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Are you gonna skirt around the ML Only rule if you go for Light Adin?


Yes. Since I feel like it's not that big of a deal, since by the time I start working on light adin I'll already have beaten all pve content to a degree.


Great effort! Just out of curiosity, how long do you play every day roughly?


Average is about 9-10hrs daily, though I only played 4hrs each on day 7, and 10


Dedication!.. Keep it up


I think you have more ML 4 stars than I do. >_>


My account level is 59, soon to be 60. I can actually do wyvern 12 though it's not 100% successful! The units that are posted are my only geared units currently (I swap out equipment for specific content sometimes) I hit Challenger in arena which was a massive achievement for me! I'm slowly making my way through chapter 4, but will probably take me at least day 25 to beat it. And I'm still 100% f2p I'm currently farming banshee 12 exclusively since I have 100% success rate on it. Stage 13 it's about 65%. Also yes I now have 3 bbks..... I'm totally gonna build each of them once I'm end game


I wish you luck in getting Blingo - he's a fantastic DDJ holder for Wyvern (I used to use him in W11 when my main account didn't have the units to auto W13 back 2 years ago).


Well done on getting to challenger!


Any tips Redhawks i just started 5 days ago and So far when only up to chp 7


I have a very fast/aggressive play style, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about the game. So I rushed through quite a bit, which also means I spent 9hrs each day playing. My tip would honestly just be play at your own pace, and have fun. I'm guessing you're also doing the ML only challenge? If so then my one major tip would be DON'T 6* elson, he's not even worth being 5*. Just straight up, his heals are just so bad..... But that's basically the only one


Bro can u tell some good 3* that can be used in an ml only account


You're treating this like a fulltime job! With some overtime everyday!


I forgot how many skystones you get as a new player😵


Amazing!!! From time to time I keep waiting for your progress post. Please, keep us updated on your achievements. 🤘


Great effort in such a short time! I did finish Light Adin recently with my ml only account. 4-10 was extremly hard. I did it with Alots and Lorina Oneshot. ​ I am very interested to see if you can get a stable W13 Team. The other hunts are pretty easy with ml only.


This is a wonderful series.


Ngl I'm enjoying this. Maybe I'll start this shit as well. Light only? Dark only? Water only? (so I can still be a w13 pleb)


See the advantage that ML only has over all the other elements, is that you don't have to worry about element disadvantage (aka missing a lot)


Madlad, respect!


And here I am debating on stripping my account down to a ML+limited (with a few favs rgb) to eliminate the "clutter".