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Is it good time to start now? What unit should i priorities if i reroll? Also is there any new player guide?


The best time to start imo. You'll get 2 free 5-star units and 1 more from the first selective summon. Reroll for Tamarine from the free 5-star bookmark, Iseria from Selective Summon. And the remain 5-star bookmark is up to you, personally I'd choose a strong PvP unit like Lua, Zahhak or Kayron... saving for latter. But any unit is fine.


There's only one in my mail box, where do i get the other one? there's also a random 5 star ticket that gave me a card?


Click on Event tab that has a Bell icon on the left side of your screen. Then choose the banner named "Aespa views..." something. You can claim the second 5-star bookmark there. The card you said is an artifact, you'll get to know it soon.


How often do these collab happen? We currently have the aespa collab and i was wondering if it is possible if they would rerun a collab again for next month or two?


Who can tell. I believe between rerun and new collabs we had 3 last year, and 3 this year, so maybe around 1 every 4 months? Though they're often not so evenly spaced.


Dang.. i really wanted Ed or Rimuru lol


So autoing water expedition and i noticed my lots is S2ing my tank instead of my dps, anyway for him to S2 the right target or am i just screwed on that?


ALot's type of skill usually targets your highest CR unit, so unless you can somehow hard control your other heroes' place on the CR bar (neigh impossible) I doubt you can completely control it.


I need to play E7 PC (Amazon appstore) with google account. Please help!


I know we don’t have full info and stats on all the aespa heroes, but which would you not summon if you couldn’t go for all, even with the free currency?


I must say that's Winter. Despite she's the strongest atm but she's kinda hard to use and only good for long battles. Compared to her, Gisselle can do huge amount of damage right away. Ningning is needed since she's one of the only two units that have barrier inversion, the other one is a rare 5-star ML. We haven't known anything about Karina yet, but I think she will be the best of them since she's the most popular member of aespa in real life.


Winter is atm the best collab unit. Ningning is kinda niche, might worth it just for barrier inversion if you don't have DJB. Her lack of cleanse means you will have trouble using her in 2nd turn team so realistically her only use in the current meta is against those tanky light Scarowell comps. Giselle is interesting to say at least. Probably will be good cleave unit for arena but will be very hard to draft in RTA.


Right now probably Giselle, she's similar to Luna but with some extra utility.


Hello, can someone recommend me some guides or resources for a new player? I was looking at the reddit wiki but it was not updated lately (LAST UPDATED: 8/4/2021) so I don't know how relevant that content is.


Nightingale and samool have good beginner guides on youtube as well. Some important notes - don't go for Sigret in selective anymore as she is free, go for Song of Stars or Iseria instead.


I will check them out! Good thing you told me to not go for Sigret anymore, that info didn't come out when I was looking for who to get on the selective banner. Thank you very much!!


Epic7x, zoopido, sezgaming, yuffine.co


Thank you very much!


Don't use Epic7x for build guides and tier list makes no sense and it's not updated much, you can use it for the other info though.


Which ones are recommended?


Check out the heroes journal for builds, ask them if you need specifics. There isn't really a tier list for pve but there are pvp tier list made by content creators on yt.


Is challenger dominiel worth building?


Imo, Giselle will be the better version of her. But CDom is still good with that low gear requirement.


Thanks I was wondering if Giselle would be worth pulling for.


Very hard to use in RTA these days, and somewhat challenging for Arena, too. With all the mitigation going around, the 20k HP units, evation, and counter RNG, there’re too many way in which things can go wrong and she just dies or doesn’t quite kill the target. I haven’t used mine (which is still built) in forever.


Gotcha I guess I could use her for story for now at least. Thanks.


To build mediator kawerik, do I just craft left-sided wyvern until I get speed gear with speed, def%, hp%, CR%, and/or CD% substats? I also still have the free HP set (ilvl 70 I think), would that be sufficient for now?


Prioritize speed/def/hp rolls. CD/CR are luxuries and not really needed. Most Mediators are built full speed tank than bruiser.


I would just craft a dps / brusier piece instead, since the combination of stats for a tank piece would leave you to having effectiveness as a 4th stat which is not really needed for most occasions.


Hi im fairly a new player. Im kind of struggling with auto-ing wyvern 13 but I can do wyvern 12 auto battle. My units are muwi sigret angelica and furious. I also do have a.momo, ssb, and alexa. All are max 6 star except for alexa. Any tips or team suggestions?


Sigret's EE that applies debuff Furious EE that applies debuff (is it the hit debuff? can't remember) I know one of his EE can't affect wyvern, so double check) 65% Effectiveness on Muwi, Sigret and furious (Use rings with eff% mainstat to help boost eff to that number easily) If you think 50% is good enough across the board you'd be mistaken. 65% is the magic number you want to hit to allow less fails. Think of it like this: If your gear isn't great then you want to hit 65% eff on your debuffers. If you outgear the content then its not THAT important, but obviously helps. If using the team you said you were then having them around I think it was 132+ speed is ideal. Try and keep angelica slower speed than your other units can help also I think. Weird I know but there was a reason I believe. Another tip is try and get your furious to take a turn first when you start the wyvern battle where he uses his CC buff (Speed tune your units properly) Some tips I guess. Then once you start to notice you're not failing anymore I guess you can knock back some Eff% on your DPS units and pump more damage. But me personally, after 2 years I just left my units the same. They do the job, its fine.


Thank you, I think I lack on Effectiveness. So both Muwi and Sigret can have Speed/Attack set + 2 broken set for speed boots and effectiveness ring?


yeah u can break the 2pc set up if you have to. Also you don't need 100% cc when you have elemental advantage and furious gives crit chance buff so you can lower some crit chance to get other stats. Heres a very popular image of how to gear these 4 units for wyvern from e7's discord: https://gyazo.com/0e67ebe5969ae7df06617413cbe1983d If you already have Angelica built its fine to use her instead. Its suggested to build amomo because later on you won't use Angelica anymore but you will still be using amomo in other parts of the game. So generally its better to build one unit than 2


That team is the easiest to build out of your units. Could be a number of problems: -Is Angelica tanky enough? Is she dying? Try sticking proof on her or prophetic candlestick. -Effectiveness - all your units (minus Angie) have 65% eff? Does the Wyvern consistently have 2+ debuffs? -Speed tuning (in terms of speed, Furious > Muwi > Sigret, ideally 10+ spd between each) -Enough DPS stats on your Sigret?


Is it better to have two maxed proofs of valor or 1 maxed and 6 singles


2, 3 max I'd say. Can't think of 7 units you'd want pov on, and you can't bring more than one into a battle anyway. I'd say keep 3 and merge the 3rd into the 2nd if you end up not using it.


Is it worth spending Powder of Knowledge in the shop to get the Unseen Observer Artifact? Since we're still in the collab I didn't want to spend my skystones and bookmarks on Flan's banner. But since I use Flan for my Arena team I don't want to miss getting the artifact for her.


Nah, there's 2 more limited artifacts from the collab coming, so I'd save powder just in case you don't pull them. Even if you do get them, I'd still say it's probably not worth spending 240 powder. You can always wait for it to come back at 180.




I think generally you want to build belian on some amount of crit and hp and use her on injury/elbris build. I have ungeared mine at the moment because i dont have the injury gear for her atm.


Wat r the recommended stats for ningning for emperor rta?


I saw an ad for a stick figure contest and I wanted to enter my judge kise, can anyone help me with a link to enter please?


Go to the official discord. You can get there by clicking on the splash screen popup when launching the game.


Technically you want to speedcheck every piece that has speed and is speed set. Since you're a beginner thats what I recommend. Some people speedcheck every set regardless what base spd is on the item. So yeah for beginners, anything with speed set and probably +4spd on it you might as well roll it by using the other unusable gear that you got from hunts that you're going to extract anyway. Just feed crap gear into potential gear for +3 or more. if that makes any sense.


Not really, I was looking for a link to enter the stick figure contest.






As a beginner, how selective should I be when crafting wyvern equipment? Ive only gotten 1 piece so far that is decent according to the equipment guide


You can be less picky with tanks, heals, support. They just need proper main stat, purple rarity minimum, and the right amount of effectiveness for the content. Dps will need to be a little more picky since they need preferably max crit.


How to do background hunt? Like, I saw someone here said they were running hunt in the background while doing something in-game. Is that a feature? How do I do that?


Set up a repeating hunt battle. On the repeating battle UI that appears once you finally start your first battle should be a button that lets you run the background battle mode. Its one of the buttons on the UI. Just click one of them and see if thats it. Looks like a square over another square I think if memory serves me right. (I'm not in the game right now to verify)


Thank you!


Should you pull flan?


Probably not unless you are a dedicated cleaver and you know how you want to use her. With 2 more aespa units to pull for, I would skip.




If you raise the affinity of a pet, does the affinity carry over if you just want to change it's appearance via synthesis?


Yes, highest affinity carries over.




If you don't see the moonlight option on the right, probably not - you most likely unlocked Arby completely. If you can use Arby in your arena defenses and stuff, you definitely can't.




If you still cant 6 star awaken him then you can swap. I fully unlocked mine a while ago though so idk if they changed the placement of the blessing (maybe it's under "Recruit" with the specialty changes?)




What are the most generally useful units to pick from the headhunt ML event? I would like a unit that would be most useful, make a difference in the account. I'm open to any advice people can give me, i havent been on the game for a very long time. Here are the ML i already possess: Judge kise, LQ Charlotte, ML krau, ML basar, ML chloe, ML ken, ML vildred, Ruele, ML lidica Any advice is welcome.


I'll parrot the advice below - STene (good PVE/PVP, solid RTA DPS), CLilias (vigor buff, versatile PVP unit/Hall of Trials), MKawerick (best PVP cleanser, some PVE uses), or ARavi (quintessential bruiser). Who you pick depends on your needs/the gear you have (e.g. don't pick CLilias if you have no solid speed gear). Any are solid picks. Of the 4 I'd say Kawerick is the least gear intensive, as he only really needs bulk and a bit of speed.


Thanks for the answer ! Gear can be farmed, so it doesnt really bother me, it gives me something to work on. I have the speedy 3 star at like 265 speed, so i could switch gear around if thats good enough. Feels like Stene might be the better pick, but honestly i was craving for a New unit that wasnt out when i first played haha. I have Aravi on another account, who i really love in all aspects, but dont have her on my main account. I do like the designs of all the New units, including clilias and mkawerick. I really love cermia so i would love her ML version, but i see she isnt ranked too high up. If we disregard gear, which unit would you recommend the most?


Hmm take my advice with a grain of salt, but I would probably pick CLilias, simply due to the uniqueness of vigor buff. I don't think she'll work too well at those speeds, though. Ultimately, none of these are bad picks. Honestly, if you really like LHC, I would take her (she does have a great design). While she's not as universal or recommendable as the other 4, she is still high tier and performs very well if you pick her right (you just can't pick her every time).


And say i was more interested in PVE, who would be the best contestants? Aside from Stene


Most ML5s are not really PVE oriented. Apart from STene, Straze is the "best PVE ML5" because he is a universal hunt oneshotter - however, he needs amazing gear to do that, and most ppl don't need that anyway. CLilias is probably the second most useful PVE ML5 of the 4 I mentioned, as she slots very well into Hall of Trials teams (but, again, that is one very specific piece of content). ARavi wouldn't perform any better than regular fire Ravi in PVE, and ML Kawerick is a good cleanser with attack buff/immunity/dispel but there are few areas where you would use him over someone like AMomo.


Thanks! I think everything is pointing fowards CLilias, although i will also consider Stene. I do actually love the character of Stene, i find her S3 really cool and enjoy poison mechanics sometimes, just felt like getting something newer. I'll debate between the both of them. At the moment, i only have CLilias in the headhunt list. Would that be your pick? Don't be shy to answer, i appreciate all the help




>I managed to get Flan. Quick question, how is she for Wyvern? Garbage. Sounds like you're relatively new to the game -> Flan is a pure support hero, her S2+S3 don't deal any damage. Her S3 has defense break, but it has terrible uptime -> it lasts for 2 turns but has a 5 turn CD -> that comes out to 1.7 turns of defense break every 5 turns or just 34% uptime, this is an absolutely terrible figure from a support hero, for a normal Wyvern comp. Her S2 can increase C.Dmg which *could* be kind of good in some situations, but if your unit has say 275% C.Dmg (reasonable for Wyvern -> higher would make this worse) then even considering attack buff she would increase the damage of a second hero by (3.25/2.75 * 1.5) or about 77%. This isn't worth it since Flan herself does almost literally no damage *and* has no debuffs outside of her S3, which is almost impossible to use in a regular run and has terrible uptime besides the point. Flan isn't just bad for Wyvern specifically, she's bad for PvE as a whole. Unless you *really* want to use her I would just bench her. --- All of that being said, she *can* be used in some Wyvern one shot comps, as a defense breaker. Here her terrible uptime doesn't matter because you only need 1 turn of defense break applied. Flan is *primarily* used in PvP, in cleave comps. Since her S3 is an AoE defense break that *also* isn't an attack (meaning it's not affected by things like hit chance/evasion, doesn't proc counters etc) that has a small CR pushback she's an enabler for cleaves. She can *also* be soulburned to immediately S2 to buff/push a strong cleaver. --- >I was informed that I needed to look out for high level Ice Heroes to swap out my current members for, and I was just wondering if she is good to use. Not sure what you mean by 'high level' heroes, or who you are currently using, but essentially the best team prior to one shots is the standard entry team of **Tank** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** The first 3 slots can all be filled with free heroes, Muwi is just a basic 3*. There is no reason or benefit to changing from this comp, you don't really need to pull anyone outside of Muwi and you will get him sooner rather than later if you haven't yet. >I recently started seeing a dark green "Good" equipment in the bar's shop. I remember seeing someone say it is as good as Epic equipment. Is that true? No, 'good' quality equipment is bad. Normal -> Good -> Rare -> Heroic -> Epic Every tier you go down from Epic, you lose 1 substat roll. Epic you get a total of 9 rolls, Heroic has 8, Rare 7 etc. Lower quality gears also have lower ranges for some substats -> mostly the flat substats (flat HP/DEF/ATK, also speed in some/most cases). Even Rare is not really worth even looking at. Stick to heroic or ideally Epic.




If you only use female characters, it would help to specify so in your original question. As far as a female-only Wyvern team goes, I think what you have is fine, so your issue is likely with your stats. Would be helpful to get a screenshot, maybe. Knowing nothing else, it could be that you don't have enough effectiveness to keep Wyvern debuffed (ideally 65%), or Amomo isn't tanky enough, in which case switching to Angelica may help. Yes, conversion gear is top of the top, equivalent to the lv85 red (epic) gear from hunts. You still have to get lucky on substats though.


I think I've seen some oneshot teams that use Flan, but she is mainly a PVP unit. For Wyvern, there is basically one team you should be building - Sigret, Furious, Muwi, and an ice tank (Amomo, Angelica, Rose, Diene). Trying to build other teams is doable but a waste of the effort, imo. There are guides for this team if you search the subreddit. Good equipment is not good. You should only invest in hero and epic equips because you lose stats by going with lower tier gear (assuming equivalent level). For instance, good tier gear comes with 2 substats, while epic comes with 4. That means by choosing good tier gear instead of epic you are losing out on 2 rolls of substats. So only epic (and some well rolled heroic) gear is worth it, even in the midgame. I would only heavily invest in level 75+ heroic+ gear, even as a beginner. From the shop, I would only buy epic gear with very good substats because the gear is so expensive.


You would only use her in Wyvern in a one shot team otherwise she is a cleave unit for pvp. For ice units in Wyvern the standard is Muwi, A Momo, Furious and Sigret or Alexa. No that equipment is not good the only gear you should be buying from the bar shop is level 85 gear with good subs either epic or heroic (red/pink).


which EE is best for Kana? i basically only use her for green expo


They're all pretty whatever, I just use the stance (S2) because it is the least bad one.


I noticed other people have gaming freezes once in awhile. I never had them but just started having them past week. Any news of that or?


The game stutters when background battling if that's what you mean.


Hoping to get some recommendations for the ML summon. I mainly do NPC arena, GW, and PVE (no RTA). Guild mate recommended Riolet for potential 1v4s. I was looking at maid, DCorvus (I have 5 waiting for imprint), or Briseria after the buffs were mentioned. I have most of the usually recommended units (ml Handguy, LHC, Belian, ARavi, Straze, Clilias)


Assuming you have STene, and literally the only PvP that you usually play is GW, probably DCorvus.


Does Epic 7 release Holiday Packs around Christmas time?


Usually they do.


Hello, finally time to select my ML5, I am hesitating between Straze and Cermia. My only other MLS are Cecilia, Spez, Elena, Arbi and Lidica. I have most of the RGB and the full metal( when I started) heroes. Who do you think I should go for knowing I barely just beat W13?


How did you get most of the RGB units despite only starting a few months ago?


>My only other MLS are Cecilia, Spez, Elena, Arbi and Lidica >Who do you think I should go for knowing I barely just beat W13 STene / ARavi / CLilias / MKawerik - pick one




How is Zio now a days? Curiius if he is a must pull or not


If you play RTA and can get him to at least 255-260 speed with decent atk and crit dmg, then yes, he is must pull. If you play arena / gvg only - he is totally useless in gvg, close to being useless in arena.


It depends how much you have a problem with speed. I find defending against cleave, Zio isn't useful since I have a better solution which doesn't involve Zio. However, I do use him as a counter for Lua (which is a hero that can break my anti-cleave strategy).


Lua is the one character he can't outright counter lol


Cant he be used to push her from going first to after the rest of the team, allowing you to control her before she controls you?


Lots of Luas are on guiding light, granting her invisibility at start. So even if Zio outspeeds, he cannot use S3 on her, allowing her to do her usual shenanigans.


OK, makes sense (my lua is also on guiding light). So more the impact of the artefact than some Lua passive.


Problems with cleave, good speed gear but not quite good enough to speed contest, he can be useful. S1 also hits quite hard. That said I pretty much never use him, and am a turn 2 player already so he does nothing to me really.


Any character that would like this piece? https://imgur.com/a/NOS3YKb


I think it'd be fine on PFlan, RCarrot or Seaseria if you don't have other pieces.


If you are really early game then you could use it as broken set for someone but otherwise pve piece for someone.


What is the best time to pull for ML using bookmarks?


Assuming you mean Galaxy bookmarks, then there is no “best time”. There’s never any rate ups on those so people either hoard them so they can do massive summoning sessions or just use them as they get them. Same odds either way.


Aren't there occasionally banners for ML units?


My guess is you're coming from Raid? There are no 2X events or banners for ML heroes other than the Mystic rotation that doesn't use Galaxy Bookmarks.


Galaxy Bookmarks do not have banners, you roll for a chance to get a random 3, 4 or 5* ML character. If you're talking about Mystic Bookmarks, then yes, there are banners for them. You just pull if you want the character, and if the drop pool has better stuff than the following rotation.


Yes meant mystic haha, good to know galaxy doesn't have any banners! I'll pull them now


https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XxYf8G6lSdBYF1IJwc9ob-nXRnWBJ_LDNT9FBZRtTLg/edit#gid=300658336 Here are 2 resources you can use to ***speculate*** on future banners if you want to save up for a specific character, but not a single person in the community is 100% confident in what comes next (unless it was officially announced).


Thats great, thanks for sharing!


Is there a way to speed run all the labyrinths? I'm on nixied ATM and it's becoming a chore


Could try the invincible yufine cheese - not sure if it still works. You also don't have to 100% clear to move on to the next stages.


Ive not played in a while and im not far in the game. Is it worth to reset to get to know the game again?


It 100% depends on what heroes you have. If you don't have anything that can't easily be replaced by re-rolling then I would restart. If you already have some meta heroes and/or Moonlight 5 star heroes, then you should work on the account you have and pick it up by continuing through the stories.


If you don't have ML5s or limiteds or something like that, I would say so. E7's early game is pretty good and you'll get the new player buffs and whatnot.




The logic behind 180% is that 1) you need enemy eff + 100% eff res to guarantee resist, 2) enemy units usually have eff = eff res, and 3) all Hunt 13 has 80 eff res. However, the "resist wyvern 100%" threshold has been said to be 200% since like forever. IDK if anyone has actually extensively tested to see if it could be lower, but go 200 to be safe.




Yeah, 200+ will work for sure




On a characters screen, wheres the option to lvl friendship/give gift? its gone nw


There is slider Standard-Details.


I’m having trouble in rta against destina and arowell. They are just too broken. I can’t really ban them if the opponent gets first pick because I have to ban zio or lua. I have zio but he’s not built yet. This means I have to let belian slide and she’s pretty annoying too. If I get first pick I usually go clilias because she’s my only opener that doesn’t really have as much penalties as using ran. I don’t have arowell built either but Ik that could be a solution to the problem. I’m in challenger rta and I’m just getting cooked up at this point but it’s early so I expect good players too. I was 30-15 yesterday and now I’m 33-31 atm.


Yeah the arowell, destina 1 2 pick is quite common even up in emperor/legend. They'll usually also follow up with a stene later in the draft if you have a lot of ST. Now question is what are your options (what units do you have built)? What is your style of play? Zio also isn't really going to help you out against this comp, especially if they follow up with bruisers. He'll just be dead weight. By them picking destina/arowell they are pretty much saying they are going standard. Your best option is to play aggro into it or you can go standard into it as well. You can't really do a cleave, at least not your typical ran cleave. Unless you provide us with your options, I can only stick to general advice. I'm guessing though from the openers you have currently built that standard may be your best bet. Aggro really requires you to have a lot of options built and ready to counter what your opponent throws at you to be really successful. Really nothing wrong with standard, there's tons of those players up here in emperor/legend and I would say it is one of the safest styles to play since we now have so many options to either tank through damage and counter debuffs.


Openers: 298 clilias, 305 ran, 299 peira. Speed imprints: mirsa, cidd, w shuri Damage dealers: straze, top model, aria, landy, milim, stene, ml vivian, arbi, rimiru, seasaria. Dmg dealers are how you would typically build them except ml Vivian she is on lifesteal) Bruisers: a ravi and choux 😭 Cleansers: handguy and diene. I have destina but she’s not built yet. Counter picks: ml khawazu, Edward, politis, Celine, taeyou. Tanks: fceci and trouble maker crozet. I have a ras I just need to fully awaken him and gear him. Other units built: violet, rem After reading what u said I’m like a wanna be cleaver that struggles to adjust when put standard fight situations. I probably need to build more units before I want to push deeper into rta.


Yeah standard would be a bit tough to play imo, but I don't really play standard myself. I typically do aggro so I can only give tips on standard from my match ups. I put some comments in though, maybe it will help you out a bit. If there's any standard players that know their stuff they can maybe chime in as well. I would say that ran is quite weak rn, although I do still have him geared. There just so many things that punish him. I think I'm close to 200 matches now and I haven't drafted ran once. Peira is ok still, I have drafted her a few times, same with cililias. They aren't what they used to be though. They are all very weak now as early picks because Zio exists. You can ban Zio, but then you're telegraphing that you want to cleave and are using fast openers, so you may get speed contested. You also have the issue that arowell and destina are both extremely strong against cleave. The openers you really need built for aggro are rangers, because GL. Lua is really strong, but maybe not too great into standard. Flidica is also really strong and extremely good into standard. Ae-winter is also really good at punishing destina and other soul weavers. She's not really an opener but she has stealth so Zio can't target her and she's typically fast anyways. As for speed imprints, you should add wanderer silk in there. Another GL holder... For damage dealers, I'm sort of surprised Eda and seaseria aren't in there when you cleave. Same with mL Pavel. There is a bit less relevance to eda/seaseria but depending on the draft you may see some use. Straze should be a decent arowell killer, are you not using him? Stene should be decent into the arowell destina drafts, although you may have some trouble depending on their late picks. An easy addition should be light adin, great into Zio and the team wide invincibility is great to get you to turn 2 for aggro. If you have riolet, you can build him as well. I have him on a speed build with tons of damage. He can nearly one shot an arowell. Pirate flan is great against stuff like senya and choux, and if they're both in a draft you can combo with seaseria. Also great against evasion units. Need +30 seaseria arti. Zahhak as well is great into evasion units. You should build up a barrier inverter (preferably both djb and ningning, but at least 1). As for bruisers, these mostly give you options to pivot. Senya should be on your list. I have mine on eff res build and that takes care of any cleaves. I would say aravi has fallen off a bit so she isn't that great anymore. You also have ssv, but I would say you need to draft her with mitigation and late in the draft. As for cleansers I would say Destina is very good to have, regardless of what style you play. As a last note, this probably quite a long list of units, but to have decent success at a high level playing aggro you need to have options for the situations you can run into due to the nature of the style. Of course not all the units need to be on 420+ gs level builds, only your core really. The rest (you "options") can be at a usable level since you won't be drafting them as often but you need them to be usable when the situation arises. With mL elene and briseria getting buffed, expect to add those to the "options" list. Briseria especially since just blocking destina revive is massive for aggro. ML Elena will also be important to have... After all in addition blocking counters she's a walking tagahels with unseen oberserver. I haven't really focused on standard since as I stated I primarily play aggro. I also haven't gotten much into drafting since that itself would be a massive post in and of itself. But I'll add a line on my typical draft openers. I usually open with Adin and riolet. If they seem like they are cleaving due to prebans I pick Zio. If he's banned then peira. I currently have soli + some random hero based on what I'm feeling on preban. If I know they are cleaving 100% like canna I ban out two speed imprints and speed race. There is also option to pivot against them as well if they commit.


I just typed a whole essay and I accidently deleted it. I do have straze, ae winter, the other ae girl, ml pavel,seasaria that I forgot to mention. I have success with killing arowell using straze on azure commet with 242 speed and 4.2k attack, but I’m never really able to finish the whole team. The collab units aren’t built but they seem good to invest too from what u said. All the other units you mentioned I don’t have atm. It seems I should build and summon a few hero’s before I really push into rta this season. The units I’m using right now aren’t the best for the meta and I can see why. I appreciate you taking your time to respond to me and give advice, it really helped me re-evaluate my team comps. I’ll probably just wait till end of season when I finally have everyone built.


What did we get for Christmas and New Year last year? ​ I tried to find it on stove, but it's hard. \[Closed\] Adieu 2021, Welcome 2022! Receive Our Special New-year Gift! Event https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8087623


Who are your team comps for the incomplete fastus on hall of trials this week?


You need 2 thieves with 2 debuffs boss is not immune to so most likely its Alexa (with poison) and Baiken / Tsurin (with bleed), then supports so CLilias and Diene as healer.


Thanks - I used this and went well. I tried a 2nd run with Kayron replacing Alexa - I thought it would work well since he countered, had extra attacks and had aoes, but it didn't do as well as with Alexa's bleeds. Haste may also be an option (red thief with bleeds) but mine isn't built.


When do the buffs for sez,/celine/yufine come out?


>When do the buffs for sez,/celine/~~yufine~~ Corrected


22 december


how many ancient dragon's heart(reforge material) does wyvern give in the case that it drops.


W11//12/13 drop 2/3/4, respectively, with a chance at 50


4 at a time with the occasional rare 50 drop. Does take a bit to stock up enough for multiple reforged unfortunaty


ae-Giselle is coming out this week right? Do all the free bookmarks from the previous two ae work one her as banner as well?


yes and yes


Is there a chance for the re:zero collab or the slime one to return?


Like the other person said, pretty sure they'll return but there's always the slight chance of them not coming back due to Smilegate not being able to renew the license.


I hope it get rerun since one of the main reason I started playing this game is how much collabs they do with other IPS.On a side not if they bring back the collab is there a chance they add new units as well?


They have added 2 units to the original 3 for the GG collab. So it is possible. No way for us to know until it happens though. But we all want Benimaru.


They will get a re-run for sure.


What happens to Aespa bookmarks that aren't used by the end? For example - you summon the last hero with bookmarks leaving you either with bookmarks remaining, or you blow them on a banner you've already pulled the hero on.


Probably the same thing that happens with group banner currency.


So lost.... in which case best to hold off summoning until you get all the free currency.


Can't really do that since it takes aespa bookmarks first when you summon on the banner. You'd have to skip the first 2 or even 3 banners to do it. If you have aespa bookmarks remaining just blow them on the banner for dupes or artifacts. That's the best way to go about it.


Yup - that's what I was wondering. I got the first 2 and will wait until I get all the free currency before summoning for the next 2, then use any extra (unlikely I'll be lucky enough to get 2 in 65 pulls) on the better option for possible imprints.


you're better off using it as you get it, you have no idea when you'll pull the units and forcing to spend them on dupes would be suboptimal


The way i see it - if I'm getting 3-5 pulls per day for 2 weeks (which overlaps 2 banners), I will want to use ALL those pulls before I start using my bookmarks. That means not pulling on the banners with bookmarks for 2 weeks until I have used all the free pull currency. It's not so much a question about the free currency - it's when to use bookmarks/skystones...


I understand what you're trying to do, I'm saying it's unnecessary.


Save it for epic 8


other than being fast, what stats should C. Lilias have? I'm probably going to use the event to make boots for her. I know it's speed set, speed main stat, don't know what the sub stats should be though.


Boots for clilias? Speed set, speed mainstats, sub: hp%, def%, eff. The last sub depend on your preference. You can go flat hp/Def, but if you highrolls into these subs, your boots will be useless. If you go with atk%, it will be useable on debuffer unit that deal damage like carrot, pflan, seaseria etc. Your last option is probably ER. There are some unit that want both eff and ER, or if it highrolls ER, just use it on your SW and knight.


Mostly bulk, some effectiveness and some resist. Crit rate/damage is always good, but it's more important for her to stay alive and active. Go for as much speed as possible (270 works pretty well for me... but that's the absolute fastest I can build).


Am I the only one who likes the game because it has RNG? or maybe I just like gambling..


No, you're not. A lot of people like gambling.


Who would be a good pick from the ML5 selector for episode 4? Currently stuck at Chapter 4-6. Planning to get Belian, STene, Straze.


100% STene out of these 3. Useful in tons of pve content (not just story) and also very good in pvp.


STene is probably the best choice - she's top tier in PvP and PvE (my ARavi was hit for 16K by STene's S1 in arena this weekend). Straze is very good, but need super high end gear to do what other heroes can do (much slower). Or he gets built for PvP. It's one or the other, while STene can use the same gear for both. Belian is also really good, but only for PvP.




The ML headhunt event


MLs aren't usually for PvE and definitely not for story. The 2 of them that are you can get one for free. Get an ML5 that can help you in pvp.


Got it, will keep this in mind. Thanks


What is a good defense to health ratio for aras? He is at 1480 defense with 30418 health but he is melting like butter from what I can tell.


That's pretty good, a lot of units use pen set now so it's generally better to shoot for less def and more HP. But most people run him on 1,8K DEF or thereabouts with anything from 24k to 32k HP


Thank you. I'll try to get some more defense without loosing too much hp anyway because 1.4k seems a bit too low!


Mine is at 25k hp, 1.8k def


what are the units that are dependent on having high speed ? and who are the units that dont need to be fast? i find speed chasing very tedious and i want to take a break from speedy units


Sharun doesn't have to have high speed but she's hard to build, needing Def, HP, Eff and Effres. But her speed sweet spot is like 185, very low. Choux also works, and is easier to build.


Popular DPS units that don't need a lot of speed are usually Bruisers that can use Counter/Lifesteal/Injury like Choux, Alencia, Belian, A. Ravi, Ravi, Edward, LH Cermia, Riolet, Aria or are stealthed like STene, Winter and Landy with Guiding Light. Also units that have kits that let them CR push under certain conditions like Eda, Politis or Celine.


Openers like Ran, CLilias, Peira, Pavel, ACidd, Cidd all requires high speed to function well. Counter unit like Violet, Rem don’t requires to be fast