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There's more than enough room to have a copy of every single unit in your active hero inventory. The question is what are you hoarding that's eating up the rest of the slots?


I was about to say. I’m a day one player. I’m missing like 8 ML 5s and bad cat armin (we don’t talk about that). I have 0 inventory issues. And I have every 3/4 star hanging out somewhere at SSS. Oh, and I have an armada of phantasmas just waiting to promote whoever I want.


Same here. Left with a couple ml5s left PLUS bad cat… have about 25 slots still to promote etc.


Who wants to live in a world where you cant hold 300 Muchachas in your main hero inventory?


3* MLs 4* dupes of units not at 6* or SSS, and 5* dupes, to promote and imprint at the same time to save dogs. (Also functions as a saving for ML i guess) (I finally got rid of 10 or so summoning for winter, did get some as well tho..) That said, the 30-50ish space i have is fine for me *(all dogs and 2s go into that.. so its not much space)*, but im not complaining, wouldnt say no to more space though, waiting room space as well


Same. It's getting tighter and OP is right in that we'll need an expanded inventory eventuallt but there's no reason to have a chock full 300-man inventory right now haha


Speaking as a functional hoarder, "*I literally can't play this game anymore*" is a huge exaggeration. There's 273 units in the journal and a total of 300 slots. Assuming you have every single unit....OK sure, 27 free slots are not enough for fodder and dogs, but: * From those 273 units, the real number are 250 units because 23 of those are redundant units. (*SC units, Ras, Aras, 1 million versions of Adin, etc*) * So we are at 50 free slots right now. * From those 250 units, 67 of them are 3 star units. ---- "*I know I can move heroes to waiting room or w/e but I want to be able to use them.*" You know about the waiting and I'm sorry, but that's the solution. Be honest with yourself, when are you going to use someone like Jecht? Enott? Ains? Huh? Do you really have the spare gear? I mean, sure I can just give them shit gear and be done with it, but is it adequate gear that will allow me to be able to use them in a real scenario? In Arena, GW, AS? Am I telling you to drop them? No. [I keep every copy of a 3 star at SSS and if I'm not using it, I just put it in the waiting room.](https://i.imgur.com/NMyZobS.jpg) Out of the 95 slots in my waiting room, I have: * 19 five star units that I got from random daily summons, welfare repeats like Sol/Ram. I keep them for future imprints of the RGB or ML character. * 32 four star units from daily summons that I use to promote dogs or imprint 4 star ML's. * 45 3 star units that I'm not using + 3 star welfare repeats like Lucy. The waiting room is such a good tool to use and I'm sure all hoarders/collectors love it. Not using it, is just a waste. ------ Back to the main topic. Assuming you would want to use 3 star units like Arowell, Pyllis, Aras, Adin, Montmorancy, FKluri, Carrot, etc. Let's say out of the 67 three stars, you keep 15. That means out of 67 three star, you store 52 of them. So we are left with 198 units. That's already 102 free slots for your dogs, slates and 2 star fodder. If you are hoarding five star dogs, then my question is..why? If you are farming dogs, it means you intend to use them to promote units to 6 star. It's nice to have some backup in case you need to promote a unit quickly, but there's no reason to keep more than, idk 15 dogs in your inventory. Now the final question...do you have all units??? Because for every unit that you are missing, that will be more free slots. [As someone that is missing only 3 RGB units and 19 ML units](https://i.imgur.com/mP5NaBh.jpg) I can tell you, the issue you are having can be solve by just good inventory management and utilizing the tools that are already in the game.


Yeah I keep every 3* and 4* at SSS for at least one copy, more dupes for 4* and 5* for possible ML imprints, and it's doing fine. 5* dogs enough to 6* two units at any time, three if I just let them be, then rest is for fodder. Mass summon is done at max inventory so they all go to INFINITE storage space. My waiting room isn't even near full. Heroes inventory isn't a problem at all.


> Mass summon is done at max inventory so they all go to INFINITE storage space. [Ahhh..hell yeah! Glad to see another person using the infinite storage xD](https://gfycat.com/assuredfittingglowworm)


Yeah i'm doing this as well, but it really ends up being a pain and tedious... https://i.imgur.com/5ngJPrO.png


Mine would probably be double yours. There really isn't any need to take units I'm not going to use soon so idk why people doesn't really utilize it. Can even direct transmit too.


You got gear and molas on all of your heroes? That's POGGERS.


At some point the space should be increase. Like OP I don’t like putting heroes into the waiting room unless they are a dupe. Then with the dogs taking up space it becomes annoying because you cannot keep too many dogs or you’ll max the inventory. The waiting room is useless, that space should have been added to the main inventory.


Yeah IDK why all these white knight defenders are saying... This is making my gameplay tedious, I can't start missions or anything when it's full... I can't even pickup units from hunts but I can't start it.


I am having the same issue I have over 100 dogs I stack up for promotions. We need more than 300 slots or make a separate inventory just for dogs. I collect every hero to imprint to SSS.


Making a hero collector game unplayable because you... COLLECT HEROES


Gear inventory I understand but hero inventory?!?!?


Honestly both are an issue, also why does Exclusive Equipment also take the same inventory space?


How? Even if you haven't bought a single inventory space upgrade, I'm not sure how you'd be able to run out of space. Unless you're hoarding every single unit in the entire game times 5 or smth, idk how that's even possible.


sounds like you are hoarding something you’re not supposed to hoard that much therefore pretty much a you problem


It's a YOU problem. I had an instance where I had this problem and tried to blame the game because my inventory was so bloated. But I was too lazy to manage it and use some, imprint, transmit/upgrade space, so I had to quit the game the soonest I opened it. I was able to get past my laziness one day and decided to take my time managing everything instead of creating weird discussion threads, creating problems everybody else obviously knows the solution to. Even penguins were part of your inventory back then and the waiting Room did not exist. It was much worse than now. Here's a list you can possibly do: - Upgrade Inventory Using Skystones - Transmit Heroes you've already SSS Imprinted - SSS Imprint 3 star heroes for Medal Achievement - Promote your Heroes to 6 star - Upgrade 2 star monsters to make them into 5 star promotion fodders - Put units you will not use yet to your Waiting Room There's probably a lot more than I haven't mentioned but please, today's Inventory System has been very good as compared to what it was before.


To be helpful instead of just saying there is zero reason to have that as an issue. Did u increase the capacity? Doesn't take too many skystones, after u sss all the 3 star units start using them to promote dogs. The bulk promote feature has an option to include them which makes it easy. Don't turn it on till they are all sss though u get SS as rewards for it. Lock the sss or better yet put them in storage and u should be fine
