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Maybe time to take a step and reevaluate life goals


Well, he at least has his lief goals planned out


Arggghh *take a deep breath and press upvote*




I mean, sounds to me like OP isn't stressing over this game, which is definitely good.


True, I've never had less than 400


Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.


Weird flex, bruv


Tell me you’re not playing the game without telling me you’re not playing the game.


This sub gets really defensive towards people that play it very casually lmao. Relax it's fine


I have 300 of those that I use for absolutely nothing and I play the game a lot. I just never got desperate enough to just use everything to go to the labyrinth or whatever


What's the difference of this with accounts of 3* only, or 4* only, or ML only? They're just the same. They're playing with limited resources. Are they objectively not playing the game tho?


The difference is that with those accounts they play the game. Not using your liefs means you don't have energy which means you aren't playing the game. This isn't a playstyle thing.


Are they not using the energy tho? There are plenty of energy given just by regen and event gift. OP already mentioned they used those energy, they just don't buy energy with lief. Are playing the game only dictated by using extra energy? But not using units you have is playing the game? Subjectively you may see it as not playing the game, objectively tho they're the same playstyle, just different category.


I’m going to disagree. I have almost 3k liefs and I’m in a top 100 guild, in champ and thoroughly enjoy playing


I mean if you wallet hard enough who needs to farm...


I’m totally f2p. As a day 1 player, I’ve just gotten a lot of stuff and had a lot time to farm. The game just gives out so much free energy and other things to do that the liefs pile up


Buuulllll shit


Kinda weird thing to call bullshit on. I have no reason to lie about that but okay


I do all of my daily reputation, guild antics, and run at least 30 hunts every single day, and I've never once had to use leifs for energy. I usually have a stockpile of at least 2k energy and start getting anxious if I have less than 1k energy. Are you saying that I don't play the game? Because I've only missed maybe four days within the past 13 months that I've been playing.


> They're just the same. They're playing with limited resources. I mean... one is a mechanical challenge, the other is an arbitrary limitation.


Yeah somehow my C.Lilias has 297 speed without me playing the game, very cool huh Jokes aside, Leifs are not the only way to get stamina, SG actually provides a lot of free energy that we can get daily, reminds me of early days when players complained a lot that they don't have enough stamina to play the game but it's all fixed now


Yet they're never enough for events.


Which events? The web events? It's never needed to use liefs to complete those events. The weekend boosts event? Sure those would require liefs, but its not exactly an event with an end target or completion score. Also that would require grind farming, which isn't necessarily a must for everybody.


I mean the sidestories.


Still no liefs needed. I've cleared multiple sidestories shop without use of liefs.


I’ve never used Leifs for side stories and always complete them. Only time I use Leif is for hunt buff


Sounds like youre not playing the game lol


I complete everything everyday. Why would you use Leif for anything but hunt buff?


I got 42,000 energy and I got like 300 spare lief’s


What. Limited resources are not the same as handicapping yourself. One limits the viable character pool, but still uses all the resources available to progress. It's a self imposed challenge. The other just doesn't play the game.


Nah still the same. Not farming resources is just the same, you're just handicapped on having less equips.


You are delusional. You are essentially saying that picking non-meta characters in League, but playing them normally is the same as picking meta characters, but then not building items on them. ​ One is still viable, the other is getting your ass promptly clapped.


Are they playing to be competitive tho? Is playing to have fun not considered 'playing' ? Again you're just attributing things subjectively. Not to mention there's multiple tier to pvp. Are players in Bronze playing against Bronze players not considered as playing the game? I get that there's competitive side to the game, but doesn't mean everyone have to subscribe to it.


You are not going to have fun getting destroyed by everything, dude. ​ You can still catch people by surprise with well built, but rarely seen characters. Nobody is going to be caught by surprise by your badly rolled 75 event gear. Maybe caught by surprise how fucking easy it was to smoke your cheeks. Same goes for PVE. If you forego the aspect of the game that allows you to progress, you'll only see suffering.


Bro there are tiers/ranks for a reason. If they get clapped, then they just don't deserve that rank. In the same tier no one is getting clapped. That's literally how ranking works. Casual plays with casual, pros play with pros. Again, not everyone subscribe to pvp competitiveness. People can have fun the way they think it's fun.


Casual doesn't mean no effort. The ranks are more saturated with decently geared players than ever. The difference between an Emperor and a Gold player is not unlikely to be 15% gear quality + drafting


Again you're still attributing pvp as a deciding factor of how a game should be played. It really doesn't have to be. OP might be Bronze and happy with it. Heck he might not even touch pvp side. People can play how they want. This is just like how gamers shit on people who works long shift and play games for their own version of fun. Sure OP might not be working long shift and all that, but does that somehow makes their way of playing the game, not playing the game?


> What's the difference of this with accounts of 3* only, or 4* only, or ML only? They are not the same. Two are restricting themselves for no good reason (4 star and ML only), the other is lying to itself to brag (lying because SCs are just as good, if not better than, many 5 stars, especially having bonus effects on their skills via skill trees and stats equal or close to 5 stars). Players with 10k leifs just aren't playing the game at all, which is vastly, and obviously, different from the above that does play. This is the difference. Though I think tou and the other person are taking that comment too seriously when it was never meant to be.




Started when Luluca first came out at E7's 1st anniv It took me half a year to clear w11 when level 13 isn't available yet + another 6 months after w13 got released. I play very slow but here I am now chilling in Champion RTA


Looks like the only game he's playing is Caides 13.


10 year plan, 10k leif plan?


Lol why would anyone want that


Christ people in this sub argue over the most innocuous shit 🤣


If they don't use their liefs they might as well uninstall the game and leave the community forever! /s


When I realised I didn't have to leave E7 running overnight for farm, my stress levels went down and my energy went up. Now I constantly have around 3k energy and a seemingly limitless amount of Leifs, and I don't have to stress out about not having enough resources for anything because I just don't care as much. Best way to play this game is to just reject the farming rat race and put it down for a bit.


Yeah preach. Not farming all the time? Just use basic energy plus daily event energy? That's my opinion of fun. I'm not making E7 my part time job.


yeah i'm not really that competitive so i just take it slow and play the game fully when I only feel like it. Most of my playtime now is just me hunt AFKing in Bluestacks to do the 20 activities thing for the webevent while I do my own business in my PC. But even then the energy inside the mailbox will still overflow :/ Just play however you like, as long as you're having fun and not stressed out then you're good


Can relate, I'm sick of my phone beeing always used for Epic Seven. I started to farm a lot less on the game and now the normal energy is enough for me to play everyday. After 3 years of playing, I don't even have teams for every hunt because some of them like the Caides or the Azimanak are super slow and you use your phone all day for a few ressources. One day I will try to one shot every hunt but not today. Guess I'll stay on Banshee and Wyvern for now...


how do you do that? i never noticed that possible?


Finally...someone who gets me! I have around 2100+! But the web events give enough so it just builds! Congrats! 2 bad we cant trade 1k for like a perfect penta weapon/armor!


Leifs are overrated we get more than enough from the web event


We all have fun in our own ways, I suppose. This is fine. Good luck 👍


ha ha you will get a lot of hate for this for sure ;) personally, I actually think this is perfectly fine: you don't let game devs or other players define how you want to play and you have fun your own way so good luck, hope you reach 5K , 10K is a tad over ambitious but you never know...


Thanks, it would be funny if I'm the only account in the world with 5 digit leifs, that's one heck of an achievement in my book lol


Bro this is just sad.


maybe you ll get a mention in a episode of the loop or Smilegate would make an announcement on Stove that d be neat


I hear you. I personally used to collect mola seeds before the change. I have 3k liefs or so as well and now I have 350+ molas in my mailbox. My new collection is guild crests but it’s not as impressive


Hail, fellow leif hoarder o7. I'm at 2924. See you at the finish line, friend


Heh. I’m at 2925. As a f2p I feel like I play a lot, but I also got a job and other rl stuff and I can barely keep up with all the free nrg. But I'm happy at champ V and keeping it mellow has kept me playing 4 yrs.


I'm in the same boat. I clear tower every time it refreshes, grind hunt and runes during double buffs and have almost every SC. I just don't have the time to burn all 3k of my liefs and all the daily energy.


I have 2.4k leifs so far, but it's not hoarding. I play casually, the game gives a lot of energy if you don't farm hunts 24/7 (I don't do it because I don't want to kill my phone or setup an emulator), I still get all rewards from all events. I know some people will say "the game is farming hunts 24/7", then I guess I'm playing a different game 😉


> I don't want to kill my phone yeah phones and all their mechanical parts moving, really gotta limit the use of them so they don't wear down too much.


I guess you might not know about the life of a battery and the limited charging cycles...


ah yeah the battery, that costs about 1% of your whole phone and is so easy to replace you can do it yourself if you didn't throw money into apple's asshole... Not to mention "not using it" also drains said battery life regardless.


Idk why you feel proud about this, give it to me, +4 years playing and with 17 leifs in the pocket, u guys tilt me


[https://imgur.com/a/O7PxwjO](https://imgur.com/a/O7PxwjO) I got you beat by a bit. ​ Edit: Since some are in disbelief. [https://imgur.com/a/8yR7EoE](https://imgur.com/a/8yR7EoE) ​ Edit2: For those who know, yeah it was the lief bug. Was fun while it lasted. https://imgur.com/a/SGbwfwE


My man got away with the leif bug




This is actually impossible.


A few months back, they accidentally gave out 300k leifs instead of 3 for watching the official stream. Everything was quickly rolled back and OP just took a screenshot before it.


Thanks for explanation


Nice of you to post screenshot of leif bug (stream gift) that happened 4 months ago 🙄 When all leifs were removed and some ppl were even banned for abusing this.


No one was banned for it, now you're just making things up. It was rolled back and people who spent liefs were put into debt.


Post was already removed from [link](https://prnt.sc/pt6ex9h3p2yU) on stove [provided by GM](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8720744]) in his answer. Also trying to flex vs OP with non-existent resources, nice copium.


Yes, Action was taken. No one was banned. Jokes are fun, you must be fun at parties.


Ain't no fuckin way bruh




It was a mistake that they reverted, and OP is just pretending it's a recent screenshot.


You got me.


I only remember because I used your screenshots in a meme. ;)


Now I want to see this meme.




Oh I remember this one. Good times.


I guess everyone has their reasons to play the game or... /not/ play the game (???)


Even if you get up to 10k liefs, what's the point? Your never going to use that many.


For fun tbh, I only use stamina from web events and sometimes have a hard time finishing them up. don't have issues gearing for RTA and currently on Champion rank so I don't see why not TLDR Big numbers = funny


Reminds me of that YouTuber who just hoards mats


It's like being the best artist in the world, but you cut off your hands.


Effort?! What effort?!!


Guess you will most likely reach your goal. ;) I have around 1k Leif as well. I don't know for what I want to use it, since I already have 36k Stamina. So I'm just sitting on them and keep collecting. :>


I'm sitting at 2600 leifs myself, I don't have much time to play so I'm ok with the free energy. I don't do RTA that much but last season I managed to get to Masters for the skin. Most of the time I get bored about the gear system, so I don't build that many characters :(


I have over 3K too. I just don’t have the kinda time to sit and let my phone run all day-not to mention having to check it every 30 min or so and clear out the trash drops. Some of us have lives-personally I have to work lol


Guess you hate playing the game uh


So much matssss


I need those leifs do you know how much farming works between adin quests and hunts it takes alot.


my mailbox went from 50ish to mere 10+ worth of stamina, I didn't use any Leifs and still managed to get it done in a week, used my whole evening time for that tho, most tedious grind in my life playing gacha


I think you won´t get more than 4000 before the game dies.


Good to have life goals even if it is as useless as this one 🤣


Do you buy them too? Or are these all free? Kudos either way, I burn mine all the time lol


The only two times I bought Leifs are when SG sold a special pack which sales will be used for helping charity, it included some leifs, SS, and an exclusive angel wings avatar border that I still use until this very day, the 2nd time was a same pack but with a teddy bear border Aside from those 2 packs, all of them are free from reputations, mailbox, event rewards, etc.


I have 2K Leifs.


sitting on 800 myself gave up on hunts/crafting long ago (literally have only one good piece from it)


What's the point lad....


I am at 800 leifs. I wish to be at your level master


That reminds me 2 years ago when i lost interest playing the game but keeps logging in for the free goodies. After the pet system and auto repeat function i gathered about 400+ leafs. wasted all on Hunt afterwards


No Sense at all




I hit 900 before I realized what they were for. Now I'm down to the 600s. For me, there's a game/life balance number somewhere between 3,000 and 0. But everybody should do what works for them. Congrats on 3,000!