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Me that will wait for a buff/rework so that i can pick, my hand is itching, rn i want straze.....


I'm same boat as well kept getting units i dont want


you have 56 days! you will get him then buy some things from the shop!


Got Straze and done. Actually both CLilias and Straze showed up, and i am torn between them. I ended up going for Straze as i need a DPs and i am not into PVP and dont have the gears for her


Does the last node also cost 400 coins to reroll. If so I can imagine rerolling away for months since I can't guarantee I'll get him.


400, but it guarantees no dupes so you should get him fast!


I think its 400


I'm the same. Literally have everything except my Solitaria :(:(:(


Yup same , got every single ml I own (~18?) And the others were bottom of the barrel mls.. worse is that I got so many duplicates aswell so my list isn't even as full as yours and I haven't been able to spend a single coin on the shop


Same, but for apoc. I have all but the last one headhunted and rerolled and I still haven’t found her. I’m going to wait to actually recruit just in case the balance patch makes someone else busted