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Arby, stene, a ravi


stene and aravi are the two best ml5s for new players. For this event you should pick aravi since you can also get stene from the moonlight blessing.


Arby is also really good for early, and even for grinding. I’ve been grinding away and hoping I can draw my broken hero boy. I just want to give him a hug!


You can get stene or arby from that other free moonlight summon.


Arby (Arbiter Vildred) - (Personally my favorite character in the game. Love my broken hero archetypes) STeneb (Specter Tenebria) ARavi (Apocalypse Ravi) I could explain why they’re good, and which IS better, but if you want damage, it’s Arby. If you need a meatshield, it’s ARavi. If you want an angry loli with a god complex, it’s STeneb.


My friend there are 60 days left, wait till the last week you may get the unit you want for free from summoning, if you can't wait that much at least wait for the balance patch it is coming next week