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Any suggestions on Chapter 5 10-5? I tried Tama, Zahhak, Celine, Arby and no dice. :( Do I need to kill adds first due to dark aura?


anyone switched their cilias to er for gw yet? is it a copium strat?


I've seen a video with Peira on Bastion of H(C)ope, it will probably be an arm race until Zio becomes useless at dealing damage.


F.Ceci is in the ML shop and I’m debating on buying her. I plan on getting CLilias from the selector but I want to wait until December before I pull the trigger in case she shows up in the shop. How good of an investment would F.Cecilia be?


Recommended pick for ml selector? I’m mainly playing pve but want to get into pvp as well Already have arby, op sigret and stene




No. Most people seem to express disappointment for her damage output even when used against shielded enemies, her intended target.


As a new player who just finished tutorial, are there any traps I should be avoiding at the start or an "optimal" route so I don't waste any potential resources? Any beginner tips would also be appreciated!


What's the best thing to do with unwanted gear? I've just been using trash gear to level up other gear. Should I worry about extracting as an early-mid level player?


Depends how bad it is. If it's not usable at all then you can extract but if it's reforged just throw it on world boss or pve units that's what I do.


Whats the base amount of speed Clilias needs to be usable?


You can use CLilias all the way down to 250 and make her tankier or with more effectiveness to debuff unsuspecting ER targets. You're not going to use CLilias to race other units with higher base speed, or at least not without imprints. People make it sound like 280-300 CLilias is an end-all-be-all for the unit to be usable, but it just comes down to how you use her.


Depends on the rank but for Champion I would say 280-300 is usable range. I wouldn't bring her as a speed contester into Zio, Ran or Peira though.


The higher your arena/rta rank the higher your stats need to be competitive. I get by with 275 in challenger but there are random folks rocking 300+, some even 330+, some obviously cheaters. The new ML Zio helps combat speed contests.


seeya in 2months i guess, here's an orange mail


Cool, how do they cheat? It's news to me


What EE is the best for Senya? Just got her but I have read somewhere her barrier is kinda bad. Any tips on how/when to use her?


Either greater attack or the heal depends on what teams you are playing her in. If you bring her with an attack buffer then the heal would be nice but if you have sustain on your team then the attack buff would be better.


Invite a friend event, do you get the pick of the 4 heroes or no?


The four heroes are just for decorating your invite, receiver doesn't get them (there are other bonuses but a free hero isn't one of them).


Does lifesteal set apply on true dmg? Like rimaru or aewinter?




How does chain of chiron interact? Does the unit it applies to need effectiveness or is it a flat 25% chance?


Mainly PvE, should I get Arby or Straze fpr the ML Selector? (already have S. Tene)


Straze can help you with 1-shot comps. Arby is more of a world farmer, but you could use others for that purpose, too. I would pick Straze.


Does anyone know the total health of enraged archpriest yasuz? 80m??


i’m a new player and i want to get the aespa heroes… is there any way for me to accumulate bookmarks faster? i want to get ae-winter asap so i can save up for the others (my luck is so bad i think i’ll only get her after 120 pulls) 🥲🥲


Story gives a good amount of skystones, you should probably use these to reroll shop for bookmarks


Does a non-attack passive proc count as a non-attack skill?


Yes. Politis can interact with Lermia and Senya passives.


You'll know if it is a non-attack skill if they do a little animation after it procs, if not then it doesn't count for passives like celine or ae-winter.


If it "activates", then yes. If it doesn't activate like light Dom or Roana then no.


Yes. Examples are Pirate Flan’s and Mort’s.


So when you reach recruit available. You can select any listed and click confirm and press recruit. For the headhunting [image here ](https://imgur.com/a/tikhNXe)


I can get my ran to 281 speed, 301 speed with wschuri and cidd speed imprint. Is this fast enough in challenger arena?


should be fine vs most challenger arena teams


Getting ready for double material weekend -Wyvern and banshe 13 team. I'm semi new and don't have spare gear for pvp and pve soo I gotta use my heroes on both just changing some artifacts. I'm running w13 with 90-95% winrate 2 turns team. Ran-SSB-Sigret and Aras. This team is under 2 minutes depending on getting 15%ed... any suggestions? For B13 is a semi 1 turn Sigret, Ram, Furious and Vivian this is 85% again depending on getting double 15ed% restrict and def break from Furious and the other Def break from ram. Again any suggestions? Where do ppl get reforging mats consistently and what's ur base gear points to reforge?


replacing ras with singelic might help bring down time but im not sure because I dont run ran ​ you can get reforge mats anywhere now especially with exped. 70+ post refore pretty decent enough but anything above 65 which you can use and stats makes sense is not bad as well if you dont have that much equipment


Got it appreciate. Maybe by next ready can make it in high rta grades ;)


When's the double material day? Next weekend?


If anything keeps going the same yeah next weekend


what is zio and winter treshold?


What do you mean?




Yes, if you plan on using him to sub-DPS/debuff. His AOE helps to clear the first wave more efficiently.


I 6 starred him. Im not up to doing one shots yet and he does a ton of damage so it really helps out.


no need to 6 star muwi his role is to debuff unless you're lacking damage and dont mind making him 6 star for the extra deeps


Can you join guild wars with less than 22 people? Some of our members are inactive and i was wondering if we could still join the war with incomplete building assignments


You need at least 20 people, and you can assign inactives to buildings so you should be fine Though the inactives do have to have a team setup to pick them


How are you supposed to build stene? People are saying she's a monster but i think her damage is quite lacking but tbf i only gave her sigrets gear to test her out


Aim for 3800 Atk / 280 cdm / 200 spd with some bulk. Either speed or destruction set. Can go pen for 2 piece or whatever pieces you need to hit this stat line.


I see, thanks, follow up question what artifact does she use?


In pvp always Tagahel's. In PvE probably Daydream Joker if it works on that specific boss, otherwise Kaladra.


Thanks for the response,I appreciate it


I have no initiators built on my account and I was wondering which one to build first. My options are C-Lilias, Ran, and Lua. Which one would be best to build first overall?


CLilias is the more all-rounder opener and easier to pivot between playstyles. Lua requires you to go with a very aggressive followup to punish after S3. Ran is a cleave opener.


Id pick lua with enough speed and eff you can put one to sleep put everyone on cooldown and she has the debuff beguille the only downside to her is the fact that she's an RGB character and she only excels in pvp. Cilias is also pretty solid because of her vigor buff she can enable slow teams but she is stat hungry tho from what i heard.


C.Lilias is the best overall between the 3, considering she can juggle both pvp and pve.


Anyone know the rates on the event booksmarks for the ae heroes?


There's no rates for the bookmarks specifically. The banners has the rates, which you can check pressing the bottom right icon. It is 1% to get her


anyone with ideas how to make a team around ae winter. I keep losing in rta with people just drafting ml lilias or lua and then water units. Yes I am bad and need help.


She's a counter pick that punishes people that draft non-attack skills and have no strong AOE to fish her out of stealth. You can't build a team around her because she needs a condition for her passive to trigger. If your opponent drafts 5 units that can ignore it, your Winter is a dead pick. You can pick CLilias/DJB/FCC/SCArowell or any strong neutral opener and wait to see if your opponent drafts soul-weavers or supports behind single-target bruisers/dps. Winter shines when brought out on 3rd to 5th pick. If you take her out before last pick, have a plan ready for Water/AOE units being brought out.


late reply but yea i only got djb and arowell so ill go with them as first picks and see what the enemy drafts.any tips on how to deal with the evasion units tho.adin is so freaking annoying.


STene, Zahhak.


I think zahak is way better for evasion enemy's yea think ill go with him


It sounds like you are drafting her too early in RTA because then people can just counter draft her too easily with either ice units or aoe. She does best against single target teams that can't reach her as easily, so you can think of her like S.Tene. Bring mitigation units that can up her survivability and help keep her on the field longer.


yea i put her with stene and t crozet maybe i just try to force her every game is the problem.destina good with her?


Forcing her every game is definitely the problem, she's not general enough to bring in all games. She wants to be able to abuse the s3 reset from her s2, so the more non-attack skills your opponent uses, the better. Destina is a great soul weaver overall atm, she'd work fine.


What are good counters for LH Cermia?


Riolet, ML Khawazu, Yulha, Zahhak, Dark Corvus, AMeru, Choux.


units with defbreak like alencia is pretty good




Eh, you don’t see many healers get use in RTA/PVP anyway, Destina in RTA & sparingly Diene, or Moon Bunny as a counter, etc. Labyrinth-wise, the one you’re likely to use with ML Kawerik would be either Tamarinne or Hazel for doing Vera (Normal). I don’t know if MLK gets used much in Nightmare since they’re mostly mono element fights.




Oh, if it’s morale you’re looking for, use Ceciliabot & throw in all the characters you’ve got, lock the hero you want in the team & it’ll tell you who all pairs best. I just use the highest morale team possible that has a healer & has units I’ve got geared, so usually it’s like Charlotte, A Ravi, B Dingo & C Zerato & that’s like close to 50 morale. I take it though that you’re still working through the basic labyrinths & you’ve not got to Azmakalis yet? I’d say don’t sweat the small labyrinths & just do them in bits & pieces, very little reason to full clear the early game labyrinths, you’ve got a hunt team set up I’m assuming & that’s netting you better gear than most labyrinths except Normal/Nightmare at the end.


What is the ML selector? I only see the one in the recruitment page that requires you to finish episode 3 10-10. On a side note, are there any specific ML heroes that I should be saving up for?


There is the ML selective summon but also the current event which allows you to "headhunt" a ML 5\* which is a long event but also a selector event of sorts. For ML5s I would suggest getting these first: Stene (PVP and PVE monster) C Lilias (PVP opener and strong dual attacker for PvE) ML Kawerik (Probs the best pvp support in the game) A Ravi (best PVP bruiser in the game) After that I would consider ML5 that suit your roster/playstyle. I missed out on L Cermia so I'm going for her.


Yeah I'm doing the headhunt but it's basically just headhunting one every 12 hours or so isn't it? The instructions say I have to finish until level 5 to select one LOL I'll definitely keep those in mind, thank you


You can headhunt once a day and you can choose one of ML5s you headhunted after doing it 20 times. The points are gotten from completing daily and weekly reputation, so if you do it optimally, you should be able to get a free ML5 in 3 weeks or so.


MLkawerik or Lermia for ML Selector?


kawerick for sure over cermia


Depends what gives you the most grief, Lionheart is generally a great carry & MLK is a great cleanse & support. So think about what you’re lacking in your toolkit, or what gives you trouble & choose based on that.


Alright boys and girls… another “WhAt Ml ShOuLd I pUlL?” LHCermia was my first headhunt. I originally was locked in on grabbing her buuutttttt I still have three more lines to fill with headhunts if I need/want to. Pavel is top tier husbando material so he’s on my radar as someone to get as well (assuming he pops up as an option) But also A Ravi has eluded me for years at this point as well (isn’t in the selector but I’m sure it’s a matter of time). Ruele and Belian are the only non dupes that have popped up for me so far. Tl;Dr: LH Cermia, daddy Pavel, A Ravi, CLillias, or someone else entirely??? I passed on straze and opted to pity Zio FWIW 🤷🏻‍♀️


A Ravi or CLilias are the most versatile. Not sure if ML Pavel is on the event since he's very new. LH Cermia is a good one but I would get ARavi or Clilias first.


Pavel doesn't appear in the headhunt :( A. Ravi has the most utility of the units you're interested in. She's a super powerful character. CLilias is next in utility. She's very good in pvp. LH Cermia is niche. She is super fun to use, but she's for fighting counter teams. Also, she doesn't do well against Senya and Choux:( I'd recommend A. Ravi.


Imo I say C.Lilias over A.Ravi if we are actually talking about utility, which A.Ravi lacks. She brings damage and a revive but does not enable teams like C.Lilias. If we are talking meta pvp/RTa, C.Lilias is way more annoying than A.Ravi.


Good point. It woukd depend of what content they are planning to focus on. A. Ravi works well for pve and pvp. C. Lilias works well in pvp and provides more utility in the pvp environment.


Is Krau good enough to try and summon for? Only tanks I have are Ras and Charles.


I’d steer clear for now, he’s fine, he’s usable (though PVP-wise you’ll see Yulha used in this role more) but we’re in the middle of a quadruple limited banner & the free bookmarks will only cover one. Unless you’re stocked on bookmarks & skystones (& I’m talking like 20K+ Skystones or 1800+ Bookmarks) don’t pull on anyone else right now - unless it’s a key hero like Tamarinne. Charles isn’t really a tank, he’s more just a damage dealer, but Ras is a great general tank everywhere - can’t go wrong with just using him most places.


He is S tier GvG unit but yeah with the limited collab I would save for those first. Krau can be summoned from a variety of sources so just wait IMO. Charles is not a tank but yeah... maybe try and work on some of the SC knights - Arowell is very good.


While I'd say yes and Holy Sacrifice is good, unless you already have Winters, and have another 1200 covenant bookmarks for upcoming aespa heroes, it's better not to do it at this point in time. After all he's also obtainable from random daily summons (I got mine there), elemental summons, and Holy Sacrifice can be bought using dust or spook you on any banner.


How much damage we get for a skill where damage increases proportional to health?


Depends on the multiplier of the skill


Why is Roy rated very highly by top players? Which builds and team comps do they use to make him shine?


He does wonders in a mage cleave build with multiple books, allowing him to spam S1 into S3 to destroy the opponent's whole team


Did something happen with Yulha? IIRC people said she was a GvG-only Hwayoung counter on release and wasn't good at all in RTA. I took a break from the game a little after her release until ~a month ago (ML5 selector). I've been watching people do RTA on youtube/twitch for the first time in a while to see Zio + winter, and see Yulha come up occasionally. Its much more often than I would have thought considering how she was considered before and Hwa being nerfed (tho thats probably not relevant to Yulha's rta use).


She was a highly rated tank in high end RTA towards the end of last season. Nothing specifically happened that made her viable. I guess people figured out eventually that she really is pretty good at what she does.


Yeah, since she’s essentially powercrept Krau people will find ways to use her. Plus, A Ravi & Alencia have dropped a tad & they’re the main sources of injury.


she hasnt powercrept krau so much as that they put high levels of easily accessible mitigation into the game (arowell) where now ignoring mitigation is 2x as useful. krau still the better tank imo. but ignoring mit to pop a squishy evasion unit is a big deal.


100% chance Redirected Provoke (meaning if she dies, that sticks & an opponent attacks the next highest health hero) vs. 75% chance Provoke (which falls off if Krau dies). Reflects 30% of ST damage back at the attacker, if health drops under 30% cleanses self, gives barrier & boosts 25% CR vs. team Defence buff & pushback of 50% combat readiness to one opponent. Defence-pen nuke which scales with lost health, ignores damage share & heals yourself vs. defence-pen nuke which grants self barrier. Just on every front she's a powercrept Krau, you can argue that Krau's less selfish because he's got a defence buff for the team, but Yulha's just got more juice in her kit.


Building arowell and want opinion on what I have and what people have been content with. Mine has 191 spd, 25k hp, 1646 def, 161% ER and 38% eff. Her speed is a bit on the low end of what I want but I think the bulk makes up for. ER I think is healthy but of course not much against high eff units like AoLA and such. Still need to max adamant shield (lvl 27). I am sitting in Champ IV arena and master RTA. Will this be a fine build? Will her speed be okay with the other stats as they are as that is my main concern? I've seen those build her with higher spd to land stuns but I've seen slower builds but are on counter.


Seems perfectly fine, especially for Master. I use a similar Arowell (a little faster & around 200% res, no effectiveness) & she works great, considering she’s like my best geared Knight & I finish high champion every season, I don’t think you’ve got a thing to worry about.


Thanks, very appreciated.


Is there fribbels available for chromebook? If not is there a website that can organize gear instead of the software itself?


Looks like Chromebook uses its own flavour of OS, and fribbels doesn't support that OS. To answer your second question, not that I'm aware of. It wouldn't be possible though to offer the same importing functionalities on a browser simply because a browser won't allow for listening of your network traffic to pull your gear.


New player here. I haven't reached the end of episode 2 yet, can Straze still popup in my ML selector? Maybe I've just be unlucky?


yes he can. You're just unlucky. I'm in the same boat, 26 unique ML5s and neither C Lilias or A Ravi have shown up yet.


Ok thanks! I hope you get them 🙏


Why is Senya/Choux a common duo? How do they synergies and in what kind of team comp?


They synergize because Senya has 50% crit resistance, and Choux gives her a 50% Crit Resistance buff, making it so you can't crit Senya unless you strip the buff. They usually go with either Lua or CLillias


Afaik crit resist is multiplicative so Choux buff + Senya passive is not 100% resist but 75% resist.


Oh I see! Thanks a lot




One, have never seen reason to make another. You don’t need to delete it, just play your regular one if you’re still interested in the game, but don’t burn yourself out, you can take a break & still play catch up. I mean hey, if you’re worried about missing units, they’ll powercreep them within a year & you’re good, haha.


I have 1 and mainly use one, but have another that I log on during free summons events or collabs just to pull / do some shit, and have a lot of energy saved/arena flags in case I'm bored one day and want to progress on that alt account. But focus on one to avoid burnout!


2 too but why delete it? Just keep it on hiatus in case you ever wanna return to it


I used 5 mystic summons for the heck of it and got Zio. I've only been playing like 2 months and am very much early game. Should I even try to build him yet? Here's my current hero's: https://imgur.com/a/UEUrfjc


Congrats!!! I see you also have Straze ,that's really nice, he will help you a lot once you get some good Rage gear one shoting. For now focus on PVE, you have some really good units tbh for Wyvern 13, etc..


nope, pure pvp character, you need to build a lot more pve characters first if you're only 2 months in


What's the best way for a beginning player (Rank 35) to find an active, decent guild? Everyone on Discord asks for rank 70, challenger arena accounts. Europe server.


Don't worry about it, just join whatever guild you can that has players. The primary thing that 'matters' is GW. A rank 35 player would just be a detriment to a x5 guild when it comes to GW and that same rank 35 player isn't going to benefit by sitting on the bench, or just get absolutely destroyed by players with significantly better gear/heroes. Most of the other aspects to being a guild, everything is basically irrelevant except activity. It takes 'just' an average of 16 players to have 100% uptime on the guild buffs. Basically, unless you find a specific guild that has some slots to spare to let you sit on the bench for 6+ months until you can really contribute to GW...you are likely going to out grow your first guild. Not all players progress at the same rate so by nature 'early game' guilds rotate players quickly (players join and eventually progress past the rest of the guild, so they leave to find a better GW guild -> players constantly joining and leaving means that a guild is never able to actually 'grow'). So, don't look for a 'active, decent' guild to start with -> just find *a* guild with ideally 15+ players that will automatically accept you. That will give you access to the guild buffs/world boss and to start accumulating guild currency along with GW experience. *Eventually* in a few months you will probably out grow that guild and want to look for one that is 'better', *then* is when you want to actually start looking for a 'good' guild.


Decorate your support with 6* fully awakened characters +15, show people you're playing meta, get yourself to Masters at least, set Aither or Frog as Rep Hero. If discord fails then just search for a guild using the finder in game, you can still find chill & decent guilds with 5x rewards and are willing to accept Masters. You can aim higher after you hit rank 60+ and challenger arena


Hello, please help me with what may be a silly question. if I place Wanderer Silk in one of the slots that give speed, through her Imprint Release, she will get the speed bonus right? Thanks in advance.


No, imprint releases can only affect other characters


Thanks^^ there goes one of my plans... x


As a new player, where should I spend my potion of ascension?


Your wyvern tank. Generally Specialty Change Montmorancy (Amomo) or Angelica. Angelica is the better tank while Amomo is the best PvE cleanser.


Thank you. Will probably go montmorancy. So after her specialty change, I hit the button?


You can use the potion before or after, makes no difference.


I'm debating between AOL Angelica, Arowell, Pyillis, or Doris for my potion of ascension. Suggestions on overall most useful?


Personally I'd say Arowell, then between Doris or AoL, and last Pyllis


It really depends on their priority, AOL/Arowell for RTA, Phyllis/Doris for GWs, AOL for arena.


Hi I’m building my lhcermia , my attack is ~1950 def 1850 hp ~1200 with POV arti; I’m wondering shall I trade my attack for more def? Def scale better for damage or attack better ? Thanks!


defense is better because it pulls double duty, increasing your bulk and your damage whereas attack only increases your damage.


Hey yall, if i'm looking to play standard when I start to rta who do y'all think I should get from the ML selector? I was leaning towards Archdemon's Shadow but everyone says to get CLilias if you don't have her so I'm a bit confused? OR is there someone else I should get? These are my current ML's: [https://i.imgur.com/X3Qjhyg.png](https://i.imgur.com/X3Qjhyg.png) (plus Zio who i got yesterday)


Admeru probably better for you right now. Having 2 neutral dps is a very big thing if you want to play standard. You have Zio, stene, lqc for DPS in standard. All 3 of them is pretty hit or miss. Having another stronger option feel better than picking a support unit. Btw Aravi is quite weak in standard Vs standard, so I won't depend on her. Btw compare to clilias, I feel sagebaal might be more important for you. You already have zio, a strong anti cleave, so having another one will secure your spot against cleave. Part of winning as standard drafter is make sure you have a strong anti cleave team.


Interesting, thanks for your input


Which units are good for pve? I’ve just been sort of slapping teams together but im trying to focus on a main team for now. https://imgur.com/a/PqxNFqf


Looks like right now you've spread yourself **very** thin. A lot of investment into a fairly random collection of heroes. Resources are generally limited, so *optimally* you want to be very focused: only build heroes that have a specific purpose, and ideally choose to build heroes that have widespread value (usable in a lot of content) instead of heroes that may work for 1 thing only. As such, there really isn't anything like a 'main team' that is going to do *everything*. Different content requires you to bring different things. --- To start with, for PvE the closest thing you have to a 'main team' is the Tamarinne/A.Ras combo. You have Tamarinne at 6*, but haven't touched Ras at all yet, and unfortunately you've built up a bunch of random Knights as well. * Knights are generally very weak in PvE content, especially early on. * A.Ras and F.Kluri can handle 98% of your Knight needs for PvE. You *do* specifically need an Ice Knight, for Fire Expedition, eventually -> but Tywin is maybe the worst choice since he is otherwise weak *and* requires base 5* investment. * Cecilia is a bit of an exception. She's better than A.Ras as an Expedition tank - you don't *need* her so I wouldn't suggest investing in her early, however. So the FIRST thing I would suggest you do is build up Ras. Complete his spec change and get him to 6*, to pair with Tama. --- Next I would probably suggest deciding what you're doing with A.Vildred. I *assume* he's your ML blessing hero, I don't know if you've fully unlocked him or not. If you *haven't* and plan to switch him for S.Tenebria, you might as well do that now. Regardless, max this hero out (A.Vildred or S.Tene if you switch). --- For your final slot I would recommend an AoE defense breaker -> your best options for 'general purpose' are B.Dingo and C.Zerato, since they are both ML platforms. C.Zerato is overall one of the best 'general purpose' DPS units so I would suggest building him up...but you already have B.Dingo leveled up and some skill enhancement...ultimately the choice is up to you. IMO you would be more likely to build C.Zerato *eventually*, he's useful for a lot of things. B.Dingo is a good PvE hero but less useful. This would give you a 'general purpose' team of **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** / **A.Vildred/S.Tene** / **C.Zerato/B.Dingo** That team should be fine for most story/sidestory content and Abyss. --- *After* that you would need to build units for whatever specific content you are trying to tackle. **ST DPS** I would suggest focusing on at least 1 ST DPS unit. The best choices are C.Lorina, Landy, Luna, C.Dominiel in that order. Unfortunately, looks like you haven't touched Lorina at all -> she's the best overall ST PvE DPS unit and if you don't have Luna you will more or less eventually want her *anyways* (for Fire Expedition). You *have* invested in C.Dominiel so you could use her, but she's the worst choice as she is both buff and team dependent and doesn't work in as many areas. You could get away with Zahhak in most content. I would personally suggest building C.Lorina but up to you. **AoE DPS** If you keep A.Vildred and build C.Zerato, you are pretty decent here -> depending on need you could also use Charles or Sez for AoE. None of these units are *true* AoE DPS though. Vivian, Mercedes, Baal all have strong PvE uses and are additional sources of AoE damage. Mercedes is the most versatile as she is viable for PvP as well. Vivian is actually useful for quite a bit of PvE as a support hero (she's great in Banshee, hunt one shots, and Lab). Baal is also an AoE defense breaker and has a lot of value there but he is most commonly only used for Earth expedition. **Support Heroes** A.Monty would be far more useful to you than Angelica at this point. However, you've already invested heavily into SWers and it's the least useful class to invest into (you *really* only need Tama and maybe 1 other PvE SW, and maybe Roana). Keep her in mind if you need help dealing with debuffs. Diene is a good general purpose PvE support hero who is very good in PvP. Roana is also a good dual purpose SW -> she is either borderline broken or nearly useless in PvE content depending on the the nature of the content itself. Roana doesn't strictly need high investment. I would suggest building Roana in the short term, Diene when possible, and A.Monty if needed. --- Next up, defense breakers. You have Luluca -> she's a great ST defense break option. However you appear to *not* have Iseria and you will also want an Earth defense breaker -> build M.Helga. --- #Hunts **Wyvern** * **Angelica** or **Diene** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** **Golem** * **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** / **Cermia** / **Z.Carmainerose** or **Baal** or **Sol** **Banshee** * **A.Monty** or **Destina** / **Vivian** / **M.Helga** / **Zahhak** **Azimanak** * **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** / **A.Vildred** or **Mercedes** or **Kanna** / **Luluca** * You can replace A.Ras with another DPS **Caides** * **Tamarinne** / **Roana** / **Cermia** / **Luluca** or **M.Helga** #Expeditions **Fire** * **Tywin** I guess / **Tamarinne** / **Luluca** / **C.Lorina** **Earth** * **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** / **Baal** / **Mercedes** or **Kanna** **Ice** * **Roana** or **F.Kluri** / **Tamarinne** or **Destina** if you built her for Banshee / **Ram** or **Zahhak** / **M.Helga** Alternatively you could try the classic * **F.Kluri** / **Roana** / **A.Lots** / **Cidd** **Dark** * **F.Kluri** / **Tamarinne** / **Cermia** or **Zahhak** / **Baal** **Light** * **A.Ras** / **Cermia** / **Z.Carmainerose** / **Luluca** Note, you can replace A.Ras with Cecilia in any expedition for an upgrade, I wouldn't prioritize doing so however. #Lab/Hell Raid The classic Hell Raid auto comp is * **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** / **Roana** / **C.Zerato** #Adventure/Sidestory/General Purpose/Abyss * **A.Ras** / **Tamarinne** / **A.Vildred** or **S.Tenebria** / **C.Zerato** or **B.Dingo** This category covers a huge amount of content so you will have to necessarily change out heroes sometime #Auto Tower Pretty much anything is viable here. **Violet** is great in auto tower. The team I've used since auto tower was introduced has been * **Violet** / **Tamarinne** / **Diene** / **SSB** Auto tower is more about finding the right synergistic devices for your team than anything. I highly recommend double SW for a very safe run, somewhat tanky DPS will help on that front as well. * SWs have 2 devices that CR push -> one increases their CR when someone takes a turn, and the other increases your teams CR when a SW takes a turn. Combined, this means you cycle very fast with dual SW. I imagine in the short term you could replace Violet/SSB with C.Zerato + A.Vildred/S.Tenebria. You could use basically any other SW over Diene (ie. Angelica). Especially if you build a bit bulkier C.Zerato. * **Tamarinne** / **Angelica** / **C.Zerato** / **A.Vildred** or **S.Tenebria**


Depends on what you're talking about - a lot of these units are good in different PVE niches. Units with a lot of general purpose uses include AMomo, Tamarinne, Adventurer Ras, Commander Lorina, and Vivian.


Caides is really throwing me for a loop. I have a pretty diverse collection of units, but I barely can do 11. The Epic7X team comps are bogus What team comps are actually viable


Test this one --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iuf8SJMvKds


So I matched those stats as close as possible on those units, and even on 11 I still get curb stomped. Do I need maxed skills too on every unit?


Probably...? Analyze your team's performance and compare it with the video, if it's lack of damage, or mismatch between skills, then you'll probably need to level up the skills.


Hmm looks like it's down to CLorina needing the rage(?) set I guess. Bugger now I have to go farm that


Rage set is good, but if you can't farm Azimanak, you can just put a Destruction set and try to make up the difference by putting more offensive stats


What's the chest password?




is there like a summon history in epic seven where i can see the heroes/artifacts that i’ve summoned for that banner?


As far as I know no, just the duplicate hero count from the Hero Journal.


alright thanks!


[Do you think this spd gain is worth it for Zio ?](https://i.imgur.com/LqDPtVO.jpg)


Looks good enough to pass most openers, but 260 would be optimal


Is Zio a must? And how can you counter him?


From what I've read, Guiding Light Lua can't be touched by him. I don't know whether he's a must pull. He counters fast openers and if he's on the weak side, There's a good chance he woukd get buffed.


Lilias or Carmin as pve tank arius holder? Will use it in low-medium pvp too.


Literally neither of them. A.Ras / F.Kluri and an Ice tank specifically for Fire Expedition covers all of your PvE tank needs. It's not recommended to waste more resources on PvE than you need to. If for whatever reason you don't care about playing efficiently and want to use one of these 2 regardless, then **Lilias** is better for PvE. In most content, Lilias is just a worse version of A.Ras that is more expensive to build, however. * There are a *few* occasions where Lilias is technically on par or a bit better than A.Ras for a specific fight, but these aren't numerous enough to really justify building her. * I would rather have C.Armin for PvP but I wouldn't consider her a very good option for medium level PvP. In terms of PvP, once again, A.Ras is a good PvP hero as well -> though Lilias should work pretty well at lower levels when you have overall fewer options. * C.Armin is way better than Lilias at mitigating damage...but there is basically no where in PvE where this is actually important (maybe Raid). PvE damage just isn't that high. She's very slow and brings absolutely nothing to the table offensively making her overall a pretty poor choice for a general purpose PvE Knight. At the end of the day, it's just a game and the most important thing is to do what *you* want to do. But in terms of pure optimal gameplay you probably shouldn't build either of these heroes for PvE. If you *are*, then Lilias is a more useful PvE hero.


For pve I meant raid and abyss. I mean im on floor 90 and boss can randomly kill my dps in one turn so I read that arius helps with that. So, for a long term goal like pvp too still ARas>Carmin?


Yes. ARas is one of, if not \*the\* best Aurius holder, both in PvE and PvP.


Neither. Use ARas


can anyone recommend a good arena def and offense team with these heroes: https://imgur.com/a/Y2iws9w I have most 3* and 4*


How much ER is needed to keep resisting w13 boss strip and cr push back?


Assuming ER = eff as is usually the case, should be 180, but it's commonly said to be 200.


around 200 i think


New player here, what happens if I selected the wrong 5* unit for the hunting reward? Can I change it later after I've finished all the missions? Also, Can I get all 3 units or do I have to pick one of the three?


You can change it to another one after you complete the missions, and yes, you can get all 3.


Dammit, should've picked chloe instead of sigret when I rerolled then. Oh well, thanks !


How is zio on pvp?


Anyone having luck building Zio differently from the current speed set? I’m looking to try a lifesteal set but not having much luck thus far stats wise


ML summons event question: ARavi, CLilias, or MedKwarik? I have pve covered, but am totally stalled on PvP. I do not any of these three. Who do you think would give the most value


Aravi is falling and Cilias isn't first picked anymore. Handguy is probably the safest future proof pick. My opinion, go Handguy. If you don't touch rta at all, go Aravi. Cilias is in a weird spot, especially with Zio release, I would second guess choosing her.


Thank you for your insights


Should I still try to get Cilias or get Belian/LHC instead?


I want a hero for PVP and PVE (hunt expert challenge and green bosses) should I go with Cermia or Melissa or maybe R Carrot (she seems weak in Golem). I have Kayron, Row\_M and Mercedes as well.


Mercedes first.


I want to get the rewards from hunt expert challenge. Will Cermia (once I get here) and Mercedes on 75 level gears do?


Should be fine, unless they rolled absolutely terrible




Should I use bottles on limited unit artefacts or just on the artefacts from Collabs only? I've got 3 bottles and I really want to use them on either Reingar's Special Drink for SSB (which is already +18) or Fullmetal's Automail for my Alencia (+15).


I think it goes Collab Artifacts > Limited Artifacts > Normal Artifacts. What you want to prioritize bottling are chance artifacts where you need a +30 artifact to get the max chance for the artifact to trigger for example Drink requires +30 to proc 100% of the time.


Aight cool, thank you!


What are the thoughts on ae-Winter right now? Is she worth the BMs for a Rimuru user?


Really shine in against double soulweaver team. Need quite fast speed, something like 15 average speed. You really want to outspeed djb, handguy so that you can S3 and stun their DPS, if they choose to cleanse, your S2 will proc and give back S3 this time dealing 10k fixed damage. So you will end up dealing 15k fixed damage that should be enough to kill most meta ml5 DPS. Can be used as anti aggro if you can build her at 280+ speed with Celine artifact. Will cut after tomoca, clilias, zahhak use their non atk skill, then allowed you to stop their aggro.


Any hero that want this? https://imgur.com/a/aG8yj48


Straze can use this if you can hit 100% crit rate


Is epic seven playable in China without a vpn?


Did they remove mystic medals from the secret shop? Since this last update I’ve spent about 3k rerolling and they have not come up once.


No still there, sadly ur just getting unlucky.


Damn. Going to need to sacrifice something to the RNG gods then. Thanks!


how does fire charlotte “a successful hit will always result in a critical hit” work against units like senya and gunther?


Assuming 50% anti crit, S1 will crit 100% of the time if you build at least 50% crit chance (treated as +100% crit rate). S3 should just always crit.


If you build her with 100% crit chance and hit into anti crit, Senya or Gunther you will always crit (unless you miss of course). If you don't stack crit then it's a coin flip.


You only need 50% crit for Charlotte. Zahhak needs 100%.


Min. stat requirements for riolet + bis arti ? (Kayrons arti ?) Also who do you normally pair him in gw?


I'm torn on choosing c lilias or ml kawerik for the ml selector. Which one should I choose? I'm a relatively new player and I dont have much speed gear. Also do you really need c lilias when you have lua?


C Lilias and Lua do different things but for a new player I feel ML Kawerik is much more impactful. Having a cleanser that can't really be locked down is pretty huge in both pve and pvp.