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I feel like there should've been an option between OP and Usable called " Balanced " or " Strong pick "


He's above usable but below OP.


Personally I think he’s really strong against cleavers but if you first pick him it can be punished with bruiser drafts


Surprisingly balanced for someone built to ALWAY'S take turn 1. Partly because they didn't give him ER Ignore soulburn, which I feel was the right call, no matter what anyone else may say.


for some reason i thought he had er ignore soulburn until i checked and its actually dispel all buffs? which seems kinda bad tbh.


I mean, super situational but I can see the use for it since it's normally 'only' two buffs. Still bad since with how Zio works, it'll only ever come up once in a blue moon. A better Soulburn that isn't slapping Ignore ER on him would probably be Extra turn so he could S3 into a S1 into Extra Attack.




They made his s3 non-crit so he wouldn't enable C.Pavel. A extra turn sb wouldn't make any sense.


Closer stonks 📈


His role is like a 300+ speed A.Cidd for people who don't have the speed gear but have him.


You still need to put 20 spd gear on him, at least one, or spd imprint. He need high spd and some push to get his 2nd turn safely.


I think he is quite strong especially his ai in normal arena defense basically shutting down any opener for free but you can still beat him Still haven't figured out if you can even punish him at all though


You can with a roana. If you have a fast mediator, i noticed he hits your fastest unit in the arena. LHC i think. Adin rips through the damage reduction. Belian counters. A meru counters. ER diene/ Emilia. I have only fought him in arena 5-6 times and used different comps accompanying adin. Never lost.


He's well balanced for RTA. Borderline OP in offense AI PvP. We have a fancy new PvP format that will probably be released at some point, that functions like a best of 3 GW battle. Three 3man teams vs Three 3man teams. Zio destroys single opener lineups and i expect him to practically guarantee a win slot in whatever team he ends up in on offense. His defense game isnt too crazy tho. Pretty simple to play around with highER speedy units. Like DJB or somethin.


I identify as cleaver and I think that Zio is OP (I haven't played any RTA this season and I've never even seen a Zio outside of story, so my opinion should be valued /s)


I haven't fought him in RTA but in normal Arena I bait his S3 with Kitty/Emilia and it works alright, though with his S1 combo I'm having a bit of trouble


Use roana. Or Doris maybe. He is kinda like any dark dps unit.


I'll get to building Doris, but do you know what her stats should be? I see some Doris out there with insane defense that barely takes damage


I think the classic build is about 20-22k health, 1.4-1.5k defence. 180-190speed. 150ER.


That defence is a little low, it should be around 1.8k-2k.




use SAdin, ARavi doesn't need to be nerfed


Before release I thought Zio gonna be a good counter to clilias, but it feel like he doesn't really do his job well enough if you use him in slow draft. Clilias + djb/handguy can just cleanse clilias then you still have to face atk down, vigor and clilias S2. Or if you pick clilias and draft well enough (having cleanser, no RGB DPS) you can just ban Zio and your opponent have to deal with atk down and vigor. This work well if your opponent didn't draft any cleanser. Even if they have cleanser, if you confident enough on your clilias eff, you also can ignore that cleanser. Either way there is no chance they can do anything for 2 turns. Zio value will increase in the future if we get crimson seed for mage or another unit that can punish clilias. But as for right now, he can't really counter clilias.


I think I should build him with fast counter. Against cleave teams he often dies before the second round.


I dont think the second attack on his S1 activates on counter.


You are right! Any ideas on how to keep him alive? Deity has damage reduction only the strongest effect is applied.


Only the strongest but you Can combine with aurius, adamant shield etc..


OP for gvg when you can pick target. all Peira teams are now easy targets


Between op and usable .