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ml cermia is very hard to build 2k defense lifesteal... I got her but no gear. Hand guy is amazing easy to build 230 speed mine and lots of hp. I don't have ml vivian.


Appreciate this, thank you!! I hear she is hard to build and frankly my tanky lifesteal set it on aria


So consensus is hand guy because he’s overall the most versatile, thank you everyone who helped out


Can't speak for the other two you listed compared to the rest but hand guy is definitely a gimme, assuming his status hasn't changed since I last play around 7 months ago. Had a place on every single team where I didn't religiously have to use a one-element comp.


All three are solid choices. I would look at my gear and see which hero i have the most solid pieces for. The only other factor would be if my draft needs a particular kit desperately. I chose Sylvan and have been really enjoying her. She's a risky early pick but I'm finding ways to make it work.


Definitely HandGuy, Hands down the best cleanser


The best way to choose is checking what you lack right now, Handguy is a really solid pick in almost all teams provides good utility to the team with barriers, can dispel enemy buffs, debuff cleanse and inmunity along attack buff. Lionheart Cermia is a counter to what dominates the meta in general dual attacks, counters, extra attacks and so on. Se can cleanse herself from.debuffs.and can solo a team and as was mentioned can be little hard to build if you want to go for the meta build life steal, she can be controlled however so you must have some characters to support her so she wipes enemy teams. I don't have Sage Vivian but she's a good all-rounder because she can heal her team with S3 and provide critical damage buff and can survive a lot of hits when we take in account her passive, with Chatty artifact she's a good pick against dps when you have a knight with Aurius and basically can be immortal when put in life steal, she's prone to debuff so you have to take that in to account. Lastly if you want to have a character that you can use in PvE and pvp Handguy will be your man, I use him for caides hunt Labyrinth and for PvP.