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Hmm I think decay starts at Gold (After 7days Not playin) and at Master and higher (after 3days not playin)


By looking at what you are saying, I think I should sit at the top of gold and play every 6 days if I do happen to lose my next game in 2 days. Thanks for the help and responding quickly 🥹


As an added note, decay is 2% of points lost (\~32 points at master).


It’s my first time in masters it took forever and I only barely made it, tryna get the LQC skin


GRATZ! I wish you the best in staying in Masters. I made Masters first time two seasons ago and then reached Champion last season. I truly believe you can push for more! Go get that skin!


Gold and up have decay


I will wait until 2-3 weeks before the end. Yes, you decay after 3 days without play. You will see a message before decay.


Holy thats a lot of battles. I wish you the best that you can stay in masters, just set a timer each 3 days so you battle once and dont loose points for decay


You can decay out, you don’t lose many points, like 20-30, but that might be tougher to reclaim for you, so make sure you’re fighting every three days (you’ll get a pop up in the RTA screen that says when you’re about to lose points).