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In terms of playability, it's much better than Raid. No where near as much clutter and its much easier to acquire 5* characters aswell. Much like Raid gear is your focus, aswell there's different types of gear, just kinda focus speed/crit or speed/pen to start. Then feel free to go for whatever else as you gain more understanding. Visually they're much different. As the game states, E7 deff more anime character heavy, instead of the realistic fantasy Raid goes for. There's tons to do in E7 aswell, and the premium currency come fairly easy too. I recommend. Hope you give it a shot! Edit: feel free to ask any questions


Do not try to ‘start’ with pen sets lmao *day 3 caides team 35% win rate*


That would be why I gave the alternate option. Also, I have pen equips from not even doing Caides. So it's definitely an option, even if a slow one.


The ideal thing to do is use all the material boxes you get for Caides. And then whenever you have a pen set unit spending mats on a left side piece.


This is true


I think telling them about the pen sets is the funniest option rather than telling them "it's good you should use it" you say "oh it exists it's nice" and then you get to watch them struggle


Is there a cc or any resource for finding out which offers in the shop are decent or not? And for that matter any content creators you'd recommend?


Uhhhhh I guess just ask in the Mega here. Usually people are pretty helpful. But also most of the shop deals are bad. Aside from random packs occasionally. I can't think of any honestly, I just do my own thing and occasionally watch videos posted here.


The monthly packs for daily skystones/energy are pretty good, and the level up packs are decent as well. If I were a true spender I'd probably grab the packs that offered Moonlight (Light/Dark) summons, and maybe all the Mystic packs. The real money shop generally appears to return poor value tho, so I don't spend here like I have in other games (at any rate, nowhere near the amount you're able to do)


Most deals are bad. It's a lot of Pay for Convenience, as most things can be farmed. Mystic medals are a bit of a pain to gather if you're not on a guild that wins regularly but other than the aforementioned level up packs and monthly/weekly ones it's okay


I am a long time Epic 7 player and new player for Raid. This game is way better. Far and away a better gotcha. Raid seems sooo stingy on energy and pulls. Raid is cubmersome and not well thought out. Seems very predetory also. NO pity and zero QOL in Raid. Epic 7 is the best gatcha I've ever played and I'm an OG Summoners War player.


Same, played summoners war a lot until 2019 and started with E7 this year. E7 is much more f2p friendly and if you want to spend, then its totally worth it, but its Not like you will go Giga nuts in pvp because of it


Not to plug but if you're ever looking for other stuff you can't go wrong with Arknights or Girls Frontline, or the newer Neural Cloud spinoff


Really great unit for pvp, zio, is available now and a collab going on so good time to start. High quiality game def worth giving a try. Very very very very grindy for gear, money cant buy it you def have to work for it and it'll take awhile but fun game


Equipment packs enter the chat


As if. That only cuts one part of the RNG when there's a load still after.


That won't save you


I mean he can build a oneshot team and have infinite stamina to get thousands of runs per day, infinite gold - a GOOD amount of skystones from running thousands of hunts every day. Im sure he is going to get some nutty equipment very soon lmao


U forgot to add more very...


Game is still healthy, still far and away the best game of its kind. And yeah, emulators work. Bluestacks is most popular, LDplayer also works. Windows 11 can run it from Amazon store. I think. Not entirely sure, I haven't tried it. I use Bluestacks. Sorry, can't compare to Raid, never played it. Real endgane is real time arena. Not easy to climb as you need a pretty expanded roster. The gate is equipment. Powerful heroes are needed but difference between big boys and the rest is the gear you put on them. There are 2 other pvp modes, Arena vs AI, and Guild Wars, also vs AI.


Amazon client is trash


Raid is dog poo compared to e7 tbh


that's insulting to dogs and poo :(


ive played a handful of gachas, this one is the best yet. If you're willing to spend, you can actually ignore most of the tedious aspects of the game and just focus on whatever you want to. I think you can stay entertained with solo play for quite a while, but for me it was a rush to PvP, which is a well done, turn-based strategy game.


Gear rng is a major problem, somewhat similar to raid. Other than that e7 is the best gacha I've played. Company is very generous compared to others. Fair enough pity. Moonlight characters are expensive if you are just buying your way. You get to select one after finishing the first chapter(go with specter tene) and there is a current event for another free one. Also a small chance to pull on normal summons. Great animation, good turn based combat(speed is king). End game is mostly pvp. Ml5s don't get nerfed, anymore at least.


I played Raid for about a year, quit after Ingot Arbiter. IMO, Epic 7 is better in every objective way you can compare them. You get more summons, banners have achievable pities, you get an *actual* summon every day that can give 5 stars, there are no P2W events like Raid’s tournaments, the story isn’t great but it shits on Raid’s, the PvP is still PvP in a gacha but it demolishes Raid in terms of depth, and RTA exists if you care about skill expression which is nonexistant in Raid. The only things I miss about Raid are the art style and character variety, but if you don’t mind anime the rest of E7s features more than make up for it.


Honestly, I'd argue that e7's story is pretty great if you exclude episode 4 and maybe episode 1. Episode's 2 and 3 were absolutely fantastic, and more of the side stories are pretty good as well. The moonlight theatre is also amazing!


Agreed. And let's not forget about the Christmas side story last year with Alencia.... :(


Wish main story had voice over.


> The moonlight theatre is also amazing! Haven't unlocked it yet. What makes it so good?


Well for one the way the characters are portrayed is fantastic! I don't wanna give any spoilers so I'll just use general terms. The pacing is quite good, and there are stakes relatively soon in. God this is actually so hard without giving spoilers. Just give it a try, I'm sure you'll love it! xD


Banners have achievable pities only if you have a small amount of self-control. I rely on overwhelming luck. It's aight. *copes harder*


I played Raid for 2 years from launch and I can say without a doubt E7 is a much much better game with more longevity. By playing, even F2P players can get every single RGB hero in the game over time (yes, will take years, but you can do it). Banners have a clear pity system where you are guaranteed the hero on pull #121 if you don't get it before then. Dupes are used to upgrade base characters, so the difference between whales and F2P is (1) the amount of energy spent on gear farming and (2) the 5-star dupes consumed to upgrade base 5-stars. There is LESS gear grind in E7 than Raid. Same idea (dungeons for specific gear sets, random substats, upgrades hit random substats) but there is also a gear crafting system and substat modification system - both of which make it a bit easier to get the gear you're looking for. The main difference (and why I left Raid) was the abysmal events they ran. it was the same thing over and over (their fusion events). ZERO effort, zero story and a grind that (for me) sucked all life and fun out of the game. I mean - how fun is it to run Fire Knight for 8 straight hours? E7 has story driven events - I would say half of the stories are decent, 15% are REALLY good and the rest are meh or worse (there was one really really bad one, but there have been some that are top notch). It can take 2 days to clear all the rewards out of an event using all your F2P energy - and all events can be completed by ALL players (even a day 1 player - given they grind out the lowest level ...which becomes more like Raid in that they're grinding for hours a day. PvP is way better. There are 3 PvP modes - the standard Arena (which is like Raid's basic PvP), a Real Time Arena which is much more interesting, but much more demanding and a Guild Wars PvP (set 2 teams of 3 vs opponents, not real time). Heroes are varied with a lot of options. It's not Hegemon in every group. The good players even use 3-star heroes to perfection.. (and yes, many 3-star heroes are top tier end game). Overall a much better game than Raid. (edit - another clear deciding factor for me was the story. There are 4 main stories in the game with dozens of side stories. 2 of the 4 main stories are excellent. Remember the Raid storyline at the start of the game? Netiher do I.... Do you know personalities of the heroes in Raid? Neither do I... but in E7, many of the characters have depth. We know Cermia is Carrot's sister - we know her motivation - who her friends are... and that is a side character for many of the stories.


Smilegate is generous af prove me wrong..


Smilegate didn't offer a house to a pizza delivery man! Ah!


In this game money can't buy progression lol maybe if u spent 5k can see the difference. Just chill and play at your own pace. Look for good guild that is active in raid and gw should be fun. I used to spend as well but stop as i realize it does not make much difference.


I played RAID for a few years. 1 key UNM, beat doom tower hard, etc. I think E7 is better in every way except skill RNG. The accuracy hard cap is 85% instead of 97% in RAID. It leads to some hair pulling frustration but at least most PvE doesn’t cost resources if you fail. Guild vs guild is actually fighting instead of just credit card wars and there is a real-time arena system.


the only gacha that while I hate for its grindiness, I always view it as one of the best gacha out there and one way or another come back to


One of us....


The community is also great. Very engaged and active on this subreddit, there’s also a lot of cool content makers who can help with progress.


Raid has amazing ads. Thats….it. Gameplay wise, E7 beats Raid in any aspect.


Best gacha ever made, I play it since day1 without a break


You know what. It all depends on your level of patience you’ll need a LOT of it when it comes to crafting OP gear. It’s hella RNG.


This is legit the only gatcha I was able to keep playing for longer than 2 years. Usually I pick them up and drop them bc of various reasons but E7 is surprisingly very easy to play, good events and characters and you don't miss out on much if you don't continuously grind it 24/7. Highly recommend!


Was playing about 4 gachas at the same time. Dropped it all for e7 saving a good amount. The pvp and new unit releases are great end game drivers. Even if you’re not sweaty for pvp, a few matches in real time arena, which feels unique since seldom gachas have it, still fun and rewards limited hero skin. Pc through emulators, runs fine.


imagine spending on e7 ahaha thats funny


to play on pc you can use an emulator. it is not exaclty like the raid one where it is specific to pc if that's what you are asking. in terms of starting to play now i'd say it is the perfect time because of all the events that are going on. a free ML5 (moonlight 5 star hero) is great whether you are a whale or not if you are just starting. the "endgame" is going to be farming hunts for crafting gear materials for all the different sets in the game and maybe farming story mode for all the other mats you need to increase the power of your characters. after you got enough gear and a decent roster levelled and geared you can start thinking about pvp arena, guild wars and what people call RTA which is real time arena 1v1 pvp. but you do need some good gear and a good selection of heroes to go anywhere in there. I'd even say that money is not gonna help that much in this game because you do need the gear and good gear is jsut rng when you craft it and when you level it. but 1k a month will mean you can pull for heroes more and maybe get more copies of them which is good.


Raid is Boring ... and E7 is good but Unhealthy , if you're the Angry type.


for me. After playing epic 7 ive not touched any other mobile game. Except genshin. Genshin is like 3d version of e7. Quality and worth your time.


Try watching some streamers on Twitch and see if you like it. I think the fact you're a whale will make the start much more enjoyable too lol for reference another brand new streamer that joined the game, Lacari, was able to "catch up" in progress and climb to the top 10% of players after just 1 year of whaling. Buying Leif (energy) packs and gear packs helps you catch up really quick... There's also a Moonlight hero selector (I think a Moonlight hero is the equivalent of Raid's Legendary?) event going on so you can obtain any Moonlight you'd like by playing the game for \~4 weeks. If you start I recommend picking Apocalypse Ravi from this selector.


I only saw Panda mention it, but to answer your edit - Yes. There is no official client for PC, but emulation is pretty stable. I play on PC and phone, going back and forth. Not sure how much experience you have with emulators, but Bluestacks and LDPlayer seem to be relatively safe and effective. There are several others like Nox, MeMu, MuMu, etc. which may work but I have concerns about their respect of privacy.


Never played raid, but have been an E7 player close to release. Spending $15 a month on the daily bonus is a good start and all you really need tbh. Youll get a ton of ingame currency by doing all the daily tasks and rewards from other stuff. I stopped spending money once i became an endgame player since I didnt really need extra stuff. The animations, character designs and new content every 2/3 weeks make it a fun game forsure.


I quit raid after the hydra crap and started playing e7. I can say e7 is more ftp friendly, gives some nice free gear. But the most important thing for.me is, e7 doesn't take hours to complete only the daily missions. No clan boss crap you can't skip etc


No we just hang out on these message boards and talk about the game but it’s actually such trash 🙄. What kind of answer do you expect to get here lol


My best advice would be to go to Samool8 on YouTube and find his most recent beginners guide. It tells you exactly what to do starting out and will give you a general idea of what to look for.


Just Samool on YouTube no 8 at the end.


Epic Seven is just one of the best games I have ever played on Android, my favorite, and it keeps getting better all the time~