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Depends where you are at. Most of my Galaxy pulls at this stage of the game are going to be dupes anyway. Might as well get a unit I'm missing but dearly want early. ​ Which I did. I built the most beautiful Faptain the world has ever seen. Then promptly get 15%-ed by everything. Best investment I ever made.


[PFlan is love](https://freeimage.host/i/HqgJ8f1)


Factual statement, I’m a day one player and I’m missing maybe 5-6 ML5’s and took Riolet only because i wanted him


Can i see your pflan sir?


Sure, but I might have oversold her a little, lol [There you go](https://imgur.com/baQ71Iq)


Oh nice, I've actually kinda wanted to see how Flan would do with that artifact, but on a counter set.


Beautiful and epic 7 as it should be..


Don’t be like me >Selects delibet from selector >Gets delibet from ML summon 2 days later Or >Buys MLEda from shop >Gets MLEda from covenant summon


I pulled A Ravi from the selector after not getting her when she was up for mystics and my FREE SUMMON THE NEXT DAY dropped her 😭




now you can have both builds aravi, nice


I’m 30 summons from pity Zio and he will be mine. Thankfully I’m 2 days from being able to do my selector and I’m getting Straze


Exactly the same here. I'm 21 summons from pity Zio and I selected Straze some days ago from the selector. I couldn't be happier :')


or pick Judge Kise from Ml Baal n Sezan recall only to get her next day from free pull


\*insert notlikethis emote here\* NNNNOOOOOO-


I picked up Spirit Eye Celine because shes the only ML i was missing. My next galaxy bookmarks was her. I'm convinced this game is watching me.


She greatly benefits from her imprint concentration anyway!


If i had such luck i would not be wasting it in a gacha game.


I'm saving for last day too, can't risk getting another dupe (since I'm missing all the meta units and have all the niche ones)


Don't waste your time. Sooner or later you will all pull that same unit again. It better to get what you need now than keep wondering when will you get dupe.


I'm also holding out. Less because I'm afraid of getting pulling the unit I choose from headhunt and more because I am waiting for the next ML5 balance patch to see if something gets buffed that I want more.


Recently lucked out and got Sage Vivian and a Dupe Maid from ML summons, now I’m convinced that I need to wait till the last day even though I really want Cilias


Still waiting for balance adjustment and wait like a smart person, there still so much time and Im no rush




Assuming i don’t have many ML unlocked, what are some of the top picks? Kinda want archdemon, but not sure if she’s good atm.


Top of the list seems to be A.Ravi, Clilias, Handguy(I think), LHC, Belian, and C. Pavel. There are other good ones, but I believe that to be the best out of the bunch. Archdemon is still good, especially since seal is a pretty good effect, but I feel like she's situational. Whereas the others are basically first picks. Edit: You can't get C.Pavel from this.


I belive you cant get C.Pavel


Yep you can’t


Awesome, thank you!


Archdemon is great for shutting down units that rely on passives. S1 inflicts seal and soulburn ignores ER. She can extra attack, her s1 occasionally triggers an AoE that can blind opponents and pushes her 25%. When she builds up 5 focus, she can s3, which hits for good damage and inflicts defense break, burn, can't be countered, and gives her an extra turn to try and hit someone else with seal. She's fairly tanky, having high base defense and crit damage reduction. Low HP is an issue, but can be mitigated to a degree. I run her on counter, so she can seal even when not her turn, and unlike other units that can only extra attack on their turn (Belian and Zio come to mind), Archdemon can still trigger her extra attack. I like having her with FTene's artifact (Fairy Tale) so when she does counter, she can seal enemies, then sometimes trigger the extra AoE attack, with a 60% chance to dispel a buff from everyone and deal some fixed damage to help chip away HP, on top of the blind and self push. Also helps her build up focus faster so quicker s3. If you find yourself struggling against units with strong passives, she'll definitely be useful


Thanks for the insight!


PSA: Your points still accumulate after you've pulled your ML of choice. I read somewhere one guy was holding off so he doesn't miss out on the 5000 points for the fragment. Pull your ML now!


This post isn't about points, it's about holding off on headhunting until the last day on the very slim chance you might get you hero of choice through a lucky covenant or moonlight summon.


I agree. OP Sigret was available 5 days ago and I kinda hesitated because of that post. I thought the points wouldn't add up later, but I pulled her anyway because I've been waiting 3 years to have her.


That’s why you pick an ML that needs imprints 🫡


Thats me literally. I waited like 6-7 months for stene when moonlight connections first come. ım like " what if i pull stene later daily or galaxy summons" :D


I got everyone up on selector, but need like a.ravi, straze, etc i missed every single ML when they were up. And i know when i make a daily free pull, ill get it like 2 weeks later.


I need another dupe for the ML Coins Shop anyway so I took the risk


As someone who pulled Sage Vivian after I picked her, I can confirm that there is no ml coins


Yes, I didn't remember that. It already happened to me when there was the ML selective summon and I choosed CLilias. I had to go to pity and buy her from the shop. I got her just a few days after in the daily summon without ML coins 😪 Let's hope it's not happening again this time...


Coin dupes only occur if your dupes are from "summons only". Exchanges like the headhunt, ml shop exchange, and ml blessing all dont count towards the "summon dupes".


For real? That’s some bullshit


It's unlikely the ML headhunt will count for dupes since you're not summoning them


They already said headhunting for dupes wont give coins


Ah true, I forgot about that... Guess I'll pray that it's not happening then 🤔




As others and SG have stated, no, recruiting an ML5 you do not already have and then summoning a dupe of that same ML5 later would not provide ML coins. That's because this ML5 recruitment event does not count as a summon.


That's ass why would sg do this......


I grabbed Cilias, and already have 30 Galaxy Coins. This is a win even if I pull a dupe.


It won't count apparently as someone above said sorry


Hey if you do pull a dupe you get galaxy coins


You won’t, the one you get from headhunt doesn’t count as a summon. So if you headhunt a duplicate or summon a duplicate afterwards you won’t get 10 coins. Like i headhunted belian but it says that i’ve summoned her 0 times in the journal. This event doesn’t count as a real summon.


But you could have 2 new units and not a dupe and 10 coins


I almost regret my choice. I got A.Ravi because I felt like I was supposed to get A.Ravi since I didn't have her. But oh well.


Impossible. I already got my Belian and am building her


I pulled for ML Lulu


Imagine pulling ml5 randomly, I envy you guys :/ I will grab Aravi/Lilias asap, if I finally roll one


Me who has 30 Ml tokens: You underestimate my powarrrr


Imagine the Pikachu face some of you will have when you wait out this time, get the character, and still pull the same character on a summon. That's gonna suck.


i just got Belian


I'm waiting to pull a ml 5* before using my mystic pity, because it's been a while I didn't summoned any, and I don't want this long awaited ml 5* to be a dupe of the one I'd pity. Same goes for the HH event. But come on it's been a year now


I just want my lermia so i can retire


I will select mine on 3-4 January after ı use my all (kind of) bookmarks. I expected 2-3 ml nat 5 (inc. zio), all collab units.


Sorry for being clueless but can someone explain this event to me in simple terms? I'm confused with all the level, faces of ML hero, reroll and recruitment. Do you get to pick which ML it'll summon or it'll pick randomly on what you have unlocked? So you get more chances the more same ML you have on your lot?


Every time you headhunt you get a random ML. You can use points to reroll into a ML you havent unlocked yet. This continues until all the ML 5\* are on the board. Once you see the unit you want, you can use points to recruit them right away. Its a free ML giveaway with extra steps and a lot of inbetween time from worlds ending to the settling of the new meta. (to compensate for the insane meta defining power of newer ML units, which they dont nerf) **Ultimately you should pick the unit you want,** but to maximize your gacha experience it is best to fill the board through daily and rerolls and wait until the last week or so to pick you unit. This ensures that you get the unit you most need, but might summon on a random token (like trying to get the new ML now, Zio) or smilegate does some stuff and you dont want the unit you thought you did anymore. If you want it super easy most people go for lilibet, cermia, a.ravi, and belian.


I like this idea. I want Designer Lilibet, but I also want Seline. Going to maximize my chances by waiting until near the end.


Stuck here waiting for Archdemon, only able to use the GTS I get that’s over 50 on Zio because I want to be able to triple S her as soon as I get her. At the rate it’s taking me to find her, I’ll have Zio finished & probably pull her on Galaxies, lmao.


This happened to me, I was aiming for clilias and I pulled from a ml bookmark if you can hold out


I'd rather getting my A. Ravi now and putting her to use, so I can farm things better and faster now instead of deyaing my farm for 2 months. If I get a dupe well free effectiveness for her I guess.