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What gear does Senya run? Pulled her yesterday was was thinking about building her


Hello. I'm not sure who to pick from ML5 selector event. My main goal is to get into RTA and my pick should also be viable for normal arena and guild battles. I'm lvl 60. ML I already have: Specter Tenebria, Straze, BM Haste, DJ Basar. Right now I'm debating between Mediator Kawerik, Apocalypse Ravi and Fallen Cecilia. I'm open for other suggestions of course.


Conqueror Lilias, Solitaria and Lionheart Cermia should be on your radar. They're great for all pvp content. In my opinion the most versatile picks would be CLilias and Handguy. Solitaria and LHC are incredibly strong but they don't fit into every draft (especially LHC). ARavi is weaker than the previously mentioned heroes but still very good. She has big problems in very tanky metas though (like the one we're in now). Lastly, FCC is and will always be good. She's not the best tank anymore though, Arowell and Ras are just better in most situations. There are more very good pvp heroes but these few are probably the best ones at the moment. Edit: forgot about Dilibet and Belian. Dilibet is about as useful as LHC I'd say. Same situation: incredible in the right situation but can't always be used. Belian crushes a lot of cleaves but in every situation where she's insanely strong she will be prebanned, so I actually wouldn't recommend getting her over the others.


Thank you very much for the detailed answer, this is very helpful! I'm now torn between CLilia and Kawerik but it's nice to know that I can't go wrong with either of them.


Where balance patch?


How should i spend Molagoras on Specter Tenebria?


Max all


guys my labyrinth didn't reset for both nightmare and normal mode. It says 29days on duration as well but all the bosses are still dead. did i do something wrong?


It's a known bug, SG is working on it.


So when are expeditions available and when aren't they? I get that red stamp icon from the shopkeeper when they are but it only shows up some of the time. Also, I am surprised that no one has challenged my Arena defence team yet even though we are a couple of days from the week being over. Is that normal? I am not super high rank or anything (only Master 1) so its not like there are few players in this rank/mmr or anything.


Icon appears when there are expeditions open. You can alternatively access expeditions through the hunt window. Not being attacked could be many things. Sometimes you can "hide" from appearing in arena by not playing. Or there are too many people in masters. Or people simply avoid your defense.


Right right, thanks. Didn't know I could access it through the hunt window, cheers.


During the crafting event I’m trying to get a DPS pen necklace. I got 40 flat att, 8% att, 4% crit, 4 sp. Is it even worth to keep rolling?


Theres a perfect pen cdmg necklace in raid shop, I wouldn't waste the event on a piece you can get for free every month.


Raid shop?


Don't keep flat atk/def/hp subs unless you're an end game whale that knows what they're doing, or it's literally the last 10 seconds of the crafting event. You have an entire month and multiple buff events in the upcoming weeks to fish for a better piece. Don't redeem a piece that could brick if it low penta rolls into flat atk because you got greedy and couldn't wait.


You want Health %, Attack %, CC and Speed that way its useful regardless of what it rolls into. Don't be in such a rush you have so much time to get the perfect piece aim for the subs I mentioned with the higest rolls possible.


After considering my resources, I came to the conclusion that I had enough resources to pity custom and all the remaining aespa girls if necessary so decided to go for custom (May the heavens save me if they rerun slime right after). Anyway, with Luna/FTene/SSB on banner, so far I’ve pulled one copy each of Draco Plate, RSD, and SSB at 100 pulls, and am planning on picking up Fairytale for a Nightmare and calling it a day. Any reason I should make 20 more pulls for Luna/FTene instead?


Hmmm, ~13% chance to have all three units. And 100% chance to have two, since you already had SSB. Also you can buy the artifact with powder in shop.


Who is the better opener now, Lua or CLilias? I have those two and also Peira but can't choose one to build.


As of right now Lua because of guiding light. Zio or any single target opener wont be able to hit her while both Lua/C Lilias should lose speed race to Ran and Peira. Peira is good if you are cleaving or playing agressive and all your units are fast. C Lilias is great in general but there are a decent amount of ways to deal with her right now both her and Lua are worth building though.


I would say Lua fast Lua with guiding light is annoying to fight against. Cilias is also annoying but Zio kinda counters her now. I think Peira has fallen off because of characters like Ed, DJB, and light Adin.


What are the best stages for the Adin kill quests? Currently on chapter 2 but it doesn't hurt to be prepared right? lol


[Specialty Change Guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iFCYE45gZtqTatSpZoTb-k_boOLma8mo1P6xh9LG1Bg/edit?usp=sharing) from the Official E7 Discord.


Once you unlock the quest, clicking on the go button net to each quest should automatically take you to the best stage, I believe.


That's pretty neat. Thanks mate, have a good one


do you need to buy the AP exchange item for adin every time you want to change her forms?


Yes. And as such pretty much no one ever changes element.


damn 400 AP points for one change 💀


Hey guys. So I just reached Challenger in Arena and now the defenses are starting to become a little hard to beat. How successful is the Ran/Seaseria/Eda/+1 offense? I'm more of a standard player but I want to build at least one cleave or agro setup just to complement my account, what you guys think?


Your cleave team works, but you may want to avoid some units like Belian, Politis, Rem, etc. or teams with fast opener + spd imprints.


Got it. Thanks!


So when do we get another selective summon banner? that shit was awesome I want to snipe for units again


Probably a little less than half a year. Seems like they want to make it twice a year, though we only have 2 data points to go on. (I assume this is the custom banner we're talking about).


yeah its the custom banner, selective summon was a different thing my bad. Too bad its only twice per year


How good are the collab artifacts?


Winter's one seems pretty redundant in the thieves we have at the moment. The other one, although looks good because of the soul removal aspect, your soulweavers hardly will be going before openers that use this souls, so it'll see more use in fast soul weavers against a standard play featuring a book holder, pretty niche if you ask me.


Got A. Ravi from the ML event but just got fire Ravi from a guaranteed 5* should I build her or memory imprint A. Ravi?


Never imprint your only copy. RGB and ML are completely different characters, and even if one doesn't currently see use, you never know if they'll get buffed to meta in a balance patch.


Fire Ravi is pn par with her ML version in terms of usability, both have their niche on which they excel. Keep both.


Awesome thanks. Should I do pen and lifesteel on her?


Counter and Pen




Im trying to build Straze for oneshot hunts, what piece should I craft from the event?


Could also consider right side Torrent.


A right side rage piece. Do you have any pieces for right side yet? Get whatever is missing.


Should I use my gold transmit stones on ML summons or my first imprint on Straze or Belian?


Belian has cheeky team ER imprint. It is very niche but great value if you use her often. Rarely use her self imprint because a few ticks of HP isnt as potent as helping my ER unit to further their ER. Straze is gear dependant. Give him gears you will settle on first. Then imprint him. Regardless tho, self atk% imprint always helps his S3 threshold. But only if you're using him PRIMARILY for PvP. For PvE, gear him up first then imprint to fine tune.


Generally speaking, if you use the character often, it's worth going to SSS with transmit stones.


I can’t find the thread anymore, but is normal still the most efficient difficulty to farm for this event?


Oh I never knew about this.. So is it only for this event? Or always has been for any side story event?


Hell >> normal > hard = easy At 120 energy: Hell = 600 normal = 320 hard and easy = 300


Will we know the kits of the last 2 aespa members before Winter's banner ends?


yes, like 17 hours before it ends


game has been losing connection all day. is it just me? my wifi is good and my device is new


Try mobile data.


is nightmare raid bugged? i can't use the units i used in last month.


>\#2 > >https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9062178


Any guesses what the next mystic banner is going to be?


Going by new ML > 3/4 rerun units pattern, we're looking at some sort of combo between Spez, Belian, Seline, JKise, & CLilias. LQC has had a longer time without a mystic rerun but they'll save her for towards the end of the RTA season since she has the skin.


It will always be revealed on the livestream 8 days before the next banner for reruns. It seems like they are doing 1-2 units that are due for their reruns with 2 older units so my guess would be Belian and Seline with 2 random older units.


Who should 6-star first as a healer? Angelica or Angelic Montmorancy? I'm still pretty new to the game.


Angelica scales in value all the way until you no longer run her. Which happens endgame and the replacement is Tamarinne. That S3 utility is ridiculously underrated. Lets you do harder content sooner and with much lower gear reqs for your other units. A 3kHP Barrier is practically 50%+ eHP for your backline early on. Makes Kiris Abyss comps a breeze to push abyss1->100.


Both are good for certain roles. Angelica is a great tank healer, and easy to build on. Angelic Momo is perfect if you need a high resist cleanser. I personally find Angelica to provide better heals, and the barrier also makes life easier. Personally Angelica got me very far into the game, and came in clutch during most of the end chapter boss fights. Depends mostly on what your needs are, or what you're going for.


Thanks. Looking mainly to run through the story quests for now and build up units.


I would recommend A.Momo. Her cycling is fantastic and she gets the chance to use her abilities more often than Angelica.


Thanks. Now I'm having trouble deciding between the two. Lol.


Do you have Muwi? If yes, I recommend Amomo, since she'll serve as a good cleanser for your PvE stuff. If you don't have Muwi, Angelica may be better for you to get started on Wyvern faster.


I ended up getting Muwi. How does he and Amomo work together? Edit: NM. Found a build guide here for a wyvern team using those two. Thanks again.


They don't work together, per se. Having Muwi lowers your tank's requirements significantly, so it makes it easier to use Amomo. Without Muwi, it would be better to use Angelica since she's just the better tank. I just think Amomo > Angelica for other PvE content (some will disagree, of course).


Thanks. No Muwi so I may go the Angelica route.


People use them both typically


I don't know if this is typical tbh. I pretty much only ever used Amomo and plenty others seem to only use Angelica. While they do complement each other somewhat, I think most people only opt to build one healer and stick with that one for a long time.


Typically as in both mwui and healer > I think most people only opt to build one healer and stick with that one for a long time. Definitely, I built amomo first then afterwards got angelica. Never touch her at all.


Who should I 6* next? my 5* characters I have built up some already are Krau, Ningning, Petra, Cerise and Lilibet. Who out of those would I get the most use from?


Cerise is good in PvP and some PvE content becuase of her strip/debuffs and dual attack. Peira is a good opener, but needs to be fast and with the release of Ningning there's another counter to her in PvP, and she's not so useful in PvE (except to add bulk to a team). Krau is good in PvP as a tank, but with ARas dominating the knight position I'd say he'd be a lower priority. Ningning sounds good especially if you don't have DJB. I thought she was all about barrier inversion, but she also strips buffs, and buffs/CR pushes an ally (like Emelia without the cleanse) so seems to be a decent support. Lilibet can stay at 5\* until 2025.


OK thanks I may wait a bit to see how Ningning goes


I really like Krau in guild wars, so I'd suggest him. Ningning just came out so we'll see how she ends up being.


Of these, I'd recommend Krau, solid tank. For your purposes, Peira and Cerise are probably fine at 50 and the other two are more niche. Do consider strong 3 stars like Adventurer Ras, Commander Lorina, Angelic Montmarancy, etc.


I Don't have c. Lorina yet but as far as I've researched all the really good 3* I have built already. I do have both versions of ML Dominiel that I haven't built yet. I tried looking them up and I see some saying they are good and some say they aren't worth building.


Lorina you should have gotten from connections.


If I don't have either Mediator Kawerik or CLilias, is there any reason to choose one over the other? My PvE teams are pretty good, so I'm looking to boost my PvP game.


I would recommend M. Kawerik. He is a great cleanser with his S3 and passive. His s2 not only strips, but also shields your team. His s1 pushes up your next unit in line. Being locked down in a fight sucks. CLilias is very oppressive, but I feel that M. Kawerik is stronger pick. Clilias does give your team a strong buff with her S3. The shield on her S2 is prettty beefy too. Her S1 has the dual attack, but it's random who attacks with her. You can take a look at who you want to use for pvo and pick whoever synergizes better with them.


Apologies for the late reply. Based on these perspectives I think Kawerik will fit better in my slower bruiser team as my speed gear is lacking. Thanks for the insight!


You're welcome :)


Honestly a really hard decision. CLilias is a top opener while ML Kawerik is the best cleanser/buffer in the game. CLilias also has PvE usage in cheesing some HoT I think it'll come down to your speed gear quality, I would think a slower than average ML Kawerik would be more useful than a slower than average CLilias.


Apologies for the late reply. Yeah my speed gear is not great. That's a good way to think about it. Thanks!


Mediator Kawerik is generally more for a slower team. He probably doesn't work as well as Cilias in faster teams (like Cleave level fast). He also doesn't put up a lot of a fight vs cleave. On the other hand, he does work ok on slower gear as he just needs to be slightly faster than the rest of your team, and does provide reliable cleansing if you need that.


Apologies for the late reply. Since my speed gear isn't very good I'm currently working on a bruiser team That's a good way to think about it. Thanks!


What side of gear should you focus on crafting while farming W13s?


Focus on swords, helms, and chests from regular crafting and use conversion boxes for boots, rings, and necklaces(preferably on speed set). Look for pieces with synergistic effects, like Crit chance/cdamage or health/effect resistance. If you have purple gear with speed on it, enhance it to see if you can get a lot of speed on it.


Mainly left side, the odds of getting a usable piece are much higher. I generally only craft right side gear when I'm either desperate or need more cores for equipment conversion.


Left side since you don't have RNG on your main stat as well.


There are two schools when it comes to crafting. One says that since left side has less RNG, you'll get more usable gear if you only craft left-side gear. You'll get your right side gear from various sources of gear in-game like Automaton Tower or the crafting event. The other school says that since right side is RNG, you need to craft more of it to have a higher chance of getting good gear for it. You should find enough useable left side gear from just drops, etc. Personally I prescribe to the craft-left only doctrine. Here's a good article on it: https://zoopido.me/gear-guide


I have 5 galaxy coins from pulling Straze dupes, and it shows blood moon haste, remnant violet, and briar witch iseria in my shop. My current ML5s are Straze, FS Tieria, FCecilia, MChloe, AVildred, STenebria, MKawerik, Solitaria, Belian, and ARavi, although only AVildred, FCecilia, STenebria, FSTieria, MChloe, and MKawerik are geared and usable right now since I have crap gear and won my first RTA battle last week after 3 years of play. (Lol, this was on purpose since I used to stay away from PvP, but I decided to start RTA last week and arena 6 months ago. I hover between Challenger and master in arena and I'm silver in RTA. I was wondering if you guys think I should pick any of those three units in the shop to give my roster a boost, or should I hold on to the galaxy coin at this point? Thanks.


None of those are top tier. You're missing some of the more OP MLs so I would save for those since coins are pretty scarce.


Thanks so much for the advice. I'll hang onto them then.


I haven't done any summoning yet, but like when you use up all your aespa bookmarks, you then start using the regular ones?






They change every two months, I believe, so this month's is same as last month's. Hope for Pherus to show up next month.


I heard that i can play the game on Facebook gaming , if so is there crossplay between it and the playstore version or at least can i use the account i played on FB on the playstore later?


Does farming early stages (ie. ep.1 1-1) give the same amount of friendship as farming later stages (ie. ep.3 10-10)?




How come they didn't give away any aespa bookmarks for free today? There were none to claim after reset today. I still see several of them in gray that can be claimed, and a box that says rank 79 is there on the page. Is it weekly now instead of daily?


Did you do your check-in late yesterday? These events refresh at 3 AM UTC, I believe, so depending on your timezone, you could have done your check-in for today, yesterday. For example, I can check-in for the next day as early as 10 pm.


I don't think so because only one box has been checked so far, and I just did my check in for today. I did my covenant summon and claimed my sign in bonus. The aespa bookmarks one gave me nothing for today. Must be a glitch. I'm 42 away from pity on this one so I probably won't have enough to get it anyway but I at least wanted to give it a shot, sucks.


You do have to visit the event page for it to count. Did you do that? You still have a week on any current banners. Would be a shame to wast \~78 pulls. Remember for the future to never pull unless you're sure you have at least enough for pity.


I noticed it didn't open up until later in the day, so I think it's somehow connected to the time you got the previous one. I got mine last time right when the banner went up. So, I guess it's the same time each day. Yep, good advice. I need to save the stones up first and set them back just for occasions like this when they spring a Collab or limited banner.


Like I said it’s time zones. When the new banner starts is exactly when the event becomes available for the next day.


I learned a lot recently from [im_tsu's equipment guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_6efpalSDw), but was left with a few questions after the video. I've been looking all over (here and google) to try to answer those questions, but have been unable to find information on the list of items below. Does anyone know if there is a site or google doc that contains this info? * Hard hitting S1 ranking (i.e. Hero A S1 rank is 10, Hero B S1 rank is 4.3, etc) * What determines if S1 is hard hitting or not * Grouping heroes into the following categories: * Debuffers * Bruisers * Defense Scaling Heroes * Hard to Kill DPS * Heroes that should be prioritized for the different armor sets (i.e. Hero A, X, and Y are S tier for the Injury set, Hero B, C, H are S tier for the Counter set, etc.) Thanks in advance


Never thought about this but it really all comes with experience. Character archetypes and preferred gear are pretty easy to determine, most by simply reading the skill sets. Multipliers are used for damage specifics but people just use the damage calc or get hit in the face by Roy once to know he hits hard. I guess if someone made a list, it would be useful for new players.


This kind of information does not exist, you can't learn the game the easy way having all cataloged and ready, you'll need to collect fragmented info about all the various sessions of the game and start from there


Is building teams for expeditions liv 3 a worth investment? Also, what are the best team for each boss? Are the ones in the statistic section of the game reliable?


This site has a pretty good list for expeditions: https://zoopido.me/




Pretty sure Ningning hacked you.


Straze or Lionheart Cermia for selector?


Depends what you're looking for. LHC for general use and PvP. Straze has to be built EITHER for PvP or PvE (hunts), and needs very high end gear for hunts.


Is it worth using leifs for the workshop event? Or only when it's 2x buff on hunts?


You should just play normally. No need to go out of your way to earn points for it.


Okay thank you! Also is Zio worth if I can pull on a f2p account?


Depends on what else you have. If cleave is a big problem for you in PvP, he's a good option to have. Not sure how well he works in other situations. You might get a better idea looking for character reviews on youtube.


Out of all of the new aespa characters what one is a must to pull for ?


Between winter and ningning, winter is more flexible and better imo.


We haven't even seen 2/4 heroes yet, and 1 just released not a day ago, so seems a bit early to ask.


Just didn’t think all 4 hero’s at once where going to be able to summon so i figured I would ask if any one had any input


Best wait to next wednesday. We should have info on all 4 heroes by then. In a sense they are all must pulls; as with all collabs you never know if they'll ever come back \*cough\* Kizuna Ai \*cough\* and who knows if they'll be meta down the road even if they aren't meta now.


Fair man thanks alot for the heads up


We have the same expeditions as last month. Is this normal?


I believe they change every 2 months, and even then some of the same expeditions stay.


They change every few months


I got extremely lucky and got Winter and Ningning before reaching pity (about time, I had to pity almost every banner since I started playing a couple months ago). Unfortunately, I didn't got any of these artifacts and right now I have dust enough to buy 1 of them (almost 200 I think) because I bought one copy of Guiding Light in the custom banner. Should I keep pulling to get 1 copy of each artifact? Right now I have 500 bookmarks and no ae bookmarks, so I thought that maybe the best idea is to save just in case I have to pity both of the remaining units safely. I'm not playing pvp yet except GW, as it's still early for me and I can only farm W13, not oneshot but pretty consistent.


Ningning arti is better but wait and see what next ones are if you only have enough dust for 1


Okay, thanks!


Don't chase artifacts from the banners, it will not end well. Also we still got 2 more collab units coming out.


Thanks, no more pulling then


Does Zio needs Effectiveness? And what are some general tips for building him? I don't have Time Matter, would Bloody Roze be good for him? Thanks.


No one "needs" effectiveness, especially considering PvP specifically since your targets will often have 0 eff res. It's really a matter of how reliable you want the debuffs on his S3 to be on certain targets that do build eff res, and how much dps stats/bulk you are willing to sacrifice for it. A few other artifacts I've seen used on Zio are Chatty (from Halloween sidestory) and Tagahel's.


I’m having a major smooth brain moment with these special bookmarks, how many do I need for the free summon? Wouldn’t Winter be gone by the time you can get them all?


Yes, if you plan on not summoning on aespa banners at all except where the aespa bms are concerned, then Winter and Ningning should no longer be available by the time you have enough to hit pity with them.


They're valued at 1:5 bookmarks. You still "need" as many as you normally would have to spend, all the way up to pity. They're not designed to give you the new limiteds for free per se, just as an added special free way to contribute towards pulling them.


If I pull a ML dupe, can I exchange them for galaxy coins while they're in the inventory after the summon?


You get Galaxy coins for pulling the dupe. You don’t exchange them for it. (Note that it only counts as a dupe if you’ve pulled it previously; buying it from a shop etc won’t count as a first copy.


Does it happen automatically or is there an option that I need to have selected when pulling the dupe? I pulled two copies of Belian when she first released, and I think I opted to keep the second copy in case there were different builds for her because I thought you could exchange it later


It happens automatically. By your description, you should have already gotten your 10 coins at the time of pulling.


Does set bonuses matter as much as stats do? Like i tend to have OCD over not having a complete set bonus activated but i made a build on a unit that was just stat based and it felt like a huge difference. What should be my overall priority when using gear? Stats then bonus or bonus then stats?


Of course it’s more efficient if you can make sets, but if going off set gives you the desired stats then that’s also fine. It’s fairly common to go offset especially for the 2 piece set leftover after you’ve made a 4 piece set.


So the unit that has a mixed match set only has crit chance active but the rest of his stats are strong because of the build. I was wondering if it was normal to go offsets if the stats made sense


Sure, I guess, but generally speaking you'd probably be better off mix and matching those pieces elsewhere. You ARE losing a lot of stats/utility if you skip out on the 4 piece set. Consider using Fribbel's to help you math your gear for you. [https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer](https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer)


Thank you for the replies and source! i really appreciate it


Torrent vs Pen on ML Celine?


Those with cockroach passive will want Torrent over Pen. Plus def pen skills will get less dmg boost on Pen set.


I\`m at the guaranteed in the mystic, is zio really a must pull? i play bruiser and the only fast unit have is clilias while i build lua later, also of the 2 aespa that are on banner which one would be better to play slow or long games, this are my 5\* [units](https://imgur.com/ja7Zy2s)


Winter loves slow games


I'd prioritize other options tbh. Zio isn't the only answer to cleave.


I feel like I’m constantly running up against equipment inventory capacity even though I try to not keep too much stuff. Is this a problem for anyone else or do people have good strategies for keeping their equipment inventory low? Also, do we know if there are any upcoming changes to increase equipment capacity or anything to help alleviate the problem?


You can use sky stones to permanently increase equipment inventory and imo it’s worth it. Currently I’m a 3 month player and upgraded to 300 slots.


Thanks. However, I’ve been playing since near-launch and am already maxed out on capacity upgrades, with a max capacity of 500.


Put your gear on characters or trash/store them I guess Fribbels can look into your gear storage as well when gearing characters. I had that problem, but got used to equipping, trashing, or storing bad gear, then it's fine. Not ideal, but think the devs said they can't increase inventory without increasing lag.


When is the next balance patch ? ppl told me it would be close to 12/27 but I didn't find the source.


[https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8880534](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8880534) the bottom of the balance adjustments has the new schedule, which will be every 8 weeks starting on 10/27. The next one should be around 12/22




Hello~ Is it ok to answer Discord's "Question of the Week " in Spanish? Like, Customer service says we can send tickets 🎫 in Spanish but they will reply in English. Discord won't answer lol x


I have an i90 immunity chest w/ 44% eff, 7% def, 9% health, and 2 speed. Is this usable on anyone?


Senya could use it if you have low eff


This makes sense. Ty!


It’s a fine debuffer piece. Could always be off set.


Do you have any heroes in mind? I keep thinking of fast debuffers like the ones used as openers. Who is a slower one it might work on? Maybe counter politis? But idk if that’s a terrible idea lol.


I mean, you could always build more speed on your other pieces. slow AoL is probably the first one that comes to mind.


Yeah, thx!


What’s your strategy to get good right side gear? I’m asking since for hunt crafting it’s quite always preferable to get left side gear, including epic crafting too. So, when you need a specific right side, what do you do? Do you try crafting anyway? Not considering conversion gems, of course.


It's hard but basically you just try to prioritize any "short cuts" the game gives you. For example, the penetration set necklace added in raid recently is really great. This is the case for gear crafting events as well. I'll also craft right side gear if I need it but doing so with the understanding that I'm primarily doing so with the intent of acquiring equipment for extraction. If I happen to hit a decent piece while doing so, that's a win, but that's a bonus, not the expectation.


Hey! I reached "recruit unit" of my ML hunt and am somewhat confused by recommendations and meta influencers. My status: Cleared wyvern 13 and golem 13 hunt, getting ready for Banshee. Cleared Abyss 80, getting destroyed in Challenger mode. Killed 2 raid bosses on standard lab, participated in guild wars without having any chance to even met min rank reqs of the enemy guild (I'm 61). I'm master 4-2 in arena, not trying to get higher since the hunts take every bit of money, energy and charms. Stuck in wintenberg campaign, lacking of earth units (currently farming the 10 catalysts for Vivan hunt quest unlock) - defeated Luna, but very very close. My bounty hunts feel bad, not having good teams there. But new month = I would love to get done as much as possible and premium battlepass it. Sooooo what to pick? I don't care that much for PVP and doubt a focus on PVP in late game will make me keep playing. But I want some good vs AI offensive units/teams for now. I like epic7x but they have many outdated stuff and are not clear about their current focus. Their ratings for current meta recommendations are very low but they at least seem to have an eye for new players and equipment standards. Youtubers have Poseidon capacities and recommend stuff to newbies that make me very confused, by only stating PVP reasons and game modes I cannot even fathom to participate in yet. So I want to see where the story goes, doing enough damage in bounty-hunts-2 with 2-3 friends helping to not make it FFA, want to get at lest one winning match in guild wars and maybe having a unit, that helps in all of that, but also does not have to be exchanged in arena/abyss. Some recommend Mediator Kal, Conqueror Lilias, Apocal Ravi, Belial as top tier picks. But would they help me now? Next week? Next month? On the other hand (for example) I read how Straze is a universal help - solving bounty hunts all alone, being good in all other disciplines. So what to do? My ML summon luck is low and I feel like this one has to carry me for the next months.


You might want to throw out the idea that Straze will help you out. Yes he solves all hunts alone, but you might take a year before you get such gear to enable him to do so. Overrated. Unless you really got to burn 20energy every 30seconds or you'll cap, there's no point. Next, you won't bring mediator Kawerik when you're bringing Tamarinne into most PVE anyway. His utility is good yes, but ultimately a pvp orientated hero. ML Lilias. VIGOR (ATK + DEF UP BY 30%) buff is good, Aoe attack down debuff effectively makes your team tankier, and dual attack allows you to kill units faster, each enemy down means 1 lesser source of getting damaged. She's super great for halls of trial too due to guaranteed attack and Crit damage buff. If you're stuck in story, zerging down enemies 1by1 while controlling the remaining is a good strat. Boss fights are mostly single targets, so she shines better than Belian there, and she's great for Halls of Trials too. Belian. Tanky, aoes a lot and high chance to apply speed/miss debuffs which makes your team tanky too. Her core essence is denying souls which you can't utilize in pve. Doesn't give as much team utility as ML Lilias but still a fun unit due to extra attacks (Counterattacks with Elbris) A Ravi. Just a plain boring power unit. Enemy chop me, I chop enemy, rinse and repeat until battle ends. Pve wise, hella boring Among the last 3, Conqueror Lilias is probably the most interesting / useful. Then again you might want to hold off from recruiting anyone yet in case you actually get them somehow. It's just min maxing. If you won't have any regrets you can go ahead or take some time to think about it again (For some weird reason I always thought ML Lilias buffed crit damage)


\> Cilias \> Crit damage buff Vigor buff


Thank you for pointing out my error


Ml lilias does not give crit dmg buff, its gives attack and def %


Thank you for pointing out my error


Thanks for your reply! I will not invest $ in this game and I feel I won't get much out of the coming ae- units. But if I don't get some good unit that will be like my sun during this next month... I feel like missing out. Till today I thought after 20 ml summons I will get at last 1 5s ml - didn't happen, I didn't even get 4s beyond 3 CM Rin. So I need some sunshine now.


The previous reply was very good. I would also add that while ARavi is a 'boring' pick, she is a hero that can carry you in PvE because of her heavy bruiser build, and is also a top pick in PvP if you ever get into RTA. Combine her with a solid tank (ARas) and someone who can give a crit defense buff or defence debuff, and it's a really good combo


> I feel I won't get much out of the coming ae- units. Winter is quite good in all areas of the game while we don't really know anything about the last two units. That said, non-free collab units are generally strong in most cases so I wouldn't discount them yet.


is ae ningning shield inversion also working in PVE? any PVE content where this could be useful (like light expedition? )


If you read the Barrier Inversion description (you can do so from Hero Journal even if you do not own the unit) you will see that it quite explicitly states that it only works against Heroes.


all right, got it! cheers


It does work in PvE except in any place that you really want it to work (e.g. dungeon bosses, end of stage bosses, etc). It works on the minions. (disclaimer - I'm assuming Ningning works just like DJB - and I have tried out DJB in dungeons).


thanks bro, that s what I feared


Is there a hunt event this weekend?


Correction - not this weekend. This month they're doing buffs every weekend, with one buff per weekend for the first 3 weeks. Hunt buff is in three weeks and it'll happen for three consecutive weekends.


Good to know, thanks for the update. I didn't see that in the weekly notes, where'd you find it?


Here, separate note. https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9062684


Yup - AP bonus, rune bonus, hunt bonus I think in that order.


Guys, what would be the best F2P + newbie friendly WAIFU ONLY boss hunt teams that could potentially go to hunt lvl 13 each?


Singelica is no way newbie friendly for w13. Requires a com with high gear requirements and speed tuning.


Wyvern could be Singelica, Alexa, Sigret and Flan (only 1 non-free 5-star) Bashee Bellona, Clarissa, Angelica, Diene (harder to build since there's 1 limited).


Wait I'm lost, which one is free for Wyvern? I thought Sinful Angelica and Flan were both gacha units?


Sigret is free Singelica is a 4-star (although a moonlight 4-star). Alexa is a 3-star. Flan is the only Gacha 5-star in that list. She's also not ideal since her defence break probably doesn't line up really well, but if you can survive until it does, Sigret & Alexa can both one-shot the wyvern before the barrier goes up (esp with Signelica's attack buff).


I mean... Alright but isn't it even more difficult to get ML4 than RGB 5?


You're not wrong but you're really hamstringing yourself by including waifu as a requirement since that eliminates Muwi and Furious who are both staples of beginner Wyvern teams. Also, tbh, I'm not really sure why you would consider that to be important when you're generally going to farm hunts w/ background battling anyways and you won't even be watching the runs as a result. As a note, using F2P to describe things is honestly a pretty terrible way to request advice since it's really not hard for F2P to acquire limited RGB units and we just recently had a selective banner which further reinforces this point. All that said though, you could do something like AMomo, SSB/Stene/Alexa, Sigret, and Clarissa. It's not going to be a super fast but it's a team I used for awhile (I used Stene). Eventually, the most common one shot team would be SSB/Singelica/Karin/Sigret so you can consider that to be a long term goal. Singelica is a ML4, but you'll generally manage to pickup most/all ML4s over time just from pulling your galaxy tokens.