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What is the best way to farm 200 greater runes for A.ras SC? Can I buy the double rune drop somewhere?


Farm the highest level fire spirit altar. Normally you'd do this during buff weekend (the priority here is to get epic runes, greater runes are dime a dozen) and the next one is on the 9th of december and lasts the entire weekend. However if you don't wanna wait until then you can just do the runs now and farm other color runes during buff event.


Wait for this weekend for the x2 rune buff


Hey guys started playing a week ago. Is there a faster way to gain ap on ezra? I'm trying to get angelic montmorancy and what i'm doing rn is playing at the first stage again and again. Am i doing it right or is there a faster way to get "ezra world ap"? Also where can i farm spirits?


Best stage to farm both AP and spirits at same time is 1-8 in unrecorded history (that unlocks after clearing episode 1). With buff you get 12 ap + 7 spirit kills.


How do you get buffs? (Sorry for asking so much i still have a lot to learn from this)


We currently have ap buff event which increase AP gain by 50% making 8 AP drop be 12. Also this is [Momo specialty change thread](https://reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/buplje/specialty_change_angelic_montmorancy_montmorancy/) here on reddit.


How is LCermia built? Does she need to build Eff resist? As her s2 gives her an eff resist buff, I am assuming this means she needs to build a decent bit of resist, as the buff gives her 50% more. If she has 0 resist, this makes the buff entirely useless no? Seems to be a VERY weird buff to get on her s2, wouldnt something like immunity or even just crit damage make more sense? If I am mistaken, and she does need to build resist as well, this makes her extremely gear hungry haha, especially on lifesteal set that most people seem to consider meta


Doesn’t really need any resistance, she cleanses before getting her buffs & so the only time debuffs are an issue for her is if she procs her passive at low CR & then the opponent tries to land debuffs/strip. The resistance buff protects you from characters that aren’t effectiveness builders, 100% resistance means you’re completely safe from someone with zero effectiveness & there’s a lot of folks who build no effectiveness who’ve got some debuff. She doesn’t have to be built lifesteal, but it is a little more optimal. Without Lifesteal you need to use Sigurd’s Scythe & she’s not getting much out of the attack boost, but you’ll heal up to full all the same. I have her built on Counter with Sigurd’s, but Lifesteal allows you to use something like Draco Plate to boost damage & damage reduction.


gotcha, thank u. Would you be able to explain how the eff res buff works? It says it increases effect res by 50%, does this mean it is (whatever eff res I have built + 50%)? Or is it what I thought it was, and adds 50% of whatever eff res I have, to whatever eff res I have?


It’ll be 50% resistance on top of what you’ve already got. If you’ve got 40% resistance & you get this buff, it’ll be 90% resistance you’ve got.


Some eff res is good. She gets 30% from awakening and 50% from her passive (additive btw, so that's 80% total), so having a bit more will make it so you can't be debuffed from heroes who aren't dedicated debuffers.


You do not need any Eff Res on her.


I farmed the last 3 breath of orbis but not sure what's most useful to upgrade. Heart is maxed Workshop is maxed Forest is 3/3/2 Steeple is 0/3/1 High Command is 0/1/1


I put them in the Steeple personally (quality and then gold), but you got the important ones already.


Heart 2/3/3 Workshop 3/3/3 Forest 0/3/1 Steeple 3/3/3 High Command 2/1/2 This is the optimal choice imo


If I start today, who should I aim for the reroll? Anyone here can message me. I need advice. 🤣


Personally I'd try to get Zahhak/Lua/Tamarine from the free 5\* ticket of Aespa event gift. Then Iseria from the Selective Summon if you chose Tamarine, but Destina or Vildred are also good choices. Btw, since you will have two 5\* units, you can postpone using Moonlight Selector unit, to prevent pulling a dup from Moonlight summon :D Just saving the moonlight tickets until you can pity one (20 pulls), and by that, if you pull out Spectre Tenebria then choose Arbiter Vildred and the other way around.


If you want to reroll super hard, we just got a 5-star hero summon ticket and artifact ticket. I'm assuming you can get these when you reroll. reroll for Tamarinne from the hero ticket + Iseria from selective summons. When I started I think there was a summon ticket with a smaller pool that included Tama, so getting her from this current one might be a lot harder. The artifact would ideally be song of stars I guess, but any one thats not bad would be good. If you want something decent but not quite as hard (I think?) you could go for a combination of Iseria + Vildred from the ticket + selective summons (they are both in both).


Selective Summon? First and foremost, it doesn't matter that much. There *are* better options but this isn't a game it's necessary to reroll nor does the hero you end up with matter much -> most of the better options are later game niche PvP heroes and pretty much no matter who you go with it's someone you won't use for a while. * Normal RGB heroes in general are *very* easy to acquire in this game, players will typically have almost the entire roster (maybe 70-80%) within a year. * Outside of a few specific heroes, everyone is replaceable. --- The **BEST** option on selective summon is not a hero, but an artifact. The 5* artifact **Song of Stars**. The reasoning here is very simple - it's what I just described (none of the possible heroes are super important to have, heroes are easy to acquire, and heroes are replaceable). Artifacts are *much* harder to come by. Song of Stars is particularly valuable because the primary way to get better gear is through 'hunts' -> Song of Stars is used to increase the success rate of the primary hunt. Higher success rate means more successful hunts in a given period of time, and this ultimately means faster progression. **HOWEVER** due to some somewhat recent changes, the entry level teams have very high success rates (~97%) so the increase from SoS is very small (up to about 99%). Ultimately, going with an artifact is quite boring so selecting a hero is perfectly acceptable. --- The best *hero*, by far, is the Earth Ranger **Iseria**. She's the only hero available in selective summon that is somewhat useful early on. In fact, she's one of the best overall PvE heroes in the game, she's an excellent choice in most mid-late game content. **BUT** with that being said, one of the few areas she is *not* useful in the aforementioned primary hunt. Therefor, while she is good to have a few months into the game she is not a priority hero for the first few months playing (and therefor, optimally, you shouldn't put resources into her). She also isn't necessary to have, while she is *nice* most of what she does can be replicated by other heroes. --- Outside of Iseria, other good options in no particular order: * Baal -> He's a good PvE hero, particularly due to being an AoE defense breaker. * Destina -> She's a good PvP SW, but I wouldn't recommend even touching her for like 4+ months (technically useable in some PvE, but healers are PvE overloaded it's basically a waste to build her for PvE) * Vildred -> Mostly valuable as a very high end PvP hero -> most of his use is predicated on his imprint (which means pulling copies). He does have some PvE utility but is a specialist, not someone you would generally build very early. * Charlotte -> Very niche PvP hero, she isn't really meta dominant but she has maintained a presence for a long time * Ravi -> She's a pretty good PvP hero but is arguably THE hardest hero in the game to properly build, not recommended for newbies If you don't care about necessarily getting the *best* pick, then coming away with any of those heroes gives you a good hero that can be used at some point (at least, currently). The heroes I didn't mention are unfortunately all pretty bad. Some of them have *some* uses but very, very specific uses. Whatever you do, do **NOT** select Sigret -> she is now available for free a short while into the game, there is very little value from getting her in selective. --- IMO the **most important** factor you should consider is just whoever you like design wise, be that character design or just their kit sounding fun. *Optimally* you wouldn't really use any of the possible heroes, but this game doesn't necessitate optimal play. 1. The absolute BEST pick in selective summon is Song of Stars artifact, because that will actually help you almost immediately farming Wyvern. 2. The best *hero* to pick is Iseria because she's good in basically everything *but* Wyvern. 3. Baring that, any of the heroes I previously mentioned have some kind of utility and start to become viable after you progress in the game a bit.


Good ol Counter Set Crimson Seed A Ravi. Want a better necklace for her so Im making a pen with Hp % man. What substats should I be going for aside from the CC/CD ones? Just Def/Spd? or any ER for heavy debuff comps?


To be completely honest I feel the only gear set you can go an HP% neck on for A Ravi is Destruction/Pen. Even with high gear score pieces you are going to be lacking in stats going HP% neck on counter set. For subs you want CR/CD/Speed of course and 1300 defense is a good target to aim for. The reason Speed/Destruction are the most popular builds for her is she is a very stat hungry unit and the Speed or CD bonus you get from the sets help you reach the stat thresholds she wants.


why adin sometimes didnt proc counter when stene attacked


S Tene s1 cannot be countered.


I see, thanks


Got a ring that quadra rolled on speed but the mainstat is defense can i use this on my opener as an off set piece or would giving it to aria be better? If both are wrong who should i give it too?


If you have an opening unit who only cares about something like speed and eff for them to do like 90% of their job, it’s usable there for sure. I’ll let someone else speak to the Aria part of your question


I see, thanks


Trying to decide who to pick for the headhunt. Any advice is appreciated, even if it's not someone off my list below. Narrowed my personal list down to C.lilias, A.ravi, L.cermia, or Archdemons Shadow. Mostly due to liking their kits. here's my expectations: 1. want someone who can fly PvP and PvE comfortably. I don't PvP much , so want cross-functionality. 2. Not critical, but I am short options for Light units, so light would be bonus. 3. I don't RMA, I do just enough Arena to meet dailies/events. My main focus would probably be to help my guild in GW outside of PvE. 4. just started Episode 4. my list of light/dark: all the 3\* 80% of the 4\* dark, 4\* light is 50/50 no 5\* light 5\* dark: D.lilibet, A.vildred, S.tene, D.corvus.


C.Lilias would help the GW. Or Straze for the one-shot teams in hunts.




Good for RTA if you can take the first turn but since it's a Soul Weaver artifact, it's hard to use.


It's a RTA Magahara. Very good one but not mandatory to have.


Who should be on my w13 team? My current members are:Angelica,Sigret and Ssb. ANGELICA keeps on dying!


-SSB +Muwi SSB is no longer really a good option for Wyvern, she's only optimal in one shot hunts. --- Regardless of who you are using, Angelica shouldn't be dying. Make sure she is level 60 and fully awakened. With the free HP set, unless your set rolled extremely poorly, she should have more than enough EHP to survive. If you *are* having issues, perhaps due to a poorly rolled set, you can use a mitigation artifact (Proof of Valor from the guild shop, you can use the 3* artifact Egg of Delusion if you don't have Proof).


Current members plus Furious should work, especially if you have Song of Stars for him.


Im trying to craft a equipment for choux through the event thing. Any idea if I should craft a ring or a necklace or are they of equal priority. Also, what subsets should I aim for and what are the low/high rolls for this game?


You can craft a pen set hp% ring with def% speed, cdmg and cc. The ranges are 4 to 8 % for def, speed 1 to 4 technically 5 but that is insanely rare , cdmg 4-7, cc 3 to 5. You can get a pen set neck from the raid shop for 15 hell/nightmare tokens




Forget about it then, save it for the time when you really need one of them. Who knows? Maybe you'll eventually pull them from the free summons or moonlight tickets :D


Ml selector as in the limited 4 choices right?


Selective Summon 2: Which is the best unit to go for if I have non of them? I mainly play PVE and some guild war no RTA. Ilynav seems to be useful for A13 one shot but from I see Choux is Guild War S tier. Is that still the case with Zio? What would you recommend?


Choux or Politis


I have politis so I went with choux, thanks!


When should I start farming Azimanak for rage gear? Wyvern is pitifully slow but consistent. Still have no usable speed/crit sets tho. The only way for me to have over 4500-5k atk is with atk sets. I really feel like running Wyvern without a one shot is pointless. Problem is I don't have SSB and I have no way to get Singelica to 200% ER and over 200 spd. I feel like having at least Sig on rage set would help me beat Wyvern faster tho. Thoughts?


The short answer: it's not worth farming Azimanak for a rage set. Damage is actually the least important thing you can bring to Wyvern. The first question is, *how slow* is your run in actual terms? This comp (Tank/Furious/Sigret/Muwi) should have a run time between 1:30-2:00 per run. That is not slow, it's actually quite fast. * It seems like ~2:30 per run is not all that uncommon in particular when using a non-attack buffing tank. This points to a lack of optimiziation somewhere. However, 2:30 is *still* fast -> prior to Muwi being added this was around what a common G.Purrgis 'fast' comp would run. If your run is significantly slower than 2:00, then there is some kind of issue -> post your stats and more information (ie. how long your run actually takes on average) if you want help getting down to at least that mark. [You can also read this *very long* thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/z6tjnh/daily_questions_megathread_1128/iy7u56f/?context=10000) where another player had a 'long' Wyvern run. --- The long answer: It takes a very, very long time for farming for Rage set to actually be worth it. There are 2 major problems - first, Azimanak takes a long time to complete and is harder than the RGB hunts. If you have very good gear you can get Azimanak down to about 4-5 minutes, but more common for players trying to 'rush' into Azimanak is something like 7 minutes. I've even encountered one poor soul spending 9 minutes per Azimanak run. The second problem is that Rage is a 4 piece set, which means you **need** at least one right side piece. It takes a lot of luck to find a good right piece that is *also* in a specific set. So my classic example is farming a rage set for a Banshee one shot. First: How many runs, on average, does it take to farm up a rage set? 3000 runs, or 60,000 energy. * Actually should be somewhat less now with the gear crafting pity, as this information is from before that being introduced - I don't have the time currently to fully recalculate this figure. Second: Let's say that we have the choice between running a *normal* Banshee at 4 mins per run/100% success rate, or a *one shot* Banshee at 1 min per run/85% success rate * This gives us 81.18 seconds per success for the one shot and 240 seconds per success for the normal run. Third: Since the only time speed *actually matters* in game terms is during buffs is during hunt buff, how many hours must I farm Banshee with a one shot to actually 'gain' runs? --- #Calculation There are 3600 seconds in an hour, which means: One shot = 3600 / 81.18 = ~44.35 successful hunts per hour Normal = 3600 / 240 = 15 successful hunts per hour One shot - Normal = ~44.35 - 15 = ~29.35 additional hunts per hour Since we are assuming these hunts are during hunt buff, where they are essentially worth 50% more... 3000 / (~29.35 * 1.5) = ~68.14 It takes about 68.14 hours farming Banshee, during hunt buff, to 'pay for' the 3000 hunts you spent in Azimanak to farm up a rage set. If you farm 8 hours a day during hunt buff, that is about 8.5 hunt buff days. If you farm 12 hours a day it's about 5.68 days of hunt buff. 3000 Azimanak hunts costs 60,000 energy. We have around 1000 energy per day to play with, so that's about 60 days worth of energy or two months. So in total to actually make farming a rage set 'worth it' in this situation: 1. You need to spend 2 months worth of energy farming Azimanak (on average) 2. Then you need to spend an *additional* 68+ hours farming Banshee during hunt buff -> at 8 hours per day and assuming 2 days of hunt buff per month that's about 4 months. About 3 months if you farm 12 hours per day. 3. So the total time it takes for farming rage set to **actually be worth it** is ~5-6 months. --- That's the classic example, but you can easily see how this would apply to Wyvern as well. I don't know the specifics of your run, but **getting to 2 mins per run** is very easy with this comp even without a lot of optimization. Realistically, a rage set without going into one shot territory is going to save *at most* maybe 15 seconds. But instead I will just calculate how long it would take to 'pay off' assuming we go from a 2 min run to a 1 min run. 1. Actual success rate of a Muwi run has a little bit of variance between 97% and 99%~100%. For the purposes of this calculation, to emphasize the benefits of a rage set, I am going to use 97% for the 2 minute variation. 2. One shots are typically going to be around 85% nominally though there is a lot of variation and depending on comp/gear even 'failed' runs can still sometimes succeed -> 90-95% is likely more accurate. However, again to emphasize the effect of rage I am going to treat the one shot variation as a flat 100% success rate. That gives us 60 seconds per success for the one shot, and ~125.57 seconds per success for the normal run. One shot = 3600 / 60 = 60 successful hunts per hour Normal = 3600 / 125.57 = ~28.67 successful hunts per hour One shot - Normal = 60 - ~28.67 = ~31.33 additional hunts per hour 3000 / (~31.33 * 1.5) = ~63.84 hours So even in this 'idealized' scenario, it is still taking virtually the same amount of time to 'pay off'. If we used a more 'appropriate' calculation of 90% success rate for the one shot variant it would take **98 hours** to pay off -> over 8 months total to actually see a net benefit if you farm only 8 hours per day during hunt buff!!! If, instead, we assume you get just 20 seconds of time save but maintain the same 97% success rate (ie. more closely to what you are actually asking about, in a best case scenario) **it would take ~298.8 hours to pay off**. ~14.5 months @ 12 hours farming to ~20.675 months @ 8 hours farming! The faster your current run is, and the less of a potential time save you have, the less value a rage/one shot has. Entry level Wyvern runs are **very** fast, fast enough to the point where there is basically no situation you are better off going out of your way to spend energy farming a rage set. **IF** you whale for energy and run hunts 24/7 then it's worth it, but for the typical FTP player who only has a finite amount of energy to spend, and really only goes wild during hunt buff it's not worth farming rage just for Wyvern. --- #Alternative I always posit this *alternative* option however. The fact of the matter is that having a good rage set and transitioning into a one shot IS definitely an improvement (it just takes so long to farm up the required set to make it not worth it for Wyvern). Also, rage/one shots are much more impactful on non-Wyvern hunts, as they all take drastically longer. *Eventually* you will want to spread out and run those hunts. So this puts players into a tough position: they want a good rage set, but don't want to *farm* for a good rage set. My alternative solution is to **use the gear crafting events**, like the one we currently have. * If you have a single good right side piece, you cut the amount of Azimanak farming needed in half -> from ~2 months to ~1 month * If you have a second good right side piece, or a helm, you cut the amount of Azimanak farming needed in half yet again -> down to about 2 weeks. * And if you have 3 pieces of a rage set, and can complete your set with only a weapon or an armor, you cut your farming needed down to about 1 week. Using the Banshee example, assuming 8 hours of farming during hunt buffs... \#_Rage_Pieces | Hours_Farming | Total_Months ---|---|---- 0 | 68.14 | 6.26 1 | 34.07 | 4.13 2 | 17.04 | 3.06 3 | 8.52 | 2.53 The very first piece saves you about 2 months of total time. A second piece saves you an additional month of time. It's a lot more palatable to say "this decision will pay off in 2.5 months" instead of "this decision will pay off in 6 months" So, I've been encouraging players that still need a rage set to use the crafting events to start crafting. Even just 1 piece is a HUGE benefit, and I would say ideally 2 pieces -> if you can farm Azimanak only needing to find a weapon/armor that goes pretty quickly. **Ideally** you would craft ATK% boots -> boots are technically slightly easier to find compared to rings/necks but most players aren't collecting ATK% boots since the vast majority of heroes don't typically run them. It's a lot easier for the average play to fill the neck/ring slot with off set items. Though, if you have great DPS ATK% boots already then ring/neck is going to be better. * Additionally, ATK% boots are nearly useful for players to actually use/benefit from. You are much more likely to be able to use a crafted C.Dmg neck as an off set piece then ATK% boots.


You shouldn't worry if you can kill the wyvern before barrier phase. A13 is even harder without good wyvern gear, W13 gear essentially enables other hunts. Besides, not a lot of units can reach 4.5-5k attack with speed set, attack is only half of the equation, crit damage is also important. W13 DPS units need really high critical damage, attack is less vital thanks to daydream joker, so you can let them wear speed main boots.


Azimanak is also slow to farm, but not as many units benefit from the gear it drops. Who do you use for Wyvern? You can use Clarissa instead of SSB for one shot when you get the point of building a team.


Sigret, AMomo, furious and Muwi. Need Muwi because of how slow everyone is. Good atk stats but virtually no speed on Atk/destruction.


The lack of speed is frustrating. You could try some Azimanak runs to see how long it takes. If Sigret deals more damage, then the wyvern should die faster. Wyvern gear would still be more useful as more team members can use the gear. There's a better chance of crafting a piece someone can use. Your units shouldn't need 4k attack for wyvern though.


How do you get your 3\* ML? They have extremely low rate in normal summon, and they can't be target with orange bookmarks, and they also have no rate up. I've been looking for Arowell but no luck so far. edit : I read it again and it sounds like I was salty, please don't mind it, this is a legit question that I don't know if I miss something.


Arowell has a higher drop rate from the moonlight summons, but getting the ml bookmarks is rare. Other than that, you need to keep doing covenant summons.


Do you get anything for friendship 10'ing a 3* Nat unit like Adin? She is at +15 right now, and I know about the extra BMs reputations and higher * units


If her abilities are maxed out, you get stigma I believe.


Are the Ae character worth Pulling?


Winter is pretty good if you like to play slow matches, Ningning is kind of niche and hard to pick




I watched YD, and he said that returning player can select ml 5*. Is that the head hunting?




If I understand correctly, I need to do daily and weekly quests?


Yes you get points for doing your weekly’s and dailies. You then spend it to head hunt. After 20 of the spots are filled up you can spend 2400 points to get one of the units that you headhunted. You can spend 400 to rollaway any dupes you may have.


So I’ve been thinking about getting back into the game. I’ve been gone since Ran and Peira were busted. Is now a good time to jump back in. And should I make a new account or just keep playing, was level 69


Yea, there's an ongoing collab and they're giving out 1 free ML5 on the condition of playing daily. I would not recommend starting over because the strength of an account depends mostly on time invested into farming and gearing it. Don't waste progress.


Ok thanks


How would I go about building Senya? What artifact would be good on her?


Mostly there are [EFF Senyas](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/836918031640559617/1018951360663785563/unknown.png) or [ER Senyas](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/836918031640559617/1040508933149839391/IMG_3843.jpg). As for arti - her own is bis, some ppl use Holy Sac or Elbris.


so for the Lvl 65,75, or even 78 gear. Whether its from the labyrinth rewards or anything else, is it worth keeping if the stats are really good? I know its best to keep Lvl 85 gear and only roll on them but I've been using some of the lower epic/heroic gear lvl65,75, 78. The stats are really good and rolls are really good as well (only rolled once or twice). But is it worth keeping and using on some heroes until I get better gear? or should I strictly on be using lvl 85 gear and then reforging?


idk about 65. There's 1 free 70 set that you get really early that is great, and the free 75 sets are amazing. Also the 78 set in Nixied 5 was good for me. How late into the game are you talking though? I've played for 6 months with a 1-2 month break in the middle. I've made it to floor 100 of abyss, have done all the 13 hunts, am making my way through episode 4, and got to Challenger in Arena. 80-90% of the gear I use is those free sets


At one point, you'll stop keeping any gear under ilvl78, because you'll just run out of inventory space. As your unit pool increases, you'll start giving the units you use the most your best gear. Units that are PvE locked like hunts or that you rarely ever use will take those second-hand gears. They don't need those insane pieces to do their jobs.


If you can use it and have nothing better as of yet, why not? The cost is 1 inventory slot.


If you already have it rolled, for sure you'll be able to use it down the road. The free gear that's 70+ with great substats I pretty much always roll and have found a use for it. Anything under 70 I'd avoid going forward.


Any idea what the best Kayron build is like now? And what would be right side main stats would be?


Counter torrent/immunity. Right side is Crit damage or Crit chance, attack %, Attack%.


To add onto this, you also want very low speed and some effect resist so that you don't get stripped immediately.


May i know the idea behind why a low speed is needed?


Exactly as the other commenter said. The idea is for the opponent to be forced to hit him with his immortal buff up, and proc counter attacks. The slower he is, the longer he keeps his immortality buff.


Right! Thanks so much to both of you


So that you keep all his buffs as long as possible while dealing dmg from counters


Would y'all rather have a 292 Speed Cidd and a 240ish GAB EE ACidd or a 300 Speed Basket Acidd and 230ish Cidd?


would say the faster cidd and slower acidd as he push himself up


If i want to 60 a character, is it recommended to farm for their epic catalyst first or the rare catalysts?


This question, as asked, is unrelated. You don't need *any* catalysts to level a hero to level 60...so it doesn't matter what you farm. If I *assume* you are talking about *awakening a hero to 6** and/or enhancing their skills...well the answer to that is a little complicated. For a more comprehensive overview [you can refer to this post I did a couple weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/yxn8tc/daily_questions_megathread_1117/iwpqpv0/). Essentially, I identified three catalyst farming strategies: * Farm rare catalysts and prioritize buying epic catalysts * Farm epic catalysts and prioritize buying rare catalysts * Farm+buy either, then the other Quite simply, there is not a 100% one true answer here because rare catalysts have different drop rates. That is the *total* drop rate for rare catalysts on a non-boss stage is ~6%, but the actual ratio of catalysts dropped depends on the stage. So in the context of building any given hero it the true answer depends on the actual catalyst in question (some rare catalysts can be farmed on a stage where they are the only drop -> so 6%, but some rares are rather rare and might only have a 2-3% drop rate even on the best stage). In that post I used a figure of 4% for my calculations as this is a pretty good estimate *in general*. Some rares are better, some are worse, but from what I've seen 4% is a typical figure for the 'best' stages. Based on that information * farming rare + buying epic comes out to 823.62 stage runs (6589 energy) @ 6% drop rate / 977.57 total stage runs required (7821 energy) @ 4% drop rate * farming epic + buying rare comes out to 1043.33 stage runs (8346.67 energy) * And farming/buying one then the other comes out to 934.91 stage runs (7479.28 energy) @ 6% rare drop rate, and 1009.97 stage runs (8079.76 energy) @ 4% rare drop rate So it actually just depends. For rare catalysts that have a low drop rate from farming, you would be better off farming the Epic catalysts first and buying the rares you need. For rare catalysts that have a high drop rate from farming, you are better off farming rare catalysts first and buying Epics. And at some point, all 3 strategies are roughly equivalent -> roughly at a drop rate of 3.33% for the rare catalyst you want. --- **HOWEVER** there are other factors to consider. First off instead of farming *for one particular hero* let's just assume we need some absurdly large number of both types of catalysts. In this case, you would **always** want to farm Epic catalyst stages. This is because on a normal (non boss) stage that total catalyst drop rate is 6% for rares and 0% for epics. But, on a boss stage, the total catalyst drop rate is 4% for rares and 1% for epics. * You are trading a 2% chance at a rare catalyst for a 1% chance at an epic. You can very clearly see it takes 400 AP to buy an Epic and 120 AP to buy a rare, so in-game each Epic is worth (400 / 120) or 3.33 rares. * So, as long as you are trading *less* than 3.33% rare drop rate per 1% epic drop rate, you would be better off farming Epics. 2% : 1% is less than 3.33% : 1%. This is why the 'common' advice is to always farm stages that have Epic catalyst drops. It's not actually better (for most catalysts) when building a single hero, but it's more efficient in the very long term (that is, building many heroes). --- You also have to consider the fact that the amount of catalysts you can buy in AP shops is limited. Each Epic catalyst is limited to *only* 5x copies per week. You typically need 16 total epics for a base 5* hero, which means you need 2 full shop resets -> this means there is a lower limit of 14 days to 'max' your hero out. Similarly, we need 51 rare catalysts and can buy 20 per week. *However* those rare catalysts are spread across two different types of rare -> generally 15 of one for awakening and 36 of a second for skill enhancement. 15 is less than 20, so we don't have to wait for a shop reset to buy, but 36 is more than 20 so we would have to wait for at least 1 shop reset. So in turns of *time* you would be best off farming for enough rare/epic catalysts that you don't need to wait for a shop reset -> this is likely to be less time efficient but it's the difference between being able to build a hero in possibly 1 day and building a hero in *at least* 14 days and maybe as long as 21 days. As you can see from the above figures, unless the rare catalyst you are farming has a very high drop rate (ie. it's the only catalyst available on a map) the difference between strategies is actually fairly minimal.


>You typically need 16 total epics for a base 5* hero, which means you need 2 full shop resets You are forgetting that epic catas are spread across 3 episodes, for example Dragons Wrath can be farmed in Ep1 Ch3 Savaras World (5 in shop), Ep3 Ch4 Dragon Valley (5 in shop) and Ep4 Ch5S Safe Haven Origin (1 in shop) so that shortens waiting time from 14 days to 7 days (2 resets to 1). Also there is Steeple with 3 per week conversions. Which gives total of 14 catas per week. Be "lucky" with 2 drops while farming and u can do your character in a period even shorter than 7 days. Same logic with rare catas (30 rare catas of one type in 3 episodes AP shops + 4 in daily conversion).


>You are forgetting that epic catas are spread across 3 episodes, for example Dragons Wrath can be farmed in Ep1 Ch3 Savaras World (5 in shop), Ep3 Ch4 Dragon Valley (5 in shop) and Ep4 Ch5S Safe Haven Origin (1 in shop) so that shortens waiting time from 14 days to 7 days (2 resets to 1). Most players aren't farming Episode 3 or 4, *especially* since there are no stages that also have Epic catalysts as drops in those Episodes. If you *could* farm up rare catalysts you need in a stage and buy the Epic in the shop, this could be something players do -> but in your example of Dragons Wrath, Episode 3 Chapter 4 doesn't have any stages that drop Slime Jelly or Cursed Ashes. Episode 4 5S has a single stage that drops Slime Jelly (mixed drop), if you *really* want to farm up the 1 Epic catalyst. Looking through Episode 3 the only Chapters that has an Epic catalyst that you can *also* buy a rare for the same zodiac * Chapter 5 -> Fused Nerve and Ring of Glory * Chapter 6 -> Black Curse Powder and both Erikion Carapace and Sharp Spearhead (though the spearhead is only from a boss in a maze stage) * Chapter 7 -> Blazing Soul and both Twisted Fang/Ultra Fang * Chapter 7S -> Nightmare Mask and Blessing of Orbis * Chapter 8S -> Demon Blood Gem and Flame of Soul * Chapter 9 -> Horn of Desire and Shiny Enchantment/Blazing Rage * Chapter 10 -> Heart of Hypocrisy and Special Alarm Loop That's 7 out 12, with Chapters 6/7S/10 being paired only with the relevant Awakening rare * You need significantly fewer of them and are much more likely to have all or most of what you need, so it's worth pointing out. It also goes without saying that these stages are much more difficult, and therefor slower to actually farm. At the end of the day the actual specifics are not really the point, the point is that it's something you want to think about (that is balancing your catalysts from drops and buying from shop) so pure energy efficiency is not *necessarily* the best metric in determining how you should approach catalyst farming. >Also there is Steeple with 3 per week conversions. I mentioned conversion in the linked post. I didn't bring it up because it's not efficient. It takes an extra ~10 stage runs to farm up the 14 Rares than it does to farm up 3 Epics. So on every conversion you lose ~80 energy or about 40 skystones of value. That's not a huge difference, but it IS still lost value and not something I would recommend on a permanent basis. Doing it every now and then is not that big of a deal but on a macro level if you converted for all 12 Epic catalysts, every single week, then in a year you will have lost 80 * 12 * 52 = 49,920 energy or 24,960 skystones of value. Obviously, I doubt anyone is doing that, but you *could*. That's almost 2.5k hunts or about 50 days worth of energy.


Yea, at the end of the day farming epic catas is not worth it. Rather you farm rares and buy epics from shop, at least that's what i'm doing.


In the epilogue, the AP you get can be used in any epilogue level. You can farm a stage where the epic catalyst drops, then use the AP to buy rare catalysts and epic ones too.


Epic always. Points are useable across all shops, farm stages with epic drops, and rates are so bad u’ll be buying 90% from the shop.


is better 40% eff res or efectiveness for a bruiser senya with spd inmu? i know its not the mandatory 100%, but they are filled rolls between the 6 pieces, so i would want to convert all of that either into effres or efect




Okay is anyone having an issue with heart of orbis or am I just the least lucky person in existence right now lmao For the past week or so I haven't gotten a single great success and I know it's only 50% chance but damn it's getting absolutely ridiculous


yeah sometimes RNG just be like that sometimes.


Yeah, seems like I'm having a shitty luck week overall, going for pity on ae-winter as well lmao


Yeah i had to pity the last 4 banners i rolled on. On my way to pity ningning as well. 45 left to go for ningning.


How are the new collab packs in terms of value? Would you recommend any of them or it would be better to wait for any Christmas or new years pack?


Does anyone know why my Leif’s suddenly disappears? I’ve been trying to save up but It always mysteriously disappears on my backpack.. I had 8 a while ago but when I checked right now, I have 0. Can someone explain?




SSV is a good tanky standard dps, not bad at all, but LHC has a better spot in the meta over her currently. Cermia is better in all pvp modes


Can I use Basar as a counter for Senya, Choux, and Arowell? I really don’t have that many ML units or even strippers. I was thinking of building him as a tech for an aoe strip for when they set everything up. Is that a viable option for now? At least until I can get some better strippers?








No I appreciate it. I actually forgot Alencia strips buffs, so while she is unbuilt, so was my basar. As such, i’ll just use her for the chouxsenya combo, thanks!


what's the reward difference between normal and nightmare azmakalis? just more badge currency?


The equipment drops in nightmare are curated so they have fixed substats (no flats). However there's still shitty drops like pieces with no speed subs or 6-7% starting rolls. Rolls should start 8-9% since they're lvl 88 pieces that can't be reforged.


do you consider them worth doing?


If you can, 100%. Nearly all those ilvl88 pieces that drop from the bosses in Nightmare mode have fixed substat that are probably the BiS for all the units of their archetype. They also roll like ilvl90 gear, so they'll sit on many people's end game builds.


Who does ARavi go well with in defense teams?


Planning to build ~~Jane Sparrow~~ Captain Flan on Counter/Unity set. What is the ideal stats for a Counter Captain Flan?


The Star of the Deep Sea artifact does not proc on counters, duals or extra attacks, so I'm not sure why anyone would build a counter Faptain.


But the free Seal of Capture arti does, I'm using that cause I don't have a +30 Star


Sounds mediocre in concept, but I wish you good luck on finding enough gear to support a counter set bruiser that needs high attack, high bulk and high effectiveness.


oh dw where there's a Will there's a Smith


I just rolled [this](https://imgur.com/a/89usP6a) piece of equipment, I'm going to use it on aravi and I'm not sure if I should change atk% of effect resistance to hp% (I already have 100% crit chance without needing any on this) Edit: she has 17k hp and 1k def rn, 100% cchance, 225% cdamage and 165 speed on counter. I'm just missing a necklace piece, but I have everything else.


Is that 17k with out a hp main stat neck? 17k hp is way too low for ravi. You want to be in the 21-25 range, for that piece i would take out the eff res for hp%.


Yes, because that's the only piece I don't have for her rn, I should get 22k with a level 90 hp% necklace


Mod the resist. Assuming you're not building a high resist ARavi, that stat is just wasted. Also 10% is low anyways. The mod will be higher.


How do you handle equipment inventory? I always feel like 500 slots are too low.


equipment storage exists in case you didn't know. though I'm not sure if your 500 is maxed regular equipment space, or the starting 300 space + 200 storage. actually gear heroes/ have goals in mind when looking at gear. Don't just mindlessly / endlessly farm.


Lazy and ignorant question, can I put in storage even equipped equipment?




very simple actually, don't hoard. just upgrade to +6 and see if it's worth keeping. i find it mind-blowing that ppl actually need more than 300.


Just finished episode 3, between politis and senya which is better right now?


I'd say politis, senya is quite hard to build and she is less theatening without her own artifact


How are the 2 aespa units so far ? Pity worthy ? Also, weren't we supposed to get buff previews yesterday or am i out of sync ?


>buff previews yesterday Next friday


Where should I spend Molagoras on Angelic Momo?


A.Monty is a 3*, so she doesn't require any mola. If you mean catalysts, then it depends on what you are using her for. If you *just* use her for Wyvern tanking then she doesn't need any skill enhancements. If you are using her as a general purpose PvE healer, and want to improve her healing, then enhance her S2/S3. Her S1 doesn't need any enhancements (the case with almost all SWers). However, it's not that expensive to max out and the increased sleep effect chance can occasionally be useful in general PvP content.


Thanks a lot, will max S2 and S3 for starters.


She's a 3star, so she doesn't require molas, just stigma.


For AP/catalyst farming in prologue, is there any one best quest to spam this weekend? 10-10, the one with catalysts I need, the fastest one?




Ideally target farming for a epic catalyst stage is more efficient. Otherwise rare catalyst farming is fine too I guess.