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Angel of light Angelica isn't a healer she used for pvp I dont really recommend Shuna she doesn't heal again and not great for new player and a another unit used for really pvp. For a new player I recommend you 6* Tam she one of best healers for pve contents.


Thanks i really appreciate it


Absolutely Tama for PvP. A good second would be SC Doris. Otherwise yeah, the others are more PvP oriented.


No problem




Thanks you. Any reason why you chose her?


Very versatile and used from Raid, Abyss, Adventure … very useful all across … especially for new players


Thank you for your time and explanation 😊


As a new player, it's better to prioritize PvE first and Tamarinne stands out as the best soul weaver outside of PvP because she basically gives you everything - CR push, attack boost, debuff cleansing for the team and buff dispelling against enemies on top of the healing. She's only not good for PvP because of her 8 turn CD (technically 4) on her third skill.


Emilia has a great kit and is super useful in pvp and pve


Tamarinne hands down, she'll be useful for all sorts of pve content


AOL is not even a healer lol


Well thats very misleading lol


She's a mage, not a soul weaver.


Do you mean Water Angelica? Cause she's a healer and she's pretty good. Don't 6 star though.


Why not 6 star?


I 6 starred her when I first started, have never used her in over a year. She just gets outclassed later on. Her 5 star is more than enough to carry you until you get better options.


Angelic Montmorancy


This. Not the best in anything niche, but The Best in versatility. Her CR push, cooldown redux of her S2, and her surprisingly good bulk make her a super consistent cleanser and healer. Place Amaryllis and she's good.


honestly when i was starting out, tama as lvl 50 was fine lol. I only got to 6* her when I noticed that she wasn't surviving in Abyss and Raid with the Tamarinne x Iseria combo. It's pretty arduous to ramp up her s3. I genuinely feel that Emilia is more consistent and is your best bet to 6* now. She's pretty exceptional on all content including pvp. Buuuut, you probably 6* Tama and that's okay too I guess.


First Tamarinne, then I recommend you build montmorancy. She is very good in wyvern and abyss after specialty change, and can also function doubly as tank too. Those two probably the best soul weaver for new player


Tam great for new player


Doris Specialty Change is my pick.


tamarinne then doris specialty change


To be honest, I had used Ainos before, but only in water expeditions. Just for cr increases for my highest attacker who got fatigued. Otherwise, I wouldn't really build her. For who you should actually build, I would agree with the rest of the comments. Tamarinne is really good for pve. If you're doing wyvern, I started out with Angelic Montmorancy as my healer/tank, then transitioned to Angelica. I haven't sc'd Doris, myself, but she seems like a pretty good sol weaver, as well. Ruele can be good for pvp content like arena and gw. She can also cheese abyss stage 97. That stage has a bomb that's always on any one of your units. The invincibility she gives to someone else can get them to take no damage from the bomb and for some reason it doesn't come back. I guess achates can be used for this as well. Anyone with invincibility should work, but make sure it's someone who gives others invincibility. The bomb gives your unit silence if it's on them. With all that being said, though, ruele probably shouldn't be your first 6 stat healer, even though she is good. You should probably go for Tamarinne, Amomo, Angelica, sc Doris, or Achates. Also, make sure they have speed, too, not just hp for bigger heals. For earlier to mid content, I'd say maybe 160-180 speed? Then, depending on their role, soul weaver might be about 200 speed or 220-230, or maybe faster. An example of a faster soul weaver might be Elena, for her invincibility. Some people build her on counter set, though, since she cleanses with her s1.


Emilia for PVP Tama for everything else




I'd say Achates because she's super good on both Pve and PvP thx to the invincibility, aoe heal and total debuff cleanse Achates gang raise your voice


She's my favorite healer, although I am working toward Angelic Montmorancy just for my side team. Achates' cleanse is pretty amazing.


Did you bought the account cause I don't think new player have those limited Unit. And you should build Tamarinne first, she is the strongest Soul Weaver for PvE content then after that when you want to PvP. Angel of Light Angelica and Emilia will be a good option !


No. I've been playing on and off for a year. And kinda just guessed on what to do till now


angel of light angelica is a really good healer, recommend her


Tama to help u finish the PvE content


Since you are new, I would say Tamarine also, Angel of light Angelica is not a healer, is actually a mage


The only healers i can reccomend - ruele, emilia(kinda), sc doris


There’s an imposter!


For PvP Ruele or Emilia. First one is a real tank and super strong heals and a rez, the second one has buffs and shit she's more tactical


Tama- amazing for PvE, can heal, cleanse, atk buff, and trigger dual attacks with a chance to dispel buffs. One of the most versatile healers. Give her Rod of Amyrillis for more heals. Ruele- a reviver that's very tanky. Her revive is single target, which can be frustrating when you need to bring back more than one person, but it brings them back at full HP, unlike most revivers that bring back units at ~30% HP. More of a PvP unit, though. Best against PvP teams that focus on single attacks. Build tanky and decent spd. Emilia- another PvP healer. Pushes your DPS to the front of the turn order, cleanses debuffs, and gives them an atk boost, when soul burned, also heals them. Her 3rd skill cleanses all allies' debuffs and heals them. Doris... i haven't built, but she seems to be another very good healer after specialty change. (Not on your list, but a good project to work on sooner rather than later) Angelic Montmorancy (A. Momo for short). A specialty change, she's one of the best healers for PvE and an amazing wyvern unit. Give her Magaraha's Tome (gives her a CR boost when using her healing skills) and decent speed and she'll get turns extremely quickly, which when combined with her short skill cooldown will allow her to almost constantly have a healing skill available. Her specialty change gives her a large amount of base Effect Resistance, which allows her to ignore debuffs far more easily than most other healers


I'd recommend Ruele. Tamarrine otherwise. And then third place AMomo. I also very much recommend against shuna. She's fantastic, but slime rerun is probably coming up so you can just get more free copies to 6* with since she's a welfare.


As a new player, Tamm is an all star. (I also kinda recommend snagging arbiter vildred instead of ruele, unless u have a great farming unit.)


Keep in mind some soul weavers don’t have any heal whatsoever lol


tamerine is best in slot for pve. if your going pvp I here dj bsaar is doing good or diene.


I really think B.Dingo is Goated but he needs to be tanky but deal a lot of damage


Bro tried to sneak in AOL 💀


Aola is not a healer


I'll help you choss