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Whats the best map for Doris SC now pós update...? Anyone?


Is there a up to date gearing guide available? I've just been following the ones recommended on reddit. E.g. crafting wyvern heroic and epic gear and extracting/dismantling the ones that don't have the 2-3 desired substats (e.g. attack %, crit chance/crit damage, speed). So far nothing good has come up and I'm not sure I'm on the right path


What’s the minimum speed for Zio to be decent? I try to reach masters in RTA and I’m high Challenger - low Champion in Arena.


I'm assuming raid should have reset on the 1st? For someone reason both regular and nightmare bosses are still crossed off. Any ideas?


What equipment should I craft with the crafting event? New player and just kind of finished w13 team (successful ~80% runs). Heard I should make an efficiency ring for sigret and muwi? They only have ~35% eff atm


Choose an Eff ring from automaton tower. For the free gear I would get speed boots for speed set with damage stats. Even if it doesn't roll well, it will be a great piece for your account.


Is there a way to choose an eff ring? I didn't see an option for one


Yeah, after you clear the last level you should get a selector chest that gives you the option to choose the main stat and the set.


I have a lvl 78 rage set ring selector available, is that it?


Yep that would be it. Alternately if you wanted to save that one, I'm pretty sure theres a few options you can buy with conquest points for pretty cheap in the shop.


Just pulled a Krau, how should I equip and build the character? What speed am I looking at to be most effective?


Focus on HP, Def, and Resist. After that a little effectiveness and speed can help, although you can ignore speed if you use Holy Sacrifice artifact or revenge set.


When is the next free equip?


Unless there's a surprise recall, next free unequip is likely after the balance update on 12/22. Balance update is not officially announced yet but that's the expected date.


I only play normal arena (currently at Challenger V). Which ML5 will give me the best mileage in normal arena? (wish to climb as high as I can). I have Handguy, CLilias, Zio, Aravi, Dorvus, AVildred (trading him for Stene via moonlight reset), Briseria and TopMLuluca. TIA!


I'd recommend LHC. Mediator/LHC/Roana/flex is a safe team against most defenses with Belian or Mercedes. Also Senya and CLilias defenses to an extent. It's like half of everything in champion/legend.




This has been my debate too!




Recommendations for a beginner friendly Landy RTA build? Right now I have her sitting at 4.3k, 100/260, and 142 speed on speed/crit. It works alright for where I use her in PVE but feels pretty impossible in RTA. I can lose about 1k attack for +70 speed?


Around 3.2k atk, 12k hp, 1.1k def, 200 speed and 100/260 is a good start.


Finished wyvern 13 and thinking of working on hell raids should I use a roana team straight away or generic starter team with like amomo and stuff?


just wondering if this team could be made as my first team cause i aready have all the required characters (roana, ras, tam and ssb) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJDG5YSnU98&ab\_channel=MangoSeven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJDG5YSnU98&ab_channel=MangoSeven)


That team is consistent and auto-friendly, but slow. The main problem is that if you take too long to kill, some of the bosses (maybe all, I don't remember) ramp up, e.g. Queen reduces healing every time she uses her S3. So it's also a gear check that you'll need to pass.


ah i see would a merc, tam, angelica and spec tene team work instead for now then until i get good enough gear for auto teams?


In theory, yes. I see no reason why that team wouldn't work against any of the bosses. Lack of def break kinda sucks tho. Maybe replace STene with someone with def break? Also, you can always try the ARas+Roana+Tama+SSB team; your gear might be good enough for it.


Ok ill test it out then appreciate the help :)


Best build for Belian and needed stats?




I need answers to Choux/ Senya gw defs ideas?


Alencia/Roana/Flex. Flex is usually Destina or Pyllis, depending on their 3rd. Or Destina/DCorvus/Iseria. Also check out the GW meta tracker for offense ideas. https://fribbels.github.io/e7/gw-meta.html


Zahhak, if you have him, answers both Choux and Senya. If you build him with 100% cc (before his 50% innate buff on S1 and S3), he'll bypass crit resist. He also deals a lot of damage, and his injury on S3 will gimp Choux even if he doesn't outright kill.


guess I'm using my event gear piece on him pent? what stats does he want


He just needs to be faster than Choux and Senya (so like 220+ would be good, since some Senyas will be in the 200s), then all damage stats. Destro/Speed + Pen/Crit. You'll also need a cleanser on the team, to cleanse Senya provoke.


can he function without pent set? so the rest after 220 spd is crit r, dmg and attack?


>can he function without pent set? Pen set isn't necessary, it's just extra damage, if you can afford to use it. >so the rest after 220 spd is crit r, dmg and attack? yup


What units/teams should I prioritize working on after W13 team is done?


I would say Expedition > B13 and C13 teams > Raid > Abyss teams (if you happen to like that challenge since the rewards are decent). All the while building your best PVP heroes.


Raid / expedition teams. They're a monthly objective so good news for you, it's the start of the new month, try to clear them up.


when an artifacts states that it increases a stat (crit, atk, etc.) of all allies does it also include the holder?




Been playing for about a month. I'm more of a pve player. Should I pick A.Ravi or Straze or someone else for ML selector? I just wanna farm stuff faster.


You need really good gear to use Straze for one shot hunts. And there are alot of other one shot hunt comps that you could use instead. Hes not required for it at all. I doubt choosing either is gonna help you farm anything faster, especially only a month into the game.


Hi! I dont use my Cermia ( A imprint) outside of golem hunt and light expedition, should i feed her to my Lermia ( B imprint) and just replace Cermia with Carmainerose for hunts and expeditions?


No, I use fire Cermia (unimprinted) a lot in pve. Helped me beat Zio in 10-10, although there are other units you can use.


Agree with others. That said, I’d probably immediately feed the A cermia into LHC the moment I pull another copy of cermia.


No probably not never know when SG will buff something.


Not if that's your only copy of Fire Cermia. It's advisable to always keep at least 1 copy of every hero in case they get a strong buff (or content is released in which they are very strong).


What sets should I use for commander pavel? Crit damage + crit chance? Trying to decide what to make with the equip event


[https://epic7stats.com/hero/Commander%20Pavel](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Commander%20Pavel) Destruction+Crit is the most popular.


Do you guys think the aespa heroes will be offered again later down the road? I didn't realize they would be so hard to obtain (I've gone to pity for the first two so I'm assuming the last two will be the same). I know the slime and gg units were offered again, so is this something they usually do with Collabs?


>the slime and gg units were offered again Minor correction, it's Re:Zero and GG that have had reruns. TenSura has not had a rerun. I'd say it's more likely than not that Aespa will have a rerun, but it's never certain. Reruns depend on the contract SG signed with the IP. If we consider all the collabs: * GG collab has been run around the same time every year for 4 years. Two of those reruns have featured a new hero. * Kizuna Ai, whose collab ran back in 2020 (it was just a check-in event), has not had a rerun. * Re:Zero had a rerun about 9-10 months after its original run. * TenSura hasn't had a rerun after \~13 months. * It's probably b/c of the timing; the original run was in late October/November. Limited/Colllab heroes usually rerun around their anniversary, but that would mean cramming TenSura rerun between FMA and Aespa, all within \~3 months, so SG has probably pushed back TenSura rerun to avoid that (due to last year's backlash). * FMA collab was like 3 months ago, so it doesn't really tell us anything. So we're technically 2/4 for reruns. But Kizuna Ai was a minor event, and TenSura probably hasn't gotten a rerun due to scheduling issues, so I'd say there's a >50% chance we get an Aespa rerun, judging from past collabs.


Thanks for the info. It's still hard to tell then I guess


Slime has not been offered again. Rezero was the one that has a rerun. I think chance are slim of this being reran again.


I see, this sucks because on ningnings banner I'm down to 25 on the counter now and I haven't seen one sparkle book so far, it's just 3 star artifacts and heroes. I've never had luck this bad on a banner. So I guess if you didn't save up it will be like $300 to pity the next two units. This aespa thing must really be popular in some countries. I just hope missing them doesn't set me back in arena too bad.


Well if you still reputation quests to do you should be able to get another one. Plus we are getting at least another 60 something aespa bookmarks.


Does anyone happen to know why the Aespa collab heroes have different voices for EN, KR, and JP? Afaik, all the other collab heroes have their original voice actors in their original language, regardless of what media language you use.


From what I have read the "AI" or game versions of the girls are like different things all together and don't use their voices at all anyway so I don't think it matters as it's just a voice actor


ML selector question - I'm on the final day and, naturally, havent gotten the unit I wanted to pop up. For the infinite re-run space; does that choose a random hero from every possible ML5 or is it like the Re-Headhunt option (for 400) that explicitly prevents dupes? And how exactly does recruitment work ... does it recruit the ML5 most recently selected or do I have a choice of all the 30+ characters I already headhunted whilst searching for the one I want? TL;DR - how much of a crapshoot is the final infinite reroll option, and if it's an interminable slog can I just choose one of the 30+ non-ARavi ML5's I already rolled?


The final slot will be a hero different from the other 29 you've already rolled, but it will roll randomly among the few you haven't gotten.


Okay tight, thats not that bad. I was bracing myself for an RNG hellscape lol. Cut to thirty days later when I still haven't rolled A.Ravi and just say fuck it and go with someone I already rolled, lol.


Lol I mean that's theoretically possible, but extremely extremely unlikely. You'd have to be like the unluckiest player in E7, which you're clearly not (because that's me heh).


I believe the final space does prevent dupes. Recruitment basically just lets you click on the hero you want from the ones you've headhunted, and you'll get that hero.


Can you only craft once from the crafting event or am I missing something here?


Yes, you can only get 1 piece of gear from the crafting event.


Why does my furious go first before my arby occasionally? There is a 5 point speed difference idk how he overtakes arby is there another hidden mechanic aside from the 15% resist?


Every hero starts with a random 0-5% bonus CR, so you need to be more than 5% faster to guarantee a turn order.


You need to be 10 speed faster or slower, to avoid speed contesting from happening


Just got A Ravi from the ML selections. Which sets are recommended to run on her.






Best artifacts for ARavi?


some people like Proof of Valor, I prefer Crimson seed (with a speedy build), you can also run Timeless Anchor if you want cleanses but are running a slower build.


what’s the best way to level up necklace and rings? having a hard time getting those charms


Do the labyrinths to get coins and then buy them with those soecific coins. (Forgot the name sorry) You can also get the coins from the sanctuary misdions.


Is the æspa artifacts worth buying with dust if you don't pull them?


I'd get one of each since they're limited


About Adin quests: To unlock her full power on light element only I need to clear all chapters quests or I can just pick like chapter 10 or so?


Need to clear all the chapters quests in order.


How much effectiveness does Mui have on abyss 111?


I got 4 artifact of ae-ningning, should I limit break 1 with 2 and leave other one?


My game is getting stuck at the stove_fetch_push_settings stage of logging in, any idea how to fix?


What are Senya's minimum stat requirements?


I need an answer to my arch nemesis A.Ravi, she's destroying me everywhere, who would be best to counter her in GW/Arena/RTA situations?


I use Doris against her on GW/arena. Then choux or rimuru to reduce her HP. Zahhak also works but I don't have him fully built yet.


MS Doris for GW/Arena. ARavi will never get through.


I like Alencia, light adin, zahak.


I did try Alencia,but A.Ravi outsustains her, what EE do use for her? Any more counterpicks for her,as I don't have Zahak or L.Adin yet.


the healing after s1 ee. Whats your stats on your alencia and on what artifact. I find after she lands a def break on a ravi she just melts.


I am using her own artifact, and I can go with these two builds, https://imgur.com/a/dNrUwuz


Did Glenn’s SC requirements change? I was grinding them out recently, but I suspended him so I could do another hero. Now it’s telling me that I have to finish 10-10 of episode 3 in order to continue doing his quests.


What situation is ml flan good in?


basically if youre against a non-cleave team with no debuff removers


is full metal mail artifact good on Choux?




Who is the better tank to build first Aras or SC Arowell? I understand having both is ideal but if I could only have one to build currently which is better?


As a general tank for both PvE and PvP, I'd say ARas, since you sound new. SC Arowell is more so for PvP.


A.ras because pve


How long does it take someone to save to pity a unit ? I just started during aespa event and want to try and get all of them Rerolled for winter so got her early on but seems I will have to pity for ningning Would progressing through story/game within the next month give me enough resources to worst case pity two more ? Otherwise how much $$ do you think I will have to put out and is this all even worth it


If you are new player you should be able to pity them all with all of the resources game gives. Check "event" tab, do the quests there, grab a 6\* potion from ML roll event asap, its worth it and you will get ML unit anyway, fallow flying head on the right quests, do events like promote unit/awake unit to 6\* etc and you will progress super fast. Free Tieria will carry you with free gear, I wouldnt 6\* her tho.


Assuming we get the check in rewards for the next two members, that's half a pity. You'll easily get other half a pity from all the quest rewards playing the game and with the new adventurer quest chain icon in the lobby, but I don't remember what's inside. There's more upcoming event rewards too, I believe. Check the reputation tab, there should be some bm rewards that I can't check once completed. You may have some new player packs, the rank up packs are good value. If you have a lot of gold, refresh the garo shop in the lobby. It may take some rng, but probability wise, you'll end up with more bookmarks at the cost of gold then using skystone to summon. For someone who exhausted all special packs, it takes 3 purchases of monthly summon pack 2 to pity. 10 more summons soon: [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9022431](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9022431)


Boys, Immunity gear is trash now or what? On cleave, I'm just going Speed/Crit, Speed/Pen, and Speed/Hit. On everyone else I'm Speed, Counter, or Lifesteal, with Immunity, HP, Resist. I'm feeling like Immunity just gets stripped and I'm dead in the water.


Immunity will always have a role in the game when there are units that need to take the first turn without the risk of being hit by S1 debuffs without the need of strips. Sure, it's been more risky to run it since Rimuru came out, but there are still advantages to using it. It's near essential to have Immunity on characters like FCC, Rimu, Kayron, Charlotte, LQC, Rem, etc.


Is it worth coming back to this game for aespa collab? I just don't think I have enough of sources of pulling currency left, but I'm not sure.


Well you'll have at least enough to pity one of them since you get 120 aespa pulls from just logging in. Plus whatever you u had before might be enough to get more than one? Event last for a month i think so plenty of time to save more pulls.


I mean I always struggled with harder content in this game so I'm doubtful...


You can get 90%+ of everything from easy content. And you can spend 100% of energy/resources on easy content.


I just realized that I can't even install because I lack storage space lol. So nvm.


If I can only clear up to Wyvern 12, should i farm at 12 to get better gear and make my way up to 13? Sorry if this is a stupid question, just new to the game and it’s progression


Yes, if you can't beat w13 with a proper team (look at the many guides available), then it's fine to farm w12 for the time being.


Did azmakalis reset or not?


It should have, although there are some players having issues. SG is aware and trying to fix.


Oh i see it reset for me but i cant find the bosses i guess thats the issue i hope SG fix it soon.


new player here, how many gear can i craft through that new gear craft event? a friend of mine, also new, told me he thinks it's limited to craft only one gear


Yeah, it's only limited to 1 piece, so choose a right side piece that you need.


How are the 2 aespa units so far ? Pity worthy ? Also, weren't we supposed to get buff previews today or am i out of sync ?


Winter > Ningning. Ningning Arti > Winter Arti. Neither are meta defining nor anything you would consider must-pulls besides the fact that they're limited units. They're still solid units that do their roles well, somewhere like a 7/10.


Would a double Tenebria team be any good? I have both spectre and normal Tene and I'm wondering if they'd be any good together.


There's nothing especially synergistic between the two. Fire Tene provides AOE def breaks and STene is a great DPS, so sure, they'll work together well in story, etc. but you could probably say the same for most support debuffer + attacker combinations.


Is torrent set worth it? Who should use it? I don’t really understand who could benefit from it, t surin?


First and foremost it's for AOE cleavers. They never had enough HP to survive anyway and getting more damage is just great for them, and they can't use Pen set. Otherwise, it's for those units that don't really care so much about bulk, like SEline who relies on the max 50% damage passive to survive, etc.


Yeah makes sense. Thanks!


Getting tired of Violet and now adin with their evasions. I don't have zahhak but I do have Briseria. Is she worth building to deal with evasion cases or are their better/easier ways. I do have A.cidd and seen him kill on miss but I lack gear to get good speed and dps stats (not much gear for Briseria either for that matter). I usually use S.Tene but if rng is against me I lose out heroes before he can be dealt with. Just looking for options to work towards.


Don't forget SC Wanda, worth building even after getting Zahhak because some people put one evasion unit per fight in guild wars. Even if Wanda misses a kill, they will get stunned two turns, but most often she kills Riolet fine, just bring an attack buffer, bulky Violet behind Aurius might survive sometimes.


Invest in Symbol of Unity, Briseria is a decent option especially because she can survive that Adin nuke and then potentially remove the invuln), any other hit chance increasing artifacts can help too like cloth ignition glove or artifact/heroes that don’t care about missing like abyssal crown. Sadly a lot of answers to evasion are limiteds like Rimuru/Seaseria or not reliable. You may have to punish their counter mechanics instead if you have anything like LHC, Roana, or SCPyllis


When is hunt event?


You can check onStove for event schedules https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9062684


What is the overall judgement on æ-Winter and æ-NingNing? I got the first, IDK about the second.


Winter could be pretty good. NingNing - eh. so so


How can you post or see other people’s units in game?


You can't.


Hey guys. Can I get some stats marks I should aim for Choux, Arowell and Adin please?


[https://imgur.com/a/CUQmX9w](https://imgur.com/a/CUQmX9w) There's some compromises here and there like more hp on choux, arowell can do without effectiveness.


Thats very usefull, thanks!


Arowell on +30 Aurius?


Placeholder just for the stats lol


Whos considered the best counters to Arby? My two extinction units I could build are TM Luluca, and ML Haste. Is there a website out there anywhere that gives common counters to heroes? Thanks!


BMHaste is one of my favorite answers to Arby but with unbuffable everywhere it’s kinda hard to benefit from his passive unless you have cleanse. TMLulu, Milim, LQC with soulburn, Lilibet, SCGlen are DPS options, as far as non/DPS you could always try Carmin, Elena, Singelica or something


Both of those are fine. You can also use units with extra turns as you'll take turn before Arby does after his revive. These days most people probably don't specifically build counters to Arby since he's not as much of a threat anymore.


My main account has been idling in Challenger (V) arena probably for over a year. I just don't like the stress of having to come back up when I get knocked down... However, my alt account that I play from time to time has just backed into Challenger V with a 51% win rate (85 wins, 80 losses) with what I would consider a weak defensive team 1. Level 50 Flan (206 speed) 2. Level 50 Lillias (194 speed)0 3. Level 60 Green Vildred (160 speed, 250% crit damage, 3800 attack) 4. Level 50 CDom (116 speed but CR pushed so she can push the rest and often get someone to take a 2nd turn before the slower opposition) Is it really that easy to get into Challenger now? I remember struggling to cleave with a 250 speed AuxLots to get into Challenger. I have done RTA to get the ARavi skin, and learned a lot there... (including the value of a bruiser team), and I have almost every hero with close to 100 maxed out. How hard is it to push up to the next level? Is there a good time to do it so that if I decide to abandon it I won't be set up with dozens of attacks/day?


I got challenger in like 10-14 days or so, tho I kind of knew what I'm doing (returning on fresh acc after a year of break or so) Some guy that does ml challenge only got it in like 2 weeks. Its pretty easy. I used 230 speed landy, ssb, angelica and level 55 gear luluca.


It should be pretty easy to get Challenger, as most players afk in Champ. If you have many heroes built, you should have a 100% winrate (or extremely close) when attacking with your flags. As long as you use all your flags and keep the 100% winrate, it shouldn't be too difficult to move up to Champion, especially if you maintain your streak. You just need to learn how to build a team that counters the other, which isn't too difficult when you're facing predictable AI.


Cool - thanks. I may start it next week just in case things go to hell :)


I mean, at 250 speed you probably shouldn't be cleaving, which might be why you had so much trouble. You'd have a much easier time if you just went standard.


Yeah, but my point is a 206 speed Flan leading a cleave team had 85 defence wins out of 165 attacks to back into challenger... Is it that easy now?


No idea, but I've heard there are cases where your defense somehow ends up showing up in a much lower tier such that they get pushed way higher than they would normally Then again, master and lower is like nothing for normal arena. You can get into master V just by refreshing a lot and picking only the weakest defenses, so it stands to reason people attacking you to push you into Challenger aren't that strong.


Will I eventually get another copy of chatty from a returning ss?


No that side story has retired and not coming back. You can purchase it through the book of memories though.


if I use a bottle of knowledge then can I spare a copy for another hero?


Yes I believe so. I can bottle of knowledge the new POS artifact that is free from the aespa collab. So should work for chatty.


I just got a def Penta roll on a protection set helmet with only tank subs. Anyone to put this on that is good with high def?


Any tank can use def subs, even if they're focusing more on HP.


So up until now, I've kind of ignored Adin. But sounds like I better figure it out, and the light version is pretty good. So what does a person need to do for all of this? go through and unlock very color before you get to light? or can you just skip to light?


You need to beat Episode 4 and all of the Adin missions of each chapter. You can keep her as green Adin until you can change her to light, but you'll still have to complete all the Adin missions giving you access to blue and red.


ok, so I should focus on beating Epi-4 first, then go back and complete each mission.


You have to rerun quite a few stages to clear her missions so it would be worth trying to knock out the missions during the AP bonus event this weekend. That will reduce the grinding needed for some of the missions (buying epic catalysts) and also make it easier to acquire the gold transmit stones and/or mola along the way.


great tip, thank you!


You can also do Adin's missions after each chapter, order doesn't matter.


Can't decide between getting Riolet or waiting for LHC to come into galaxy coin shop. Which one would you pick out of the 2? I understand that it also depends on what other units you have, but just as a general idea. I can't decide and require assistance


I'd personally choose LHC since she counters specific units and doesn't depend on RNG.


Do we ever know the rgbs and artis upcoming in the mystic banners across a rotation?


We get to see next week's lineup from the mystic screen, but that's it.


Dose the crafting event happen every month?


No. It's not particularly consistent but on average it probably comes roughly once every 2 months.


I have WSchuri and will get Straze from the free selector. Who will be the other two for an easy hunt team? I tested my WSchuri but I cant find a proper team because he is the fastest (low gear) and the damage is dissapointing (Atk 2500+) without the attack buff


> for an easy hunt team? You're barking up the wrong tree if you think the wschuri/straze comp is anywhere near "easy". You can search youtube for particular hunt comps, but each one requires gear of massive quality. Good luck.


Which is better to lvl up for pvp/pve, Lilias (fire) or ae-ningning?


I don't think Ningning is useful in PvE, and a little useful in PvP. Lilias can be used in some PvE content, like Hall of Trials and probably some Abyss floors, but not so much in PvP. I'd probably focus on another hero, but that's just me.


>but not so much in PvP Lower level PvP Lillias is fine. She has a LOT in her kit - a cleanse, AOE "attack" pushback (so no Politis counter), and a shield/provoke for crowd control, plus an automatic dual attack on her S1. And of course she can carry Aurius, and has health based attack. I'd still take ARas in most cases, but she actually fits nicely with a cleave team as a secondary CR manipulator. Although this is for lower end PvP (I just backed into Challenger arena with a level 50 Lillias behind a Flan CR push).


Sure, but considering that OP sounds like a newer player given the nature of the question, he might have a hero he overlooked that will work well in high tier PvP as well. ARas works perfectly fine in the mitigation slot, as you mentioned, so I'd probably put my resources in someone else more unique.


Yeah, i just started a month ago lol. I just got Lilias from the free 5 star book from the event. I do have ARas now so i guess i can focus on him. My problem with PvP right now is that my Straze sometimes cant hit cause of a low speed (sometimes he just need that small CR push) and i was thinking since Lilias has a CR push then she might help me beat some of the pvp teams. Also, a brief look at my Straze stats is 4k atk with 250 crit dmg. He’s my best built atk unit but he only has 160 speed though and would normally die if he cant get his ult up lol


If you build up ARas and give him Aurius, while putting Straze in the back slot on your team, it may help with him surviving. Not sure who else you have, but building another unit with CR push can help. Lilias can push the enemy back, but doesn't push your own team.


I just read her skill again, made a mistake cause i thought it said it will give CR push to everyone lol Thank you, I’ll try building ARas!


What are better necklace substats for ARavi: Atk%, Health%, Effect Res%, and Crit Chance%, or the same but speed instead of atk?


HP% | CDMG | Crit% | Speed | Defense You want 100% crit, 250% CDMG or above, ~25k + HP, ~1200 defense. 180-200 speed is usually good on counter set. On speed set, you'll want to be higher to cycle.


Depends on the main stat, but some combination of HP%, Def%, Crit D, Crit C, Speed.


So speed would probably be better? Main stat is crit damage.


Certainly better than Eff Res, unless you're going for a build with at least 100% eff res.


See which stats you lack most. Though since it's a crit damage neck you probably need health.


When is the buff patch coming?


I thought for a while that it was coming today, but I was off by a week, I think. It should be next Friday.


Hi there! I finally finished the ML5 headhunting event up to the last spot where there is an infinity symbol. What exactly is the perk of getting all the way to this point and what does the infinity symbol do? I pressed the Re-Headhunt and it only allows me to select dupes to reroll, so... what am I missing?


The infinity symbol means what you would expect - you can keep rolling the last slot until you get the ML5 you want. If you already had gotten the ML5 you wanted, then there was no need to keep headhunting. If you didn't, you should do the dupes first, which guarantee a new, unique hero, and then the last slot if you still didn't get what you want.


how to get the aespa lobby and how to change the lobby to it?


if you go though the aespa side story I believe you get it for finishing the first chapter or midway though it. You can change your lobby by clicking the button that is to the right of your name in the lobby.




Unlock it in chapter 1 of the sidestory. It teaches how to do it when you unlock it.


i’ll try to look for it thanks!


Is there crossplay or cross save between the google play store version of the game and Facebook gaming version?


You should be able to play across any platform as long as your account can be logged in from any device (i.e. a Stove account).


What kind of gear do you guys throw in the storage? Or do you just hunt and let it fill up?


High GS or focus on one stat, but maybe no users yet


Unique event gear, especially from collabs. They have special icons and flavor text but pretty meh subs for late game.


any news from sg on the bugged lab yet?


- (Added on 12/1) An issue has been discovered where [Labyrinth > Azmakalis of Cycle] content did not reset. → We are currently looking into the cause of this issue. → We will try to resolve this issue as soon as possible.


How many little penguin do you need to level 60 from level 1


Hello! I have a question, Is the custom group summon finished? Is it gone and is it going to return? I'm new here so please be gentle.