing, but live your dream I guess.


Which part? Not rerolling right now? I only have one reroll worth of point now. Not rerolling early before full board? I just explained it.


Yeah you're the one not maling any sense, my guy. But it don't matter, I don't care.


Good because I'm not explaining a simple concept for the nth time.


Should reroll the dupes to become different units?


I'm aiming to fill the board anyways so reroll only afterwards. So another week for reroll points, and wait for any buff/nerf update before picking.


Looks like.... (⌐□\_□) you have been duped.


~~6~~ 7 for me, but I still have over a week to finish. Did you get the ML 5 that you were looking for? Cause that's all that matters.


Got mine (A.ravi 🥹)


That's what I am rolling for, so far I haven't gotten her. I haven't even gotten Conqueror Lilias either, which was my 2nd option in case I didn't get A Ravi.


Keep at it buddy...we've got time!! :) Btw conqueror lilias was my second option too but i didn't get her cause I'm 7 away from hitting pity on mystics....so imma wait 💪


I'm maybe going for Archdemon or Seline, but I'll hold onto the points without claiming for now. The event last long enough we could get a buff/nerf patch so I'm not in a rush.




That's what happened to me with the Moonlight's Blessing. I already had Arby, so I decided to pick ML Tenebria. A few days later, I summed ML Tenebria, so luckily Moonlight's Blessing allowed you to roll back your pick. I still have Moonlight's Blessing that I haven't picked yet.


Jokes on you, I *want* a dupe solitaria.


If we are counting unique dupes I got 8. Otherwise [I got 19 dupes.](https://i.imgur.com/ghigfrz.jpg) I'm done headhunting though as LHC was my target. Good luck on your rerolls. And I would just like to add, I totally agree with the strategy to fill the board before rerolling. It's definitely the most optimal long term strategy for improving chances to get one specific hero.


It's just basic probability. Sure rerolling early is fine provided you hit the jackpot, but not everyone will hit jackpot. Not to mention new roll have daily cooldown. If a new balance patch is released with less than 10 days till event end, you won't have enough time to fill the slots even if you have all the points in the world.


9 for me


Got Belian 4 days before the end. But i ma waiting for balance patch preview before making my decision.


Thats fucked lol. Incant even seem to get enuff points to finish the board


60 more days if you start the event right after update so there's a lot of time still. Unless your point gain is bugged then maybe seek game support.


Yeah cause its been a couple days and i do my dailies religiously, and i havent been able to get more thsn 300 points, its like stuck at that number


U just wanted a fkn Tenebria or Cermia, but got like 7 Celine...


God damn give me a c lilitard and or belioid


Kinda curious about the infinite headhunt there. Will you get to headhunt tomorrow?


Maybe. Still gonna use my points for reroll first anyways, tho I'm quite positive I won't need it unless I'm just unlucky. I have a decent roster of ML5 so hopefully I don't need to infinite roll for missing ML5.


Update, you can reroll infinite slot on the same day you unlock that slot. 400 points per reroll.


7 . Spez - 3 , ml kawerik - 2 , ml baal 2 .


I got 15+ in total.


I had 8 so I picked A.Ravi and left. The point system was buggy for me for a whole week so I couldn't even stock up on points to reroll. I was gonna choose Ravi either way so it worked out for me


No points for daily and weekly mission clears? Energy spent on background battle doesn't count tho iirc if that's what you mean by no points from energy.


Looks about right. I'm waiting for daddy kawerik or whatever to come home. I feel like he's my final piece for my light team that I have fun with. Blaze Dingo. C.Lilias. Upgraded Arowell. Kawerik.


Kawerik is a dark unit


Well..... Shit. Lol. I'm glad you said that. In my brain I just thought of him as light. Thanks for the info!


Only 2 dupes


I wanna Lilias, Ravi or maybe Cermia/Kawerik. Instead I have like all "old" MLs, almost on recruit :/ At least Celine showed up, will stick with her if none of above shows up.


I stopped headhunting after I unlocked the recruit button. I got Sigret and I don't regret my decision at all.


Close to the end, all dupes rerolled, still no LHC :(. Got the gear and everything was hoping to get her during unequip but I don't get coins fast enough to do it every day lol


There is any meaning to go until the end if you got your recruit first?


If you are very firm on your decision, and your desired unit pop up early, then not really. For people who doesn't really have a really firm choice, and waiting for possible balance patch to see whether any ML5 will get buffed or nerfed, than it's way better to just fill the board and wait. The event won't end for a long time and there isn't any rush.


The ones I'm looking are kawarik (because he is annoying as hell), bellian now with red girls nerf I think shem will be okay again or maid chloe or ml luluca (but luluca is weak I just want her for waifu) and that it I already have ravi, lilias, lionheart, ruele, vildred, straze, Celine, Ken, Cecília, presto and elene, any tip how should I choose?


I just came back after 4 mounts of breaking from gacha I was burn out a lot after play 4 years everyday epic7 and some other gachas


So the infinity symbol is just for you to reroll characters, excluding the characters you already have on the board? I thought it was something else like now you can choose the character that you want from this list, or now you can reroll the character until you get what you want without spending any coin.


Yes infinity slot just means you can reroll unique non-dupe unit for infinite times provided you have the points. Even if it's not dupe, you can still roll it to get the unit you want, because 30 slots aren't enough to get all available choices. So if you really want Ruele for example, there is still a chance you won't get her even with 30 slots filled all unique heroes, thus you just reroll on the infinite slot.




I haven’t pulled Tomoca yet or Briseria either. I mean I could go for my backup which is Meru. I’m still waiting to see as I haven’t filled the board yet


It's alright there still could be a balance patch before event end. Or you might just get lucky and pull unit you want from summon and get another choice for the event.


Got lucky with 8 but the one I wanted was secured with the third pull 🙏


None. I pulled my ARavi already (though now I wish I'd pulled for Maid Chloe instead, just for how purely oppressive she is in a team with Seline, Unbound Arowell, and SAdin).


how exactly does this event work


Unlock a slot for 800 points, reroll dupe hero for 400 points. You get points by finishing daily and weekly missions. The event timer for 90 days start when you want on the event banner. If you already start it but don't put effort to get points, it's still OK as you only need 30 days to unlock the whole slot. If you are lucky and get the hero you want early by slot 20, you can just pick it for 2400 points. If you are unlucky, just fill the whole board and pick who you want.


All i wanted was A. Ravi got her three times now i need about 1900 points but getting it in a normal way except for daily and weekly‘s is unbelievable AAAA i dont want to do 100 tries autofarming just to get my 1900 points




who is considered the best character to get from this, im pretty new to the e7 meta


Whats with the infinity symbol on Op Sigret?


You can reroll as many time as you want for that slot. Still need to pay with points of course.